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My wife and i decided to get a swimming pool in our garden.

Size should be arround 9x3,5 meters. 1,60 deep.

After reading in the internet and checking all the forums (including thaivisa) i took a closer look at those companies:

Siam consulting: they told me, they are booked out for 6 month and wanted to charge 1,5 million baht (!!!). Crazy.

Then another private constructor in bangkok. He made no clear offers. Arround 500,000 baht,.... Takes maybe 3 month,..... Didnt sound professional. So i didnt take him.

At the end i choose JD Pools.

They came over, took a look at my area. Made me an offer for a IP Liner Pool. Sounded perfect.

We choose the design and dimension,..... Where to place,..... Everything was done. Price was also very good. 550,000 baht for 8x4 meters. Incl. Saltwater,..... Final price.

Will take 3 weeks.

So 3 days later they come again with the constructor. He told us: not possible. Road is to narrow, cabels over the street to low for the crane. No way. Sorry.

.... :-( alreday one week lost.....

So we changed to a solid composite pool system. Size 9x3,50 meters. Price is now 660,000 baht. 4 weeks.

We signed the contract on Wednesday. Start on Thursday morning.

They called Wednesday evening and told me, they got no license from the police to bring in the machines and truck during a weekday...... Ist not allowed in the suthisarn road. Only at the weekend.

So they came Saturday morning and started. 3 more days lost.

After the first day they told me, they have to do some extra draining because some old draining ist destroyed now. Will cost 20% more!!!!!! I asked them if they are crazy. Talked them down to 10.000 baht. Still too much for 2 plastic pipes and one day work.

On Sunday the stopped, after they took out 50% of the soil. They found some old structure in the ground next to the house.

Didnt know what to do.

So Monday came the architect and told me, that they have to dig up until the house to check those piles.

They send some workers on Wednesday, just to take some piles away next to the house. No they want to come on Thursday to dig it up until the house and take a look.

Of course all this could have been done in 1 day. But in thailand it takes 4 days. ;-)

Lost 4 more days,....

So lets wait for tomorrow and the result if they can take away the old structure or if i have to build the pool only 5 meters. :-(

Lets hope for the best,..... I keep you updated.



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i know that there can happen many unexpected things. but i am getting a little worried.

The piles have been put in there for a purpose (who knows what but could conceiveably been for a pool), possibly because of ground water. Why bother taking out the piles, you should incorporate them into your pool structure. Cut them back to the depth of your pool but leave enough of the steel sticking out to join with the floor steel.

If they are going to pour the floor first & the walls later make sure they include water stop & ensure that waterproof concrete is used.


thx for you help. but there is a miss understanding.

those piles you see on the photo are the new ones for the pool of course.

after they diged further to the left - then this structure from the house came out.

i will know today. lets hope for the best,...



next update.

here is a picture of the old structure they hit.

they brought in the ingineur today and he said its ok to remove it.

but we will call for a second opinion tomorrow. safe is safe. i think its good that way.

better than to die in a collapsing house. ;-)

so more news (hopefully good once) this weekend. this is the last hurdle to take.

if we clear this problem tomorrow, i think its going smooth and fast.

until now i am very happy with jd poolin general. competent and reliable.



so more news (hopefully good once) this weekend. this is the last hurdle to take.

if we clear this problem tomorrow, i think its going smooth and fast.

You could always include it as a 'feature' in your new pool. Just show in 'Homes and Gardens' and by next year every pool will have one :)

Looks like the original house was intended to have an overhanging balcony or something similar. Agree, second opinion before removing is a smart idea.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

so more news (hopefully good once) this weekend. this is the last hurdle to take.

if we clear this problem tomorrow, i think its going smooth and fast.

You could always include it as a 'feature' in your new pool. Just show in 'Homes and Gardens' and by next year every pool will have one :)

Looks like the original house was intended to have an overhanging balcony or something similar. Agree, second opinion before removing is a smart idea.

haha....great idea. you are absolutely right. have to do crazy things.

there was a terrace built at this spot 20 years ago. so they think thats the reason. a clean cut at one point should be fine.

lets see.



For BKK itself, I would recommend getting a first quote from Pool & Spa.

