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I Need Help With IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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For several years I have had stomach pains, problems with bowel movements in my colon and a lot of gas. I think the right word for it is spastic colon. Recent months its been a lot worse.

So recently I went through a colonoscopy examination, my colon looked normal so they told me it could be IBS.

I have tried to change my diet several times , some days are better than others, but I never feel back to 100% normal again.

I am willing to try anything to get better.

I'm in my 40's and live an active and healthy lifestyle.

I have heard about a company in Sweden , Biogaia that makes probiotics with the bacteria 'Lactobacillus reuteri" .

"The friendly bacteria that are good for your health. By balancing the natural intestinal flora, probiotics have health promoting benefits for the digestive and immune systems "

Now my question is if something like this is available in Thailand , from Biogaias website they have products in Singapore and Vietnam, but not in Thailand.

Thanks for any help.

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Followers of this forum will know that I had chronic stomach problems for many years, and after dozens of expensive tests and procedures and a a "drug store" of different meds, I was finally diagnosed with IBS.

I stopped all milk products early in the procedures and I believe my stomach really doesn't like it, and have never resumed. I took probotics for a while. Yes you can take Yakult, but as I am a diabetic Yakult was out due to the sugar content, but a probotic called Infloran (capsules) and is available in hospitals and pharmacies in Pattaya.Thailand, and must be kept in the fridge.

I can't really say if probotics, helped, as it was about this time that I took steps to reduce the stress in my life, and most important of all, I quit alcohol. The net result was a dramatic improvement in my condition. No diarrhoea, no gas, and no other discomfort.

I still get recurrences from time to time, but they can always be matched with a stressful period, and also when I fall off the wagon for a few days.

So I don't know if you drink, and if so how much, but it is certainly a major cause of IBS, as is stress.

Good luck.


balo, just one thing about probiotics. Check that you do not have diary intolerance, if you havent checked already. If you have, then you are best finding a non-dairy probiotic. I know its available in capsule form in the UK from a main health food shop, but i havent seen in Thailand. Im not sure of an alternative in Thailand, maybe someone else has info. Wish you luck in getting this under control.


I stopped using milk. I use soy milk with my cereal. I also take aloe vera capsules everyday. My condition improved dramatically. I get recurrences, about once every two weeks. I am still susceptible to street/thai food, but not as bad as before.


I would recommend changing your diet to pure veg for 1 month at least. Detoxing your system is certainly a major step in curing stomach problems.. your stomach has problems due to putting the wrong things in it. This is a soothing easy slow detox below.. Your not starving yourself by fasting, your just getting the right stuff down your gullet. You are also tackling a very important part and that is getting your PH right in your body

breakfast. Shake. (forgive my phonetics...) blend and drink.. you will be surprised how nice it tastes after a few days of getting used to it.

broccoli (broc o lee), cabbage (calum pee), spinach (pak com), avocado (ava car do), wheatgrass (if avail), cilantro (pak chee), parsley (pak chee falang) kale (pak kana), cucumber (dang qua) and then a cap full of coconut oil (namun maphrao), which you can buy at tops in all cities... All of these veg are great for the stomach and also have detoxing qualities. The Avocado is natures butter and is a superb fruit with so many great qualities.. worth doing a google on.

Lunch: steamed vegetables and if you cannot go pure veg, steamed fish if you like..(try and make sure the fish is an ocean species).. snapper (pla kapong) is ok, and tuna (tun na)

dinner: same as breakfast or lunch... eat smaller at night and 4 hours before bed.. also dont drink much water while eating as it water downs your stomach acids.. sip if you have to take water.

supplements that are good:

morning: probiotics ( at least 1 billion count, non yeast variety), there is an Italian import called Infloran that I recommend. take this with your shake and have with every meal 3 times a day.

Vitamin C in large doses is also very good. I would suggest 4000 mgs a day.. you might get the runs if you take that in 1 go, so over the day duration will work..

Vitamin B, B12 and B6 and a multi B once a day.

If you want to go that little bit further, Glutathione, Alpha lipoic Acid, Selenium and Niacin are also a great once day added benefit.

