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the OP has requested for genuine ideas.

Im gonna ask people refrain from the wise-#### comments.

having said that, although in thai culture it is not common to bring a plate of food/dessert/fruit and such (idea being, dont bring something that will be seen as something that needs to be eaten at the dinner they have invited you to, or might be construed as impying they are not providing enough).

however, if for instance you were coming from a different town to where they live, and you bring something native from your town (even if it turns out to be food related, thats ok).

if ive just come from overseas, i might bring nice coffee, chocolates, or fancy candies, if i know one of these is what they appreciate.

and if i know the people well, i do take wine every now and then.

if you are in bangkok, my advice is, head to the Old Siam Plaza. they do some nice fancy dry thai dessert in baskets. (trick is to buy dry stuff, meaning things that can be kept, and not consumed on the day. Ask them for 'thong ek' or similar items. these are now hard to find in markets, a delicatessen of thai dessert, shows craftsmanship and an indication of you took effort to find something thats hard to find (you will realise why if you find it).

Dont buy those portuguese inspired thai desserts of 'thong yip', 'thong yod'

good luck

the OP has requested for genuine ideas.

Im gonna ask people refrain from the wise-#### comments.

having said that, although in thai culture it is not common to bring a plate of food/dessert/fruit and such (idea being, dont bring something that will be seen as something that needs to be eaten at the dinner they have invited you to, or might be construed as impying they are not providing enough).

however, if for instance you were coming from a different town to where they live, and you bring something native from your town (even if it turns out to be food related, thats ok).

if ive just come from overseas, i might bring nice coffee, chocolates, or fancy candies, if i know one of these is what they appreciate.

and if i know the people well, i do take wine every now and then.

if you are in bangkok, my advice is, head to the Old Siam Plaza. they do some nice fancy dry thai dessert in baskets. (trick is to buy dry stuff, meaning things that can be kept, and not consumed on the day. Ask them for 'thong ek' or similar items. these are now hard to find in markets, a delicatessen of thai dessert, shows craftsmanship and an indication of you took effort to find something thats hard to find (you will realise why if you find it).

Dont buy those portuguese inspired thai desserts of 'thong yip', 'thong yod'

good luck

I am impressed Migsy - you sure know your Thai culture stuff (won't talk football on here).


Right, apart from the classical suggestions, you could consider other options, because a foreigner will be visiting at last.

If a Burundian would be invited by the Belgian parents of his Belgian gf in Belgian, would he bring Belgian chocolate?


I still think a Swiss knife is a good idea or a glass with organic apricots jam.


And the last in-line will be moi's bf…haha

Ok…Happy dinner then….don't eat too much and burp burp in front of them


TC :)

I thought you were already married TC?

I think you should take flowers for the mother and a couple of bottles of Chang (big ones) or some cans for the father.


I have the answer.

Upon meeting your future in-laws and after formal introductions have been finalised proceed to give them all your worldly possessions.

First of all hand the keys to your car along with all the relevant signed documentation to her Dad.

Then hand over all your personal possessions like your expensive watches, jewellery and collectables to her Mum.

You should then portion all your cash to each of them. I suggest 60% to your future wife, 40% to your future in-laws.

Then you need to hand over the signed transfer documents of all your property both in Thailand and at home.

Finally you should take off your shirt and hand that to them too.

Doing this will save you a world of pain in the future. Much like going to the dentist to have a troublesome tooth pulled. The sooner you do it the quicker the pain will go away.

Think about it. Years of deceit, anguish and un requited love will be over on the first day.

I know I know, it's brilliant and why the hel_l has no one else thought of it before now?

Please, no PM's thanking me and offering me drinks. I will get my just deserves in the afterlife.


Exile :)

I have the answer.

Upon meeting your future in-laws and after formal introductions have been finalised proceed to give them all your worldly possessions.

First of all hand the keys to your car along with all the relevant signed documentation to her Dad.

