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Ji-net Adsl Limits


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I have recently acquired the 256/512 Jinet service and I am very happy with it; and of course madly downloading music, software patches etc.

On the Jinet site I can review my usage in terms of connection time and traffic. I was told that the usage was unlimited but I have an assigned connection time of 900 hours (which is rapidlt depleting cos I leave the connection on for much of the day. I have also read in another forum that there is a 10GB traffic limit (per month??) but can find no reference to this in the agreement I signed.

Can anyone clafify what, if any, restrictions apply?



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How can we know for sure what you have signed?

The 10GB limit applies to TRUE or ADC(TOT) lines from my reading of web site. Suspect you have TT&T line where that would not apply but not sure.

As there are less than 900 hours in a month do not believe you can exceed that - unless you paid for a package of some kind rather than a monthly contract. Do you pay a monthly bill?

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My line is with TT&T, my ADSL service is with Jinet, the standard 256/512 package. I assumed that any restrictions would come from the Jinet service and was asking those more knowledgeable than myself whether they had experienced/were aware of, any useage restrictions.

Apologies if I did not make myself clear!

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At my office with 7 workstations, a small branch of a abroad travel agency, we use JI Net as well, paying about 2-3,000 a month. We are connected every day 0900-2100, 7 days a week. My webmaster said something that we have a max in bites for every hour, but we have never reach that max. If we reach, it will go offline the rest of the current hour, and then online the following hour.

Private, I use True ADSL, around 600 baht a month. It is not real ADSL but something Chinese system, that connect like dial-up. So you have to dial-up the old-fashion way.. But after that is is like western ADSL. Sometimes it is slow, but then I re-connect. It is fair compared with the price.

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Ji-Net introduced a new contact for new users with restrictions, people who had signed up at the very beginning on the old contract were not subject to those limits. I had it for a while and it was very reliable at first but it went downhill to the point where I had to drop it. I think it is routed around the South Pole and then through Mozambique and Cuba as I could never get pingplotter or any kind of tracing utility to work and I could not use it for streaming video

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I have Ji-net as well (in Jomtien) so am not using True nor ADC.

On True and ADC your connection speed would drop to 25kbps if you went over 5Gb of datatransfer (10Gb if you have the 512/256)

I can confirm this does not happen on a TT&T line. I've been up to 14 Gb in one month already! (on the 256/128). This took a while though :o

Don't worry about the 900 Hours, there are no more then 744 hours in a 31 day month, so when it goes down to 156 hours left on the last day of the month it just resets to 900 again!

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No, I never have disconnects. In the 4 months I have it now, I only had a couple of times where the modem couldn't authorize. The adsl link to the exchange was up, but probably Ji-net's servers were down. Problems never lasted more then half an hour though.

Try to find out if the problem is the adsl link (phone line problems) or at JI-net's side.

You should be able to find it somewhere in your modem setup...


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Don't forget that you are bound to an at least 6 months contract by JI-Net.Why don't u guys try CS ?I am using CS on a TTnT line,Unlimited usage time and usage data.And no contract limitations.You can cancel the service anytime.So far I m so impressed with the service of CS.I am using it upcountry.

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