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Ipod And Mp3 Players

Daffy D

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Friend came round the other day with her new iPod, got new boyfriend hence the new iPod, complaining that it wasn't working. Seems the shop had loaded some music but that didn't show on the screen and nothing would play.

I knew nothing about these new fangled iPod thingys but it looked straightforward enough plug it into the USB port and drag and drop files, I can do that. :)

So plugged in the USB port and straight away the Avira anti-virus got 3 hits. :D Great. Deleted the viruses and looked for the MP3 files. There were there on the computer screen alright and they played on the computer so why did they not show up on the iPod?

Now those of you with iPods will be way ahead by now. To cut long story short after a good long Google found out you can't just drag and drop files onto the iPod like normal people do, :D Oh! No that would be too easy, you have to download some iPod program to do that. This program, it seems, is so helpful that everytime in the future you plug your iPod into the computer this program will instantly update all your files on the iPod whether you want it or not. Having downloaded this program, I still needed to get some tunes onto the girls iPod, it proceeded to dominate my life - "Hello Dafffy what you want to do today". :D

I have never liked Apple stuff and don't even have Quicktime (use the alternative) their stuff is so intrusive. Every thing it seemed from now on had to go through or be approved by this iPod program, and there were so many "goodies" to make your iPod expedience so much better. There is iMusic and iMovies and iPhone and iGowd know what, the list of iStuff just goes on. Do people who buy this iStuff know they are going to be locked into iHell?

Talk about the Microsoft monopoly at least with them you you have a choice, you don't HAVE to use Office or IE, but it seems once you have purchased any sort of iStuff you are stuck with it.

And yes I got some tunes onto the girls iPod and she was happy. Spent rest of my day deleting all the iC**p from my computer.

MP3 players

I have discovered the wonders of audio books. I have always liked a good read and now can "read" without the tedious necessity of keeping the eyes open. Wonderful. Initially I was using the wife's phone to "read" the books but that obviously had disadvantages so on the last shopping trip to town decided to buy a little MP3 player.

I didn't want anything expensive as it was only for MP3 files and found a nice little one about the size of a thumb drive in Tesco for 790bt. It has a little window to show whats playing and plugs straight into the USB port to drag and drop files, how complicated can it be? :D

When I got home naturally wanted to try my new toy. Initially getting it to stay on was the first problem. It did work in the shop. The 30 pages of instructions, probably translated from Chinese were not much help. Eventually got it to stay on then found out about all the additional features, "Drive free U Disk Function" - "Private Space" - "Record/Replay" - Preset EQ" - Multiplay Mode" It also came with a small installation CD that lets you "organize your player" or some such thing. :D

The Misses (she's usually pretty good with this new fangled stuff) and I spent a good couple of hours trying to understand this simple little player and eventually got it tamed. Did away with installation CD, formatted the 2GB drive and now just drag and drop files onto it. Three presses of two buttons in the right sequence - I can remember that - will give me pay pause and stop.

What ever happened to the simple life? :D

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yeah, it's all so complicated now.

I got 600 baht "nokia" mp3 player, no fancy stuff, installation CDs, nothing, just drag and drop.

On a minus side it doesn't do "shuffle" or "loop", just point to a folder with two little keys and click to play.

I'm tempted to buy a proper mp3 player, but all I listen to is audiobooks and songs ripped from internet radio stream, so no tags, no info, no way to organise them, just file names I give myself - june1.mp3, june2.mp3 and so on.

When I use the phone, with Windows Media player, it's a real hel_l. The stupid Samsung doesn't have an option of deleting old playlists, even if you erase all the files.

I guess it has something to do with the new generation of idiots who put up with this crap.

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I am on my fourth mp3 player. Like the OP I listen to Audio books and my problem is if I stop listening in the middle of a book, it cannot remember where I left off so when I start again I have to 'fast forward' to the spot where I left off and that can be a very tedious process.

I have ditched three player into the old well out the back and am now looking at the fourth!!


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There's two solutions to the not remembering where you left off problem.

One, iPods have always worked this way, just hit pause when you stop and continue when you continue listening. Even the lowly shuffle can do that. Most other mp3 players do it too nowadays - they remember where you left off, imagine that.

Two, on an iPod Touch, you have slider showing your location and you can set it to, say 1 hour and 25 minutes with a single slide of your finger - much better than holding down ffwd. The control is a bit on the small side so it won't work too well if you have huge fingers. But it's a definite improvement.

Three, use iTunes to manage your iPod. Its way better than dragging and dropping files, and that is why they made it this way. You can still drag and drop files in iTunes but instead of using the file name to identify a song you use the id3 information - artist, album, etc.

If you'd ever managed a music library larger than a few dozen files, you'd agree.... admittedly, though, in the case where you want to quickly copy a few files to a friend's iPod, simple drag and drop would be better.

Edited by nikster
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Friend came round the other day with her new iPod, got new boyfriend hence the new iPod, complaining that it wasn't working. Seems the shop had loaded some music but that didn't show on the screen and nothing would play.

