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Some English Language Tips


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your = belongs to you or of you

you're = a contraction of 'you are'

there = somewhere nearby, somewhere other

their = belonging to them, of them

they're = a contraction of 'they are'

to = from one place or thing or person ....to another

two = the number after one

too = before a word, makes it mean an overly amount of it. After a word, it means 'also.'

....the above mentions are just off the top of my head, not from the dictionary, so pick it apart all you want, .....or add your own.

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My tip is to American English speakers

fanny is not your @rse!

cumon septic tanks get it rite 4 peets saik....

fanny is a girls expensive triangle piece of real estate

there thats my tip :)

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Well I think your very good too show people their are proper ways two rite there posts on TV

Drives me mad as well but if some folks can't get it right after all their years on the planet there is little chance they will start now. It's not that hard either!!

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At age 16, in a state school, any of the errors shown in the OP earned a full zero for the entire essay. I learned fast and never forgot.

Calling Americans septic is a disgrace to your own country.

Thanks, brahms - but any EFL/ESL teacher should already know these things, so let's leave it here in General for ignorant Shittish :)

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Maybe I'm mistaken - is it mostly the Shittish :) who call Americans septics? Or am I talking out of my fanny? :D

Before you get your knickers in a twist but you probably know this already but septic tank = yank is just part of British rhyming slang

check it out on wikipedia or somewhere.

Its not meant to be offensive which i think you have taken it as.

Shittish British ? i can see it sort of rhymes but not in the sense of rhyming slang as you have just added a word in front of the original.

I guess Americans version to septic is a limey. Just a word to describe another nation.

I am a limey, you are a septic and we are all farangs :D

Next post..."i don't like the word farang its racist and insulting" :D

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your = belongs to you or of you

you're = a contraction of 'you are'

there = somewhere nearby, somewhere other

their = belonging to them, of them

they're = a contraction of 'they are'

to = from one place or thing or person ....to another

two = the number after one

too = before a word, makes it mean an overly amount of it. After a word, it means 'also.'

....the above mentions are just off the top of my head, not from the dictionary, so pick it apart all you want, .....or add your own.


Ow Wot"s that now?

Brit English Yank English


roundabout Interchange, traffic circle

Fags cigarettes

rung up telephoned

knocked up Woken with a knock on the door

Made pregnant knocked up

rubbers erasers (on lead pencils)

True story:

I was working in Saudi Arabia, traveling from the U.S.A to Jeddah. My flight to Jeddah was delayed and I had to stay over night in London. I managed to find a Bed & Breakfast to stay that night. In the morning I went to get breakfast before I headed to Heathrow. now for some reason, it seems that Brits leave their Bacon practically raw,uncooked. The slices of Bacon I was given with my Bacon and Eggs were still white with fat, I wouldn't eat them like that. I stopped a waiter and asked him to please have my Bacon taken back and cooked more.

Hearing my American accent he stopped, looked at my plate, then yelled in a loud voice toward the kitchen, "Burn some bl@@dy Bacon for the Yank."


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My tip is to American English speakers

fanny is not your @rse!

cumon septic tanks get it rite 4 peets saik....

fanny is a girls expensive triangle piece of real estate

there thats my tip :)

I don't think the majority of people making these mistakes are Americans my evidence is the "U's" and "E's" used in words i.e. colour, labour and borne. It is rather

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your = belongs to you or of you

you're = a contraction of 'you are'

there = somewhere nearby, somewhere other

their = belonging to them, of them

they're = a contraction of 'they are'

to = from one place or thing or person ....to another

two = the number after one

too = before a word, makes it mean an overly amount of it. After a word, it means 'also.'

....the above mentions are just off the top of my head, not from the dictionary, so pick it apart all you want, .....or add your own.


Ow Wot"s that now?

Brit English Yank English


roundabout Interchange, traffic circle

Fags cigarettes

rung up telephoned

knocked up Woken with a knock on the door

Made pregnant knocked up

rubbers erasers (on lead pencils)

True story:

I was working in Saudi Arabia, traveling from the U.S.A to Jeddah. My flight to Jeddah was delayed and I had to stay over night in London. I managed to find a Bed & Breakfast to stay that night. In the morning I went to get breakfast before I headed to Heathrow. now for some reason, it seems that Brits leave their Bacon practically raw,uncooked. The slices of Bacon I was given with my Bacon and Eggs were still white with fat, I wouldn't eat them like that. I stopped a waiter and asked him to please have my Bacon taken back and cooked more.

