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Explore Your Feelin'


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hiya :o ?

well, don't know 3 days ago, yesterday and today, got sick up on my head. stressed up and migrained. don't know where to explored, I don't drink and smoke. What do you do when you are getting stressed? I myself going to swim or jogging at Benjasiri park or Lumpini Park near home. this three days I've got 3 jobs to finished it in within 1 week. first is creating website for Mahachon party. 2nd is creating the website for the hotel and third is 30 pages of report for my thai's school. those three got a different way to do. the website thingy is flash sites. and the 30 pages is handwrites report. I don't know how to schedules this. so tired when I saw them. but i have to do it or else I'll lose all. :D . but I feel so hopeless to do. hmm at least i'm exploring something that i want to say here. hope u guyz don't mind.



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Hi MistaDorn,

Sounds like your a busy bee at the mo, all stuff like that reminds me of when I was at colledge and I don't miss it!

Some good advice I read in a book by Dale Carnegie said you should (metaphorically) 'live in water tight containers, like a ship', so basically just think about what you have to do for this day and set yourself up to do it, don't think about tommorows work untill tommorow comes along, as thinking about everything you have to do, in one day, knowing that you can't do it all in one day cuases unneccasary stress.

Also make sure you get enough sleep, an oldie but a goodie!

Make sure each day you save just that little bit of time to do something you love, for me it would be reading a good book with a cuppa tea and some chocolate! but whatever floats your boat, listening to music, playing guitar, going for a swim.

Just makesure you have some 'you time' to just chill out.

Good luck with all your work, hope this helps!

Shola :o

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relax bro take it easy,

look at the problem in a bigger picture and from there you would know what to do and how to manage your time doing it.

It's like playing chess, take a look at the whole board only then make your move. It's all in the head.

For ideas in doing projects, get loads of references from magazines at the bookstore. It does not mean only magazine related to the projects, it might be something that is way off the topic. it helps to refresh the mind a bit.

other wise chook dee

Explorer :o

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I compartamentalize and prioritize and make lists all the time.

When the jobs and chores are over, I turn on my PS2 and hop on a motorcycle with a rocket launcher and blow up parts of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.

Well, 30 years ago your user name was my answer to stress!! :o

But as Ringo sang:

No, no, no I don't smoke it no more,

I'm tired of waking up on the floor!

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I compartamentalize and prioritize and make lists all the time.

When the jobs and chores are over, I turn on my PS2 and hop on a motorcycle with a rocket launcher and blow up parts of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.

Well, 30 years ago your user name was my answer to stress!! :o

But as Ringo sang:

No, no, no I don't smoke it no more,

I'm tired of waking up on the floor!

Ahh..high school!Remember seeing Jimmy Page playing Stairway to Heaven on his double-necked guitar on The Song Remains The Same tour at Madison Square Garden in the late 70s and being stoned on some fine chiba.And all the Jethro Tull and ELO and Stones and Fleetwood Mac concerts being stoned on something.How I made it into an Ivy college is beyond me.

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I compartamentalize and prioritize and make lists all the time.

When the jobs and chores are over, I turn on my PS2 and hop on a motorcycle with a rocket launcher and blow up parts of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.

Well, 30 years ago your user name was my answer to stress!! :o

But as Ringo sang:

No, no, no I don't smoke it no more,

I'm tired of waking up on the floor!

Ahh..high school!Remember seeing Jimmy Page playing Stairway to Heaven on his double-necked guitar on The Song Remains The Same tour at Madison Square Garden in the late 70s and being stoned on some fine chiba.And all the Jethro Tull and ELO and Stones and Fleetwood Mac concerts being stoned on something.How I made it into an Ivy college is beyond me.

I saw Led Zepplin in '74 in Berlin and they were playing stuff from their new album--Houses of the Holy. The Germans weren't buying it but then Page hit the first few notes of Whole Lotta Love the place went crazy!!!

My best therapy now is to head to the driving range and hit a big bucket of balls!

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hiya :o ?

well, don't know 3 days ago, yesterday and today, got sick up on my head. stressed up and migrained. don't know where to explored, I don't drink and smoke. What do you do when you are getting stressed? I myself going to swim or jogging at Benjasiri park or Lumpini Park near home. this three days I've got 3 jobs to finished it in within 1 week. first is creating website for Mahachon party. 2nd is creating the website for the hotel and third is 30 pages of report for my thai's school. those three got a different way to do. the website thingy is flash sites. and the 30 pages is handwrites report. I don't know how to schedules this. so tired when I saw them. but i have to do it or else I'll lose all.  :D . but I feel so hopeless to do. hmm at least i'm exploring something that i want to say here. hope u guyz don't mind.



First job: Relax.

Take 20 minutes two times per day and just relax and do abslolutely 'nothing'.

Try to clear your mind and think of 'nothing'... for 20 minutes while your body is completely relaxed.

Then sit and think of what is the most 'important' thing to get done. Think of nothing else until you have completed that task.

Then decide which is the 'next most important' thing to get done. Think of nothing eles until you have completed that task.

Drink warm milk before you go to bed. The calcium in milk helps your nerves to 'relax'.

Do not worry about 'how' you are going to get all the jobs done. Just do it, one step at a time in the order of importance. And DON'T forget to relax two times for 20 minutes each day.

You will be surprised how easy it is.

PS. Don't waste time on here when you can be working or relaxing. :D

Very good advice, Ravisher!

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I'll diffinitely will do this now!!!, thank you

First job: Relax.

Take 20 minutes two times per day and just relax and do abslolutely 'nothing'.

Try to clear your mind and think of 'nothing'... for 20 minutes while your body is completely relaxed.

Then sit and think of what is the most 'important' thing to get done. Think of nothing else until you have completed that task.

Then decide which is the 'next most important' thing to get done. Think of nothing eles until you have completed that task.

Drink warm milk before you go to bed. The calcium in milk helps your nerves to 'relax'.

Do not worry about 'how' you are going to get all the jobs done. Just do it, one step at a time in the order of importance. And DON'T forget to relax two times for 20 minutes each day.

You will be surprised how easy it is.

PS. Don't waste time on here when you can be working or relaxing. :o

Very good advice, Ravisher!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back n Tired. busy in a whole week. Since I started to work here lot of people called me and called me to fixes their computer, and making web templates and more n more. what more, no time to swim this week :o too bad. But today, all work going to be finished "Today" i hope :>

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Definatly, RELAX!!!!

When stressed, go out, do something fun, or if you can get out of town for a day... City life always stressful.

There's a story I read recently (aybe on TV.co) about some school teachers, all stressed out, deadlines, exams, grades, parent meeting, all scheduled in the same few days, and (typical) Thai style, last minute warning.... Instead of cramming and doing a poor job, took a couple of hours off, had fun, cae back refreshed and got everything done in almost half the time...

ALternatively, get drunk and say <deleted> it all...


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