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Is It A Knocking Shop


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I have been living in a village up country for nearly a year now and the other day my brother in-law invites me for a night out with the "boys" playing snooker etc...

Of course I ask the wife's permission and after some discussion it is duly granted. :D

So we head off to a nearby town, the boys are in a very jovial mood with lots of singing, laughter and back slaps all round...... all this for snooker??? Not!

We end up at a Restaurant/Karaoke/Bar type place....... in no time at all we each have a "waitress" sitting on our lap pouring drinks and playing with our ear lobes :D

Now me being the ultimate party pooper is telling my waitress all about my wife and new born baby and showing her the photos in my wallet..... she looks very worried and says "maybe your wife come here fight me" I laugh and say... no chance of that she can not drive.

I ask the boys what type of place this and do they barfine the girls..... they do not understand what I am talking about and they tell me... "pay girls to have drinks"

Well we stay there until almost closing time (1.00am) and sure enough there is charge on the bill for the girls company....... so perhaps this is not a knocking shop after all.... "Is the Pope Catholic" :o

I wish this little story ended here, but who storms in a mad rage?? :D

you guessed it.... THE WIFE...... what are you doing she screams, why you not answer your phone...... sorry honey I left it in the car...... while this is going on the girls have all scattered....

I ask what is wrong and she says... I worry about you, why you so late, I on way to hospital to see if you there and saw your car at this place.

Ain't love grand :D she was so worried that she and the neighbour drove around trying to find me.

Well I'll be in the "dog box" for awhile and have to do a bit of grovelling too.... maybe a trip to the gold shop for valentines day will smooth things over.

So this topic could really come under different headings...... "village knocking shops", "does your wife let you out at night" and "does your brother in-law get you into trouble on purpose"....... or feel free to add your own.

Edited by Kiwi_James
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Was there any shagging going on?? Doesn't sound like it so to me. It seems like the equivelant of guys going to strip joints on a boys night out in the west. Pleanty of western guys go off to strip joints on stag do's & boys nights out, sounds quite tame in comparison if all the girls were doing were stroking ears & egos.

Maybe these guys wives aresn't as sweet to them at home so the need to go find some attentive female company? :o

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Didn't want to mention anything about the wife there Viking, but as you've got the ball rolling... :D

Kiwi James, that was a test, trust me, she wanted to see what you were going to do, whether you would stay with the lads & partake in the pleasures of the karaoke ladies or whether you would come running home like a good husband should :o Looks like you failed on that point, but it's ok, she now has ammo for any future rows & you might as well forget about any more boys nights out :D It's called marriage love, it's a power stuggle & you've just lost the first round. :D

Only joking about the power stuggle thing, but not about the test & the ammo :D

Seriously though, as chuchok said, if your not a regular bar frequenter the thing about the hospital could be true but the most likely story is she was well aware of her brother in law & the other guys went but after wanting to give you freedom & show you her trust she couldn't contain herself anymore & came to make sure you weren't up to any naughtyness, give her a couple of weeks & she should be ok :D

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Didn't want to mention anything about the wife there Viking, but as you've got the ball rolling... :D

Kiwi James, that was a test, trust me, she wanted to see what you were going to do, whether you would stay with the lads & partake in the pleasures of the karaoke ladies or whether you would come running home like a good husband should :o  Looks like you failed on that point, but it's ok, she now has ammo for any future rows & you might as well forget about any more boys nights out :D  It's called marriage love, it's a power stuggle & you've just lost the first round. :D

Only joking about the power stuggle thing, but not about the test & the ammo :D

Seriously though, as chuchok said, if your not a regular bar frequenter the thing about the hospital could be true but the most likely story is she was well aware of her brother in law & the other guys went but after wanting to give you freedom & show you her trust she couldn't contain herself anymore & came to make sure you weren't up to any naughtyness, give her a couple of weeks & she should be ok :D

Now, if it’s a power struggle it should be looked at in a totally different light.