I checked that out SiamConsulting as I also find 1.5 milloin extremely high for a 31.5 m2 pool.

- Yes, they tell me they are booked solid until about November.

- Apparently they have no records of having sent a quote recently for any pools in Bangkok, especially as, according to them, although they occasionally manage projects in the city, they do not construct pools themselves in the area as they are based near Udon Thani.

- They pointed me to their comprehensive price list , stating that their prices for standard 'no frills' concrete pools start from 12,500 baht per m2. That would place your pool around 393,750 baht which doesn't sound too crazy - if anything it sounds to cheap.

- They also mentioned that they never make a formal quotation without having visited the site and fully surveying the situation for eventual special engineering,

There are other companies whose prices start at 19,500 per square metre, and there is a firm in Khon Kaen that does nothing under a million irrespective of size. There are some small firms in Pattaya that also charge about 12,500 / m2.


Well OP, looks like you have a real shitfight going on there, better you than meeee!

I'm feeling nervous just seeing how close they have been digging to that wall, CRIKEY......does anyone know what they are doing on that job? :)

Good luck mate & keep us posted


today we had two architects here. they both agreed, that it is ok to take away the old piles.

the MD of JD pools called me and gave me a update for the timing.

everything looks very promising right now.

the soile will be out by monday. and the pool will be finished within 2 weeks. sounds great.

i keep you posted,.......



I thought it was a concrete & tile pool. If so then finishing in two weeks does not sound good as it leaves virtually no time for the concrete to cure which could result in a bad plastering job prior to applying the tiles which should only be set after the waterproof membrane.

I thought it was a concrete & tile pool. If so then finishing in two weeks does not sound good as it leaves virtually no time for the concrete to cure which could result in a bad plastering job prior to applying the tiles which should only be set after the waterproof membrane.

IMHO the concrete pool should cure for 28 days filled with water 50 cm. Drain it and plaster. Membrane. Tiles. Grout. Dry for 3-7 days. Fill it.

My experience with JD is that they dont use waterproof concrete. If they use CPAC, have a look at bill of delivery. Should be 280 Waterproof or better. Waterproof = ganzum in thai. Iv seen them do pools with 180, no ganzum.

Well OP, looks like you have a real shitfight going on there, better you than meeee!

I'm feeling nervous just seeing how close they have been digging to that wall, CRIKEY......does anyone know what they are doing on that job? :)

Good luck mate & keep us posted

By law you should stay away 01 m from the property next door, for consructions underground. I have been told by a pool constructor who checked it for me as I don't have much space eather.

i didnt say anything about concrete pool.

i said we bought a IP Liner pool.

check here:


i am not a pro. but i think its somethign different.

but thanks for the info with the different concrete you can use. i will ask them and take a close look.


They will most likely use 9mm steel with possibly a 15cm layer of concrete with the plastic liner going on top of that. Normally they install a white box at the one end of the pool which contains the pump & bag type filter (these have to be hand cleaned on a regular basis).

i didnt say anything about concrete pool.

i said we bought a IP Liner pool.

check here:


i am not a pro. but i think its somethign different.

but thanks for the info with the different concrete you can use. i will ask them and take a close look.


They will most likely use 9mm steel with possibly a 15cm layer of concrete with the plastic liner going on top of that. Normally they install a white box at the one end of the pool which contains the pump & bag type filter (these have to be hand cleaned on a regular basis).

JD build most pvc-liner pools in concrete blocks 15 cm plastered inside only, on top of a concrete floor. Cheap.


A bunch of workers came a few days ago and they started nailing these 6m long concrete posts into the soil with bare feet... they digged deep holes everywhere (all manually) and just chucking them in. unbelievable work! we were really impressed! I wonder what will happen tomorrow. let's see!

but a little accident happened a couple of days ago. our landlord's dog (which happens to be blind!) sneaked into the house and fell into the pool! one of our staff found him inside and we all panicked! a maid came in, completely PISSED OFF, and blaming US for digging a pool (..... ah, excuse me, why do you let the blind dog out of the house to start with? and what the hel_l is he doing on our property???). Fortunately nothing happened to the poor little bastard, but the maid just stormed off with the dog, still blaming us for letting him fall.... oh well, what can we do?

