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Terrorism worries in thailand

Kapow Guy

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Isn't it disheartening news to us all here in the land of smiles that despite what our Prime Minister Toxin tells us, we are a prime target for terrorist activity?

Hambali, the head honcho, himself has admitted to targetting hotels (Conrad) and Don Muang airport having scouted these places already.

What I don't understand is these guys are all fanatics and will strap bombs to their own mothers if it will further their cause. Now why does Hambali simply tell the infidels of their grand plans?

What do ya'll think?

I have a feeling that it's another one of the American's conspiracy to hijack a growing economy to defend their own. Thailand is on the rising side and what sure way to stop it in its tracks than by releasing this news.

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You're seriously not saying that I'm the only one who've heard about this conspiracy theory, are you?

Have you heard of SARS? A disease that killed less people in 3 months than malaria kills in a week? However, both WHO and CCD in Atlanta (CNN is in Atlanta too) all made it a big hoo-ha, effectively stopping China in it's tracks. Not to mention the economies of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. Thailand as well.

Now the announcement about SARS came at a time to conveniently shift worldwide attention away from Iraq and the struggling US economy. What a coincidence.

Think about it. Read between the lines!

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The point about SARS has some merit. Anyone who thinks that the US governemnt is a transparent organization working for the good of man kind everywhere is delusional.

As far as this Hambali guy giving away his secrets. Who knows what he really said. I'm sure though that the US interrogators have plenty of ways to make him talk. You don't think that they're consulting the Human Rights Charter before they start asking him questions, do you?

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the american govt. will do whatever they think is necessary to further their cause and protect their interests worldwide.

they routinely act irresponsibly.

but without them the world might even be in a worse state than it is now.

better the devil you know.................

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How freaking ridiculous... Yeah buddy, it's all America's fault... SARS and Hambali.  Sheesh, get a freakin' life!

LOL. Not saying it's America's fault at all. But when a non-elected candidate can sit in the oval office anything is possible, no? I'm just bringing up a point for discussion. Discuss it. Don't slag me with childish comments.

I fully agree 100% with TAXEXILE's comments.

What can and could happen is America uses the current situation to its greatest benefit taking the biggest advantage.

As for trolling, I didn't know trollers back up their original posts over and over again. I didn't just disappear after I posted the first one did I?

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And what are you smoking??

How do you think the U.S. gained by SARS jitters coming back up in Hong Kong?  And how would that be orchestrated?  SARS is a CIA plot?  Some of you guys, here on this board.... I dunno... You have some pretty weird ideas about the U.S. and it's power.  It's a constant barage of conspiracy theories.  It's funny how you guys know so much about the U.S., and you don't even live there.  Amazing how you know the inner thoughts of the elected officials (and yes, GW was elected.  Maybe you haven't heard about the follow-up inquiries into the election).

But at any rate: Get real.  News stories come and go.  Some take the spotlight and then fade into the background.  But America's presence in Iraq is always in the headlines (simply go to Yahoo and scan the headlines).

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OK.  To answer your question then: yes, I am worried about terrorism in Thailand.  

Apparently, the terrorists will stop at nothing to bring about animosity towards America.  That's why I hate it when I read some of the ridiculous postings here on this board.  Things are bad enough without having to concoct even more outlandish rumours or speculations on America's supposed dirty tricks, etc.  America is not perfect and sometimes they seem to make all the wrong moves.  But it's far from the evil empire depicted so many times here on this board.

The terrorists don't care how many locals they kill, if they can disrupt American businesses anywhere in the world (like Jakarta, just recently).  With Jemaah Islamiya already in the south and the desire of Al Quaeda to convert SEA into an "Islamic super-state", yes I am concerned Thailand may become a target.  And sorry, but I have some reservations about the effectiveness of Thai security.

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Well, you're not the only one with reservations mate. Even hotels that are potential targets have not put into place many basic security measures. Well, I've seen some hotels where they run a mirror around the car to see if there are any bombs, even open up the trunks. But is that enough?

Places where farangs hangout like Hard Rock Cafe does not check bags being brought in.

Mind you, I've seen lots of police around the Emerald Buddha over the weekend.

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Today in class we had a speaker who is a Captain and Intelligence Officer in the Royal Thai Navy.  His topic was the Military and National Security Concerns.   In his assesment, the threat of terrorism is very real in Thailand, and he also said that the upcoming APEC forum had all the ingredients necessary to form the impetus of a major terrorist attack.  He said that although everyone of course hopes nothing goes wrong, it is a very risky endeavor.  With the multitudes of foreigners, world leaders, and most importantly the arrival of the foreign press hordes (BBC,CNN) it is a extremely attractive target.  An attack, no matter how small, during APEC would generate a lot of press and attention, and isn't that the aim of terrorism? To demonstrate the ability to harm when and where they like?  