Hope this information helps you.. Drink lots of water, dont drink or smoke and you will be sorted in 1 month.. you can test me, if you follow the "menu".. Ill still be here. take good care.

edit: never drink milk.. why do people drink the fluid from another animal? beats me.. anyway dont drink or have any dairy products. It is not a natural thing to do!

balo, just one thing about probiotics. Check that you do not have diary intolerance, if you havent checked already. If you have, then you are best finding a non-dairy probiotic. I know its available in capsule form in the UK from a main health food shop, but i havent seen in Thailand. Im not sure of an alternative in Thailand, maybe someone else has info. Wish you luck in getting this under control.

As I already posted, Probiotics under the brand name of Infloran capsules are sold in Thailand by good hospitals and pharmacies. They are non dairy based. You won't see them on shelves as they are kept refrigerated.

balo, just one thing about probiotics. Check that you do not have diary intolerance, if you havent checked already. If you have, then you are best finding a non-dairy probiotic. I know its available in capsule form in the UK from a main health food shop, but i havent seen in Thailand. Im not sure of an alternative in Thailand, maybe someone else has info. Wish you luck in getting this under control.

As I already posted, Probiotics under the brand name of Infloran capsules are sold in Thailand by good hospitals and pharmacies. They are non dairy based. You won't see them on shelves as they are kept refrigerated.

Thanks for all the tips , I will try Infloran and then look at my diet again .

I have been told that any food that is high in fat, insoluble fiber, caffeine, coffee ,carbonation, or alcohol is problematic so I will avoid them if I can.

Have already tried veggie shakes in the morning , I'm not sure if I can be a 100% vegetarian every day.

But I love fish and rice , I have less symptoms when I eat that kind of food for a few days.


Everybody seems to agree that Alcohol and dairy products are big no go areas, and abstinence from those two seem to work for me.

As for coffee, well as a sober alcoholic, I have to have some fun, and I usually have two mugs of coffee a day without any untoward effects.

I have been able to eat really spicy Thai food for many years, but I have found that that is not good for my stomach, and every time my wife cooks something a little on the spicy side, I have diarrhoea the next day, so I stick with the bland stuff and I am fine. I also find that most farang food is fine. I went to Cambodia for a few weeks and ate almost exclusively farang food and my stomach was good.

I am not an expert but I have been successful in clearing up a lifetime of chronic diarrhoea, and I would suggest that instead of cutting out everything on your list, I would start with alcohol and dairy products and see what happens. Then add to it if you are no better. That way you will know which is good and bad for your stomach.

But I do understand the concept of getting your stomach into better shape to start with.

Please don't underestimate stress. I have no idea of your personal situation, but never discount this as a major cause of IBS. Only you will know how much stress you are under, and whether you can do anything about it.

Take care.

balo, just one thing about probiotics. Check that you do not have diary intolerance, if you havent checked already. If you have, then you are best finding a non-dairy probiotic. I know its available in capsule form in the UK from a main health food shop, but i havent seen in Thailand. Im not sure of an alternative in Thailand, maybe someone else has info. Wish you luck in getting this under control.

As I already posted, Probiotics under the brand name of Infloran capsules are sold in Thailand by good hospitals and pharmacies. They are non dairy based. You won't see them on shelves as they are kept refrigerated.

Thanks for all the tips , I will try Infloran and then look at my diet again .

I have been told that any food that is high in fat, insoluble fiber, caffeine, coffee ,carbonation, or alcohol is problematic so I will avoid them if I can.

Have already tried veggie shakes in the morning , I'm not sure if I can be a 100% vegetarian every day.

But I love fish and rice , I have less symptoms when I eat that kind of food for a few days.

You dont have to become a vegetarian or a vegan, just make sure you eat 'wet food" with "dry food" and that will help. If you have a burger, have a salad with it. If you have a roast dinner have steamed veg on the side (dont over cook). It is simple things like that, that aid digestion... Its not the perfect scenario, but its better than fish and chips or burger and chips etc.