Then hand over all your personal possessions like your expensive watches, jewellery and collectables to her Mum.

You should then portion all your cash to each of them. I suggest 60% to your future wife, 40% to your future in-laws.

Then you need to hand over the signed transfer documents of all your property both in Thailand and at home.

Finally you should take off your shirt and hand that to them too.

Doing this will save you a world of pain in the future. Much like going to the dentist to have a troublesome tooth pulled. The sooner you do it the quicker the pain will go away.

Think about it. Years of deceit, anguish and un requited love will be over on the first day.

I know I know, it's brilliant and why the hel_l has no one else thought of it before now?

Please, no PM's thanking me and offering me drinks. I will get my just deserves in the afterlife.


Exile :D

Now, that sounds like a good way to start.

Do I take some razor blades too? Then I can slash my wrists in front of them and give them my blood too :)

I have never thought of this before, but as I have been invited to dinner to 'meet the family' for the first time, is there anything I should take?

In the UK you would maybe take a bottle of wine or something similar. Are there any customs here to observe like that on that first dinner at the parents house?

I am painfully aware of what the meeting itself is for and how to behave, being a helicopter, I have done this several (several?? :) ) times before, so that is not part of the question.

A fruit basket. Start as you mean to go on.

...... because a foreigner will be visiting at last.

......... would he bring Belgian chocolate?


........ or a glass with organic apricots jam.

see, THAT would work. fits with my food that need not be eaten right away concept.

james, if I dont know my thai culture, then Id be in serious trouble

but then again, if i were a young thai teenager (which Im not), chances are I wont know my own culture then either. a bit sad. but thats some of the negative aspects of open/globalised society.


Bring daddy a sattelite dish, so he can watch soccer.

Bring mommy a some nice kitchen stuff or a washing machine.

Bring the kids some toys, or if they are older a nice laptop.

Bring the dog if they have a bone.

Can somebody explain me, what's so special when a foreigner meets the Thai lady family, instead of when a foreigner girl, meets a foreigner family.

For approval, of course. The majority of good Thai woman would not be with a foreign man if mother is not happy.

Maybe the man is too old. too wrinkly, too fat, too - whatever.

And as head of the family mother is always correct :)

Yeh right, you may think of yourself as a helicopter, try landing for once, one would assume I think that the/a girl has been out with the falang for awhile before he is taken to meet the family which would be like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, and please define "good" are you specifically referring to hiso girls or any girls.

the OP has requested for genuine ideas.

Im gonna ask people refrain from the wise-#### comments.

having said that, although in thai culture it is not common to bring a plate of food/dessert/fruit and such (idea being, dont bring something that will be seen as something that needs to be eaten at the dinner they have invited you to, or might be construed as impying they are not providing enough).

however, if for instance you were coming from a different town to where they live, and you bring something native from your town (even if it turns out to be food related, thats ok).

if ive just come from overseas, i might bring nice coffee, chocolates, or fancy candies, if i know one of these is what they appreciate.

and if i know the people well, i do take wine every now and then.

if you are in bangkok, my advice is, head to the Old Siam Plaza. they do some nice fancy dry thai dessert in baskets. (trick is to buy dry stuff, meaning things that can be kept, and not consumed on the day. Ask them for 'thong ek' or similar items. these are now hard to find in markets, a delicatessen of thai dessert, shows craftsmanship and an indication of you took effort to find something thats hard to find (you will realise why if you find it).

Dont buy those portuguese inspired thai desserts of 'thong yip', 'thong yod'

good luck

While the post was a serious one for general information and also I am happy to see serious posts in helping to look at what to take on that first dinner meeting, I do appreciate the humour in what some have said.

Thanks to those with the serious input, and to the jokers in the pack, well, we need some fun in life too. If we cannot smile and have a laugh along the way alongside the serious stuff, we might as well be robots.