He was pressed further on this issue at the Q&A portion of the lecture, and his final assesment was that although the risk of something happening was very high, he had confidence in the ability and cooperation of Thai, Brit, and American intellegence agencies to thwart any major attacks (In Thailand at least).

Me personally, I think I'll feel safer taking a couple week holiday for a while.  This town is just too small for both me and Bushie anyway.

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Spotting terrorists made easy for cabbies

Silence, gunpowder, wires `tell-tale signs'

Sirikul Bunnag

Police have started teaching taxi drivers how to spot terrorists ahead of next month's Apec summit.

Noppasilpa Poonsawasdi, a Metropolitan Police inspector, advised drivers to start conversations with passengers and carefully make observations.

He said cabbies should be friendly and try to break the ice by starting conversations and asking passengers where they came from.

Drivers should have a note pad and pen handy to jot down details if they had suspicions about a passenger, he added.

``Normally terrorists will keep quiet when you talk to them,'' Pol Maj Noppasilpa said.

Other possible tell-tale signs were passengers carrying batteries and electric wire and smelling of chemical substances and gunpowder, he told 160 drivers receiving security training in preparation of the Apec summit.

The training also focused on possible car bombs in crowded places, like Western fast food restaurants.

``Police need your cooperation to keep your eyes on all foreigners you carry to their destination,'' he said. ``Don't overlook minor details. If you feel your customer is a suspect, please call 191. We'll be there within five minutes.''

All Bangkok police stations will give the same training to taxi drivers and taxi motorcyclists in the next two weeks.

Pol Songthai, president of the Taxi Association with 10,000 members, said his member drivers would be glad to help police ensure no terrorists sabotaged Apec next month.

However, some cabbies interviewed were reluctant to help police.

Lek Chinawong said he would not inform police despite having been trained because police had not impressed him. ``Police give us trouble, especially at their street checkpoints,'' he said.

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When you look at the overall picture, you realise that it's impossible for the CIA, the OSS, the NSC or the WHOFLUNGDUNG to orchestrate it all.

The bottom line is that innocents are being killed. You can ask the question "WHO?", and you can ask the question "WHY?". But after 9/11 and Bali (and a host of other incidents) there's no doubt in my mind.

How can anyone under-estimate (given all the evidence) what is going on in the madrassas in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (and who knows where else), for heaven's sake? There are thousands of madrassas which have for years been churning out tens of thousands of brain-washed youths who believe you and I are the devil who must be eliminated because we are western infidels. This might be paranoia on my part, but sorry, when a madman holds a gun to my head, the last thing I'm going to think about is, "can we just talk about this?" You can't talk with a terrorist.

I have no reservations about the methods used by the Americans to extract information from the likes of Hambali under conditions that would seem perfectly humane by Hambali's own standards.

These people (the extremists, not the normal people) are at war. It's not a war as we know it. It's a sub-terranean war. Isn't the evidence clear enough? I have no personal interest in America and it's problems, but I do have an interest in me and my family being innocent victims.

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Dexlowe & Membrane,

Thanks for some sanity.

Fact is that terrorists are no respector of people. They have no problem when they kill Muslims, and killing any Westerner may not be as sweet as an American, but they will greatfully take you.

Those of you who point the finger at America, and seek to justify the actions of these killers, are just as much a problem in my eyes. You see it as intelligent to gray the areas between right and wrong. I see it as intelligent to know the difference.

I guess this is where I get banned ???

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Kapow Guy Joined: Sep. 2003  Posted: Sep. 22 2003,11:53  

You're seriously not saying that I'm the only one who've heard about this conspiracy theory, are you?

Have you heard of SARS? A disease that killed less people in 3 months than malaria kills in a week? However, both WHO and CCD in Atlanta (CNN is in Atlanta too) all made it a big hoo-ha, effectively stopping China in it's tracks. Not to mention the economies of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. Thailand as well.

Now the announcement about SARS came at a time to conveniently shift worldwide attention away from Iraq and the struggling US economy. What a coincidence.

Think about it. Read between the lines!  

1.  How could the evil American government ensure that SARS would not spread in the US and damage the US (fragile) economy?  There are millions of Asians living in the US.  Many of them visit SE Asia.

2.  The Taleban destroyed two Buddha statues (5th century A.D.) in Afghanistan in march 2001, before the US (plus allies) intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Another American conspiracy?

Do not flater yourself coprolite-brain, you are not intelligent enough to be a troll.

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Prantarei, I see childish behaviour like calling people names is in your interest. I shall ignore the snide remarks and read only the few intelligent words you have posted.

Conspiracy theories abound no matter what the situation is.

1.  How could the evil American government ensure that SARS would not spread in the US and damage the US (fragile) economy?  There are millions of Asians living in the US.  Many of them visit SE Asia.

