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Land Sub-divisions

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I am getting some land sub-divided soon and want to know the exact process. I've pulled most of this info off the internet but not sure if all of it is correct. Has anybody sub-divided their land and know the exact and pertinent info. Also any costs involved, much appreciated! Thank you!

Below is the info I've collected from the internet but not to be used as a gospel :)

What is the process of sub-dividing land? How do I get started?

1 – Check with the land office to see if indeed you are able to sub-divide your land or the land in question, making sure there is no lien or loans current held against the land. Land that has a lien or loan held against it is not eligible for sub-division. In some cases you can read this on the back of the title (in Thai) otherwise a trip to the land office is in order to check status of properties, legal ownership, lien or encumbrance, and report findings

2 – If sub-division is possible then next if you are the owner then prepare a survey plan. Create a master plan from survey on what a sub-division would look like on paper. Why should a survey be done? It is also essential to know precisely the boundaries of your land when building a house, so as to comply with the building regulations, or even to prevent encroachment. These are several costly issues, which can be avoided if a land survey is done prior.

3 – Submit application and survey plan for sub-division to land office. Check to see if any conditions apply and if there is any “prohibited activity” under the plan.

4 – Pay the fee to the land office and wait till the land office comes out to do your sub-division, make note to be there on the day your land is being sub-divided. Giving of “Tea money” or “Nam Chai” will have your application moved to the top of the pile or you can wait your turn (approximately 2 months here in Koh Phangan).

5 – If you are a seller then decide on what your are and are not willing to offer buyers on a sub-division on land.

Special notes:

*Chanote land will be taken care of at the district land office but, nor sor 3 or nor sor som gor land will be taken care of at the sub-district office.

*When doing a land split, the original land title will be held by the local land office, often for several months. You will not get this back until the land split is 100% complete. Keep this in mind if you have a buyer in hand for one of your plots because you will not be able to show a land title until the land split is complete.

*The maximum number of plots that you can sub-divide one rai of land into is nine.

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thaimex, ive just devided 7 rai into six different plots, it took about three months from start to finish, cost us about 30,000 baht.it was nor sor 3 before we went about the process and was upgraded to chanote at the same time.

Edited by sunlife2000
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Depends on Chanote or NS3G.

Depends??? Why? Please, don't mean to be coy but if you have some info please do share. Cheers! :)

Different proceedures for different land titles. If you want accurate advice you need to provide more info. Title and location.

Looks like sunlife 2000 has more uptodate info than me, if you have NS3G title.

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It would be the same land office where you registered your land (chanote or nss). We took a copy of the land paper and noted where we wanted it to be divided. Each plot cost us 4,000 baht to sub divide. And as research suggests you cannot cut your land into more than 9 plots. The whole process from start to finish took three months (just the sub-division).

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It would be the same land office where you registered your land (chanote or nss). We took a copy of the land paper and noted where we wanted it to be divided. Each plot cost us 4,000 baht to sub divide. And as research suggests you cannot cut your land into more than 9 plots. The whole process from start to finish took three months (just the sub-division).

Hey thanks for the info you know how simple things like this can become a headache and info around not always consistent. I was originally told that Chanote titles were to be sub-divided at the District Land Office and that the NSS/NSSG were to be done at the sub-district office (still looking into this). We are here in the south on the islands of Koh Samui and Koh Phangan. It seems to depends on where your at even tho you'd think the gov't would be consistent with their procedures. Anyhow greatly appreciate the info on this thread. :)

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Procedure is the same, but the office different. Normally Chanot titles are applied at the Provincial Office, though some district offices have the right to register Chanot titles, for example on Phuket you would normally apply for a Chanot (Nor. Sor. 4 Chor) at the Provincial Office in Phuket Town. For Thalang area though they have the right to issue Chanot titles and reg. amendments. Any other tilte as NOr. Sor. 3 Khor or Nor. Sor. 3 are to be regsitered and applied at the district office, not sub-district.

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