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Your Honest Opinion About A(h1n1) Influenza


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Bangkok Post today:

The Public Health Ministry confirmed 95 new cases of A(H1N1) influenza on Wednesday, bringing the total to 405.

Eighty-eight of the new cases were school children, three others had returned from foreign countries and the rest were Thais who caught the infection in Thailand, the ministry said.

The ministry encouraged people who have flu symptoms to wash their hands regularly and use masks to prevent the spread of the virus.

Meanwhile, 23 schools in Bangkok closed on Wednesday to prevent the spread of the virus.

Tell me your honest opinion about this.. should I be worried, what do you think will happen? do you think thai people are just over-reacting?

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Is it really that bad?...

Obviously not, at least not at the moment anyway. However, what a lot of people just don't seem to understand is that this has the potential to mutate into something much more deadly and nobody will be talking about an over-reaction should that happen.

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The present strain is no worse than a regular flu strain

However the worlds media are "hyping it up"

My take on this is that the media should be very careful about crying wolf

.......................Sars, bird flu and now swine flu

These outbreaks have killed less people than an ordinary flu in a given year.

The big worry is when a really dodgy strain arrives, and the world doesn't take it seriously in the early stages

Hyping up every strain that comes along will desensitize people

Edited by robbiecia
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The present strain is no worse than a regular flu strain

However the worlds media are "hyping it up"

My take on this is that the media should be very careful about crying wolf

.......................Sars, bird flu and now swine flu

These outbreaks have killed less people than an ordinary flu in a given year.

The big worry is when a really dodgy strain arrives, and the world doesn't take it seriously in the early stages

Hyping up every strain that comes along will desensitize people

And at what point should a dodgy strain be taken serious.....now maybe

or wait a few months until it's really dodgy..... :)

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The present strain is no worse than a regular flu strain

However the worlds media are "hyping it up"

My take on this is that the media should be very careful about crying wolf

.......................Sars, bird flu and now swine flu

These outbreaks have killed less people than an ordinary flu in a given year.

The big worry is when a really dodgy strain arrives, and the world doesn't take it seriously in the early stages

Hyping up every strain that comes along will desensitize people

So there is a bug going around that is highly contagious, and could potentially evolve into something quite deadly.

Yet you think that it is being hyped up........... :)

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The present strain is no worse than a regular flu strain

However the worlds media are "hyping it up"

My take on this is that the media should be very careful about crying wolf

.......................Sars, bird flu and now swine flu

These outbreaks have killed less people than an ordinary flu in a given year.

The big worry is when a really dodgy strain arrives, and the world doesn't take it seriously in the early stages

Hyping up every strain that comes along will desensitize people

So there is a bug going around that is highly contagious, and could potentially evolve into something quite deadly.

Yet you think that it is being hyped up........... :)

Remember the boy that cried wolf. :D

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Bangkok Post today:

The Public Health Ministry confirmed 95 new cases of A(H1N1) influenza on Wednesday, bringing the total to 405.

Eighty-eight of the new cases were school children, three others had returned from foreign countries and the rest were Thais who caught the infection in Thailand, the ministry said.

The ministry encouraged people who have flu symptoms to wash their hands regularly and use masks to prevent the spread of the virus.

Meanwhile, 23 schools in Bangkok closed on Wednesday to prevent the spread of the virus.

Tell me your honest opinion about this.. should I be worried, what do you think will happen? do you think thai people are just over-reacting?

Not if they are elderly, or very young, or have a weakened immune system, but that goes for any type of flu.

It doesn't seem to be as severe as first thought, so yes in general an over-reaction.

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The present strain is no worse than a regular flu strain

However the worlds media are "hyping it up"

My take on this is that the media should be very careful about crying wolf

.......................Sars, bird flu and now swine flu

These outbreaks have killed less people than an ordinary flu in a given year.

The big worry is when a really dodgy strain arrives, and the world doesn't take it seriously in the early stages

Hyping up every strain that comes along will desensitize people

So there is a bug going around that is highly contagious, and could potentially evolve into something quite deadly.

Yet you think that it is being hyped up........... :)

Remember the boy that cried wolf. :D

The last official pandemic was in 1968, that killed 2 million people.

The pandemic before that was the Asian Flu which occurred in 1957, somewhere between 2-4 million people where killed.

The one before that was a right nasty bugger because in 1918 the Spanish Flu killed in excess of 50 million people.

Asides from the 3 listed above no other pandemic has occurred since 1900, asides from the current one.

The announcement of a pandemic does not mean that the WHO are saying that x million will be killed, they are just stating that a particular disease has spread worldwide. That the A(H1N1) virus has, as predicted, spread worldwide is fact and not some made up story, this is irrefutable and so claims of a pandemic are in no way comparable to "crying wolf".

