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So Angry, Friend Almost Murdered By Girlfriend


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i thought she would work in some super modern high tech laboratory as a bacteriologists.

how she was able to track down some falangs with a desease medical scientist don't even have a name for and than give him such balanced dose of "bacteria", some mysterious "bacteria", so that she could reach her evil goal that he stays sick at home for several weeks and continuously keeping the bathroom occupied?

There is a name for his disease, and its very well documented, Im just trying not to give out to many of the details.

He finally went back home and it took a year to recover.

So - this happened over a year ago and only now do you suddenly feel the urge to "vent" ?

A made-up story in my opinion.


Why would I bother making this particular story up? I could probably make a good one up that was more interesting or clear than this one.

His disease unfortunately was aggravated by the poisoning, so his disease symptoms would surface in full power and he would think it was just his disease acting up. In fact it was only coming up due to the poisoning and much worse than it should be.

I'm sorry I cant give any more specifics, I just wanted to vent without giving out to much info on his personal life.

The only reason this story is noteworthy is because he didnt actually do anything wrong, hes not a cheater. She simply was worried in her deluded little mind that if he was too successful and famous he would leave her for another women.

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I shouldn't even be typing this, but it makes me so angry I just feel a need to spread this horror story. Guys like Sanook2me will just assume I'm lying, seems like nobody believes or wants to believe these kinds of occurrences. Too threatening to their way of life perhaps.

My friend is a world champion muay Thai Kickboxer, a falang. He's also a bit of a celebrity since he was on an international television show. He was living and training in Thailand for a few years, seeing the same girl, a Thai girl that worked a normal job. Not the kind of guy that played around or even had the time or money to do so, just a serious fighter trying to make a name for himself which he did. He also suffers from a disease that makes him very susceptible to bacteria in food, he has to be very careful what he eats in Thailand because the slightest bacteria will give him diarhea for a couple of weeks and completely mess him up. Anyway, during the past couple of years he would periodically get very sick for several weeks and just assumed it was his disease, one such times was during the time he had the biggest fight of his life coming up and he actually had to fight while extremely sick, needless to say he lost, and he missed a huge opportunity. Not detracting from his opponent but he was totally in rough shape for that fight.

One day the girlfriend wakes him up and gives him a drink she bought from 7/11. He took a sip but she insisted he drink it all, not thinking anything of it he drank it all. 30 seconds later he was in the toilet, on the verge of passing out throwing up and diarhea. She poisoned him, turns out she had been poisoning him regularly for 2 years because she didnt want him to get too famous and leave her. For whatever reason that morning she decided to kill him and gave him a large dose. She confessed all this. I won't even begin to wonder why, crazy is crazy and trying to guess the rationale of someone like this is too much work. For weeks he was excreting blood, it was coming out of his mouth, his eyes were severely infected, his entire body was in constant pain, he was in serious shape. He finally went back home and it took a year to recover.

What makes me so mad is this guy is a champion, he has great things to accomplish in his field and this crazy lunatic sabotaged him for 2 years before finally trying to kill him all for some distorted sense of what?! The guy never did anything wrong except chase his dream. We arent sure if he will ever get back to his normal ability.

I know all Thai women aren't like this, but keep in mind Thailand has the highest rate of penis reattachment surgery in the world, why is that? Why is murder and mutilation considered a possible form of expressing your jealousy or fear whether founded or unfounded? Sure all Thai women aren't like this, but enough of them are that I consider all of you men totally and completely nuts for dating or marrying them. Russian roullette.

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I shouldn't even be typing this, but it makes me so angry I just feel a need to spread this horror story. Guys like Sanook2me will just assume I'm lying, seems like nobody believes or wants to believe these kinds of occurrences. Too threatening to their way of life perhaps.

My friend is a world champion muay Thai Kickboxer, a falang. He's also a bit of a celebrity since he was on an international television show. He was living and training in Thailand for a few years, seeing the same girl, a Thai girl that worked a normal job. Not the kind of guy that played around or even had the time or money to do so, just a serious fighter trying to make a name for himself which he did. He also suffers from a disease that makes him very susceptible to bacteria in food, he has to be very careful what he eats in Thailand because the slightest bacteria will give him diarhea for a couple of weeks and completely mess him up. Anyway, during the past couple of years he would periodically get very sick for several weeks and just assumed it was his disease, one such times was during the time he had the biggest fight of his life coming up and he actually had to fight while extremely sick, needless to say he lost, and he missed a huge opportunity. Not detracting from his opponent but he was totally in rough shape for that fight.

