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Sneaky Maid


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Maybe the maid found the cat to be somewhat unusual - especially if it is one of those hairless cats currently favoured by condo dwelling expats.

Anyhow, maids are 10 a penny here in Thailand so next time you hire one have a contract drawn up - stating specifically that 'it is strictly forbidden to photograph the cat and pass on photographs to any third party'. You may wish to add that 'when using the toilet it is forbidden to stand on the seat'.

ha ha standing on the seat...i know who you are :)

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Have to agree that the maid got what she deserved. There was obviously no loyalty there whatsoever.

You breaking the rules on pets? Does not seem a big problem. Only now you have one pussy in the apartment and not two :)

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"Juristic person" is a legal term to describe a legal entity that does not actually exist in reality. A living, breathing person is a 'natural person'. When a corporation, or other legal entity is created, it is a legal fiction that allows the legal organization to act as a natural person, such as enter into contracts, sue and be sued. Hence, a "juristic person", or person that is created by law.

Thanks, I was wondering about that, but a little lazy to look it up.


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So you admit you knew that no pets were allowed in your accommodation yet you chose to ignore this yet the maid is the bad person here. :) And your blatant two fingers up to the rules doesn't come into it as you are Farang. Just exactly which part of " NO PETS ALLOWED " did you have trouble comprehending ? Why do some farang break the rules or the law and when caught blame the Thais ? :D In my opinion you are lucky to still have a room!

I know so many Thai people that have cats and small dogs in 'no pets allowed'-complexes that it is silly.

But sure, attack the farang for going native, eh?

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So you admit you knew that no pets were allowed in your accommodation yet you chose to ignore this yet the maid is the bad person here. :) And your blatant two fingers up to the rules doesn't come into it as you are Farang. Just exactly which part of " NO PETS ALLOWED " did you have trouble comprehending ? Why do some farang break the rules or the law and when caught blame the Thais ? :D In my opinion you are lucky to still have a room!

I know so many Thai people that have cats and small dogs in 'no pets allowed'-complexes that it is silly.

But sure, attack the farang for going native, eh?

Yup, Own-People-First kha.

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about twenty minutes ago, the juristic person for my building delivered a notice to my door regarding our cat, informing me that 'Pets are not allowed" (i was already aware of this), attatched to the back of the notice was a picture of my cat lying on my bed, this was obviously taken when no one was home and without my permission. after informing the juristic person that i intend to take legal action against (name i shall not mention) for entering my property without permission, he buckled under the stress and informed me that the maid had provided him with said evidence for a little tip as he put it.

having just taken extreme pleasure in firing my maid who was not the best in the world anyway, i now have a vacancy for a maid if anyone has anyone they would care to put forward..


well she made her own bed, so she can lie in it!


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So you admit you knew that no pets were allowed in your accommodation yet you chose to ignore this yet the maid is the bad person here. :D And your blatant two fingers up to the rules doesn't come into it as you are Farang. Just exactly which part of " NO PETS ALLOWED " did you have trouble comprehending ? Why do some farang break the rules or the law and when caught blame the Thais ? :D In my opinion you are lucky to still have a room!

Why bring race into it ??? :)

What has that got to do with anything ??

Why has it got to be " Farang blames the Thai " etc etc etc, why couldn't have been " Man blames Woman ", or " Employer blames Employee " ??

Why are you implying that the reason he broke the rules of his Building is because he's a Farang ??

No need whatsoever to bring the " Thai/Farang " thing into it, no need at all..

But whilst on the subject, the word " Grass " has no place in Thai Culture/Language, they grass each other up for everything they can, day in day out...

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Anyway, cats fair bloody stink and serve no useful purpose! There is nothing worse than entering someone's abode that stinks of stale cat's piss, and that's why they are banned!

I beg to disagree. It is the owners who do not take care to empty and properly clean the catbox.

Cats are very useful and fun(ny) animals. They will discourage mice etc. and are very self-reliant. No need to walk it.

Not only that, petting cat is very enjoyable, and lowers your bloodpressure, and a cat will give you unconditional love, as long as you feed it of course.

If they are young, their play will crack you up regularly.

You were bitten or scratched by a cat when you were young, weren't you?

But besides that, I don't think the OP is disregarding the law of the building because he is "farang" (can't stand that word), plently of Thais disregard the no pet rule, too. Like my sister-in-law.

Cats kick ass. http://icanhascheezburger.com/

Yeah lets get the full facts here " cats are very usefull at killing frogs toads birds voles" etc etc also veyr good at shi**ing in other peoples gardens. Shoot em all starting with the owners :)

Cats need their ass's kicked

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Yeah lets get the full facts here " cats are very usefull at killing frogs toads birds voles" etc etc also veyr good at shi**ing in other peoples gardens. Shoot em all starting with the owners

Cats need their ass's kicked

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Talking out of it as well

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