Now it is just a case of what this bug will or will not do. It could fade away into history or it could become another 1918 type Flu, the second strain of which was much more deadly which is another reason why those in the know are worried.

What are they supposed to do anyway? Cover it up?

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mad cow

foot and mouth

avian flue

then we got this thing about bacteria in fish brains

so not the only thing left is Swine

the pig farmers are the only one that where not hit by some kind of disease,

and pork is cheaper than other meat

economic crisis

and there you go swine flue H1N1

all baloni

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"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

H. L. Mencken

Swine Flu. Bird Flu. Sars. Hole in The Ozone Layer. Global Warming. Swine Flu again. Terror. Terror. Terror. Terror. Terror. Terror.

Hide under the beds folks. These dastardly gangster capitalists are driving the herd once again.

1. Tamiflu is 'useless' and dangerous. I won't be lining up.

2. Who was involved in the 1976 'Swine Flu' and is again profiting from this one? Rumsfeld.

3. How about a real pandemic? Heart disease kills 1500 people per DAY in America alone.

'Come on you 'sucker-dupes'. Stick'em up! Hand over your swag!' :)

Edited by fullwhenempty
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I'm sure the authorities know something we don't!

One thing I don't get, do face masks help or not? I read articles claiming they don't help, yet went the hospital today

and everybody is waring face masks. Went to carrefour same thing! all staff with face masks!

In each case these are just simple face masks no special filters or anything.

Can anyone shed light on the face mask issue?

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The present strain is no worse than a regular flu strain

However the worlds media are "hyping it up"

My take on this is that the media should be very careful about crying wolf

.......................Sars, bird flu and now swine flu

These outbreaks have killed less people than an ordinary flu in a given year.

The big worry is when a really dodgy strain arrives, and the world doesn't take it seriously in the early stages

Hyping up every strain that comes along will desensitize people

So there is a bug going around that is highly contagious, and could potentially evolve into something quite deadly.

Yet you think that it is being hyped up........... :)

Remember the boy that cried wolf. :D

The last official pandemic was in 1968, that killed 2 million people.

The pandemic before that was the Asian Flu which occurred in 1957, somewhere between 2-4 million people where killed.

The one before that was a right nasty bugger because in 1918 the Spanish Flu killed in excess of 50 million people.

Asides from the 3 listed above no other pandemic has occurred since 1900, asides from the current one.

The announcement of a pandemic does not mean that the WHO are saying that x million will be killed, they are just stating that a particular disease has spread worldwide. That the A(H1N1) virus has, as predicted, spread worldwide is fact and not some made up story, this is irrefutable and so claims of a pandemic are in no way comparable to "crying wolf".

Now it is just a case of what this bug will or will not do. It could fade away into history or it could become another 1918 type Flu, the second strain of which was much more deadly which is another reason why those in the know are worried.

What are they supposed to do anyway? Cover it up?

Agree mate 100%

I don't understand some of these posters on here. They need to wake up, I can't even be bothered goin into one

What do the blonds say?

oh yeah



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The present strain is no worse than a regular flu strain

However the worlds media are "hyping it up"

My take on this is that the media should be very careful about crying wolf

.......................Sars, bird flu and now swine flu

These outbreaks have killed less people than an ordinary flu in a given year.

The big worry is when a really dodgy strain arrives, and the world doesn't take it seriously in the early stages

Hyping up every strain that comes along will desensitize people

Very true !!!

The "authorities" are to blame too. Every `bamboo` who wants his five minutes of fame is in the news, usually their background is not in " the field" and they just repeat what has been said or adapt it to their own thoughts or even needs ( money/politics/Industry)

A pandemic means that a virus can spread worldwide, and the levels indicate if it is doing so.

It gives NO indication of that particular virus to be deadly or not.

This what is happening now is absolutely crazy and totally overdone.

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The present strain is no worse than a regular flu strain

However the worlds media are "hyping it up"

My take on this is that the media should be very careful about crying wolf

.......................Sars, bird flu and now swine flu

These outbreaks have killed less people than an ordinary flu in a given year.

The big worry is when a really dodgy strain arrives, and the world doesn't take it seriously in the early stages

Hyping up every strain that comes along will desensitize people

Very true !!!

The "authorities" are to blame too. Every `bamboo` who wants his five minutes of fame is in the news, usually their background is not in " the field" and they just repeat what has been said or adapt it to their own thoughts or even needs ( money/politics/Industry)

A pandemic means that a virus can spread worldwide, and the levels indicate if it is doing so.

It gives NO indication of that particular virus to be deadly or not.

This what is happening now is absolutely crazy and totally overdone.

