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Living In Thailand


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No monochaser, she doesn't skip out on her tabs, just cause you spend money like water doesn't mean everyone else does too. Firstly she's a woman so no need to pay for her partner, secondly, she's lived in thailand for 7 years so is aware of the price of living, speaks pretty fluent thai so isn't ripped off & as I said, drinks very little, maybe 1-2 beers on a night out. Why assume that just because your having to spend a lot of money everywhere you go that others will be too. Big deal if you can afford it but don't assume that your the norm. In fact, unless I had to do a supermarket shop for household stuff or wanted a big night out, I'd be hard pressed to spend more than 100 baht in a day. It's doesn't cost anything to visit a friend or meet up with mates for a coffee or coke! Different stokes for different folks, you like to flash the cash, good for you, other people don't, so can live well for little in LOS. Doens't mean they don't have the money it just means that they don't find anything to spend it on.

As I said before my friend saves approx 30k baht per month from her salary so can afford to spend more just doesn't have the need to, the money she saves funds her yearly 5 week trip home so her savings remain intact.

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No monochaser, she doesn't skip out on her tabs, just cause you spend money like water doesn't mean everyone else does too. Firstly she's a woman so no need to pay for her partner, secondly, she's lived in thailand for 7 years so is aware of the price of living, speaks pretty fluent thai so isn't ripped off & as I said, drinks very little, maybe 1-2 beers on a night out. Why assume that just because your having to spend a lot of money everywhere you go that others will be too. Big deal if you can afford it but don't assume that your the norm. In fact, unless I had to do a supermarket shop for household stuff or wanted a big night out, I'd be hard pressed to spend more than 100 baht in a day. It's doesn't cost anything to visit a friend or meet up with mates for a coffee or coke! Different stokes for different folks, you like to flash the cash, good for you, other people don't, so can live well for little in LOS. Doens't mean they don't have the money it just means that they don't find anything to spend it on.

As I said before my friend saves approx 30k baht per month from her salary so can afford to spend more just doesn't have the need to, the money she saves funds her yearly 5 week trip home so her savings remain intact.

How could she possibly go home for visit. that would run 2 years expenses. good god. I can see why Thailand has tough visa laws with such poverty packers flocking to live here. These people do zero for the economy of this country. And I still dont buy the living on 10k per month nonsense. There's more to that story big time and yours also. You've got sponsorship coming from somewhere

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Let's see... I've done this before on several forums, one more shouldn't be too hard:

Rent (in suburbs/country): 4000B

Electricity/water (use a fan, as many cold showers a day as you like): 1000B

Laundry DIY(at 20B a load for coin washer, you provide soap): 200B

2 hrs Telephone (not mobile, 5B a minute for local calls on room line): 600B

Food (4 plates a day plus one snack and 2 soft drinks): 130B

Transportation (one local round trip a day on average): 1200B

Miscellaneous soap, pharmaceuticals, dry goods: 1000B

That's a roughly 8K a month fixed budget there including a bare minimum of the necessities (and even a couple of extras). On 20K, that gives you a flexible, spendable income of 12K more.

Not so hard, is it?


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It's quite clear to me now monochaser that you are one of these people who think that everything you say is right & everyone else is wrong.

Why can't you get it through your skull that people don't spend as much as you & start looking at your own spending habits to see if there is a problem there if it bothers you so much.

30k a month X 12 = 360,000 baht, quite sufficient for a 5 week trip to australia or did you have a problem adding that up. Thats around 12k AUD.

What taxes are you paying into the economy, none I would guess at but my friend is paying all hers as she has a WP & the relevant visas so I don't really think shes a drain on the economy, oh, but sorry, your obviously so much better than her as you pay a bird 20k baht a month to shag you. Get over yourself will ya.

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Let's see... I've done this before on several forums, one more shouldn't be too hard:

Rent (in suburbs/country):  4000B

Electricity/water (use a fan, as many cold showers a day as you like):  1000B

Laundry DIY(at 20B a load for coin washer, you provide soap): 200B

2 hrs Telephone (not mobile, 5B a minute for local calls on room line):  600B

Food (4 plates a day plus one snack and 2 soft drinks): 130B

Transportation (one local round trip a day on average):  1200B

Miscellaneous soap, pharmaceuticals, dry goods:  1000B

That's a roughly 8K a month fixed budget there including a bare minimum of the necessities (and even a couple of extras).  On 20K, that gives you a flexible, spendable income of 12K more.

Not so hard, is it?


So thats what its all about man? thats why we all come to thailand? to live on the most misely budget know to mankind. god forbid if we'd ever want to buy something. I'm convinced that all you people and your 10k budgets are really ex homeless vagrants and bagladies in your home countries

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I think for SOME who are not materialistic, their existence in *any* country requires very little. The budget I laid out would be considered luxurious (even without the 12K a month savings) by Thai standards.