I knew nothing about these new fangled iPod thingys but it looked straightforward enough plug it into the USB port and drag and drop files, I can do that. :)

I have never liked Apple stuff and don't even have Quicktime (use the alternative) their stuff is so intrusive. Every thing it seemed from now on had to go through or be approved by this iPod program, and there were so many "goodies" to make your iPod expedience so much better. There is iMusic and iMovies and iPhone and iGowd know what, the list of iStuff just goes on. Do people who buy this iStuff know they are going to be locked into iHell?

Talk about the Microsoft monopoly at least with them you you have a choice, you don't HAVE to use Office or IE, but it seems once you have purchased any sort of iStuff you are stuck with it.

What ever happened to the simple life? :D

Hey Daffy, I can relate. Or, at least I used to. But don't you remember when M$ *did* have the monopoly on Office, and IE, and almost everything? Remember the Blue Screen of Death? I put up with that sh** for years, but nonetheless was a dyed-in-the-wool M$ supporter.

Until last year, when my kid, who uses both M$ and Apple, bought me a MacBook Pro when my PC laptop died. I was very wary, but hey, gotta give it a try (it's the only computer I've got). Took me the better part of 3 months, on and off, playing with it, to get really comfortable...and then, it became a great experience. So I went and bought an 80gig iPod...simple to use with the MacBook, plug it in, it syncs while I'm doing other things. 80gig let me put my whole library of classical music on there, with room for a bunch of videos I'd like to watch someday, by plugging the iPod into the tv.

So, my computer life has become very much simplified. Oh, and the Time Machine backup software (included) allows me to back up only the newest stuff every hour that I have it plugged into the USB port. Unobtrusive, does it in the background with no slowdown.

But trying to get an Apple product to work with M$ stand-alone things is very difficult. So my kid bought this for me pre-loaded with Office for Mac - now it's compatible back and forth with M$-using people.

The only downside in Thailand is service, from what I understand. Don't know - haven't had a problem with it.

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Three, use iTunes to manage your iPod. Its way better than dragging and dropping files, and that is why they made it this way. You can still drag and drop files in iTunes but instead of using the file name to identify a song you use the id3 information - artist, album, etc.

If you'd ever managed a music library larger than a few dozen files, you'd agree.... admittedly, though, in the case where you want to quickly copy a few files to a friend's iPod, simple drag and drop would be better.

I too hate anything Apple related... Steve Jobs REALLY wants to own the World... and he Sh-ts on his customers Big Time.

No Apple on my system, even though I own a 160GB iPod 5th gen.

UYnfortunately, even with intense searching, I have to admit that Apple still makes the best MP3 player, even with their propietory Uploading software.

In any case... Dump iTunes and install MediaMonkey (Google for link)

It will do anything iTunes can, but better and easy to manage your syncing with either iPods or generic Mp3...

You can control when and how much you want. It will also remove stuff and keep only what you want on the Mp3.

(But I keep waiting for some other manufacturer to catch up.)

Plus no added "Bonus" features or selling or upgrading or Screwing around with your system.

Today, MediaMonkey is the top MusicJuke Box, with a few others close behind.... I won't list them here, but sure other posters will soon.

Have fun,


Edited by CosmicSurfer
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Mac is Linux is good. The iPhone sure woke everybody up - even Nokia was caught napping, big time.

Its simply the interfaces that change, plus of course, ya wanna protect ya territory, like a GF, nothing wrong with that.

Mac has huge face, everywhere, it is very professionally built & maintained. Their O/S too is world-class.

But it is all about choice. Sometimes missionary simply blows a little. Ask her. :):D


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Just what I need, what is it called?


It's called "CUBE" It's the smallest cheapest they had on display in both Tesco and BigC. As I said just a little bigger than your standard memory stick that plugs straight into the USB port.


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I thought the iPod was crap because it did not have a 'pause' button. I bought it in Cambodia and of course it was made in China and so was inferior quality.

I recall in the 1950's anything made in Japan was thought of as rubbish but they improved their game until they made a reputation for very good stuff.

China is going through the same process I think...


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I am on my fourth mp3 player. Like the OP I listen to Audio books and my problem is if I stop listening in the middle of a book, it cannot remember where I left off so when I start again I have to 'fast forward' to the spot where I left off and that can be a very tedious process.

I have ditched three player into the old well out the back and am now looking at the fourth!!


Try this one:Sansa Fuze 8G, or Sansa Clip;it is made by well known company - SanDisk - memory chip manufacturer.

Both models have the same sound system,which is fantastic - it is not only my opinion.Clip is more simple - for jogging.

The best about SansaFuse is good sound,but also - the price!just 100$!

And - what you get:light,slim,credit card size device with microSD slot,video,radioFM/voice record;which looks exactly like I-pod-nano 2nd gen.!

The interface wheel is turnable/click - very convenient in use.It can play new music vehicle - SanDisk's sloRadio cards and prerecorded microSD cards

How they are getting away with this i-pod-nano-look without being branded as i-pod clone?

If SteveJobs complains,SanDisk stops supplying him with memory chips?

If I lose my Sansa(it happens) - I will buy anotherone again.