anyway, yesterday we called the landload to ask how the dog was. to our surprise, she did not know anything about it - we quickly figured out that her maid didn't say anything because it would be her who would get blamed.... OOOOPS! We just pretended that we had a bad reception and cut off the conversation but I really hope she didn't find out anything about it. the last thing we want is that the accident becomes some bad luck for the construction and she would revoke her permission to build the pool. well, anythng is possible right?

will post some more photos tomorrow. Yoyo

A bunch of workers came a few days ago and they started nailing these 6m long concrete posts into the soil with bare feet... they digged deep holes everywhere (all manually) and just chucking them in. unbelievable work! we were really impressed! I wonder what will happen tomorrow. let's see!

but a little accident happened a couple of days ago. our landlord's dog (which happens to be blind!) sneaked into the house and fell into the pool! one of our staff found him inside and we all panicked! a maid came in, completely PISSED OFF, and blaming US for digging a pool (..... ah, excuse me, why do you let the blind dog out of the house to start with? and what the hel_l is he doing on our property???). Fortunately nothing happened to the poor little bastard, but the maid just stormed off with the dog, still blaming us for letting him fall.... oh well, what can we do?

anyway, yesterday we called the landload to ask how the dog was. to our surprise, she did not know anything about it - we quickly figured out that her maid didn't say anything because it would be her who would get blamed.... OOOOPS! We just pretended that we had a bad reception and cut off the conversation but I really hope she didn't find out anything about it. the last thing we want is that the accident becomes some bad luck for the construction and she would revoke her permission to build the pool. well, anythng is possible right?

will post some more photos tomorrow. Yoyo

So how is the progress?

so today a couple of guys are working on levelling the ground.

So what is the time frame they have given you to install the pool, I got a pool done with sellers of my property, I had the missus look after it.

Costs were 1,000,000 a bit on the expensive side I thought but it has turned out nice.


isn't everything copied in thaiand? ;-)

That's a pretty old article (August 06) I wonder what the outcome was, JD Pools are evidently still in operation.

Supreme court 2011 I guess.

JD pools where also building pools with non Desjouaux materials sold as Desjouaux pools. I for one had a contract with them in 2003 for a DesJouaux Pool build with concrete blocks, with Desjouaux 10 years guarantee. According to Desjouaux impossible.


When Desjoyaux & JD Pools first started operations together they used specially designed casings which meant the pool could be shaped anyway you wanted it. The floor was reinforced concrete which was also poured into the casings. I assume Desjoyaux still use this method although it seems JD Pools have taken a different route since the split. With either option you are left with a vinyl liner & I assume a selection of colours.

If the liner tears it can be repaired but after so many repairs it will need replacing which can be expensive & unsure if this is covered in their 10 year warranty & I am sure it will not as it will be hard to dispute the liner tore without reason. I suppose it could easily last 10 years if no one swims in the pool. I feel the 10 year part of the warranty will only cover the structure.

Being able to build the pool quickly & the fact there is no exterior pipework are good selling points but having a big white box jutting out at one end of the pool may or may not be pleasing to the eye. The fabric bag used for the filter has to be hand cleaned on a regular basis & will need replacing occasionally, possibly after one or two years.

The fact you have an electric motor encased in the box, below water level, could be cause for concern no matter how well built the box is or the supposed reliability of the pump to quickly shut down or burn out in the event of water intrusion. In the meantime the conductivity of water could be a potential danger to anyone who happens to be in the pool at the time.


Well, after reading this stuff, I am a bit suspect.

I do not care for JD, their pool systems leave a lot to be desired.

Just make sure you get a quality, full rated pump, a large filter( one can never have to big of a filter!), and if sand get a media that is other than sand! Sand is not a good filtering element, its just cheap and easy! The new medias that are out are fantastic for filtration purposes, about the same as a good DE filter.

Its all about filtration!!!! And make the pool a salt pool with a oversize unit so the cell doesn't have to work as hard, thereby saving the cell for many years! And it must be self-cleaning!

After all is said and done, maintain the water properly! That is, balance it!

Thats why they call it "water chemistry"! And thats why many pools look like shit or need to be redone in a few years. They don't keep the water balanced!

Just a word to the wise.

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