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Maintenance Check


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hi, my friend have problems with her wife. she want a divorce. this my friend stay in italy and is italian, staing with her thai wife.

if they divorce, she have a law mantenace check?

she no work, no have money, and want return in thailand.


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hi, my friend have problems with her wife. she want a divorce. this my friend stay in italy and is italian, staing with her thai wife.

if they divorce, she have a law mantenace check?

she no work, no have money, and want return in thailand.


And for us English speakers?

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hi, my friend have problems with her wife. she want a divorce. this my friend stay in italy and is italian, staing with her thai wife.

if they divorce, she have a law mantenace check?

she no work, no have money, and want return in thailand.


And for us English speakers?

In thai I think it goes something like "Ko Tang" or at least how it sounded to me.

or in English "Please send me some money"

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hi, my friend have problems with her wife. she want a divorce. this my friend stay in italy and is italian, staing with her thai wife.

if they divorce, she have a law mantenace check?

she no work, no have money, and want return in thailand.


Maybe cause I am not native English speaker I comprehended what the OP meant. To my understanding there is no such thing as alimony in Thai law. If there is, I think it would be very hard to enforce on the husband if he stays in Italy. So the short answer is no, no need to pay anything. Whether this is morally right is up to the person in question. Personal relationships are exactly that, personal and very hard for outsiders to give any real consideration with this little amount of information.


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OP's Italian friend is divorcing his Thai wife in Italy and wants to know if he needs to pay her alimony if she moves back to Thailand

Taking an educated guess, I would say that if the guy`s Thai wife is awarded alimony against her husband by the Italian courts, than she returns to Thailand and the husband ceases payments, she would need to return to Italy to have the court order re-established.

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Maybe cause I am not native English speaker I comprehended what the OP meant. To my understanding there is no such thing as alimony in Thai law. If there is, I think it would be very hard to enforce on the husband if he stays in Italy. So the short answer is no, no need to pay anything. Whether this is morally right is up to the person in question. Personal relationships are exactly that, personal and very hard for outsiders to give any real consideration with this little amount of information.


I beg to differ. In Thai court issued divorces there is provision for alimony. This is usually in the form of a lump sum to be paid to the wife at time of divorce.

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Thank you for replyes. I read in internet that the alimony is present in thai, but for thai man-woman married, the man not send alimony at your ex wife, because we know thai man no? very unreliables.. but for falang??

I think if the court issued divorces see falang, increase the alimony for ex wife, but is only my impression.

In italy is the same, but i don't know if for all causes the husband must send alimony.

anybody is divorced with thai?


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Maybe cause I am not native English speaker I comprehended what the OP meant. To my understanding there is no such thing as alimony in Thai law. If there is, I think it would be very hard to enforce on the husband if he stays in Italy. So the short answer is no, no need to pay anything. Whether this is morally right is up to the person in question. Personal relationships are exactly that, personal and very hard for outsiders to give any real consideration with this little amount of information.


I beg to differ. In Thai court issued divorces there is provision for alimony. This is usually in the form of a lump sum to be paid to the wife at time of divorce.

My bad, I stand corrected. Thanks for enlightening me :)

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