At least I am now aware of what to do, thanks to some posters, especially as this is the first time I have had to undergo this scenario. Previously it was undertaken in different and more surreptitious ways and dinner was an afterthought.

Seems it is still on too, the meeting, that is, after all I have done to sabotage it. Maybe she is serious.....

Can somebody explain me, what's so special when a foreigner meets the Thai lady family, instead of when a foreigner girl, meets a foreigner family.

For approval, of course. The majority of good Thai woman would not be with a foreign man if mother is not happy.

Maybe the man is too old. too wrinkly, too fat, too - whatever.

And as head of the family mother is always correct :)

Yeh right, you may think of yourself as a helicopter, try landing for once, one would assume I think that the/a girl has been out with the falang for awhile before he is taken to meet the family which would be like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, and please define "good" are you specifically referring to hiso girls or any girls.

In my reference to 'good' girls, I am referring to ones who are shy, reticent to meet with men who are seen to be not good partners. Not women who would throw themselves at any man. Women who would do what their mothers tell them to do. Ones who might work in a shop, in government, in an office job and deffo not the b/g type.

Not me referring to myself as a helicopter, but a label I am now lumbered with. Not of my own choice either, but as a result of refusing to bow down to demands made and moving on to other women.

There is a lot of 'small town' syndrome here in Thailand and often your every move is followed and reported on. Plenty of gossips about and a lot of sh*t stirring too for whatever reason.

If I could land for once, I would be happy to. Yet I am reluctant to give in to demands. I am independent, I can look after myself, can cook and clean and do my own laundry and everything else. If I have a woman, it will be for reciprocal love and affection, not for money.

While the post was a serious one for general information and also I am happy to see serious posts in helping to look at what to take on that first dinner meeting, I do appreciate the humour in what some have said.

Thanks to those with the serious input, and to the jokers in the pack, well, we need some fun in life too. If we cannot smile and have a laugh along the way alongside the serious stuff, we might as well be robots.

Full marks G54 for displaying a sense of humour - I am sure that the mods really understood that you/others were happy to have a bit of banter.

Perhaps a new tactic is as follows:-

1) Cancel the dinner visit.

2) Invite the family to join you at the nearest KFC.

3) Order Bargain Buckets and copious amounts of Falang-only dishes like mashed potato and fish fingers plus some tasteless desserts.

4) Order Sprite drinks for everyone.

5) Convince the family that in Falangland EVERYBODY eats KFC (and maybe McDonalds) EVERY day.

This should ensure that not only will you never have to have worry about ever being invited back to the family home (and thus suffer the anguish you, and many tv.com members have been going through on your behalf) it should also guarantee that the parents will never let their darling daughter (I'm assuming daughter but I have not read all the posts - no problem if you are batting for the other side and it is their son) travel to a pagan country where the food is inedible.

Trust me (I used to be a bank manager) - this advice will save you a fortune in the long run :)


And the last in-line will be moi's bf…haha

Ok…Happy dinner then….don't eat too much and burp burp in front of them


TC :)

I thought you were already married TC?

I think you should take flowers for the mother and a couple of bottles of Chang (big ones) or some cans for the father.

aahh...another paparaziiii....tsk tsk tsk

Cut the posts in half, u shall see the diff.....haha wink wink

TC... is

tc ...not

go-day.....p'007 :D


to properly answer op ? he needs to say if its an issan girl or something similiar!

hi so family neeed to be kowtowed to in different ways. a pig may be ok for farm family but not hiso family who live in hi rise condo!

I have never thought of this before, but as I have been invited to dinner to 'meet the family' for the first time, is there anything I should take?

In the UK you would maybe take a bottle of wine or something similar. Are there any customs here to observe like that on that first dinner at the parents house?

I am painfully aware of what the meeting itself is for and how to behave, being a helicopter, I have done this several (several?? :) ) times before, so that is not part of the question.

So you have done this several times before, yet you ask here what to do ?