One day the girlfriend wakes him up and gives him a drink she bought from 7/11. He took a sip but she insisted he drink it all, not thinking anything of it he drank it all. 30 seconds later he was in the toilet, on the verge of passing out throwing up and diarhea. She poisoned him, turns out she had been poisoning him regularly for 2 years because she didnt want him to get too famous and leave her. For whatever reason that morning she decided to kill him and gave him a large dose. She confessed all this. I won't even begin to wonder why, crazy is crazy and trying to guess the rationale of someone like this is too much work. For weeks he was excreting blood, it was coming out of his mouth, his eyes were severely infected, his entire body was in constant pain, he was in serious shape. He finally went back home and it took a year to recover.

What makes me so mad is this guy is a champion, he has great things to accomplish in his field and this crazy lunatic sabotaged him for 2 years before finally trying to kill him all for some distorted sense of what?! The guy never did anything wrong except chase his dream. We arent sure if he will ever get back to his normal ability.

I know all Thai women aren't like this, but keep in mind Thailand has the highest rate of penis reattachment surgery in the world, why is that? Why is murder and mutilation considered a possible form of expressing your jealousy or fear whether founded or unfounded? Sure all Thai women aren't like this, but enough of them are that I consider all of you men totally and completely nuts for dating or marrying them. Russian roullette.

This is Thaivisa and some will believe and some won't believe the op. He made that clear in his opening post. Some posters have experiences similar to this ; some don't.

The indisputable fact - google it - is that Thailand has the highest rate of penis reattachment surgery in the world. No poster can deny that. The story may or not be true but there is no reason to assume it is not true. But as I say just look at those facts that can not be denied.

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I don't know, it does seem sometimes like there are more crazy Thai girls than normal ones...I know this, most would agree that Thai women are just about the most jealous you can find. I don't know, it's just a different life and culture in Thailand and it produces a different mindset that may be more susceptible to this kind of behavior, but that's just a guess.

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What's crazy about the really jealous ones is that Thai culture has so much cheating that is almost accepted! I mean like the married Thai man that has a mistress and the wife turns a blind eye as long as she is not embarrassed, something that is fairly rare back home. But perhaps that is the connection? With so much cheating going on it makes the level of jealousy rise?

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The indisputable fact - google it - is that Thailand has the highest rate of penis reattachment surgery in the world. No poster can deny that. The story may or not be true but there is no reason to assume it is not true. But as I say just look at those facts that can not be denied.

so is there a statistic on penis reattachment surgery cases worldwide and the cases per country? which institution count this worldwide cases, are these statistical data reliable?

and in the end is the total number of individual cases per country or in thailand high enough compared to the total number of the population to be somewhat significant and not just odd.

just the part of the story where some thai girl make an exact dosage of some 'bacteria' that can trigger a illness for weeks or an outburst of symptoms in 30 minutes make it total unbelievable.

but even if it would be all true to draw some conclusion about the "thai mentality" out of that single case is only typical BS what you can read on TVforum and represents much more the stupidity and the racists undertones of some low educated western foreigners.

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It does seem that the nice girls in Thailand are the exception to the rule sadly.I lived in Bali,Indonesia a while back and the girls there from all over,Java,Sumatra,Lombok were just lovely.

I read on another thread somebody with an Indonesian girlfriend asked her if she thought he should give her an allowance,like most Thai girls seem to demand and her reaction was:

"Why should you give me money,I'm not a prostitute!"

I've been here for about 6-7 weeks so far but am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the majority of girls should be avoided like the plague! :)

However,saying that,my local Starbucks next to my workplace they are fantastic,normal,friendly girls but as I mentioned,they seem to be in a (shrinking) minority here in Bangkok!

I second that opinion of Indonesian girls. I'm married now for 8 years with 3 children to a lady from Surabaya. Wonderful woman.

