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Ubc's Great


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Why is it that we can’t see the commercials on UBC? But instead get these red screens with public service announcements and generally information I could not give a dam,n about. Sometimes we even get to see a sneak peak of the advert before it is noticed and then we are shown that screen again!

Is this because the Government here is trying to protect local products and services?

I have gotten over how annoying it is now by switching to another channel and then switching back to the channel usually missing 2-5 minutes of where the program left off.



Edited by Ryan
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It's not just UBC's choice. Some of the stations require that UBC not run their commercials on a for-fee broadcasting service, from what I've read.

I would also be happy(?) to see some commercials, rather than the red screen. I'd also like a return to normal programming with commercial spaced every 10 minutes or so. As it is now, on many channels, the 30 minutes is 21, the hour is 42minutes, followed by 9 or 19 minutes of commercials, respectively. I often get bored and lose interest in watching in such cases.

Oh, well. Probably better to watch less tv, anyway :o

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Why is it that we can’t see the commercials on UBC? But instead get these red screens with public service announcements and generally information I could not give a dam,n about. Sometimes we even get to see a sneak peak of the advert before it is noticed and then we are shown that screen again!

Is this because the Government here is trying to protect local products and services?

I have gotten over how annoying it is now by switching to another channel and then switching back to the channel usually missing 2-5 minutes of where the program left off.



I once watched commercials for about five minutes when the controller must have dozed off. There were car adverts,beer commercials an airline advert. Then he woke up just as a fresh one was starting and switched it to the red screen. What was the advert just starting?

Shangri La Hotel Bangkok. Still T.I.T. :D

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Why is it that we can’t see the commercials on UBC? But instead get these red screens with public service announcements and generally information I could not give a dam,n about. Sometimes we even get to see a sneak peak of the advert before it is noticed and then we are shown that screen again!

Is this because the Government here is trying to protect local products and services?

I have gotten over how annoying it is now by switching to another channel and then switching back to the channel usually missing 2-5 minutes of where the program left off.



I once watched commercials for about five minutes when the controller must have dozed off. There were car adverts,beer commercials an airline advert. Then he woke up just as a fresh one was starting and switched it to the red screen. What was the advert just starting?

Shangri La Hotel Bangkok. Still T.I.T. :D

Agree that the red screen is a pain up the bum, but also with some programmes, whereas in the US they have to endure 4 commercial breaks in the space of a 30 miniut programme, we get them all cut out! Hurrah!

The UBC controllers are such weaners, cutting out bits of programmes for the blo0dy red screen and screwing up the timing, I've caught a few ads while he was snoozing too! :D

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The funniest or probably strangest event of a Thai controller getting it all wrong,happened not on UBC but on Thai TV a couple of years ago.

Liverpool V Thailand. The ball went out for a goal kick. Game off,advert on. While they were away Liverpool scored. Missed it. What was the advert showing in the break.

'Liverpool F.C. are coming to Thailand' :o

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The funniest or probably strangest event of a Thai controller getting it all wrong,happened not on UBC but on Thai TV a couple of years ago.

  Liverpool V Thailand. The ball went out for a goal kick. Game off,advert on. While they were away Liverpool scored. Missed it. What was the advert showing in the break.

    'Liverpool F.C. are coming to Thailand'  :D

Yeah I can believe it! Useless b*sterds, it's not like they only screw up once in while either! :o

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Not only are the breaks incredibly annoying but they inflict on viewers the worst possible music/sound tracks. they also :o miss a golden opportunity to promote their own special programs.

Does anybody know "the man" who makes the decisions at UBC. He should be bombarded with protests

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I believe it is written in UBC's contract that there are to be no commercials.They have sought to amend it in the past when they were in dire financial need.

Yup, It will be something like this.

Either it is like our BBC where income comes directly from the viewer or the advertisers refuse to pay any extra for this service so they are not shown (Not good to give people free adverts), this normally occurs more on international broadcasts and sattelite TV.

You would think though that they would put something more intersting up, hey, they could even promote there own channel by running some promos. All they would need would be a few editors and maybe a gfx's guy, they already have a presentation guy who presses the button to make a full frame gfx appear (although they could easily automate this operation then it would be seemless. You don't see english adverts suddenly appearing over foreign ones during commercial brakes in international event such as sports).

Maybe I'll come over there and sort it out for them.


Ps should've read more of the threads. All of the mistakes are easily avoidable with some cheapish kit, They probably have the capabilty to do it now but have'nt/can't read the manual.

Edited by booma
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Not only are the breaks incredibly annoying but they inflict on viewers the worst possible music/sound tracks. they also :o  miss a golden opportunity to promote their own special programs.

Does anybody know "the man" who makes the decisions at UBC. He should be bombarded with protests

As I mentioned in another thread about UBC, I've complained on thier website a fair few times, mostly about what were talking about here, the only thing that ever changed was when I complained about the new layout of the UBC mag, they decided to spread out one days TV over 2 pages, and after 1 month it was changed back, but more than likely quite a few people complained about it :D

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Why can't UBC show short sponsored infomercials. A few sports programs are 'brought to you by Toshiba' or 'This program is sponsored by Tiger Beer' etc.

They could show a few mini-infomercials (maybe 10-20 seconds long) about the dangers of kids running out from between parked cars or the dangers of weaving in and out of 3 lanes on a highway etc., sponsored by Pepsi, Sony, Frito Lay etc.

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In India there no advertisement free channels and yes i hate annoying adverts on HBO and Star Movies. But the subscription cost is ###### cheap.. all these channels under UBC Gold plus channels from australia, france, fahion tv, cartoon network etc cost just about 250 bath per month.

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The reason UBC are not allowed to show commercials (pass through advertising, as they call it) is because of the fear that this would draw away ad revenues from the govt-owned local channels.

I read somewhere that UBC has to actually pay a penalty for every second of advertising broadcast that is not filtered out due to operator error. [Creates employment I hope!]

Some time back UBC conducted a survey amongst their subscribers asking whether they would prefer to view ads or the public service announcement (PSA) screens.

It appears that a majority of the subscribers actually voted to keep the PSA screens. The notion that allowing pass through advertising would effectively lower the subscription cost (to a fraction of the present) has not found a foothold in the brain cells of the typical subscriber.

So, membership figures hover around the low six-figure mark and one frequently encounters people on the bus, train or at the office, subconsciously humming that latest sickening tune being played with the garish Red screen on UBC.


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