That's exactly my point. I don't know. You tell me. Hundreds of flights per week from Asia. Air and road connections to 'infected' Toronto. I don't see how the US did limit the number of infections to only a handful. A top secret antidote perhaps? Or Americans being genetically immune to the virus?

2.  The Taleban destroyed two Buddha statues (5th century A.D.) in Afghanistan in march 2001, before the US (plus allies) intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Another American conspiracy?

Hah. I don't think it was listed as a reason for invading Afghanistan was it... GWB: "Oh and we're spending billions of dollars to get rid of the Taleban because they bombed to Buddha statues" Not!

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The real question in this topic is:

Are you worried about terrorism in Bangkok/Thailand during the upcoming APEC meeting?

Do you beleive PM Toxin saying that we are safe and the Thai police (and taxi drivers :laugh: )?

or Do you think that the CIA/FBI/WHOFLUNGDUNG is making this up to stir up a controversy?

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Americans being genetically immune to the virus?

It must be wonderful to have such a fertile imagination!

I understand that American scientists are trying to build the perfect idiot and using you as the model?

Very funny pnustedt! I like that. Why don't make your puny brain work and answer the question? Okay since you're that smart, I'll copy and paste it again. Besides it wasn't my question.

1.  How could the evil American government ensure that SARS would not spread in the US and damage the US (fragile) economy?  There are millions of Asians living in the US.  Many of them visit SE Asia.

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 How could the evil American government ensure that SARS would not spread in the US and damage the US (fragile) economy?  There are millions of Asians living in the US.  Many of them visit SE Asia.

The answer is very simple - but you probably won't understand it:

They are not evil, they could not and cannot ensure that SARS would not or will not spread to US. They just take every possible precaution.

Not bad for a puny brain eh? Try using yours!

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Okay, I see the thread is going in the wrong direction here and I can see why.

My earlier comments may have been taken as an insult to some of the pro-american members or those of you who are tired of the US bashing.

As I am new here, I am not aware of what has been happening in earlier topics and threads and hence I do apologize if I have stepped on anyone's toes.

My point in this thread is simply to ask all of you out there if you beleive that Hambali can easily give us his grand plans. Simple as that.

But don't you guys find conspiracy theories mildly intersting?

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But don't you guys find conspiracy theories mildly intersting?

If you talk about did US fly to the moon? Is Elvis/Princess Dianna really alive? etc. OK.

Talk about terrorism and SARS, etc. no. Thousands of innocent people have died and many more will do so.

The authorities (be it American, Thai or anyone else) have jobs to do to prevent many more deaths. To suggest such rediculous theories is irresponsible and even life threatening.

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2.  The Taleban destroyed two Buddha statues (5th century A.D.) in Afghanistan in march 2001, before the US (plus allies) intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Another American conspiracy?

Hah. I don't think it was listed as a reason for invading Afghanistan was it... GWB: "Oh and we're spending billions of dollars to get rid of the Taleban because they bombed to Buddha statues" Not!

My statement was ambiguous (my excuse - English is not my mother tongue).

Anyway, what I meant was: the terrorists' "justification" for their atrocities is supposedly the crimes committed by the bloodthirsty "infidels" (primarily the "big satan").  Buddha statues were destroyed before the US intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq so the destruction cannot be attributed to revenge for the 'infidel crimes" against Afghanistan and Iraq.  Bottom line - I should try to write unambiguous posts.  i appreciate your comment.

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Was this APEC meeting scheduled for Bangkok quite a while back (i.e. pre-9/11)?  I wonder if, at the time of its scheduling, any of the Thai authorities had any idea that hosting this meeting would wind up bringing on such security headaches in addition to those normally present with hosting a leadership summit.
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My point in this thread is simply to ask all of you out there if you beleive that Hambali can easily give us his grand plans. Simple as that.

But don't you guys find conspiracy theories mildly intersting?

I have no problems in believing the Americans can efficiently extract information from Hambali, and probably do so in a "politically correct" way too, given the culture there and the series of checks and balances.  In other words, they could probably get the information they need without slicing his brain into a million pieces or leaving him a slack-jawed vegetable... although I personally wouldn't care if he was left that way!

As far as conspiracy theories being mildly interesting?  No!  Not in this circumstance.  An absolute, emphatic "No".  I have to agree with pnustedt.  These are delicate issues and this is not some closed-door, private living room conversation we're having.  This is the Internet, you know?  It's going out to the world, and I'm sad to say, there are people out there who really do believe such nonsense.  Musing about such things publicly runs the risk of justifying their crazy beliefs.

It might be years down the road, but I can't help but think the world is heading for some kind of a massive Armageddon-style show-down between "the west" and the terrorists.  Suggesting that America is somehow key in developing SARS, screwing with Thailand's economy or in collusion with terrorists or whatever, is at best irresponsible, and at the worst extremely destructive, at a time when we really have to use our heads.

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