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Woke up this morning to find some long haired Thai going through my belongings in my house. Anyone know if I can pick up a Siren/Motion Detector system from HomePro or Homeworks here in Phuket?

Everyone I know has been saying prepare for crime. I guess it's started.

This was on the main drag in Kamala btw. I guess he pried open a downstairs window, it was the only thing I found open - other than the main door he ran out of when disturbed.




You can buy them in most Home Pro or Home works, i see them everywhere, if they are worth the 399B i dont know, sound cheap for an alarm


Maybe Gerd could lend me a Rottweiler :)

Now that I've been over the house in daylight, it looks like all he got was the 1200 baht that was in my wallet (And a good look at what else I have in the house obviously). He left the cards, laptop, passport that was sitting right next to it. All in all, very lucky. I don't mind that these alarms are cheap. I just want to make sure I'm woken again next time before he gets upstairs and beats the living snot out of my sleeping form (As we read so much from Rawai).




Buy a safe, i have one but its so small you can have it in a big pocket :) i am gonna buy one of the big ones about 65KG and only around 15.000B

Maybe Gerd could lend me a Rottweiler :D

Now that I've been over the house in daylight, it looks like all he got was the 1200 baht that was in my wallet (And a good look at what else I have in the house obviously). He left the cards, laptop, passport that was sitting right next to it. All in all, very lucky. I don't mind that these alarms are cheap. I just want to make sure I'm woken again next time before he gets upstairs and beats the living snot out of my sleeping form (As we read so much from Rawai).



I can give you one for a couple of days :) .

I only hope they not "try" my house when I am not there. My dogs are protecting my wife a lot



I believe I saw downstairs at Big C a nice selection of motion detectors, and even video surveillance equipment. And I hear it's cheap. My landlord just installed motion detector activated flood lights and 5 video cameras around the grounds, and I can view them live via the internet which is cool. (As long as he doesn't give the url to my gf. Just kidding tilac! :D) Unfortunately the motion detectors were being activated by several of those plants that have beautiful 2 meter tall leaves, so of course they all got cut down. :) Not happy about that. Oh well.


Ended up buying a large Siren and a couple of wireless motion detectors for about 3,500. HomePro had a much better selection than HomeWorks. The one I bought is modular, you can add door detectors, vibration sensors, phone diallers, camera's etc They seemed to have a quite a few bits in.

The bottom of my stairs is covered now, so at least I can rest easier.

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