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How Close Are You To Packing It All In


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With all the current uncertainties: poor exchange rates, rising prices, high crime, anti farang centiment, police shakedowns, road chaos, poor service, agressive Thais, constant change in visa regs, uncertainty if you have any rights to your house - even if you bought it in your wifes name, etc. etc. etc. - - - -

Are you close to throwing in the towel?

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With all the current uncertainties: poor exchange rates, rising prices, high crime, anti farang centiment, police shakedowns, road chaos, poor service, agressive Thais, constant change in visa regs, uncertainty if you have any rights to your house - even if you bought it in your wifes name, etc. etc. etc. - - - -

Are you close to throwing in the towel?

No I am quite happy where I am.

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I still get better value for money here than in most other places. I also remember the thiings that make me mad from my home country too. I work all over the world and the bottom line is that nowhere is perfect and this is still one of the better options (for me). If I could afford it i would move to Hong Kong.

I am always open to suggestions of a better place though, anyone????

Edited by TexasRanger
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not even remotely close. my life is far removed from the concerns you have listed. but... i do read quite a bit about how other farang lives are affected by such and i hold no grudges on anyone who needs to 'pack it in'. i hope you aren't thinking about packing it in yourself, but i do wish you the best.

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I'll be working offshore 6 mths on 6 off, and need somewhere to stay for a couple of years so i dont have to pay UK tax, it was going to be LOS, but now im looking into the possibility of Singapore.

Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be, the only ones available to most Farang are whores, freelancers or girls that think i'm going to sponsor their shopping activities so they can look HISO to their peers, and im of an age where i need to think about settling down. I dont wish to be hassled when walking down a street all the time, most of BKK is out of bounds as i cant speak the language so i end up going to the same tourist trap places that are full of undesireables. And as the OP said the undertone of feeling i get that farangs are resented and not wanted here.

Edited by sanmiguellight
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With all the current uncertainties: poor exchange rates, rising prices, high crime, anti farang centiment, police shakedowns, road chaos, poor service, agressive Thais, constant change in visa regs, uncertainty if you have any rights to your house - even if you bought it in your wifes name, etc. etc. etc. - - - -

Are you close to throwing in the towel?

Throwing in the towl - for good or bad - is what most ex-pats ultimately do in any case. Life in Thailand is a tempory experiance for most - the percentage who come here and ultimately stay, well, its always been a fraction of a fraction of a single percent. For most its a temp experiance - the novelty wheres off, the money is spent, the job is lost (or contract is up) - and on they move.

I havent noticed any change.

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Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be, the only ones available to most Farang are whores, freelancers or girls that think i'm going to sponsor their shopping activities so they can look HISO to their peers

All the same in Singapore except everything costs 10 times as much! :)

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The "high crime, anti farang centiment, police shakedowns, road chaos, poor service, agressive Thais, constant change in visa regs" are not such a big deal really, no worse than most major western cities. Forget about owning your own house and land here, it just doesn't happen, therefore don't invest too heavily, or even better take advantage of the cheap rent here.

At times I've been disillusioned with Thailand, but I like the freedom and friendliness I experience in Thailand. Not all Thais are anti-farang, it's mainly the older generation now, the younger generation are much more excepting.

I have no plans to leave.

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"With all the current uncertainties: poor exchange rates, rising prices, high crime, anti farang centiment, police shakedowns, road chaos, poor service, agressive Thais, constant change in visa regs, uncertainty if you have any rights to your house - even if you bought it in your wifes name, etc. etc. etc. - - - -"

Fortunately, I've had completely different experiences than you, and I'm enjoying my stay in Thailand.

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"With all the current uncertainties: poor exchange rates, rising prices, high crime, anti farang centiment, police shakedowns, road chaos, poor service, agressive Thais, constant change in visa regs, uncertainty if you have any rights to your house - even if you bought it in your wifes name, etc. etc. etc. - - - -"

Fortunately, I've had completely different experiences than you, and I'm enjoying my stay in Thailand.