The first glimpse of “her indoors” You should have shot her an incredulous look and told her that there was no way you were going to put up with her following you around like a little puppy dog and to get back to the kitchen and make sure that the ham and tostie sandwiches were going to be hot when you thunder in the door at daybreak singing rude rugby songs! :D:D

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Even better way to handle the missus chuchok, is just carry on drinking & stroking the honey on your lap, look the missus up & down & then just ask "what the <deleted> are you doing away from the kitchen you lazy b*&%h??" :D

I've found when my husband does this it has quite the effect :D

n.b. I am a woman & that was a joke :o

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Even better way to handle the missus chuchok, is just carry on drinking & stroking the honey on your lap, look the missus up & down & then just ask "what the <deleted> are you doing away from the kitchen you lazy b*&%h??" :D

I've found when my husband does this it has quite the effect :D

n.b. I am a woman & that was a joke :o


A few years ago, the wifes father pushed her mum around a bit when he was pissed one night...nothing serious, but not nice either.Anyway, the wife told me about it and I just couldn't help myself I said "why, didn't she do the dishes?"

I'm just lucky she has a sense of humour, otherwise I would have been the one calling the local mens refuge... :D

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Kiwi, You have to know us wives/GF's ALWAYS keep a little 'mental notebook' going! You may not have done anything 'untoward' at the bar but the fact that she had to come 'looking for you' becuase you 'didn't answer your phone' and she was 'worried' and found you at 'that place' means it's all been stored in that 'little notebook'! One day she will fire that ammo at you during an argument thats totally unrelated! And be warned just becuase it gets used once doesn't mean it gets 'ticked off' and forgoten about, oooooooooohh no!!! All the entrys are valid for multiple use! :D:o:D:D

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If you'd been Thai you'd have kicked the living daylight out of your wife for spying on you (yes, I've seen it happen often enough).

Unlike the western world where nobody are husband and wife anymore but "Partners" boys nights out here are the norm and everything goes.

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Kiwi, You have to know us wives/GF's ALWAYS keep a little 'mental notebook' going! You may not have done anything 'untoward' at the bar but the fact that she had to come 'looking for you' becuase you 'didn't answer your phone' and she was 'worried' and found you at 'that place' means it's all been stored in that 'little notebook'! One day she will fire that ammo at you during an argument thats totally unrelated! And be warned just becuase it gets used once doesn't mean it gets 'ticked off' and forgoten about, oooooooooohh no!!! All the entrys are valid for multiple use! :D  :o  :D  :D

Exactly my life experience Shola,

I bear witness to that fact, after twenty years of indiscretions on my part (all of them minor to be sure :D ) the wifeys original 'mental notebook' had to be replaced by a 60GB hard drive( I suppose it has something to do with the age of the original memory and the possibility of it crashing and losing all data) . Now I have got not 1 but 2 memories in a well planned, well co-ordinated military action on 24 hour call. Some of the older ammo she carries is very fragile and explodes with little or no provocation. The battle scars continue to accumulate, and a mental kevlar vest is of little use. God I love to be married :D

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Kiwi, I've been there, done that, bought the T-shirt etc. etc. and lived to tell the tale 'completely intact'.

Just get on your knees and bawl your eyes out while denying doing anything that you may think, that she may think, that you've done wrong.

And yeah, gold on valentines day should get you some brownie points.

You lucky basterd! I got caught mid-march many years back. :o

Edited by Gazza
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Lets look at this!

You discuss the fact that you are going to have a night out with the lads and she turns up on you during said night out because you didn't answer your phone...........

Now if it was 5 am I could understand her concern but for her to be out looking for you at only 1am and to use that as an excuse!!?? She was checking up on you mate. Plain and simple!!

I know who'd be in the doghouse this morning and it wouldn't be me!

I wouldn't let her give you a hard time over this otherwise you're going to lose the balance of power and she'll be controlling your every move!

Your only 'crime' here was to leave your phone in the truck.

And some people reckon Western women are hard work! They're nothing compared to some of these Thai girls.......

