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a pukka english bull terrier has turned up in my garage god knows from where.

It's a boy, not cut, mature but quite still young, has a collar but no ID, seems friendly and bright.

Is anyone one missing it, we live between thalang and laguna.

I will feed it for a day or two then send it to soi dog.

any luck with the dog paul?

Thanks SBK, traced the owner with a few calls to soi dog and the local vet.

Was a thai family that's fallen on hard times and had to move to a box house so had given the dog to another Thai family to caretake, which they were not too good at so it did a runner and by some weird chance ended up in my garage.

Weird sh3t seems to happen to me, any way have now seen the old owner and she wants us to adopt it full time, three days in now and I am trying to get it to integrate with my little zoo but I am worried the cats of which I have 5 are going to be a problem.

It's a great dog 4 years old and very gentle with people an over dogs but seems to dislike cats they paid, they say, 27,000 baht for it and I really hope I can get it to harmonise with the other dogs and cats but I have to say that this one might be outside of my skills.,

I might need to re home him so any offers considered.



We've got a 3 year old English Bull Terrier who dives straight into any small dog/fluffy animal - cats included. She's a bugger with other dogs too but that's just bullies. We've tried getting her to accept them with not much luck but bought her knowing that that's the "bully way" and that we might not be able to crack that side of her training. That said, we don't have a cat or another small dog - our other dog is a Ridgeback - so she's not around them day in/day out.

She's an absolute angel with our one year old daughter and is such a softie but the 'red mist' comes down when it comes to small animals!

The best thing to do is make sure the dog is around your cats all the time but keep him on a tether and see how things go - you never know. Getting him castrated may help but I do know a couple of people who have had dogs done and it hasn't made the slightest bit of difference! It will reduce the risks of cancer in later life though so not a totally wasted procedure.

Good luck! As a breed they're really worth perservering with - total lovable, loyal clowns with not an ounce of common sense!


Around three months ago, I had a Ma Thai - 100% Thai dog - follow me and my other two dogs home, and wouldn't leave. I let him inside our garden compound, against all my former protestations about having three dogs, 'two's company' and enough, IMHO.

Next morning I found a dead stray cat on the terrace, next to a feed bowl. I love cats and have one myself, so gave Ma Thai the bum's rush. He made such a racket, trying to chew his way through the fence to get back in, I took pity on him and let him in making sure to keep a very close eye on him when our cat was around, making a big fuss of the cat so he'd know the cat was a 'member of the family/pack', and after a couple of days he and the cat were best friends and still are, even to the point of the cat teasing him with going up to get first dibs on the feed bowl whenever he's around.

Dawn's given you very good advice. Bit of patience, only a few days of chaperoning, and you'll have a very nice new pet :)

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