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True Edge / Gprs


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True offers an unlimited internet acces via Edge / gprs for only 250 baht a month

is it reliable ? anyone ?

tried to buy 3 times now their 4000 baht usb connection device

but never in stock or never have and never back order...

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Don't know in Bkk.

In Pattaya, just a few clicks out of town you already fall back to regular GPRS (very slow). Many parts I even get no GPRS at all, just voice service.

Try it in your location, and if it works good, then go for it. For the traveller, forget it, very poor coverage and large parts still on the slow GPRS standard...

I do use one of their sims in a device which has to be online 24/7, but sends tiny little amounts of data, so no high speed required. For that it's definitely the best deal to be had at 250 Baht/month (actually, you still have to add 7% VAT to that)...

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True offers an unlimited internet acces via Edge / gprs for only 250 baht a month

is it reliable ? anyone ?

tried to buy 3 times now their 4000 baht usb connection device

but never in stock or never have and never back order...

Works well with a Sierra Wireless PCMCIA card in my notebook...a bit slow but connection is good and fine for basic internet work (but not video downloading or streaming). You can buy old [hacked/unlocked] cards on E-Bay (and maybe MBK/Pantip places too) and put in any cos. SIM card for use in Thailand.

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I can't believe you can't find a device in Pan Thip. There are several different brands on the market. I use Sierra.

I have a different experience to Monty.

Yes it is a bit slow, but it is fine for emails, web browsing etc.

I use it as a back up for my normal adsl, and have had 3 pc's connected to it on occasion, and all of them worked fine, if a bit slow.

I also find it very good for travelling. Bangkok, Chiang Mai, villages in Isan, Sa Kaeo, Sukhulthai, Ayudhaya - you name it I have been there and have been able to catch up with my emails, international news and even listen to the B BC radio.. I sometimes get a faster connection in my wife's Village in Sa Keao than I do in Pattaya.

Certain times of day are bad, but you learn to avoid them.

I reckon it's a very good deal for a back up, and if you only use it for emails, the odd download and a bit of browsing, it is fine for your main connection.

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Mobi, do you use a True Move simcard? I was of the impression you used either Dtac or AIS.

Here in the resort I most definitely get only regular GPRS and no Edge when I stick my True sim in my aircard! Would be nice though at 250 Baht/month.

Definitely agree on AIS and Dtac re coverage. Not many places to be found without either GPRS, and most often full speed Edge...

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Mobi, do you use a True Move simcard? I was of the impression you used either Dtac or AIS.

Here in the resort I most definitely get only regular GPRS and no Edge when I stick my True sim in my aircard! Would be nice though at 250 Baht/month.

Definitely agree on AIS and Dtac re coverage. Not many places to be found without either GPRS, and most often full speed Edge...

So sorry, I'm getting old and confused.

Yes I use AIS, and sometimes Dtac.

The OP should definitely get an AIS sim. The packages may not be quite as cheap, but still very reasonable.

BTW I'm in a Sa Kaeo village right now and have a very fast connection on my AIS sim. I've even been talking on Skype to my friend in Oz.

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Just re-enabled edge with DTAC..they told me now have a special for next three months will get 100 hours for the 200tb 50 hour package..not bad.

Question: I am in the boonies and line of site with three re radiator towers..still under 250kb down and less than 100 up (Skype is awful.they cannot hear me... figures!) ..what typical speeds are you guys experiencing ? my windows tells me I am getting an edge signal ( actually it says G2 lol!)

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HELP! I'm living in a room in Bangkok on Sathorn Road - no way to get a telephone line for ADSL. I got a DTAC Internet SIM for GPRS/EDGE and the service is terrible. Rarely goes over 56 kbps and there are long periods of 0 throughput. When I run bandwidth tests late at night, I get about 30 KB down and 20 KB up.

DTAC performance is definitely area-specific. I used to get 230 KB down in Bangna 24/7, but on Sathorn its barely usable. Does anyone have experience with AIS or True in the Sathorn area? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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I use True SIM card..... Baht 599 per month in my iPhone 3G

Voice call credit (300 minutes per month)

SMS credit (300 messages)

EDGE/GPRS Unlimited

Wi-Fi Unlimited

the tethering function on the iPhone 3G (3.0 software) connects to my laptop to the internet and its pretty fast....

the iPhone itself also has internet access of course...

pretty satisfied....

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  • 1 month later...

I am using AIS Edge GPRS in Eastern Thailand and it is horrible. I have the Go3G USB modem that I understand costs about 1400 baht in Bangkok but here it was 2K. The "EDGE connect" software that came with the modem has a window showing maximum speed at 97.6K/s (best) and the actual speed usually hovers around 20K/s. Others in my area claim True sims with EDGE give much better speed.

I am curious if anyone with True knows what the promotion will be on August 25? It says on their website that you can call 1331 or whatever their customer service number is in order to get details. I think yesterday the 450baht unlimited promotion ended.

Does anyone know if True offers a multi-sim package like AIS? I have one sim for my EDGE modem that plugs into my pc, then another sim with the SAME phone number that goes in my phone. They charged me 50 baht for the extra sim, and it costs 20 baht per month to have the multi-sim service.

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  • 1 month later...

I use an AT&T air card bought on Ebay 2-years ago.

With AIS I get a consistent 180-200kps. With True it screams at 500kps to 1000kps plus. Many of the Chinese modems are not state of the art.

Sierra Wireless incorporates a booster battery and works world-wide.


Get a new Sierra card - problem solved. Be aware that there are some areas in Krungthep where they're testing 3G. Generally the Sukhumvit corridor and the major malls.

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