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Information About Korat - Koratmap.com

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I spend a lot of time to redesign http://www.koratmap.com lately. (and http://www.thailawonline.com too!)

If you want information about restaurants, hotels, attractions, or NEWS about Korat, have a look.

Live radio from Thailand is available, videos of Korat. Google interactive map with placemarks!!! (the best map of Korat ever, I think!)

It's just a beginning and we will add much more pages in the next months.

Profits from google adsense will be given to charity organizations around Korat. That's not a lot but will surely help!

Isaan Lawyers already supported Dragonfly foundation and Thailand children's home this year.


PS: Edited to please some mentally retarded people.


that map was fun; BUT, hubby was all irate that his muu baan isnt named AND ban raat is labelled in the wrong spot.... its khok soon, bang mai, ban nong pbrua, ban rat across from nong pbrua and lam sai kung and then chomtawan park (part of keurn lampaimat-- u can see the full name written on the dam if u zoom in on it btw) all along the same road ( tambon ban rat). im dying to get a decent geologic survey map in thai or english of all the muubaans in the soeng saeng area. we tried to get one at the land office in khonburi but he didnt have one to sell; neither did amphur soeng saeng.

i recommend chomtawan as a great place to fish and hang out... we spent the night in a room there and then went out with friends to meet someone in the bush (a cattle herder); but most thai go for a few days to hang out, swim and fish. u can bring your pet dogs no problem also, to stay in the room. rooms have shower and mattresses lined up in a row on floor. bring your own mosquito nets!!!! and watch out for scorpions (we got stung). (there is a sign somewhere on one of the roads pointing the way but after that there is no sign or anything. )

if u need info on soeng saeng we can give it to u... and hubby's muubaan is khok soon, its on the road to the keurn (dam/resevoir park); we even found our plot of land and parents' house, et al...

we're back in israel now but he recognized every naamaan station and mini market along the way from korat to the muubaan.

bina and anon


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