If you love rice, eat brown organic. It tastes better anyway and your not eating bleach and the other chemicals. If you love fish, make sure Its steamed or bake it in the oven in foil... less frying the better.

you wrote:

"I have been told that any food that is high in fat, insoluble fiber, caffeine, coffee ,carbonation, or alcohol is problematic so I will avoid them if I can."

Yes to all of the above and trans fatty acids.. Get rid of the crap oil and use virgin olive oil. This will also help. Try and not heat any oil and drizzle your olive oil over steamed food with some sea salt.. sensational flavors.

If you go to macro, you can also but frozen aloe vera, which wouldnt hurt also.

Its up to you how bad you want something. "to get the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain"

I will suggest it again.. reread my "menu" in my last post and try and get as close as you can. You will change the way you live after 1 month of it. The other food will never be as nice again and you will start to crave vegies.. really!

Remember IBS can lead to worse problems.. get yourself fixed up now, probiotics on its own will not cure you. Food will.

when you get a minute, search "raw for 30 days" on google.. They took about 10 diabetic people away to a retreat and only fed them raw food for a month. All came off Insulin and all were cured of Diabetes. All lost vast sums of weight and all felt great aterwards.

if then your still interested, read up on Gerson protocol, that has cured cancers with food.

and so on.. read Dr Young on the PH Miracle.

The father of Medicine, Hippocrates said, “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.”

I wish you well.

balo, just one thing about probiotics. Check that you do not have diary intolerance, if you havent checked already. If you have, then you are best finding a non-dairy probiotic. I know its available in capsule form in the UK from a main health food shop, but i havent seen in Thailand. Im not sure of an alternative in Thailand, maybe someone else has info. Wish you luck in getting this under control.

As I already posted, Probiotics under the brand name of Infloran capsules are sold in Thailand by good hospitals and pharmacies. They are non dairy based. You won't see them on shelves as they are kept refrigerated.

Oh great. Didnt realise they were dairy/lactose free. I'll be getting myself some too. Cheers!


I have IBS and the number one thing that keeps me feeling good is a nightly dose of Meatamucil (here you can sometimes find that, or you can go with the local brand called Mucilin). If I miss a dose for a day or two, I ususally pay a price.

I can still eat ice cream and cheese, although they do bother me a bit. In the States, Lactaid milk made it possible for me to drink milk, but here in Thailand I cannot find that or Lactaid tablets. So, I guess no more milk for me. Sigh.

Personally, green leafy veggies and corn just kill me. Other veggies I can usually handle reasonably well, and I devour tomatoes!

On days when I am having a problem, I usually take 2 or 3 lomotil tablets (readily available here in Thailand, although in my case that was prescribed by my doctor in the States). It takes 4-5 hours to work, but does the trick every time.

Good luck.


OK, I'm no expert, but with all my myriad stomach problems through the years I have never used something like lomotil unless I have I have to travel and am unable to run to the toilet every 10 minutes.

My understanding is that all lomotil and others like it does is close the colon to stop you from passing stools. It does nothing to cure the underlying condition and can only make it worse - depending on the nature and cause of the stomach problem.

Indeed, with all my problems i have never had a doctor in Thailand or the UK prescribe such a medicine. It is just for those on holiday with a mild "24 hour" stomach bug.

But maybe I'm wrong. :D

Sheryl? :)

OK, I'm no expert, but with all my myriad stomach problems through the years I have never used something like lomotil unless I have I have to travel and am unable to run to the toilet every 10 minutes.

My understanding is that all lomotil and others like it does is close the colon to stop you from passing stools. It does nothing to cure the underlying condition and can only make it worse - depending on the nature and cause of the stomach problem.

Indeed, with all my problems i have never had a doctor in Thailand or the UK prescribe such a medicine. It is just for those on holiday with a mild "24 hour" stomach bug.

But maybe I'm wrong. :D

Sheryl? :)

You're right, lomotil doesn't cure anything, but it makes living with IB easier in certain situations. And I don't recommend you take it on a daily basis.

