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Higher Percent Bis In Thailand?

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I'd say that it some kind of perversion, like liking bearded women, dwarves, or other freaks of nature.


I never realized that intimate contact with a little person is a perversion or that they were "freaks," for that matter.

It depends how little I suppose - but being attracted to the following would no be normal.


Sandy Allen, the larger woman in this photo, seemed to be quite a nice woman based on her television interviews.  I would hardly think it would be fair to judge the "normalcy" of intimate relations with someone based on their size, be that large or small.  

The second person looks like Nelson Delarosa , and he is a primordial dwarf. Apart for their extreme small size, they tend to have fragile spines, and this could be a problem with normal intimate relations.  But as they mature, they have all the natural phsyical desires of anyone else.

Real attraction is the the person's heart and mind.  Physical attraction to the external body can be fleeting.

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It's not gay going with ladyboys - gays don't like them.

That is very true except a minority of us do like them, or at least small effeminate males ...

Not me, I feel annoyed when I see jiggling boobalas at a normally masculine establishment.

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I think this should be poled for better results. completely (off the record) of course.

Maybe we can ask a Mod to set something up? PB or not PB that is the question?

Suggested questions:

Higher percentage of switch hitters in Los?

Have you been with a Ladyboy?

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After living in Thailand for 8 1/2 years it hasn't managed to turn me into a bisexual. I'm still gay. However i have to admit that by now i AM interested in ladyboys.

Maybe just because there are hardly any in my home country..?

Kind regards....


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After living in Thailand for 8 1/2 years it hasn't managed to turn me into a bisexual. I'm still gay. However i have to admit that by now i AM interested in ladyboys.

Maybe just because there are hardly any in my home country..?

Kind regards....


Interesting, a gay who has a thing for ladyboys - does that make you metro sexual or just trendy?

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Nah, "Metrosexual" is just BS in my opinion..... they try to fool gays by looking gay and turning down all offers..... it's a fashion thing and i never cared for fashion.

However i do like ladyboys... for they combine the beauty of a girl with the "equipment" of a guy (pre-ops at least)... and while i didn't have any experience yet i wouldn't mind it the least. However i am also happy with my boyfriend who is "all boy" :)

Kind regards....


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This thread is getting more and more bizarre....

Boys who want to girls, Boys who like boys, but dont mind the boys who want to be girls....

Then we have the average drunken farang who likes girls, but because of his self-induced condition ending up with a boy who wants to be girl

Confused soon will be

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Nah, "Metrosexual" is just BS in my opinion..... they try to fool gays by looking gay and turning down all offers..... it's a fashion thing and i never cared for fashion.

However i do like ladyboys... for they combine the beauty of a girl with the "equipment" of a guy (pre-ops at least)... and while i didn't have any experience yet i wouldn't mind it the least. However i am also happy with my boyfriend who is "all boy" :)

Kind regards....


Thanks for the clarification. That Metorsexual thing had me confused, thought it was like the mile high club for people who like the tube.

Regarding your second point, perhaps you should discuss it openly with your boyfriend, perhaps he feels the same as you.

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Well the OP (who has an interesting post history), seems to have left the closet, and is probably out doing some further research after being tied up with LB's all weekend.

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To take this further off-topic, the metrosexual moniker has been further refined to "herbivores," in Japan.  These are evidently sort-of-like metrosexuals without money.  They don't care to work to earn much, don't go out or date women, are fashion senstive, and are very unassuming.

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To take this further off-topic, the metrosexual moniker has been further refined to "herbivores," in Japan.  These are evidently sort-of-like metrosexuals without money.  They don't care to work to earn much, don't go out or date women, are fashion senstive, and are very unassuming.

I see you are a big fan of CNN as well. :)

Herbivores: Met one of those once - Micheal Jackson.

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To take this further off-topic, the metrosexual moniker has been further refined to "herbivores," in Japan.  These are evidently sort-of-like metrosexuals without money.  They don't care to work to earn much, don't go out or date women, are fashion senstive, and are very unassuming.

I see you are a big fan of CNN as well. :)

Herbivores: Met one of those once - Micheal Jackson.

Yep, read it every day.

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To the old farang with his arm around the young Thai boy in Central Pinklao yesterday! if you are reading this. OY NO! leave it at home and get a room...Not in public pur lease!

I am sure he was just taking the lad out for some ice cream :)

Ahhhh so that explains the mystery of the ice cream containers in the toilet cubicles that was discussed in the other thread.

ThaiVisa really does provide the answers to the mysteries of Thailand.

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In all the time I have been in Thailand there have been so many mates from back home asking me if I have started "batting for the other side". They generalize that blokes coming to Thailand like men and ladyboys.