I'm a bit materialistic, and I get by on a bit more than 20K- and I'm pretty happy. If OP will be happy on his 20K, good for him...


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I think for SOME who are not materialistic, their existence in *any* country requires very little.  The budget I laid out would be considered luxurious (even without the 12K a month savings) by Thai standards.

I'm a bit materialistic, and I get by on a bit more than 20K- and I'm pretty happy.  If OP will be happy on his 20K, good for him...


well then in such case of living in the lap of luxury based on a given country's standards, please refer back to my Cuba comment. In your case and those who think like you, Cuba would be outstanding because the average cuba wage is $13. You could up that ante 3 fold and live like a king based on your logic. I want someone to give it a try and report back. Cuba is an outstanding country I might add.

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Let's see... I've done this before on several forums, one more shouldn't be too hard:

Rent (in suburbs/country):  4000B

Electricity/water (use a fan, as many cold showers a day as you like):  1000B

Laundry DIY(at 20B a load for coin washer, you provide soap): 200B

2 hrs Telephone (not mobile, 5B a minute for local calls on room line):  600B

Food (4 plates a day plus one snack and 2 soft drinks): 130B

Transportation (one local round trip a day on average):  1200B

Miscellaneous soap, pharmaceuticals, dry goods:  1000B

That's a roughly 8K a month fixed budget there including a bare minimum of the necessities (and even a couple of extras).  On 20K, that gives you a flexible, spendable income of 12K more.

Not so hard, is it?


So thats what its all about man? thats why we all come to thailand? to live on the most misely budget know to mankind. god forbid if we'd ever want to buy something. I'm convinced that all you people and your 10k budgets are really ex homeless vagrants and bagladies in your home countries

Monochaser , what is your experience of Thailand ?

Have you lived here ?

Have you lived upcountry?

If a family of 6 Thais can survive on less than 10k per month , I'm sure a single farang can get by on twice that amount , if they choose to.

ps Don't insult me in your reply , if that's possible.


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Let's see... I've done this before on several forums, one more shouldn't be too hard:

Rent (in suburbs/country):  4000B

Electricity/water (use a fan, as many cold showers a day as you like):  1000B

Laundry DIY(at 20B a load for coin washer, you provide soap): 200B

2 hrs Telephone (not mobile, 5B a minute for local calls on room line):  600B

Food (4 plates a day plus one snack and 2 soft drinks): 130B

Transportation (one local round trip a day on average):  1200B

Miscellaneous soap, pharmaceuticals, dry goods:  1000B

That's a roughly 8K a month fixed budget there including a bare minimum of the necessities (and even a couple of extras).  On 20K, that gives you a flexible, spendable income of 12K more.

Not so hard, is it?


So thats what its all about man? thats why we all come to thailand? to live on the most misely budget know to mankind. god forbid if we'd ever want to buy something. I'm convinced that all you people and your 10k budgets are really ex homeless vagrants and bagladies in your home countries

I can quite happily live on 150bt a day "spendies" I have all I need and dont need to purchase happieness. Good friends a positive outlook and active good relationships with most of my Thai neigbors. I am always getting invited to "do's" plenty to drink, good eats. I really can't be arsed to drag myself down to the nearest Expat watering hole to get mashed every night. I go out when I like and can live it up with the best of them but I didn't come here to be an alchoholic or drive a big car. I don't need a maid a TV or cable. I am a happy little soul in my happy little appartment, thinking happy thoughts and doing good deeds :o

Edited by toastwars
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I can quite happily live on 150bt a day "spendies" I have all I need and dont need to purchase happieness. Good friends a positive outlook and active good relationships with most of my Thai neigbors. I am always getting invited to "do's" plenty to drink, good eats. I really can't be arsed to drag myself down to the nearest Expat watering hole to get mashed every night. I go out when I like and can live it up with the best of them but I didn't come here to be an alchoholic or drive a big car. I don't need a maid a TV or cable. I am a happy little soul in my happy little appartment, thinking happy thoughts and doing good deeds  :o

Is this you Toast :D


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Cuba is an outstanding country I might add.

And the women are nicer looking :o

You may well be right on that one, my man

Hey monochaser someone who agrees with something here that you said!!

At least the women there have bodies like women and not little children !! :D

Edited by bodypaul
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Cuba is an outstanding country I might add.

And the women are nicer looking :o

You may well be right on that one, my man

Hey monochaser someone who agrees with something here that you said!!

At least the women there have bodies like women and not little children !! :D

Y'all must hang out with some freaky looking Children , Homer....