What did you do before ?

No NO, don't do that, cos your relationships don't seem to last long, try the exact opposite of what you did before, the results cannot be worse. :D


It depends on the family, your age and her age, among other things.

I recommend asking the girlfriend - she'd know EXACTLY what to do.

I have never thought of this before, but as I have been invited to dinner to 'meet the family' for the first time, is there anything I should take?

In the UK you would maybe take a bottle of wine or something similar. Are there any customs here to observe like that on that first dinner at the parents house?

I am painfully aware of what the meeting itself is for and how to behave, being a helicopter, I have done this several (several?? :) ) times before, so that is not part of the question.

So you have done this several times before, yet you ask here what to do ?

What did you do before ?

No NO, don't do that, cos your relationships don't seem to last long, try the exact opposite of what you did before, the results cannot be worse. :D


It depends on the family, your age and her age, among other things.

I recommend asking the girlfriend - she'd know EXACTLY what to do.

And as importantly, if something goes wrong - you can blame her.

I have never thought of this before, but as I have been invited to dinner to 'meet the family' for the first time, is there anything I should take?

In the UK you would maybe take a bottle of wine or something similar. Are there any customs here to observe like that on that first dinner at the parents house?

I am painfully aware of what the meeting itself is for and how to behave, being a helicopter, I have done this several (several?? :) ) times before, so that is not part of the question.

So you have done this several times before, yet you ask here what to do ?

What did you do before ?

No NO, don't do that, cos your relationships don't seem to last long, try the exact opposite of what you did before, the results cannot be worse. :D


It depends on the family, your age and her age, among other things.

I recommend asking the girlfriend - she'd know EXACTLY what to do.

And as importantly, if something goes wrong - you can blame her.

:D There are some wicked people about.


Not wicked but CYA. I did the same for the wedding - you decide where dear etc - removed the farang from the whole process and placed the responsibility and choice squarely on her and her family.

If you cant beat em, don't fight em.

not all Thai house even has no corkscrew.
so true but hey....if there's a will, there's a way :)

I did see Operation Chopstick Ramming :D

Haha that’s so barbaric and medieval

But quite creative tho…..have U tried it?

Why can't we just cut it in half, like opening a coconut? :D


And the last in-line will be moi's bf…haha

Ok…Happy dinner then….don't eat too much and burp burp in front of them


TC :)

I thought you were already married TC?

I think you should take flowers for the mother and a couple of bottles of Chang (big ones) or some cans for the father.

aahh...another paparaziiii....tsk tsk tsk

Cut the posts in half, u shall see the diff.....haha wink wink

TC... is

tc ...not

go-day.....p'007 :D


I was just going by previous posts you've written. I don't really understand what you mean, are you saying more than 1 person is using your ID?


I was just going by previous posts you've written. I don't really understand what you mean, are you saying more than 1 person is using your ID?

PM function

coz it's not really related to the topic

G54, when is this dinner? Have you decided yet?

I am waiting to be told when. It could be Monday or Tuesday. Was for the weekend but she was in hospital and has to make her days up at work.

Here we go again G54. :D The Thai economy is good n strong :)

Here we go again, again, again is more like :D

And if this one fails I have another one waiting in the wings.

But don't tell anyone. OK?

While the post was a serious one for general information and also I am happy to see serious posts in helping to look at what to take on that first dinner meeting, I do appreciate the humour in what some have said.

Full marks G54 for displaying a sense of humour - I am sure that the mods really understood that you/others were happy to have a bit of banter.

I do know a thing or 2 about banter and humour

and hence Ive let all remarks stay.

however, the repeated jibe implying all thais are out to get farang money is not what i consider humorous. its getting really realy old on the forum, crops up in so many topics, its hard to see it as being funny.

so if I see more of those, which by the way is against forum rules, then they will treated as such and hence will be deleted and warnings given accordingly.

please keep that in mind.


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