Most of the bad things quoted could be any country in the world.As times goes on i think Thailand will get better not worse,for me anyway.Always remember my first visit to Arenal,Spain and the locals were out with knives, sticks,bats and shouting where are de english bastards.So to answer your question i have totaly different experiences and after 6 years bring on the next 25,i love it here.

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I'll be working offshore 6 mths on 6 off, and need somewhere to stay for a couple of years so i dont have to pay UK tax, it was going to be LOS, but now im looking into the possibility of Singapore.

Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be, the only ones available to most Farang are whores, freelancers or girls that think i'm going to sponsor their shopping activities so they can look HISO to their peers, and im of an age where i need to think about settling down. I dont wish to be hassled when walking down a street all the time, most of BKK is out of bounds as i cant speak the language so i end up going to the same tourist trap places that are full of undesireables. And as the OP said the undertone of feeling i get that farangs are resented and not wanted here.

Maybe you gotta stop offering them money to talk to you

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I'll be working offshore 6 mths on 6 off, and need somewhere to stay for a couple of years so i dont have to pay UK tax, it was going to be LOS, but now im looking into the possibility of Singapore.

Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be, the only ones available to most Farang are whores, freelancers or girls that think i'm going to sponsor their shopping activities so they can look HISO to their peers, and im of an age where i need to think about settling down. I dont wish to be hassled when walking down a street all the time, most of BKK is out of bounds as i cant speak the language so i end up going to the same tourist trap places that are full of undesireables. And as the OP said the undertone of feeling i get that farangs are resented and not wanted here.

Wow, what a poor experience of Thailand you must have had. If you have only been to the tourist traps, I can understand why you might think this, but you are truly wrong.

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Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be, the only ones available to most Farang are whores, freelancers or girls that think i'm going to sponsor their shopping activities so they can look HISO to their peers

All the same in Singapore except everything costs 10 times as much! :D

Truly same, same but different 555+ :)

Edited by Lancelot
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after 4 years i've had enough of thailand. once my wife gets her visa (hopefully next week) then we are out of here. there is no opportunity here for us and i would like to create a better life for my son. thailand will always be here and we will come back regularly to visit the in-laws.

i am throwing in the towel. i love thailand and always will but it isn't the place for me anymore.

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Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be

And which woman ever was?

My dear chap, the gap between expectation and reality could be the measurement by which all our woes may be gauged.

Disappointment is just the currency of illusion. Best to cash them particular chips in now and grow up.

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I'll be working offshore 6 mths on 6 off, and need somewhere to stay for a couple of years so i dont have to pay UK tax, it was going to be LOS, but now im looking into the possibility of Singapore.

Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be, the only ones available to most Farang are whores, freelancers or girls that think i'm going to sponsor their shopping activities so they can look HISO to their peers, and im of an age where i need to think about settling down. I dont wish to be hassled when walking down a street all the time, most of BKK is out of bounds as i cant speak the language so i end up going to the same tourist trap places that are full of undesireables. And as the OP said the undertone of feeling i get that farangs are resented and not wanted here.

Wow, what a poor experience of Thailand you must have had. If you have only been to the tourist traps, I can understand why you might think this, but you are truly wrong.

Where would you suggest ?
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After 28 years here, it would be pretty difficult to go back to my home country (USA) or anywhere else.

My family, my business, and pretty much all of my life is here now. I've got too much already invested to easily pull up stakes.

While things are a little bit difficult now, they've been difficult before. We will pull through. I'm not ready to give up on Thailand yet.

Besides, I still like it here.

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Well I will never go back to the UK to live, that's for sure.

Thailand is ok for now, but its not like it use to be 8 years ago when i first came to live here.

I heard Vietnam was nice, any comments on Vietnam ? :)

No plans of 'throwing the towel in yet' I will stick it out another few years and think about it another time.

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My life is here in Thailand and I am very happy about that.

Even if I have been here for quite some years I still look at myself as a guest and let the Thai people run their own country. How they do it is not my business. If you treat Thai people with respect you are likely to get the same back.

Those only seeing the bad things are likely to do the same in any other country as well.

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My life is here in Thailand and I am very happy about that.

Even if I have been here for quite some years I still look at myself as a guest and let the Thai people run their own country. How they do it is not my business. If you treat Thai people with respect you are likely to get the same back.

