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2.5 Mtr King Cobra Has Moved In Under House

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Opened up the house this morning and saw another big, beautiful snake skin next to the steps leading up to the door of the house. Around 2.5 metres long. This is the third one I have found in the garden. A little later the Mrs was going for some som tam when she let out a scream. :D The owner of the skin was slithering under a gap under the house. From the pictures on the net it appears to be a king cobra.

Now I am all for live and let live. Wikipedia tells me they are very venomous but I want to know whether they are aggressive or not? If I leave him alone will he do the same ? Are they active during the day or night ? I don't want to be staggering back home drunk and step on hissing Sid.

Cheers all :)

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Best to give Phil a call at Snake Rescue. Used to be on 0896635085. Then the snake can live and you won't have to worry.


PS. Hope it's ok to post his number on here considering it cannot be regarded as advertising.

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Best to give Phil a call at Snake Rescue. Used to be on 0896635085. Then the snake can live and you won't have to worry.


PS. Hope it's ok to post his number on here considering it cannot be regarded as advertising.

Good idea to call snake rescue. Try not kill it as they are beautiful creatures. They are aggressive and very poisonous. I think the King can also spit venom a fair distance.

On the plus side you shouldn't be bothered with rats while he is around.

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Best to give Phil a call at Snake Rescue. Used to be on 0896635085. Then the snake can live and you won't have to worry.


PS. Hope it's ok to post his number on here considering it cannot be regarded as advertising.

That's exactly what to do & he'll relocate it in a snesile place & awy from people so hopefully it'll live ou the rest of it's life without coming into contact with people or Machete's..

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It really is a beautiful animal and the last thing I want to do is kill it. I will give the snake rescue guys a call and they can come and re locate it.We have some harmless snakes that pop in and out but I don't fancy upsetting such a big dangerous fella. :)

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Best to give Phil a call at Snake Rescue. Used to be on 0896635085. Then the snake can live and you won't have to worry.


PS. Hope it's ok to post his number on here considering it cannot be regarded as advertising.

Good idea to call snake rescue. Try not kill it as they are beautiful creatures. They are aggressive and very poisonous. I think the King can also spit venom a fair distance.

On the plus side you shouldn't be bothered with rats while he is around.

Does not spit and its diet primarily consists of other snakes.

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It really is a beautiful animal and the last thing I want to do is kill it. I will give the snake rescue guys a call and they can come and re locate it.We have some harmless snakes that pop in and out but I don't fancy upsetting such a big dangerous fella. :D

I doubt if the harmless Snakes will be popping in & out whilst here's there anyway Mate, not if they've got any sense anyway... :)

King Cobra's eat other Snake's & are also Cannibals i believe..

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Best to give Phil a call at Snake Rescue. Used to be on 0896635085. Then the snake can live and you won't have to worry.


PS. Hope it's ok to post his number on here considering it cannot be regarded as advertising.

Good idea to call snake rescue. Try not kill it as they are beautiful creatures. They are aggressive and very poisonous. I think the King can also spit venom a fair distance.

On the plus side you shouldn't be bothered with rats while he is around.

Does not spit and its diet primarily consists of other snakes.

Your right, but my info says to treat all Cobras as "spitters" the venom they spray can temporary blind you at 6ft away.

A point to ponder...Perhaps your Sid might be a Mrs Sid looking for somewhere to lay her 20 plus eggs!

Hope you get him/her safely away.

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It really is a beautiful animal and the last thing I want to do is kill it. I will give the snake rescue guys a call and they can come and re locate it.We have some harmless snakes that pop in and out but I don't fancy upsetting such a big dangerous fella. :D

Hey Dunc, pity it wasn't a python...then you'd really have a good chance for some very silly chat up lines about going back to your place and seeing your python!!...... :):D

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What's the big deal about killing a snake?

I killed a snake in my back yard and used the skin on a walking stick I made. Everyone thinks it's cool.

