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Abuse Is A Way Of Life!

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I have been what many knee jerkers call a druggie for years. Funny thing is I never built a habit with cocaine, marajuana or speed. I always worked and was never off ill.

Since I have lived in Thailand I have cleaverly avoided drugs and just focused on alcohol. Problem is I now go through more booze that any other drug.

I used to view booze hounds as failures, but I now drink more than most of them.

Where did it all go wrong? How does anybody manage a week in BKK without a beer?

I need to stop, but simply can not imagine a city like BKK if I was sober.

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You need to find something to do. Like studying or working or something regular. Then you can go out and get pissed on weekends. And find friends that has a life outside the bar scene.

Trust me, i been on both drug and alcohol binges lasting for months, but never at the same time. And the only good thing about alcohol is that its legal.

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I would have found it difficult to stop drinking if I were to live in Bangkok as well

I managed to stop in Chiang Mai..far less temptation...although alcohol is alcohol and can be got anywhere.

Get to an AA meeting as soon as you can, BK has a plethora of them running every day.

You will meet loads of people who are just like YOU, we all think that it's just US with the problem...you are far from alone

I am only just over 2 months without a drink.....I have a whole new life.

I got out of the problem and into the solution

Do you want some of the same?

Good Luck


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Pious crap from me I'm afraid, but the answer to reducing my 30 year habit of several drinks a day (though pissed maybe only a couple of times a month) has been get married, have a kid (on the way - 1st time age 58) and live in an Isaan village. Now I can treat alcohol as something to use for irregular serious partying or when the locals want to share a bottle of Khao lao. Village life - go to bed 10pm and get up 6am stops you drinking every night also. I find I really like the atmosphere between 6 am and 7:30 am.

I'm sure drug use is all about how comfortable you feel with yourself and the answer to fixing that is going to be different for many folk.

Still love Bangkok and could not live without regular trips and quite a few beers

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How does anybody manage a week in BKK without a beer?

By associating with non-drinkers!

You need to build a social network of people for whom sobriety is a way of life. And from your history, it would best be people for whom achieving sobriety was a struggle as it is likely to prove so for you.

AA is the simplest, cheapest and quickest way to meet such folks, there are many meetings in Bangkok, if you don't like the people at one, try another.

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alcohol and money go hand in hand. So send your money back to a safer place and then see how easy it is to live in BKK without daily drinking sessions. Suprisingly easy.

We can't imagine a life without drugs or alcohol because we have never experienced it!

I used to be a Bangkok drunk but now I am completely sober.

Trust me, life is soooo much better.

You should try it, you will be pleasantly suprised. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I live in BKK when not offshore and i stopped drinking 3 weeks ago after a crazy 3 week bender that left me feeling like death warmed up. Luckily my best friend here stopped drinking same time as me, so we try to do other stuff like hit the gym, go bowling, play pool. It is amazing how much more time i have on my hands now that i dont head to the pub as soon as i get out the shower. Still spend lots of money though...havent quite worked that one out yet! :)

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