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This has been most likely posted before, but since last week True Hi-speed has certainly not been hi-speed, and I know this problem has been widespread. Does anyone have any recommendations about other internet providers? Maxnet, CS, TOT ect. pros and cons?

Should add that downloading bit torrents are normal, but viewing web pages take forever and sometimes don't even load!!


Hi Arkon,

Sad to read that your having net problems with True...I was just gonna cancel my net with ToT because they are crap and get True....now I dont know what to do.

Im sure there are some out there that will sing ToT's praises,but my experience is a lot different and would reccomend that you avoid ToT at any price.

Just this last week its been unusable...slow speed,and cutting off altogether 10 times or more an hour..repeated calls to their call centre is fruitless,lots of promises that engineers are working on the problem,just to find out its exactly the same the next day I try to use ToT internet.

Any reliable internet suggestions welcomed..im too pi**ed off with ToT and their lies now..



You are right. TRUE international speed are very slow. It is the slowest in the month. I have problem both home and office with TRUE Internet. Here's the result. Look at the ping results.


The Local speed is normal. I think the international backbone are down or someone is playing with them. I can't even browse the ThaiVisa properly. :)


Everyone I have spoken to report the same issues as detailed below.

1. Bittorrent downloads are lightning fast. Be it from local cashing (ala True) or through enough connected peers with 10-30 KB/s speed each. The result is that torrent downloads are always maxing out the line speed (minus header overhead). A 2 Mbps line typically sees 155 KB/s download speed. If you do not see this behavior, force encryption.

2. Browsing webpages is dog slow. You are lucky to see 280 Kbps per page you are loading. Opening 10 pages strangely enough yields you 8-10 times total speed (DU Meter is fantastic for monitoring bandwidth). Intermittently you will see pages pause the loading, and restart 10-15 seconds later (see point 5 for possible explanation).

3. Any streaming media above 280 Kbps is going to be choppy. It will buffer for a little while, and work ok for maybe a minute or so, then chop-chop-chop. This happens for both streaming radio and video (eg. ustream.com, justin.tv, shoutcast.com etc). On very rare occasions will a feed with more bandwidth requirements work. Any less bandwith and the stream will work fine most of the time.

Youtube and other video services that allow local caching will of course work as long as you wait long enough. This does not work for live streaming TV though.

4. Many times between 2.30 am and 3.30 am your internet connection will inexplicably stop working. Many times requiring you to restart your ADSL modem. Normal service will resume after 3.30 am even without restart of modem.

5. Larger downloads will many times cut off before the whole file is finished downloading. This is possibly caused by ISP's sending RST packets (eg. informing your browser that the connection is dead, please drop the active link). To see this behavior, try downloading a 2+ MB PDF from gmail for example.

6. It will not matter which ISP you are with. All of them suffer from the same ailments. Not all at the same time though, it seems to go on a rolling schedule.

7. Draw your own conclusions. :)


Amazingly, for the past 18 hours, I've had no issues with Torrent downloads, but ALL my uploads have stopped... then start... then stop..... then start.....

I've never seen anything like it... a Peek of upload activity, then a plateau of nothing... Peek.... Plateau... Etc.... but No effect on Downloads at same time....

Web pages are normal for Thailand.... that means SLOW !!!

BTW... I'm on TRUE - 8 Mbps.



For the past 3 weeks the download and upload speeds have been abysmal.

The connection will often die after 30min, sometimes even as short as 5minutes, and usually on the shorter end if any uploads/downloads are active. it will then go to zero for a minute or two and then come back slowly, and then it is repeated...

Was on he phone with the customer service this morning and they will send technicians on Saturday (we both work full-time, so...) and I was informed that instead of the usual 350baht fee they had promotion until the end of the year to send out technicians for free... :)

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