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After 3 Months Of Waiting We Receive A Refusal On A Technicality

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There is no reason why you cannot submit another application whilst awaiting an appeal. You can always withdraw it if the appeal is heard first or vice versa. Remember, though, that if you do so then you will not get the fee back. Your choice.

I would not do so, though, until you know the result of the ECM's review of the first application.

Moss, I take your point about trolls, and also apologise if I have offended you in the past. I assure you that if I have done so it was not my intention.

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This bickering between the two of you is getting a little bit boring and detracting from the original post, can we put an end to it please, :D

This bears no comparison to the flame wars of Atlastaname/Silomfan/GU22 & last but not least good ole Toppers, of two tears ago,


kind of you to remember .. they were good days weren't they ?

alas pressure of time means one can do no more than occasionally browse and occasionally contribute nowadays

Yak :)

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Oh happy days!

Wasn't GU 22 that refugee from another forum that Scouser had to curtail lest his over bearing priggishness and adulation for the British Embassy visa staff made everyone defecate in their pants and puke uncontrollably? I rather think he was a woman and an ugly one at that.

Archiving is actually quite interesting and there is a mine of information there, if only folk took the trouble to excavate.

That Atlastaname/Silomfan was certainly a piece of work and quite possibly a homosexual. :D

Electra , your memory of GU22 is correct , although he was/is a man .. whatever made you think otherwise ?

Atlas/ Silomfan no doubt still is a "piece of work" .. although his sexual orientation surely has nothing to do with his posting merits one way or the other !!??

AND Electra, i don't recall your name much in the legendry arguements between those two, where you one of many who preferred to critisise from the sidelines without contributing?

I suspect neither one is that far away from this forum .............. :)

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Well I have some good news to share !




Visa will be issued today ! Just a day short of 17 weeks since we applied, and 1 refusal later....

We were trying to not go thru the appeal process, and write informally to Gerry Grant, with fresh evidence. I spoke to him on the phone yesterday, and he asked me to fax in the appeal form, saying he cant do much without the appeal form? All the evidence didn't mean anything without it they said to me. So... we faxed it over staright away, and this morning got a call from the embassy to let us know it has been overturned.

Just like everyone else we are so relieved and happy, but I really think this forum is AMAZING! I have had so much help from everyone on here that it beats any agency hands down! Its amazing the difference it makes when lots of people share their advice, so a huge thank you to all you guys from the bottom of our hearts !!!

gonna stay on this forum cause it tops !

till next time...

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Wonderful news! Congratulations!

I am butting in because my son is about to apply for a spouse visa for his wife. They met in UK and married last year in Bangkok. We have been preparing this application for months (feels like years) and it is on the verge of going in. Your story has been interesting and educational, and we are definitely providing 12 months of bank statements.

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