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Let's see... I've done this before on several forums, one more shouldn't be too hard:

Rent (in suburbs/country): 4000B

Electricity/water (use a fan, as many cold showers a day as you like): 1000B

Laundry DIY(at 20B a load for coin washer, you provide soap): 200B

2 hrs Telephone (not mobile, 5B a minute for local calls on room line): 600B

Food (4 plates a day plus one snack and 2 soft drinks): 130B

Transportation (one local round trip a day on average): 1200B

Miscellaneous soap, pharmaceuticals, dry goods: 1000B

That's a roughly 8K a month fixed budget there including a bare minimum of the necessities (and even a couple of extras). On 20K, that gives you a flexible, spendable income of 12K more.

Not so hard, is it?


I'm not boasting nor do I think my relatively high spending(actually its modest compared to many expats) makes me a better person, though it does suggest I have been fairly successful in a material sense.But I think there needs to be a greater awareness that there are different legitimate lifestyles for different people.I do however believe that for a Westerner living in Thailand surviving on a very frugal budget far from bringing enlightenment can be soul destroying.The cheapskate penny pinching element is over represented on this forum.The people who live this life often console themselves that they somehow enjoy a better understanding of the real Thailand than the farang fatcats.Its often a delusion because wealth is not really a relevant factor in being at home in Thai culture.

Anyway for what its worth my budget is as follows.

Rent Bt 60,000

Wife allowance 20,000

Driver 12,000

Maid 6,000

Car expenses 5,000

UBC 2000

electricity 5,000

phone/mobiles 4000

water 1000

groceries/market 8,000

books/dvds 5000

eating out 10,000

wine 4000

medical/insurance 4000

clothes 5000

miscell (incl travel) 20000

Grand Total 171,000

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I just wouldn't know. At the mo the pub takes up most of my time,so I eat there. I don't drink now,having previously consumed my life's supply of booze,so there's only soft drinks to consider. I don't pay rent,rather have rent coming in from three properties. In fact when I was single and living in Pattaya,I didn't know either. When my money ran out I just went back to work to earn some more. Advantage of being an Aircraft Contractor I suppose,although my breed have a reputation of spending what they earn on a daily basis. In fact I can honestly say,the only time I worry about money is when my yearly visa is due.

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If you had to survive on 20k baht a month where would you chose to live ?

It's a fair question.If we are talking about Thailand it would have to be my wife's village near Philok where we have a decent house and as you know Bt 20,000 is more than enough in rural Thailand.The inability to buy books/DVDs/CDs in any quantity and whenever I wanted would be a hardship.I could happily live without wine,UBC,driver and the rest.

But it's very hypothetical because if living in Thailand if I had a monthly income of just Bt 20,000 I would move heaven and earth to increase it to say Bt100,000 minimum.There's a difference between being able to exist and living a full life.I am not a St Francis and although not particularly attached to materialism, I would prefer not to have to worry about the necessities of life( and in my case that means much more than just being able to eat and drink and having a roof over my head)

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Let's see... I've done this before on several forums, one more shouldn't be too hard:

Rent (in suburbs/country): 4000B

Electricity/water (use a fan, as many cold showers a day as you like): 1000B

Laundry DIY(at 20B a load for coin washer, you provide soap): 200B

2 hrs Telephone (not mobile, 5B a minute for local calls on room line): 600B

Food (4 plates a day plus one snack and 2 soft drinks): 130B

Transportation (one local round trip a day on average): 1200B

Miscellaneous soap, pharmaceuticals, dry goods: 1000B

That's a roughly 8K a month fixed budget there including a bare minimum of the necessities (and even a couple of extras). On 20K, that gives you a flexible, spendable income of 12K more.

Not so hard, is it?


I'm not boasting nor do I think my relatively high spending(actually its modest compared to many expats) makes me a better person, though it does suggest I have been fairly successful in a material sense.But I think there needs to be a greater awareness that there are different legitimate lifestyles for different people.I do however believe that for a Westerner living in Thailand surviving on a very frugal budget far from bringing enlightenment can be soul destroying.The cheapskate penny pinching element is over represented on this forum.The people who live this life often console themselves that they somehow enjoy a better understanding of the real Thailand than the farang fatcats.Its often a delusion because wealth is not really a relevant factor in being at home in Thai culture.

Anyway for what its worth my budget is as follows.

Rent Bt 60,000

Wife allowance 20,000

Driver 12,000

Maid 6,000

Car expenses 5,000

UBC 2000

electricity 5,000

phone/mobiles 4000

water 1000

groceries/market 8,000

books/dvds 5000

eating out 10,000

wine 4000

medical/insurance 4000

clothes 5000

miscell (incl travel) 20000

Grand Total 171,000

Amen to that, Boris; thank god the other side can be represented here by someone other than myself. In reading this board one would think you can live like a king on 20k/mo. what a load of crap. "I couldn't spend more than 10k/mo if I tried". Look up <deleted> in the dictionary and you'll find that quote

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