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Free Humanitarian Aid

Ngawang Trinle

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I'm writing to spread information about three websites for free humanitarian aid. To help the only thing that's necessary is to click some buttons on theese sites. This is how it works: by clicking on a button, a page opens where the sponsors of the website put their advertisement. In turn the sponsors donate an amount of money for the site in proporcion to the number of clicks. And finaly this money goes to humanitarian/ecological aid. It's an extremely simple and efficient idea. You can help by: clicking on the buttons of the page (each person has the right to one click on each button per day), preferebly every day :o. The hardest thing to do is to remember clicking every day and so the first of the sites has a link "Remember to click" inside which you can subscribe to receive a memo every day by e-mail; forwarding this e-mail to your contacts; spreading the word; announcing these websites on your own sites, if you think its apropriate.

These are the sites:

www.thehungersite.com (6 buttons)

www.ecologyfund.com (5 buttons)

www.jazzcidadania.org/colo/index.php (1 button)

Tashi Deleg :D

PS: For more free humanitarian aid, on a diferent way, visit the sites http://www.amnesty.org and its subsites in every country like http://www.es.amnesty.org/nigeria/ as an example of an also extremely easy way to help.

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