Here's an article from www.gihealth.com/html/education/drugs/lomotil.html that you may find helpful. A couple of key points:

"Lomotil does not act to heal inflammation or fight infection in the bowel; it merely controls symptoms."

"Although Lomotil is usually prescribed for the short-term treatment of simple acute diarrhea, it is sometimes prescribed for the long-term treatment of chronic diarrheal conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease."

In terms of making a situation worse, I think you're referring to not allowing a bacterial infection pass. In regard to IBS, however, lomotil works for me because it is very predictable. I know how long it takes to have an effect on me (4-4.5 hours), and I know that 5-6 hours after it begins working, I will return to "normal".

I am not recommending you try it or use it. I am just saying it was prescribed for me by a physician that specializes in IB as one approach to working with the continuing challenge of IBS.


yep had it for years now its gone wonderful gp in pattaya gave me a pack of Norxacin two a day with food for10 days kills all the bugs in the system and then you need the milk with the good bugs and sorted.


You might have Coeliac disease, stop eating anything made with wheat. I self diagnosed myself, and have been "gluten free" for five years. All of the symptoms I had that were associated with the worst of IBS are gone.

Try it.


yep had it for years now its gone wonderful gp in pattaya gave me a pack of Norxacin two a day with food for10 days kills all the bugs in the system and then you need the milk with the good bugs and sorted.

Thanks so Norxacin kills all the bugs ?

I like the idea of "cleaning" my body and start all over with a new diet.


Norxacin seems to kill quite a few things including gonorrhea.

Im always worried about drugs prescribed like this as many stomach conditions stem from over prescribed antibiotics and other "anti" type drugs.

If you do take this, please let us know the outcome.

Norxacin seems to kill quite a few things including gonorrhea.

Im always worried about drugs prescribed like this as many stomach conditions stem from over prescribed antibiotics and other "anti" type drugs.

If you do take this, please let us know the outcome.

I'm not clear why anyone would take an antibiotic for IBS. IBS is chronic and not an infection.

OK, I'm no expert, but with all my myriad stomach problems through the years I have never used something like lomotil unless I have I have to travel and am unable to run to the toilet every 10 minutes.

My understanding is that all lomotil and others like it does is close the colon to stop you from passing stools. It does nothing to cure the underlying condition and can only make it worse - depending on the nature and cause of the stomach problem.

Indeed, with all my problems i have never had a doctor in Thailand or the UK prescribe such a medicine. It is just for those on holiday with a mild "24 hour" stomach bug.

But maybe I'm wrong. :D

Sheryl? :)

"Although Lomotil is usually prescribed for the short-term treatment of simple acute diarrhea, it is sometimes prescribed for the long-term treatment of chronic diarrheal conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease."

I have just got out of hospital after being diagnosed as having Ulcerative Colitis.

It's horrible. The stomach cramps are really painful. The Doctor has put me on Dexamethasone and Mesalazine (which he says I will have to take for a year) does anyone know if he is missing anything?, I have checked the drugs out on Mescape and they are for the correct condition

To diagnose the problem I have undergone Ultrasound, an Endoscopy and finally a CT Scan....the problem is that the treatment does not seem to be working properly, I am still having a lot of pain and am trapped at home fearing to go out in case I need my wife to rush me back in, (no mention of any lifestyle changes except a soft diet,although I gave up heavy drinking and stopped completely 2 months ago) this is when the first symptoms started to appear.

This morning I feel I have a very acidic stomach and am constantly belching...could be another rough day ahead :D



I have chronic colitis and been taking Mesalamine for years, it has managed the deep stabbing pains related to the condition, and heals so there is no bleeding.

I noticed that when I ate wheat bread, cereal, pasta, etc. I felt lousy, then I stopped eating it and WHAT A CHANGE. I also do drink milk, a little cheese is OK.

good look,



I have chronic colitis and been taking Mesalamine for years, it has managed the deep stabbing pains related to the condition, and heals so there is no bleeding.

I noticed that when I ate wheat bread, cereal, pasta, etc. I felt lousy, then I stopped eating it and WHAT A CHANGE. I also do drink milk, a little cheese is OK.

good look,


Glad to hear that things are working out for you Oragutan.