Hearing my American accent he stopped, looked at my plate, then yelled in a loud voice toward the kitchen, "Burn some bl@@dy Bacon for the Yank."


Now that's service for you! :D

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....the above mentions are just off the top of my head, not from the dictionary, so pick it apart all you want, .....or add your own.

.... yawn .... (common in any language)

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Spellings and minor grammatical errors don’t matter to me much, as long as the matter is understood. It’s the subject that really matters.

However ALL CAPS IRRITATES ME MORE, including run-on sentences with no comma, or full stop in the right places.

Hmm…may be those that can’t write properly, should be using the pictures or drawings to communicate their thoughts instead….just an idea here. :)


I would assume most of the good writers probably found a better place elsewhere to get advices and feedbacks, so they wouldn‘t be so irritated in what you‘re talking about. Or even if they haven't, after a look through here it doesn't seem like a place they want to put any writing in. That’s why you don’t see them around here that often, I think.

Edited by Violet Fonce
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Wh'at really irritate's me is whe'n people put apos'trophe's where th'ey do'nt belong. Apostrophes are for either contractions or to show possession, not for plurals.

A sign from my native city reads (sic)

Fish and chips





hot dog's


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your = belongs to you or of you



knocked up Woken with a knock on the door


Knocked up = Up the spout, up the stick, bun in the oven = pregnant :)

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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn`t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. the rset can be a totalo mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Edited by eyebee
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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn`t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. the rset can be a totalo mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Brilliant !

OK, it was a little like having a Migraine, but I understood :)

I have noticed that some Thais do the same thing in their own language. My wife is Chinese/Thai so I am not sure if that makes a difference, but she states that the vowels can be anywhere. Your example above proves it works in English.

The biggest problem I have as an English Teacher here is getting younger children to use spaces and not confuse y and g, or t and E. But by the time they are 11 or so they can all handle our written foreign language pretty well.

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Is it really so important?

Yes, it's important enough that you should drop your trousers immediately, or else your family jewels will melt like a lead zeppelin on Venus.

Seriously though, it's just a few tips being thrown out to possibly assist those who might want a tad bit of grammatical rectitude. Like it of not, English is the 600 pound gorilla of the world's languages, and growing in dominance as we speak.

while we're at it:

its = belonging to it

it's = a contraction of 'it is'

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Maybe I'm mistaken - is it mostly the Shittish :) who call Americans septics? Or am I talking out of my fanny? :D

Before you get your knickers in a twist but you probably know this already but septic tank = yank is just part of British rhyming slang

check it out on wikipedia or somewhere.

Its not meant to be offensive which i think you have taken it as.

Shittish British ? i can see it sort of rhymes but not in the sense of rhyming slang as you have just added a word in front of the original.

I guess Americans version to septic is a limey. Just a word to describe another nation.

I am a limey, you are a septic and we are all farangs :D

Next post..."i don't like the word farang its racist and insulting" :D

Now why would Americans take offense to being called "septic"? After all, the general definition is as follows:

containing or resulting from disease-causing organisms

Let's face it, most people are eager to be called a "disease-causing organism". LOL

There's only about 1,000 other terms UKers could use that aren't insulting to Americans, but they decided "Septic" was best -- not be insulting, though. YA RIGHT! Sure it's not meant to be insulting.

Edited by Beacher
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Maybe I'm mistaken - is it mostly the Shittish :) who call Americans septics? Or am I talking out of my fanny? :D

Before you get your knickers in a twist but you probably know this already but septic tank = yank is just part of British rhyming slang

check it out on wikipedia or somewhere.

Its not meant to be offensive which i think you have taken it as.

Shittish British ? i can see it sort of rhymes but not in the sense of rhyming slang as you have just added a word in front of the original.

I guess Americans version to septic is a limey. Just a word to describe another nation.

I am a limey, you are a septic and we are all farangs :D

Next post..."i don't like the word farang its racist and insulting" :D

Now why would Americans take offense to being called "septic"? After all, the general definition is as follows:

containing or resulting from disease-causing organisms

Let's face it, most people are eager to be called a "disease-causing organism". LOL

There's only about 1,000 other terms UKers could use that aren't insulting to Americans, but they decided "Septic" was best -- not be insulting, though. YA RIGHT! Sure it's not meant to be insulting.

Us Yanks bailed you out of having your little island overrun by Germans, twice during a 30 span, so show some appreciation.

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