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I don't know, it does seem sometimes like there are more crazy Thai girls than normal ones...I know this, most would agree that Thai women are just about the most jealous you can find. I don't know, it's just a different life and culture in Thailand and it produces a different mindset that may be more susceptible to this kind of behavior, but that's just a guess.
What's crazy about the really jealous ones is that Thai culture has so much cheating that is almost accepted! I mean like the married Thai man that has a mistress and the wife turns a blind eye as long as she is not embarrassed, something that is fairly rare back home. But perhaps that is the connection? With so much cheating going on it makes the level of jealousy rise?

I would tend to disagree that the Thai women are the most jealous. Possibly the most insecure.

The married Thai man that has a mistress and the wife turns a blind eye as long as she is not embarrassed, This seems to be true AS LONG as he's a good provider for the family. It's the men that spend all their money on Mia noys and whores and neglect the family that have problems. Maybe the wife then sees his manhood as the reason for him neglecting the family, and so hacks it off!

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Then how do you explain Thailand being the number one place in the world for penis reattachment surgery?

It is because of katoeys who get second thoughts after the big snip.... :) .

..actually they dont snip it..or remove it..they basically sorta turn it inside out and re-form it to create the vaginal wall. But thats off-topic. Sorry. :D

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Then how do you explain Thailand being the number one place in the world for penis reattachment surgery?

It is because of katoeys who get second thoughts after the big snip.... :) .

..actually they dont snip it..or remove it..they basically sorta turn it inside out and re-form it to create the vaginal wall. But thats off-topic. Sorry. :D

Eek, please all I can think of is EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKK, and it starts to hurt.. :D

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Then how do you explain Thailand being the number one place in the world for penis reattachment surgery?

It is because of katoeys who get second thoughts after the big snip.... :) .

..actually they dont snip it..or remove it..they basically sorta turn it inside out and re-form it to create the vaginal wall. But thats off-topic. Sorry. :D

Eek, please all I can think of is EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKK, and it starts to hurt.. :D

that is not true, i know for sure that all these cut off penisses got stored by evil starbucks girls in the 7/11 fridges, right next to the bacteria poisoned drinks for falang world champions in muay thai. that is the truth - i read it on TV.

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I have personal expereince of a Thai ex who was mad as a bucket of frogs. She had some kind of progressive mental illness. I think sociapath is the medical term. Vilolent bitch is my term.

I know of a German who had a motorbike crash a couple of years ago. This German is rich and his wife a nasty gambling Thai turd of a woman. Point is he had never fully recovered from the injury. Each day he would appear sicker and sicker. Then he went back to Hamburg for a few weeks and came back to Thailand looking fine. He had colour in his cheeks and seemed bright and cheerful. Within a week he was back to being sick everyday. My guess is that he is being posioned. Either that or a change of meds.

Life insurance is more expensive in thailand then in europe for a reason. Think about it.

I've known many people that have died from suicides and murders in Thailand.

There is no real mental health social care system in Thailand.

If the Op's story is true or not is not the point. I think it could well be true. The point is that if you are murdred you are most likely to be murdered by someone you know.

Take off the rose-tinted specs. Thailand can be dangerous.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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I have personal expereince of a Thai ex who was mad as a bucket of frogs. She had some kind of progressive mental illness. I think sociapath is the medical term. Vilolent bitch is my term.

I know of a German who had a motorbike crash a couple of years ago. This German is rich and his wife a nasty gambling Thai turd of a woman. Point is he had never fully recovered from the injury. Each day he would appear sicker and sicker. Then he went back to Hamburg for a few weeks and came back to Thailand looking fine. He had colour in his cheeks and seemed bright and cheerful. Within a week he was back to being sick everyday. My guess is that he is being posioned. Either that or a change of meds.

Life insurance is more expensive in thailand then in europe for a reason. Think about it.

There are many suicides and murders in Thailand in comparison to the West.

There is no real mental health social care system comparative to the western system in Thailand.

If the Op's story is true or not is not the point. I think it could well be true. The point is that if you are murdred you are most likely to be murdered by someone you know. Thailand has a high murder rate.

Take off the rose-tinted specs. Thailand can be dangerous.

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The indisputable fact - google it - is that Thailand has the highest rate of penis reattachment surgery in the world. No poster can deny that. The story may or not be true but there is no reason to assume it is not true. But as I say just look at those facts that can not be denied.

so is there a statistic on penis reattachment surgery cases worldwide and the cases per country? which institution count this worldwide cases, are these statistical data reliable?

and in the end is the total number of individual cases per country or in thailand high enough compared to the total number of the population to be somewhat significant and not just odd.