Those only seeing the bad things are likely to do the same in any other country as well.

Here Here,Thailand is wonderful,great beaches,great pricing and great teachers

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Well I will never go back to the UK to live, that's for sure.

Thailand is ok for now, but its not like it use to be 8 years ago when i first came to live here.

I heard Vietnam was nice, any comments on Vietnam ? :)

No plans of 'throwing the towel in yet' I will stick it out another few years and think about it another time.

Same here Pattayagirl,would never go back to the UK even though health care is free and good teachers

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With all the current uncertainties: poor exchange rates, rising prices, high crime, anti farang centiment, police shakedowns, road chaos, poor service, agressive Thais, constant change in visa regs, uncertainty if you have any rights to your house - even if you bought it in your wifes name, etc. etc. etc. - - - -

Are you close to throwing in the towel?

I've never been farther from Packing it in.

I suggest you move out of wherever you are. Is it Pattaya?

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With all the current uncertainties: poor exchange rates, rising prices, high crime, anti farang centiment, police shakedowns, road chaos, poor service, agressive Thais, constant change in visa regs, uncertainty if you have any rights to your house - even if you bought it in your wifes name, etc. etc. etc. - - - -

Are you close to throwing in the towel?

My Life is great here and have pretty much all what i want. House, Business, great Wife,in laws that are real decent so i haven't the slightest reason to "throwing in the towel" .

In regards of your points :

poor exchange rates-can't complain over exchange rates ,

rising prices - don't prices rise in other countries???,

high crime- having been homebased in south africa for almost 15 years i can tell you the crime rate that you have here is little ,

anti farang sentiment - i am not in an tourist area and am treated very well here,

police shakedown - haven't experienced that really... ,

road chaos - now that would be something, moving away because of traffic:-),

aggressive Thias- yes , when Kickboxing, other than that rare to see,

Visa rules changes - In my situation not really a lot changed,

uncertainty over things- if you uncertain over things such as rights for house - don't buy or build but rent....i did build and haven't felt uncertain yet.

Sure no country is perfect and having visited 100 countries to date, i can tell you that Thailand is still a very nice country...remember not only thailand changes other countries do too.

Try exploring Thailand outside from the Tourist Areas...it may change your mind:-)

good luck,


Edited by mbox
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I can be found in any given country at any given moment. Its interesting to see some of the thai visa regs that are planning to leave, sorry to see you guys go.

I don't think Thailand has changed that much, its always been a shitehole, its just people come here with stars in their eyes and eventually they realise the truth and rack off. Such is life, I'm still searching for the perfect paradise, but I don't think one exists because people have got in everywhere and pharked it up.

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I'll be working offshore 6 mths on 6 off, and need somewhere to stay for a couple of years so i dont have to pay UK tax, it was going to be LOS, but now im looking into the possibility of Singapore.

Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be, the only ones available to most Farang are whores, freelancers or girls that think i'm going to sponsor their shopping activities so they can look HISO to their peers, and im of an age where i need to think about settling down. I dont wish to be hassled when walking down a street all the time, most of BKK is out of bounds as i cant speak the language so i end up going to the same tourist trap places that are full of undesireables. And as the OP said the undertone of feeling i get that farangs are resented and not wanted here.

Wow, what a poor experience of Thailand you must have had. If you have only been to the tourist traps, I can understand why you might think this, but you are truly wrong.

Been coming for 10 years or so usually for a few months at a time its just been the last few times ive stayed here solely in the tourist areas ... last 2 times by default ie came to BKK on Songkran and they had a war outside my hotel on arrival, so left to go to Patts, was intending on spending it in the suburbs of BKK and go Boxing.

Prior to this i was caught up in the Airport fiasco took 4 days getting here and they took us to Utopa airport was knackered when i got there and ended up staying in Patts again to go boxing and stupidly paid for a month up front in Accom and training fees.

But im in a good position to see what else is on offer i will be making very good money with at least 6 months off a year, time to check a few other places out.

But i dont intend spending another extended period of time living like a tourist in LOS, as they really arent nice places to be anymore IMO.

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