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Kiwi, You have to know us wives/GF's ALWAYS keep a little 'mental notebook' going! You may not have done anything 'untoward' at the bar but the fact that she had to come 'looking for you' becuase you 'didn't answer your phone' and she was 'worried' and found you at 'that place' means it's all been stored in that 'little notebook'! One day she will fire that ammo at you during an argument thats totally unrelated! And be warned just becuase it gets used once doesn't mean it gets 'ticked off' and forgoten about, oooooooooohh no!!! All the entrys are valid for multiple use! :D  :o  :D  :D

But, in Thailand, multiple entries are only valid for a year. :D:D

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I ask what is wrong and she says... I worry about you, why you so late, I on way to hospital to see if you there and saw your car at this place.

Ain't love grand    :o    she was so worried that she and the neighbour drove around trying to find me.

yeah - right !!!

Ain't love grand ? I think the correct phrase here should be "ain't love blind".

At least my wife would be honest & admit she was checking up on me....

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I usually turn off my phone about 11pm if I'm out with the boys.

My wife asked me why I do this (suspecting the worst).

My reply "Because you'd be <deleted> calling me every 5 minutes if I didn't"

She got the message.

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Thanks for the great advice guys and gals....... I did leave out some details in the original post.... didn't want it to be a long boring story or sound like one of my Stickman submissions :D

I have not had a "boys night out before" in the village..... not even anywhere in TL..... I'm a saint I know..... the misses has taken me to Patpong, Cowboy when we first started dating but that's a whole other story about being "tested"

During the evening in question my brother in-law surprised me by saying that If I wanted to "go" with the girl he would keep his eyes ears and mouth shut and not tell my wife........ maybe he is just understanding of the situation I am in with my wife having a baby last month and I have to take cold showers and chop wood for next.. God knows how long :o ..... actualy while on this subject my mother in-law told my wife that we should not have sex for 3 months after conceiving, 2 months before birth and 4 months after birth..... anyone want a 10 tonne truch load of fire wood :D thankfully the misses does not always follow mums advice.

The hospital is down the same road as the Karaoke Bar so yes it is reasonable for her to say that she was going there as she would have seen my pickup as she turned down the road....... couldn't miss it... only one...surrounded by 20 motorcycles.

As for being either guilty, a pansy or henpecker to death.....

a pansy...... Not!

henpecked.... Not!.... what has worked well for me in the past is that you let them have their way on the little things but when it comes to the big things you put ya foot down and have your way..... well 9 times out of 10 at least :D

guilty.... Yes!..... the girls was a great kisser and I was enjoying it...... and thankfully my wife did not see this as the girl was taking her turn at singing and it didn't help things with the boys doubled over in fits of laughter and tears in their eyes with me being caught out by my "FIERCE WIFE" as they call her.....

Well two days later all is well in the house of James...... except my wife has said one of her "double trick test questions"...... "honey if it makes you happy it is ok with me if you want to go to the karaoke"..... hmm! .... that's could be a topic for another time...... How often do you get the trick question.... and what do you say??



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Be careful, Kiwi James.

A couple of instances with my ex. One years ago at Nana. She decided the bar to go into. Great looking girls on the stage. When I commented that one was particularly beautiful and would do well working at our place, I nearly got a bottle over my head.

There are plenty of bars in this town, most owned by friends. If the ex was on a "search and destroy" mission and found me taking to,say, the cashier, she'd go absolutely ape s**t. Reached a point when quite a number of local bars had to bar me because they were so worried about the ex coming in a causing a big scene.

Luckily that relationship has been over for more than a year. The current g/f is understanding of my occasional nocturnal drinking habits because I told her from the start not to do the same.

Put your foot down.

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Be careful, Kiwi James.

A couple of instances with my ex. One years ago at Nana. She decided the bar to go into. Great looking girls on the stage. When I commented that one was particularly beautiful and would do well working at our place, I nearly got a bottle over my head.