Do your own research, its all out there and not a big secret. Thailand does the most penis reattachment surgeries. Deal with it. But truly its still not epidemic in numbers, whereas the U.S might have had 4 and Sweden like 3 and U.K. 1, Thailand had 40. Its not like the number is 4000, but still.

just the part of the story where some thai girl make an exact dosage of some 'bacteria' that can trigger a illness for weeks or an outburst of symptoms in 30 minutes make it total unbelievable.

Did I say bacteria? She was feeding him poison, it made his body react violently like it normally would when bacteria causes his disease to surface, only very severely.

but even if it would be all true to draw some conclusion about the "thai mentality" out of that single case is only typical BS what you can read on TVforum and represents much more the stupidity and the racists undertones of some low educated western foreigners.

You want to disbelieve me because it makes you feel better about your life choices. But why would I care to lie? I really don't care what you and the rest of the falangs do here in Thailand, except when it negatively impacts me. You getting murdered by your Thai wife really doesn't effect me. I'm not trying to save you all, just was angry that a guy chasing after his dreams with the utmost effort was sidetracked by a lunatic.

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You want to disbelieve me because it makes you feel better about your life choices. But why would I care to lie? I really don't care what you and the rest of the falangs do here in Thailand, except when it negatively impacts me. You getting murdered by your Thai wife really doesn't effect me. I'm not trying to save you all, just was angry that a guy chasing after his dreams with the utmost effort was sidetracked by a lunatic.

Why do you always turn your posts into personal attacks?

That is why i don't respond to your little digs like in the first sentence of this post.

Deflate an ego to inflate your own :)

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The indisputable fact - google it - is that Thailand has the highest rate of penis reattachment surgery in the world. No poster can deny that. The story may or not be true but there is no reason to assume it is not true. But as I say just look at those facts that can not be denied.

so is there a statistic on penis reattachment surgery cases worldwide and the cases per country? which institution count this worldwide cases, are these statistical data reliable?

and in the end is the total number of individual cases per country or in thailand high enough compared to the total number of the population to be somewhat significant and not just odd.

Do your own research, its all out there and not a big secret. Thailand does the most penis reattachment surgeries. Deal with it. But truly its still not epidemic in numbers, whereas the U.S might have had 4 and Sweden like 3 and U.K. 1, Thailand had 40. Its not like the number is 4000, but still.

so where exactly your figures above coming from? and is this per day, per month, per year or in the last 3 decades or what? how much cases in india?

still unanswered questions. are these data reliable and are they somewhat significant?

so not a number of 4000, but still. ... still what? still big enough that uneducated dummkopfs use it as 'argument' to give their racist prejudice some pseudo 'evidence'?

as i said, even if your story would be true, it's total BS and idiotic to draw the conclusions and generalize all thais or all thai women.

and some people here with all their negative experiences in thailand, i think that is mostly a case of that shit attracts flies.

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You want to disbelieve me because it makes you feel better about your life choices. But why would I care to lie? I really don't care what you and the rest of the falangs do here in Thailand, except when it negatively impacts me. You getting murdered by your Thai wife really doesn't effect me. I'm not trying to save you all, just was angry that a guy chasing after his dreams with the utmost effort was sidetracked by a lunatic.

Why do you always turn your posts into personal attacks?

That is why i don't respond to your little digs like in the first sentence of this post.

Deflate an ego to inflate your own :)

Uh ya and he didn't just insult me previous to that to justify my response? How come you read my response and judge me on that but not what I'm responding too? If it wasn't me he was calling stupid, uneducated and racist I don't know what he meant.

Hagenvon Tronje

I said multiple times I didn't think all Thai women were bad because of my friends and other peoples negative experiences, I was clear and repeated it even. I just think there is a higher rate of brutal domestic violence from women here. That's all. I'm also angry because it affected my friend so horribly.

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i thought she would work in some super modern high tech laboratory as a bacteriologists.

how she was able to track down some falangs with a desease medical scientist don't even have a name for and than give him such balanced dose of "bacteria", some mysterious "bacteria", so that she could reach her evil goal that he stays sick at home for several weeks and continuously keeping the bathroom occupied?