It's not like you are wiping out an entire ecosystem or an endangered species.

If people can hunt animals, I see no reason why you can't kill a snake here and there.

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What's the big deal about killing a snake?

I killed a snake in my back yard and used the skin on a walking stick I made. Everyone thinks it's cool.

It's not like you are wiping out an entire ecosystem or an endangered species.

If people can hunt animals, I see no reason why you can't kill a snake here and there.

I'm sure someone will rise to the bait! :)

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Smoke it out, kill it, call someone to remove it, whatever get out from under your house, these thing have babies to, just think one morning one of the little rascals slither inside your house while you are setting on the toilet, no question you would finish your main business quickly maybe with a bit of a mess or worse still one slither into your bedroom, WOW enough already just do the wise thing a remove the thing by whatever means. :)

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Centipedes are beautiful creatures too. Please call the centipede removal guy who will come and relocate them in a remote jungle habitat....

Yeah but forgive me if i'm wrong, Centipedes are not 2.5m long & if they bite you, you don't have to be at Nathon Hospital within 40 mins or you'll likely be dead..

Up to you of course but i don't try to kill anything, nothing to do with Religeon but just out of respect for a living breathing Animal that inhabits the Earth & has as much right to do so as i have, whether it's a Snake, Toad, Dog, Cat or whatever..

It's just Mozzies that i have no qualms whasoever in killing..:)

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Opened up the house this morning and saw another big, beautiful snake skin next to the steps leading up to the door of the house. Around 2.5 metres long. This is the third one I have found in the garden. A little later the Mrs was going for some som tam when she let out a scream. :D The owner of the skin was slithering under a gap under the house. From the pictures on the net it appears to be a king cobra.

Now I am all for live and let live. Wikipedia tells me they are very venomous but I want to know whether they are aggressive or not? If I leave him alone will he do the same ? Are they active during the day or night ? I don't want to be staggering back home drunk and step on hissing Sid.

Cheers all :)

if you can contain it safely then yes keep it. put it in a glass box. i would have that off ya. if it can't be contained then rocks and sticks normally do the trick. just carefully if u have a house dog cuase they might get bitten not knowing what it is

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if you saw it slithering under the house it does by far not mean that it also stays there, have you seen it frequently?

once these creatures realize that they aren't alone, that there is movement, they usually take off!

We are NOT in their food chain, usually they don't bother much to get in contact with us.... had encountered several on our premises, including a yellow banded krait....brown cobra...

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If it is a King Cobra, it will not be aggressive. It will certainly bite and can kill you easily if aggravated, BUT, there is not a single documented case in Thailand of anyone being killed by a King Cobra bite even though many people have been bitten. Apparently they realize that a person is too big to eat so they save their venom.

Edited by Gary A
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Smoke it out, kill it, call someone to remove it, whatever get out from under your house, these thing have babies to, just think one morning one of the little rascals slither inside your house while you are setting on the toilet, no question you would finish your main business quickly maybe with a bit of a mess or worse still one slither into your bedroom, WOW enough already just do the wise thing a remove the thing by whatever means. :)

No babies.

When the eggs start to hatch, instinct causes her to leave the nest and find prey to eat so that she does not eat her young.

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Call Phil, He'll be round in lickety split as he loves the big snakes.....

his service is FREE - yes FREE - How often do you hear that in samui these days..... (but he gladly accepts donations!)

Go Call him NOW 089-6635085 you'll probably learn loads about snakes as phil loves talking about them...... oh and get some pics and post them here.....



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If it is a King Cobra, it will not be aggressive. It will certainly bite and can kill you easily if aggravated, BUT, there is not a single documented case in Thailand of anyone being killed by a King Cobra bite even though many people have been bitten. Apparently they realize that a person is too big to eat so they save their venom.

Is that right ??

