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Richard - Bkk's Windows 7 Thread:


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There are serious security issues in the way Microsoft Windows 7 handles none Microsoft clients on the network. One point again, like always is that Microsoft is trying to following the TCP/IP standard, but it cannot comply complete as it cannot follow the complete license agreement... So Microsoft is always TCP/IP compatible.... never really 100%

Yes Butt-cakes of the Microsoft clan... you never really communicated on a level as a Linux computer... And the freedom of open-source gives hackers the ideal platform to test and explode problems in the Microsoft 'compatible' TCP/IP frame ...

Again, since a few years there are a few hacks, to forum regulations I cannot reveal you can hear, shadow all activities of a Windows user in a Virtual Window, again Windows 7 has not show no solution on this...

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I am just so sick of Windows. If I could point a large jagged-looking shotgun at Uncle Bill, my list of demands (after kicking him a bit) would include:

* Stop making a browser. It's version 8 already and its still awful. Bill, it's time to give up.

* If you must make a browser, bite the bullet and make version 9 fully compliant with existing standards. Yes it will break a lot of crap websites, too dam_n bad. And reach a common agreement with Firefox about rendering will you?

* Focus on making Windows more efficient and stable for a while, I don't need more 'features'.

* Stop trying to define your own 'standards' and go with the flow, eg. support Open Document.

* Buy the company that makes 'The Bat!' email client and execute everyone who was involved in the Outlook Superbloatware Edition 2007.

I don't actually use Linux much but I mess around with Ubuntu a bit for fun and I am totally apalled at how simple it is from an administration point of view. If I could persuade my workplace to adopt Linux I would do it - updates, security, and centralised backup (rsnapshot rocks) would be a cinch. With Windows - we have one big sticky mess. Yay.

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Guest Reimar
I know your felling, but please keep things on focus... I will over the week expose several problems which Microsoft has not addressed. Or lets call it free tickets for the better hackers

Are you one of them?

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Maybe you can call me that Reimar,

I actual pay people to tryout software, that is the first intention of a hacker, the word hacker is nothing associated with bad. Microsoft made basically every IT student a freelance hacker as it was so full of holes that I cannot even compare it to something my mother used for the pasta when I was young...

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Guest Reimar
Maybe you can call me that Reimar,

I actual pay people to tryout software, that is the first intention of a hacker, the word hacker is nothing associated with bad. Microsoft made basically every IT student a freelance hacker as it was so full of holes that I cannot even compare it to something my mother used for the pasta when I was young...

I don't call you that! I was asking you a serious question?!

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As I said I work for large company, and we pay people to tryout software. No I'm not actually a person who is hired or paid to test software, I'm normally the person who has to listen to all things happing in our factory on technological level.

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Guest Reimar

All the new post's and discussions about problems and suggestion of Windows 7 started by Richard-BKK have to be continued here.

Thanks for understanding.

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