There are plenty of bars in this town, most owned by friends. If the ex was on a "search and destroy" mission and found me taking to,say, the cashier, she'd go absolutely ape s**t. Reached a point when quite a number of local bars had to bar me because they were so worried about the ex coming in a causing a big scene.

Luckily that relationship has been over for more than a year. The current g/f is understanding of my occasional nocturnal drinking habits because I told her from the start not to do the same.

Put your foot down.

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Kiwi I had an experience out in the countryside. I had a little afternoon tiss with my wife so I took off for a few drinks in the town by myself. After a couple beers I still wasn't cooled off so I decided I was just going to see what was in the town. I ended up checking out all the joints in town. At the last place the karaoke singer insisted on kissing me. FInally around midnight I went home to find out my wife sent my brother-in-law around to look for me. He checked the hospital too. I guess a lot of people end up in the hospital when they got out here. No big deal anyways. My wife wasn't angry she was just worried as I had left after an argument. The next day I told her about the karaoke singer, the kiss and the places I had been. She was a little surprised but not upset. I don't plan on going out again soon but my wife thinks that I'll go for sure as I've seen what's there. My wife doesn't worry about me going out so long as my heart stays at home.

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this 'karaoeke' business is complicated. The second time I went to visit the family the local hotel had mirrors on the ceiling and porno movies on the box and there was a karaoeke place next door with lots of girls. So the conclusion would be that karaoeke places are knocking shops and are always to be considered as such. Not that it interests me much as they are usually full of drunken thai men and I don't much fancy being eaten by mosquitos at night.

However later my wife goes with some of the family including some of the children to a karaoeke place near her village and everyone has a great time. She discussed the reading skills of some of the 10-11 year old nieces in terms of being able to read the lyrics to the songs on the machine.

So...I am confused...are karaoeke places to be considered iniquitous or places for wholesome family entertainment?

Thai folks sure is clazy...

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this 'karaoeke' business is complicated. The second time I went to visit the family the local hotel had mirrors on the ceiling and porno movies on the box and there was a karaoeke place next door with lots of girls. So the conclusion would be that karaoeke places are knocking shops and are always to be considered as such. Not that it interests me much as they are usually full of drunken thai men and I don't much fancy being eaten by mosquitos at night.

However later my wife goes with some of the family including some of the children to a karaoeke place near her village and everyone has a great time. She discussed the reading skills of some of the 10-11 year old nieces in terms of being able to read the lyrics to the songs on the machine.

So...I am confused...are karaoeke places to be considered iniquitous or places for wholesome family entertainment?

Thai folks sure is clazy...

Perhaps one way of judging if these karaoke places are legit is to see what the girls are wearing..... if they have one of those skimpy outfits made out of a union jack or an american flag then you have your answer :D .... If I ever saw a girl in a New Zealand or Aussie flag she would get bloody good tip for sure :o

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Go the kiwis and aussies.

Jeez I buy rugby shirts every time I come up.

But its hard to displace those cheap knockoff soccer shirts ,thise girls slop around in.

this 'karaoeke' business is complicated. The second time I went to visit the family the local hotel had mirrors on the ceiling and porno movies on the box and there was a karaoeke place next door with lots of girls. So the conclusion would be that karaoeke places are knocking shops and are always to be considered as such. Not that it interests me much as they are usually full of drunken thai men and I don't much fancy being eaten by mosquitos at night.

However later my wife goes with some of the family including some of the children to a karaoeke place near her village and everyone has a great time. She discussed the reading skills of some of the 10-11 year old nieces in terms of being able to read the lyrics to the songs on the machine.

So...I am confused...are karaoeke places to be considered iniquitous or places for wholesome family entertainment?

Thai folks sure is clazy...

Perhaps one way of judging if these karaoke places are legit is to see what the girls are wearing..... if they have one of those skimpy outfits made out of a union jack or an american flag then you have your answer :D .... If I ever saw a girl in a New Zealand or Aussie flag she would get bloody good tip for sure :o

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