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If it is a King Cobra, it will not be aggressive. It will certainly bite and can kill you easily if aggravated, BUT, there is not a single documented case in Thailand of anyone being killed by a King Cobra bite even though many people have been bitten. Apparently they realize that a person is too big to eat so they save their venom.

Is that right ??

I wouldn't like to put it to the test. Not being documented does not really mean anything since many of those bitten

may not have hung around long enough (in this world or the next) to identify which of the 4/5 possible varieties was the culprit.

In any case it has been documented that a KC bit an elephant on the foot. The elephant died. Seems to me that

with the amount of neurotoxin a KC can deliver that it would be highly dangerous to assume that because you are not on the lunch list that

it is going to ration out the venom. :)

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What's the big deal about killing a snake?

I killed a snake in my back yard and used the skin on a walking stick I made. Everyone thinks it's cool.

It's not like you are wiping out an entire ecosystem or an endangered species.

If people can hunt animals, I see no reason why you can't kill a snake here and there.

Very sensible reply. Nothing beautiful about a creature that will take you out when you step anywhere near it . Just watch some of the snake bite shows on Tely and see the permanent damage done to human tissue if you get to live of course. Is the cobra an endangered species here? Roast cobra now thats something I would die to try just once

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i don't try to kill anything, nothing to do with Religion but just out of respect for a living breathing Animal that inhabits the Earth & has as much right to do so as i have, whether it's a Snake, Toad, Dog, Cat or whatever..

That's all very "flower-childish," but I consider myself fairly high up on the evolutionary order and as such, I understand that only humans have "rights."

I don't advocate killing animals for the sake of killing, although hunting is often just that. Currently, I am making a few custom walking sticks and am in need of a nice, colorful snake for its skin. Otherwise I would be more interested in picking up and playing with a snake than killing it.

By the way, are the slender, green snakes you see in the trees poisonous? Anyone know the name?


...and no, I didn't kill it; just let him do his thing.

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i don't try to kill anything, nothing to do with Religion but just out of respect for a living breathing Animal that inhabits the Earth & has as much right to do so as i have, whether it's a Snake, Toad, Dog, Cat or whatever..

That's all very "flower-childish," but I consider myself fairly high up on the evolutionary order and as such, I understand that only humans have "rights."

I don't advocate killing animals for the sake of killing, although hunting is often just that. Currently, I am making a few custom walking sticks and am in need of a nice, colorful snake for its skin. Otherwise I would be more interested in picking up and playing with a snake than killing it.

By the way, are the slender, green snakes you see in the trees poisonous? Anyone know the name?


...and no, I didn't kill it; just let him do his thing.

Probably a Golden Treesnake or Ratsnake. Not poisonous

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If you kill a Mr Snake then doesn't a Mrs Snake come back at some point somewhat miffed and look to take it out on someone? Dunno how that works if Mr Snake gets taken away somewhere else.... maybe Mrs Snake assumes he's run off with another snake.

We had a cobra appear at our gaff once and my Missus's brother saw it off with a broom and never saw it again. You want to be careful in the grass when it rains was the local advise i recieved on the matter.

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i don't try to kill anything, nothing to do with Religion but just out of respect for a living breathing Animal that inhabits the Earth & has as much right to do so as i have, whether it's a Snake, Toad, Dog, Cat or whatever..

That's all very "flower-childish," but I consider myself fairly high up on the evolutionary order and as such, I understand that only humans have "rights."

I don't advocate killing animals for the sake of killing, although hunting is often just that. Currently, I am making a few custom walking sticks and am in need of a nice, colorful snake for its skin. Otherwise I would be more interested in picking up and playing with a snake than killing it.

By the way, are the slender, green snakes you see in the trees poisonous? Anyone know the name?


...and no, I didn't kill it; just let him do his thing.

Each to their own i supoose..

Killing Animals for the sake of it is a form of Bullying in my Book as 9.9 times out of 10, the Animal won't fight back or even have a chance to & i'm not personally a Fan of Bully's but as i say, each to their own. :)

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