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July 8th Khao Phansa


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For more than 10 yrs now, I follow the 3 months abstination. Not really a buddhist, just feel good doing this. Can not be really bad for body and especially liver. Loose some weight too. Be careful on the 7th though, lots of drunks around as it's the last day for boozing.

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Although the three month rains-retreat is more aimed at monks.... laypeople can choose to live more devoutly, often by taking the eight precepts and staying at the temple for 24 hrs on buddha days.

The five precepts ought to be kept, as well as one is able, throughout the year.....although any period of abstinence, as yours, is admirable.

Remember that the first four precepts abstain from actions which can bring suffering to others.... the fifth brings suffering to you, by causing you to lose control and possibly break the other four, and is considered the most dangerous. The extra three precepts of the eight harm nobody if broken, but do break a promise you have made.

All precepts are not hard and fast rules.... but training rules we have decided to adopt, for our own and others benefit. If we break one, the sky isn't going to fall..... remember that only an Arahant can keep the precepts perfectly, without loss...

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I think that's a great idea and one which I'll take up. I like to give up meat and drink for January (sometimes until March or April); I started when I still lived in England and it was a nice way to cleanse oneself mentally and physically from the inevitable excesses of Christmas but in Thailand the timing doesn't really make much sense.

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Problem with Khao Phansa is not the alchohol, but that m'lady refuses to move into her just-finished new home until the 3 months is over. It'd be an ok tradition, but the fact that it'll cost so much in continued unnecessary rent at another place bothers me- i'm sure a money-conscious Isaan monk would forgive her if she did it, and the Lao spirits would probably not care either

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I'll be sticking to my usual routine of no alcohol at all except one or two light beers on special occasions with other people and with a solid meal so there's no noticeable mental effect. I guess that will mean one Corona on my birthday, and nothing else over the next 3 months. Similarly, no meat eaten at home and no young animals eaten ever (veal, lamb, suckling pig).

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Problem with Khao Phansa is not the alchohol, but that m'lady refuses to move into her just-finished new home until the 3 months is over. It'd be an ok tradition, but the fact that it'll cost so much in continued unnecessary rent at another place bothers me- i'm sure a money-conscious Isaan monk would forgive her if she did it, and the Lao spirits would probably not care either

I've never heard of that before but hey, I learn of new things almost every day. I'm affraid the chances of her moving in are non existant, knowing how traditional (superstitious) some people can be.

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I'll be sticking to my usual routine of no alcohol at all except one or two light beers on special occasions with other people and with a solid meal so there's no noticeable mental effect. I guess that will mean one Corona on my birthday, and nothing else over the next 3 months. Similarly, no meat eaten at home and no young animals eaten ever (veal, lamb, suckling pig).

my background allowed (forced) me excessivwe drinking, sportclubs, student years, never really stopped partying. So, I was a bit suprised myself that I was able to do 3 months without a beer. Even continued going out at night. Yes, beer stinks! Started like a joke but felt great (and proud) afterwards. To give it up (almost) completely? I don't think so, definetely not now, I can enjoy one or two beers so much. And it is also good for your health, don't forget that. I'd like to try the no-meat though.

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I was virtually tee-total for the 25 years of my army service and the 17 years since I retired....

In Germany I enjoyed some of their white wines at Christmas...and some of their beers.... but have never liked getting drunk.

Now I very occasionally allow myself a Shandy...(that's half beer and half lemonade...Sprite or Seven-up). It is a most thirst-quenching drink on a hot day.....pop and coffee just don't do the same job.

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For more than 10 yrs now, I follow the 3 months abstination. Not really a buddhist, just feel good doing this. Can not be really bad for body and especially liver. Loose some weight too. Be careful on the 7th though, lots of drunks around as it's the last day for boozing.

In Christianity fasting 4 weeks before Christmas and the time before Easter was the "Lent"...

but rarely still observed in western societies...

one doesn't have to join any club to do so - it's good for the body, healthy, fit body =so is the mind...

and this gives an overall pleasant state of being!

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