There is a name for his disease, and its very well documented, Im just trying not to give out to many of the details.

He finally went back home and it took a year to recover.

So - this happened over a year ago and only now do you suddenly feel the urge to "vent" ?

A made-up story in my opinion.


Why would I bother making this particular story up? I could probably make a good one up that was more interesting or clear than this one.

His disease unfortunately was aggravated by the poisoning, so his disease symptoms would surface in full power and he would think it was just his disease acting up. In fact it was only coming up due to the poisoning and much worse than it should be.

I'm sorry I cant give any more specifics, I just wanted to vent without giving out to much info on his personal life.

The only reason this story is noteworthy is because he didnt actually do anything wrong, hes not a cheater. She simply was worried in her deluded little mind that if he was too successful and famous he would leave her for another women.

Exactly. Why dont you tell us?

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So, supposedly, we have an evil Thai women that poisoned her farang boyfriend, not just any boyfriend, but a world champion kickboxer ! according to the OP.

Yet when asked to provide a link to this world champions downfall, it is not forthcoming , when a google search is done, it produces nothing but a story on ThaiVisa.

Could it be possible that this story is totally made up ?

I challenge the OP to tell me who the World Champion Kickboxer was/is, or at least his nationality so further research can be done.

Somehow, I doubt very much we will hear any more about the issue.

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Yet when asked to provide a link to this world champions downfall, it is not forthcoming , when a google search is done, it produces nothing but a story on ThaiVisa.

nurse, this is the problem with you "Googlers" - I tried Yahoo and came up with the following male kickboxers -


we could start at A and speculate our way through the alphabetical list (I have ruled out Robbie Hughes, Lee Charles and Shane Lynch but cant be arsed to go through any more websites)... OR,....

the OP can just provide a name a name and give some credibility to his story.

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So, supposedly, we have an evil Thai women that poisoned her farang boyfriend, not just any boyfriend, but a world champion kickboxer ! according to the OP.

Yet when asked to provide a link to this world champions downfall, it is not forthcoming , when a google search is done, it produces nothing but a story on ThaiVisa.

Could it be possible that this story is totally made up ?

I challenge the OP to tell me who the World Champion Kickboxer was/is, or at least his nationality so further research can be done.

Somehow, I doubt very much we will hear any more about the issue.

Someone has already mentioed Crohn's disease on here and if that was the case I would imagine it would be very easy to poison the individual.

I used to work with an American colleague who had Crohn's and the description he gave of living with it daily was pretty awful.

As for World Kickboxing champion,I believe the OP probably said he was a contender in his weight for a World MUAY THAI title,these titles are nowhere near as widely recognised or marketed to the general public as,say,a World Boxing Title so it's entirely possible that the story is accurate.However,I don't intend to pass judgement one way or the other.

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Is your mates name Ray Elbe?

On the latest series of the Ultimate Fighter there was a farang fighting out of Phuket, Thailand and he lost in the preliminary fight bowing him out of the competition early. Is that the international show you're talking about?

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I believe the OP probably said he was a contender in his weight for a World MUAY THAI title,these titles are nowhere near as widely recognised or marketed to the general public as,say,a World Boxing

He did not say he was a contender.

And I am not saying the guy is as well known as Mike Tyson, but in my professional capacity, I know of not one Kickboxing Champion or contender who was poisoned by his Thai GF.

And I would know, as I was once poisoned to death by my evil Farang BF when I was a contender for the championship of the world.

I would tell Thai ladies to be very careful, there are many many very bad farangs about who will not hesitate to poison you, I am living proof.

Luckily for me, I died and lived to tell the tale.

Be warned. :)

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Actually I was shocked to find his name on that list you posted. I figured there were lots of muay thai champions but he was also on that show so makes him more notable. I quickly checked to see if my name was on it. Nope. Guess that's what I get for not being a notable kickboxer!

I just don't want to be talking about his personal life openly as it isn't my place to do so. I wanted to talk about his situation without getting his name involved, I'm sorry this bothers some of you.

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I just don't want to be talking about his personal life openly as it isn't my place to do so.

So the point of the thread was what exactly ? :)

Oh, by the way, your name wasn't on that list of Muay Thai World Champions, guess what, 99.99999999999999999999% of the people that read this forum are also not on that list.

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