Looks like my diet needs an overhaul....I drink a lot of milky coffee, and do like my cheese, and I always have weetabix for breakie.

What does your diet consist of now?


Chicken, fish, eggs, black rice, vegetables, fruit, roast lamb (once a month), smoked salmon frequently, a little cheese, salads..I bake my own gluten free bread so I can toast it to have with cream cheese, onion and smoked salmon. It may sound strange but when I eat it I feel like I'm healing my intestines.

You need to learn how to manage the pain since it seems that you will always have the condition. Eating right will change your life in a positive way.

Chok Dee,



I have chronic colitis and been taking Mesalamine for years, it has managed the deep stabbing pains related to the condition, and heals so there is no bleeding.

I noticed that when I ate wheat bread, cereal, pasta, etc. I felt lousy, then I stopped eating it and WHAT A CHANGE. I also do drink milk, a little cheese is OK.

good look,


Glad to hear that things are working out for you Oragutan.

Looks like my diet needs an overhaul....I drink a lot of milky coffee, and do like my cheese, and I always have weetabix for breakie.

What does your diet consist of now?

TP, I'm not sure exactly what I have, but I've had all the tests you have had, and some, and one specialists told me I have the same as you, and the last one said it was ibs. Who the f knows?

Anyway, there is little doubt that a life time of booze and stress have screwed up my innards. :)

Right now, for most of the time, I am very pretty much OK.

I know that when I am under stress that the problems come back, and I know that when I drink they do as well.

I was advised some time ago to cut out dairy products and I did, and it has helped a lot. Once or twice I have tried drinking milk again and it doesn't seem to agree with me.

So I keep away from milk, put coffee mate in my coffee, and stopped all my cereals (which I used to eat daily for brekkie).

I eat cheese occasionally, but not to excess, (like a ham and cheese sandwich), and two slices of toast with my breakfast and sometimes sandwiches for lunch.

I eat Thai food that is home cooked and not too spicy, but every time I eat Thai food outside I have a problem. Farang food seems to be better on my stomach, but I still eat a fair amount of rice at home. (Most evenings for dinner and sometimes at lunch).

Most of the time these days my stomach is OK which I never thought i would be after years of problems.

Maybe a strict diet, cutting out all the stuff suggested in this forum, to kick start your recovery, followed by gradually re-introducing certain foods to see which ones agree or disagree with you. That is what I have done and it seems to work.

Good luck. :D

Norxacin seems to kill quite a few things including gonorrhea.

Im always worried about drugs prescribed like this as many stomach conditions stem from over prescribed antibiotics and other "anti" type drugs.

If you do take this, please let us know the outcome.

I'm not clear why anyone would take an antibiotic for IBS. IBS is chronic and not an infection.

Because even the best doctors can't be absolutely sure what is the cause of your condition. One specialist told me that well over 50 % of stomach infections are never identified.

So the use of antibiotics is to rule out the possibility of infection.

Have you never watched House? :)

Once they find that nothing cures you, they decide that it is IBS :D (Maybe it stands for I Bloody Sure... don't know what's wrong with you.... :D )


I have chronic colitis and been taking Mesalamine for years, it has managed the deep stabbing pains related to the condition, and heals so there is no bleeding.

I noticed that when I ate wheat bread, cereal, pasta, etc. I felt lousy, then I stopped eating it and WHAT A CHANGE. I also do drink milk, a little cheese is OK.

good look,


Glad to hear that things are working out for you Oragutan.

Looks like my diet needs an overhaul....I drink a lot of milky coffee, and do like my cheese, and I always have weetabix for breakie.

What does your diet consist of now?

TP, I'm not sure exactly what I have, but I've had all the tests you have had, and some, and one specialists told me I have the same as you, and the last one said it was ibs. Who the f knows?

Anyway, there is little doubt that a life time of booze and stress have screwed up my innards. :D

Right now, for most of the time, I am very pretty much OK.

I know that when I am under stress that the problems come back, and I know that when I drink they do as well.