How true is this generalization?

Does Thailand have a higher percentage of bisexual expat men than other countrys like Hong Kong, Spain, Norway?

I have been here a lot of years and now think that some acts performed by those half women half men would be accpetable for a red-blooded Aussie bloke like me. 10 years ago it would have shocked me.

Does living in Thailand a bloke?

Are you for real? Or is this just a troll? I can't believe anyone could be so naive.

The short answer is no. You are either bi, gay, transexual or heterosexual. End of story. You choose. Most Thais are fairly tolerant of people's sexuality and that is why it is so obvious in the bar areas.

Sorry, I disagree - you do NOT choose - whatever you are you are born that way!

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I don’t think there are more or any less homos in Thailand than in any other parts of the world. Same as with sexual perverts or deviants.

They stand out more because homosexuality is not frond upon here as it is in other countries and they can be more open (excuse the pun).

But if you’re not into that sort of thing and wish to be safe, my advice is, if you happen to unintentionally be in the same area as one, never turn your back on them and don’t make any sudden jerking movements.

When I was passing a gay club in Chiang Mai, I saw a notice on the door that said; free entry for new members. Now that really did scare me.

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As a red blooded homophobic aussie, I would say I have never been tempted to indulge. I think the hordes of Lady-boys on Sukhumvit and Pattaya are there for the Middle eastern gentlemen.

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As a red blooded homophobic aussie, I would say I have never been tempted to indulge. I think the hordes of Lady-boys on Sukhumvit and Pattaya are there for the Middle eastern gentlemen.

As a red blooded 100 percent homo Americano, I would say I have never been tempted to indulge. I have no idea "who they are there for" ... and don't really care.

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As a red blooded homophobic aussie, I would say I have never been tempted to indulge. I think the hordes of Lady-boys on Sukhumvit and Pattaya are there for the Middle eastern gentlemen.

The fact that you over emphasize your masculinity and state out and out you are homophobic, would suggest suggest on terms of psychology, you are actually supressing they feeling you have for members of your gender and may in fact suggest the lady-boys could in fact satisfy your curisosity as regards homosexuality... :)

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In all the time I have been in Thailand there have been so many mates from back home asking me if I have started "batting for the other side". They generalize that blokes coming to Thailand like men and ladyboys.

How true is this generalization?

Does Thailand have a higher percentage of bisexual expat men than other countrys like Hong Kong, Spain, Norway?

I have been here a lot of years and now think that some acts performed by those half women half men would be accpetable for a red-blooded Aussie bloke like me. 10 years ago it would have shocked me.

Does living in Thailand a bloke?

Nothing much :) me in the land of smiles anymore, I think this generalization is a little off the mark, some do but my guess is most come for the beautiful ladies, with the soft voice and the wonderful SMILES, i.e., the land of smiles :D:D:D

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I would say I have never been tempted to indulge. I have no idea "who they are there for" ... and don't really care.

Reading this thread it appears LB's are for hetrosexual drunks :)

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I would say I have never been tempted to indulge. I have no idea "who they are there for" ... and don't really care.

Reading this thread it appears LB's are for hetrosexual drunks :)

I hear the Middle Ear guys like em because if they go through the back door - it's not a violation of their religeon. Don't quote me on this.

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bkkjames said: I hear the Middle Ear guys like em because if they go through the back door - it's not a violation of their religeon. Don't quote me on this.

OK. Who should we quote then?

I do think in conservative middle eastern countries where women are covered up, at least the younger men often go for alternative outlets ... doesn't make them gay per se ... It wouldn't be surprising if through positive conditioning that some of them start to prefer it. This happens with heterosexual male prostitutes for the gay trade, its a scientific fact, a certain percentage will "turn gay" just because of the pleasure provided by the homosexual sex acts. In countries like Iran, being gay in the western sense is a severe taboo sometimes punishable by death, but on the other hand Iran is one of the major male to female SEX CHANGE SURGERY centers on the planet. Gay people are strongly encouraged to change their gender, its OK for the minority that want to do that, its a severe human rights outrage to those who don't.

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bkkjames said: I hear the Middle Ear guys like em because if they go through the back door - it's not a violation of their religeon. Don't quote me on this.

OK. Who should we quote then?

I do think in conservative middle eastern countries where women are covered up, at least the younger men often go for alternative outlets ...

It's to leave the ladies "virginity" in tact, for the marriage. I don't know if that is the only reason but I do know it is one of the reasons

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I have never done anything with these ladyboys but admit to thinking that if I was drunk and didn't know the difference then why not? Nobody would be any the wiser.

I was rat arsed 2 weekends ago in Bangkok and did suffer memory loss so who knows!

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