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Portable Ubuntu While Running Windows At The Same Time


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Please note this is not to be consider dual booting, after downloading and testing it if you just want to use ubuntu while running windows at the same time this is for you not this is not VMWare or similiar to virtualbox at least from my understanding. I have used this and it works To get a good idea on this lifehacker has it article, link is below


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I use Linux 24/7 - XP occasionally - why would I want to use this?

Looking at all the user comments its only another Ubuntu hit & mess miss application.

Ubuntu is crappy most of the time, especially Kubuntu KDE4.xx - its almost windowsesque

Virtual anything is spooky, but within a M$ environment its really cadet time.

I wont even run MicroXP in a Linux VB - for what?

Multiboot will save your derriere one day when the M$ lites go out - embrace it now.


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If you want windows to be the host and linux as the guest OS or the other way around there are two versions on virtualbox.  Install virtualbox and install the guest OS in it.  It runs the other OS as simple as a browser no rebooting or dual boot.  I run Linux and can fire up WinXP just like any other program at any time.  It just works better then wine for many things.  Its better to use a linux host with mulit desktops because then you can run multi windows like win7 on one desktop and xp on another at the same time, and Linux is still there for ya. 

The drive in the virtual is nothing more then a folder .vdi  you can copy it as a backup anytime hourly daily your chioce.  you can even send that copy to another PC and run it if you have a hardware fail.  I keep my snapshots on a archive.  Some people go as far as downloading via torrent .vdi files and booting them in virtualbox so they don't even have to install XP, but thats not legal and who knows what they put in it like malware but it shows how easy this is.  That snapshot is alot more effective backup then restore is and a heck of a lot easyer to reinstall.  You can make a snapshot to another drive between each use and have a copy to transfer or role back on.  click click

The major draw back is high level games don't run well in virtual hardware, but I have a gaming PC for that and think I might go console in the future anyway.

For me dual booting is a pain in the butt and disrupts my Linux which never needs rebooting even after installing programs or even windows in virtualbox.  never reboot again.  Don't try running the bleeding edge of Linux stay a few release back and stable or a distro that runs a rather locked down repo.  You wait longer for the latest release of some programs but they get testing and then run in a limited release before being released to the commen repo.  Never install anything outside your own distros repo.  If you ran two differant Linux each has its own repos.  If you install programs from all over the internet like your using windows or something then your going to get burned.

PClinuxOS has a stable well tested version of Virtualbox in their repo.

I have never had a broken package.  I am not saying I or others have not had a problem here or there with the system, but most are in fact self inflicted.  In my case its been that every time. :)

Virtualbox and Linux are both free,  Why not use them?

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I have never had a broken package. I am not saying I or others have not had a problem here or there with the system, but most are in fact self inflicted. In my case its been that every time. :)

When the pclinusos people decided to overwrite their 2007 repos with the 2009 distro they lost me and thousands of others, when our 2007 distros all broke big time. If they did it now they might do it again and I can not afford to go through that pain again, and now frankly I do not trust them and I was a true PClinuxOS disipile for many years to this happened.

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You sound like a PCLOS salesman, and you still didnt answer my Q&A


I not selling anything, Last I checked it was still free.  I am just telling you how it works for me.  You can use what ever you like.  I didn't bash ubuntu or any other distro.

"I wont even run MicroXP in a Linux VB - for what?"

"I use Linux 24/7 - XP occasionally - why would I want to use this?"

I don't know your needs in windows from time to time, but as an example I told you why I use it in Virtualbox.  i.e. for what and why

"Multiboot will save your derriere one day when the M$ lites go out - embrace it now."

For me  a .vdi is faster then a full install to repair and easy to backup.  You just replace it copy and paste.  

"embrace it now."  what are you selling?  I didn't take it that way maybe I should have.  :)

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I was answering the original OP - simply wondering why? M$ O/S is unstable enough without running VM

Then I was kidding you more than anything. I run MDV Spring + PCLOS 2009.2 & MM09, etc. No Ubuntus

A lot of people will get something to 'work' then find a use for it. Maybe. I generally read the forums/comments

to see what happens in real life. That experiment sucks. Its bassackwards!!


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I use Linux 24/7 - XP occasionally - why would I want to use this?

The selling point is that it runs off a thumb drive. This isn't for your personal machines. It is for when you are using someone else's computer - you can just plug it into a PC at an Internet Cafe and start up your portable Ubuntu installation.

Looking at all the user comments its only another Ubuntu hit & mess miss application.

Ubuntu is crappy most of the time, especially Kubuntu KDE4.xx - its almost windowsesque

The chip on your shoulder is showing.

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Why anyone would ever run a cyber XP, thumb drive, virtual anything, is beyond all comprehension.

Now you have a compromised USB drive also. The rounded wheel was done eons ago - get over it


just plug it into a PC at an Internet Cafe and start up your portable Ubuntu installation.
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Why anyone would ever run a cyber XP, thumb drive, virtual anything, is beyond all comprehension.

Now you have a compromised USB drive also. The rounded wheel was done eons ago - get over it


just plug it into a PC at an Internet Cafe and start up your portable Ubuntu installation.

It may be beyond your comprehension, but the sheer size of the market shows that some people find it useful. Not everyone is able to choose what OS is installed on the computer they need to use, or is allowed to to boot alternative operating systems. Some people find it really useful for evangelizing linux. Some people find it useful for seeing if linux is suitable for them without installing it and replacing unsupported hardware. Some people have to run Windows because it is the only way they can connect to corporate VPNs. Some people prefer a windows desktop but need to use some linux programs occasionally - it isn't always the other way around. Some people even find it useful enough that they spend their precious time and implement this technology, and give it away for free despite people like you belittling their efforts.

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