I was advised some time ago to cut out dairy products and I did, and it has helped a lot. Once or twice I have tried drinking milk again and it doesn't seem to agree with me.

So I keep away from milk, put coffee mate in my coffee, and stopped all my cereals (which I used to eat daily for brekkie).

I eat cheese occasionally, but not to excess, (like a ham and cheese sandwich), and two slices of toast with my breakfast and sometimes sandwiches for lunch.

I eat Thai food that is home cooked and not too spicy, but every time I eat Thai food outside I have a problem. Farang food seems to be better on my stomach, but I still eat a fair amount of rice at home. (Most evenings for dinner and sometimes at lunch).

Most of the time these days my stomach is OK which I never thought i would be after years of problems.

Maybe a strict diet, cutting out all the stuff suggested in this forum, to kick start your recovery, followed by gradually re-introducing certain foods to see which ones agree or disagree with you. That is what I have done and it seems to work.

Good luck. :D

Thanks Mobi, (nearly put the wrong name in there :D )

I am just about to have a Tuna sandwich, and I am gonna take a lot of yours and Orangatans advice

I gotta get this sorted, today I have drunk 5 bottles of soda water already as I seem to have a digestive problem.

Balls :)

PS. Do you know if smoking makes things worse?

I can't stop right now as I am really working hard living life without alcohol, I do intend to stop ...but not yet

OK, I'm no expert, but with all my myriad stomach problems through the years I have never used something like lomotil unless I have I have to travel and am unable to run to the toilet every 10 minutes.

My understanding is that all lomotil and others like it does is close the colon to stop you from passing stools. It does nothing to cure the underlying condition and can only make it worse - depending on the nature and cause of the stomach problem.

Indeed, with all my problems i have never had a doctor in Thailand or the UK prescribe such a medicine. It is just for those on holiday with a mild "24 hour" stomach bug.

But maybe I'm wrong. :D

Sheryl? :)

You're right, lomotil doesn't cure anything, but it makes living with IB easier in certain situations. And I don't recommend you take it on a daily basis.

Here's an article from www.gihealth.com/html/education/drugs/lomotil.html that you may find helpful. A couple of key points:

"Lomotil does not act to heal inflammation or fight infection in the bowel; it merely controls symptoms."

"Although Lomotil is usually prescribed for the short-term treatment of simple acute diarrhea, it is sometimes prescribed for the long-term treatment of chronic diarrheal conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease."

In terms of making a situation worse, I think you're referring to not allowing a bacterial infection pass. In regard to IBS, however, lomotil works for me because it is very predictable. I know how long it takes to have an effect on me (4-4.5 hours), and I know that 5-6 hours after it begins working, I will return to "normal".

I am not recommending you try it or use it. I am just saying it was prescribed for me by a physician that specializes in IB as one approach to working with the continuing challenge of IBS.

I had IBS for a couple years and all they did is prescribe Lomotil, and watch my diet. Actually the Lomotil seemed to help quite a bit.

The IBS finally went away; not long after they fired my boss! :D

Norxacin seems to kill quite a few things including gonorrhea.

Im always worried about drugs prescribed like this as many stomach conditions stem from over prescribed antibiotics and other "anti" type drugs.

If you do take this, please let us know the outcome.

I'm not clear why anyone would take an antibiotic for IBS. IBS is chronic and not an infection.

No Im not saying they would take an antibiotic for IBS, Im saying that many stomach complaints stem from antibiotics being over prescribed. The antibiotics kill all of the good flora. If a person has had 2 courses of antibiotics within 6 months, that could mean problems.

The medical world call everything a Syndrome (IBSYNDROME) when they don't have a cure. Im not saying the over prescription of Antibiotics is the cause, Im just saying that alone is major problem with stomach conditions - Of course there is also other many other possible reasons.



I'm surprised anxiety wasn't mentioned for a long time.

I suffered from IBS along with a bad period of anxiety some years ago. I mean irrational anxiety, an illness really.

I was prescribed peppermint oil in capsules by my pretty modern doctor which I believe helped.

As the anxiety lifted, so did the digestive symptoms.

Good Luck


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