And last but not least - NO SILLY I-TUNES!You can use Rhapsody to buy/download music,or drag-drop .

So,it is i-pod nano,without i-tunes;it has however - "PAUSE" button!

I am using it with noise canceling earphones from Audio-Technica and they really work in train/bus or airplane,at last I can listen to music

being in transport.

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I thought the iPod was crap because it did not have a 'pause' button. I bought it in Cambodia and of course it was made in China and so was inferior quality.

I recall in the 1950's anything made in Japan was thought of as rubbish but they improved their game until they made a reputation for very good stuff.

China is going through the same process I think...


I don't mean to state the obvious, but the good thing about the ipod is the apple built hardware and apple coded software and how they interact- if you've bought a knockoff 'ipod' then it's neither apple hardware nor software - it's an mp3 player made to look like an ipod - cheap to buy, cheap to make and is completely different in terms of how it works. I have a real jailbroken ipod touch 2g here in my hand, it's very well made and all the media players in it have a pause button. I've also seen chinese knockoffs on sale for about 5k baht, and whilst my girlfriend thinks they are the same because they are a similar shape, they plainly aren't.

I would wear a fake watch or a fake pair of jeans, but with something like an ipod it's a totally different ballgame.

In terms of music management - itunes is fine on a mac, mediamonkey as mentioned above seems best on windows. Or if you jailbreak the phone/ipod and know how simply sftp files over with filezilla, winscp or fugo.

Edited by danw
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iPods are obviosly meant to be used with iTunes, but what about the rest? Win media player has its own "syncronisation" feature, doest it work nearly as well as iTunes? Can other players work with iTunes instead of Wimp?

Can Amarok (linux) use both syncronisation systems?

I need something with better battery life and one hand use, when I'm driving.

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Simple plug & play MP3 players that you simply plug into a USB port and drag & drop are perfect. I can simply plug my MP3 player in to any computer with a USB and copy music what could be simpler? It cost me £20 or about 1100baht and if it lasts a year then I'm happy then I get a new one.


Edited by Brigante7
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I thought the iPod was crap because it did not have a 'pause' button. I bought it in Cambodia and of course it was made in China and so was inferior quality.

I recall in the 1950's anything made in Japan was thought of as rubbish but they improved their game until they made a reputation for very good stuff.

China is going through the same process I think...


Cmon be serious, or are you? You do know you bought a Chinese copy of an Ipod, not an actual Ipod right? You don't really judge the Ipod based on how badly pirates can copy it? That's like complaining BMW sucks because the car you pretend to be a BMW doesnt live up to BMW standards. Nonsensical.

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  • 1 month later...
My last two players have been a Sansa and a Creative Zen. The Zen beat out the iPod because the sound quality was better and the screen was larger.


I have heard positive things about the Creative Mp3 and also Apple did lose or settle (I can't remember) with Creative for essentially "borowing" Creative Technology for their i-pod.

But as for me, I am hooked on Cowon. Put it this way, I carry an Iphone 3g, and a Cowon Iaudio7 around every day.

Redundant, I know, but the sound quality is just that good.

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Ipod's are simply the best mp3 players around. In combination with Itunes a winner. Nothing complicated about them. Ever seen a better MP3 player which is easy to handle than the Ipod Touch? And it has Wifi too!

I don't like Apple so much, but, as an ipod owner, I must agree, the player connected with itunes and downloading some cover from the net, is a wonderful machine. Just loose some time with the software and your ipod will work pretty fine.

(yes, Itunes is a little tricky, but with little training you will understand everything and get the best from your (free) software.

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I bought a Creative Zen Stone, cheap but no display and only a GIG of capacity. I bought it for my wife. Her car has an AUX. plug. Plug it into the Zen and it plays great. Since I found out it is compatible with Audible audio books, I have stolen it back from her. I can load or delete files drag and drop from the computer USB. The Audible program on the computer easily adds or deletes books. The built in battery will play for about 8 hours. A Radio Shack iGo battery extender uses two AA batteries. I don't know how long the two AA batteries last because it still has the original batteries in it. I do know they have already been used at least twenty hours.

I will upgrade for the next player. The lack of a display screen makes navigating difficult. I normally only put one book at a time on it. That works pretty well. It remembers where it was turned off.

I bought a Nokia Xpress music 5130 and it woks great with MP3 music. Unfortunately it is not compatible with Audible book files. My Nokia E51 can play Audible books.

The wife is happy using the Nokia 5130 in her car. It has a good display and the controls are much better than the Zen. The phone pays music without a SIM card, so no danger of getting a call.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ipod's are simply the best mp3 players around. In combination with Itunes a winner. Nothing complicated about them. Ever seen a better MP3 player which is easy to handle than the Ipod Touch? And it has Wifi too!

They're not really the best MP3 player around, my £20 (1100baht) MP3 player can be plugged in to any computer with a USB port and I can drag and drop music to it, can your ipod do that? Add a pair of Bose in-ear headphones and the sound is amazing. MP3 players are about making listening to music simple, at least that's the way I view MP3 players.


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