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Mastication Techniques


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This friday i am due to have two wisdom teeth removed, i have heard from friends that eating can be quite painfull for sevral days after.

i was just wondering if anyone has any advice in which to make the removal of my third molars a less painfull weekend?


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This friday i am due to have two wisdom teeth removed, i have heard from friends that eating can be quite painfull for sevral days after.

i was just wondering if anyone has any advice in which to make the removal of my third molars a less painfull weekend?


you like yogurt ?

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I've had all my wisdom teeth removed, one at a time though. Perhaps I've been lucky but I've been able to eat again within 4/5 hours or so with little or no discomfort. Like you, I had heard similar things about difficulty in eating etc, just posting to let you know that's not always the case. Good luck...

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I was going back to the UK last Christmas for a 2 week holiday, and the day before my flight was booked one of my back Wisdom Teeth was killing me, I was scared but knew it had to come out, I was in agony....

Went to a Dentist, here in Pattaya, the Lady Dentist removed it and i honestly did'nt even know.

The only pain I felt was the anasthetic needle before. I was given some painkillers, and cotton wool to chew on for 1 hour. I did not need the Painkillers at all, I had no pain whatsoever.

To be honest, I am quite looking forward to having my other one removed.

Good luck, and dont be scared, just eat soft food for a couple of days.

PS... I paid a Thousand Baht because it was a wisdom tooth tucked away at the very back of the top of my mouth.

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My experience was similar to JUDAS. Had two lower wisdoms removed at the same time, though under general anesthetic due to being deeply impacted, in the morning - I had no problems eating that evening. Though a thick steak may be a bit much. :)

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Mashed potatoes. Had all 4 out when I was 20. Your doc will likely also tell you to NOT eat through a straw as the suction might keep you bleeding a little longer or restart the bleeding in small amounts.


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Pattaya Girl; 'looking forward to having my other one removed' your probably the type who could put Mike Tyson in his place. Do you drink whiskey neat also? I envy people who see a dentist as a good experience.

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