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Hi I am just coming to my 4th day with this horrible virus, Chikungunya.

I keep hearing different reports about how long the aches last etc..

So far I feel better then the 2nd day which was hellish. I will forever have sympathy for people who live in constant pain from arthritis etc. I could barely walk and am still not 100%. I was doing yoga 2.5 months up to this point to improve my muscles and joints .. but now that is on hold, for who knows how long..

Some people say the symptoms last a month!! OH NO

Just wondering if anyone else has stories........ besides the sensation Gazette one...

By the way I went to Dr Chusak in Kata who says he has been seeing quite a few people with this, obviously not mentioned in the statistics in the Gazette article.


What are the symptoms for it?

I had little red spots (including my palms & soles of the feet) all over my body which took 5 days to go off. The 1st 4 days I was running a fever which seemed to go up & down (never dangeriously high though ~ 39deg). At the same time, my bones ached but it was not at the joints. (arms)

The bone ache lasted some 6 months or so (on & off) and I was taking paracetamol as and when required.

Till today, I'm not sure if I had got Chikungunya as I never did a blood test. (That was a year ago)

Could I have contracted it? For people who had it before, would they be immune to it in the future?

Hi I am just coming to my 4th day with this horrible virus, Chikungunya.

I keep hearing different reports about how long the aches last etc..

So far I feel better then the 2nd day which was hellish. I will forever have sympathy for people who live in constant pain from arthritis etc. I could barely walk and am still not 100%. I was doing yoga 2.5 months up to this point to improve my muscles and joints .. but now that is on hold, for who knows how long..

Some people say the symptoms last a month!! OH NO

Just wondering if anyone else has stories........ besides the sensation Gazette one...

By the way I went to Dr Chusak in Kata who says he has been seeing quite a few people with this, obviously not mentioned in the statistics in the Gazette article.

Hi I am just coming to my 4th day with this horrible virus, Chikungunya.

I keep hearing different reports about how long the aches last etc..

So far I feel better then the 2nd day which was hellish. I will forever have sympathy for people who live in constant pain from arthritis etc. I could barely walk and am still not 100%. I was doing yoga 2.5 months up to this point to improve my muscles and joints .. but now that is on hold, for who knows how long..

Some people say the symptoms last a month!! OH NO

Just wondering if anyone else has stories........ besides the sensation Gazette one...

By the way I went to Dr Chusak in Kata who says he has been seeing quite a few people with this, obviously not mentioned in the statistics in the Gazette article.

When I talk to people in my village, Ban Lipon in Srisoonton, Thalang, it seems almost everybody has had or is having it to some degree or other. I figure it depends on your general physicial condition how serious it is for you and how long it lasts. I am 77 years old, but have always be in excellent physical condition, except for a period last year when I suffered from a ruptured lumbar disk during which I suffered from terrrible pains for some periods, and I am just getting over a very mild form of Chikugunya. I had the first symptoms less than 2 weeks ago, some very slight fever and lislessness, also some slight pain in my right knee joint. Both went away after a couple of days and were replaced by some pain in my left index finger joints, and that is going away now, no more symptoms to-date. I am pretty sure that it is/was chikugunya, because ALL my neighbours have it as well as my wife with differing severities.


I got the dreaded Chikungunya 9 weeks ago and am still on painkillers and finding the simplest things are still painfull.

Have had various blood checks that show I am in good health except for this virus. It is quite scary to be in this condition for so long. Am usually an energetic, strong person and this has pretty much stopped my normal life.

I am looking for work and know that in this condition there's no point applying. Hoping it doesn't last for 10 months - which I recently read in the Bangkok Post!

My doctor's told me to keep resting, all very well - after such a long time resting my muscles are getting wobbly!

Good luck and I hope you recover quickly.

Hi I am just coming to my 4th day with this horrible virus, Chikungunya.

I keep hearing different reports about how long the aches last etc..

So far I feel better then the 2nd day which was hellish. I will forever have sympathy for people who live in constant pain from arthritis etc. I could barely walk and am still not 100%. I was doing yoga 2.5 months up to this point to improve my muscles and joints .. but now that is on hold, for who knows how long..

Some people say the symptoms last a month!! OH NO

Just wondering if anyone else has stories........ besides the sensation Gazette one...

By the way I went to Dr Chusak in Kata who says he has been seeing quite a few people with this, obviously not mentioned in the statistics in the Gazette article.


What area of Phuket are you in Saiyuan1 ? From what I can tell by anecdotal information Chikungunya seems to be most prevelent around Kathu & Thalang districts at present.

Cheers & Best Wishes for a speedy recovery (Try and attempt a little exercise to keep your muscles moving)

What area of Phuket are you in Saiyuan1 ? From what I can tell by anecdotal information Chikungunya seems to be most prevelent around Kathu & Thalang districts at present.

Cheers & Best Wishes for a speedy recovery (Try and attempt a little exercise to keep your muscles moving)

Im in Kata/ Kata Noi .. but do live in more of jungl-y area.

The joint pain is down to about 20%.. still can't 100% straighten out my legs. (no yoga for a while).

however I have red spots..lots of them. and being vain I want to know when they will go away.

I went to PIH yesterday and all he did was give me lots of pills. but for some reason I didn't ask him any questsions. Could have been that after he lifted my shirt looked at my back and rushed me out the door I just didn't feel it was the right time..haha

How long are the spots and itchign going to last???????????? ARG


Interesting nobody has mentioned how you contract this virus, (other than "mosquito" in the tag) or how it's prevented. (Some reading this may have no idea.) According to Wiki, there is no vaccine. I couldn't find anything about whether you can get it more than once, but since it's a virus, I would think you could catch it only once unless it mutates.

Prevention (From Wikipedia)

The most effective means of prevention are protection against contact with the disease-carrying mosquitoes and mosquito control. These include using insect repellents with substances like DEET (N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide; also known as N,N'-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide or NNDB), icaridin (also known as picaridin and KBR3023), PMD (p-menthane-3,8-diol, a substance derived from the lemon eucalyptus tree), or IR3535. Wearing bite-proof long sleeves and trousers (pants) also offers protection. In addition, garments can be treated with pyrethroids, a class of insecticides that often has repellent properties. Vaporized pyrethroids (for example in mosquito coils) are also insect repellents. Securing screens on windows and doors will help to keep mosquitoes out of the house. In the case of the day active Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, however, this will only have a limited effect, since many contacts between the vector and the host occur outside.


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