You are actually disagreeing with yourself here. You just can't see the point that is being made, even by yourself :)

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The present strain is no worse than a regular flu strain

However the worlds media are "hyping it up"

My take on this is that the media should be very careful about crying wolf

.......................Sars, bird flu and now swine flu

These outbreaks have killed less people than an ordinary flu in a given year.

The big worry is when a really dodgy strain arrives, and the world doesn't take it seriously in the early stages

Hyping up every strain that comes along will desensitize people

Very true !!!

The "authorities" are to blame too. Every `bamboo` who wants his five minutes of fame is in the news, usually their background is not in " the field" and they just repeat what has been said or adapt it to their own thoughts or even needs ( money/politics/Industry)

A pandemic means that a virus can spread worldwide, and the levels indicate if it is doing so.

It gives NO indication of that particular virus to be deadly or not.

This what is happening now is absolutely crazy and totally overdone.

You are actually disagreeing with yourself here. You just can't see the point that is being made, even by yourself :)

I think you just don't understand what I mean.

It can spread worldwide, the levels of the pandemic standard indicate that, but don't indicate if it is deadly or not.

So where do we/I not understand??

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Can anyone shed light on the face mask issue?

Apparently its of limited help.

At least this scare is helping certain sectors out of the recession..........

The masks are for peoples who have already caught Swine flu, and their noses are turning into snouts..... check their feet next...!!!!!!!

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The last official pandemic was in 1968, that killed 2 million people.

The pandemic before that was the Asian Flu which occurred in 1957, somewhere between 2-4 million people where killed.

The one before that was a right nasty bugger because in 1918 the Spanish Flu killed in excess of 50 million people.

Asides from the 3 listed above no other pandemic has occurred since 1900, asides from the current one.

The announcement of a pandemic does not mean that the WHO are saying that x million will be killed, they are just stating that a particular disease has spread worldwide. That the A(H1N1) virus has, as predicted, spread worldwide is fact and not some made up story, this is irrefutable and so claims of a pandemic are in no way comparable to "crying wolf".

Now it is just a case of what this bug will or will not do. It could fade away into history or it could become another 1918 type Flu, the second strain of which was much more deadly which is another reason why those in the know are worried.

What are they supposed to do anyway? Cover it up?

Good post...good summary.

I think part of the problem is in the word "pandemic". Sounds so scary and I think does cause panic, despite the technical definition.

I think when it is compared to the 1912 flu it is reasonable to respond, "But think of the quality of medical care compared between 1912 and nearly 100 years later.

I am not one to trash the media, although I do think they often emphasize a worst-case (yet possible) scenario. One of the most commonly thrown around words today (at least in the U.S.) is "crisis". Very few things are a crisis. Most are problems waiting to be solved. The media treated the swine flu as a crisis from the beginning. Right now it is a problem. As you indicated, it remains to be seen if it becomes a crisis.

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Throwing around numbers about the flu strains of 1912 and 1918 are not relevant today!!!!!!!

The world is a different place, more people but generally better sanitary conditions and medical care

My point is that the media do over hype this stuff.

Personal hygiene and common sense is all that we have got.

When a bad strain arrives, you can forget about any kind of "cure"

It will take from 6 months to a year to isolate, test, develop and produce an effective vaccine

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We take our chances living here in BKK.

There will be little or no government support

Somchai is sick, he has the swine flu, first thing he does is go to 7/11 for some "sara"

On the way he picks his nose, has a good root around and then gets to the door. He then does what every local does, he opens the door with the greasy handle.

All we can do is follow basic hygiene.

Avoid touching door handles (you can open the door with the clean glass 12 inches above)

Avoid touching elevator floor buttons with your fingers, same with vending machines on the BTS and MRT.

ATM machines are another reservoir.

Don't rub your eyes without cleaning your hands (another easy way for a virus to enter the body)

All we can do is live our lives and be aware of "media hype"

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We were all going to catch mad cows disease and die, then it was SARS that was going to finish us. After that it was H5N1 that was going to sweep through Asia and kill every chicken and half the population Now its H1N1 that is going to finish us and the pigs off. Go back a few more years and Ebola was going to sweep out of Africa and we were finished. After that it was Aids. We were all going to catch it and the human population of the world was going to end.

As has been said Governments like to keep the population in fear. It makes them easier to control and they are more wiling to accept a loss of liberty to allow the Government to save them.

Thousands of people die ever year from ordinary flu. Illness and sickness are big businesses and billions of dollars are made through panics like this. Think how many countries have spent millions on stocking up on suspect anti virus shots ? I believe when your time is up thats it. I certainly will not be worrying about catching flu whatever strain is the latest in the news.

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