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Falang Pays 2.8 Million Sin Sot For Kratoey!


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Good luck to them. Hope they're happy for ever.

I would agree that this is likely to raise the bar on the expectations of other Thai families for a while, but there have been endless debates already about over-tippers (not a pun) ruining things for everyone else

Many guys just dont pay sinsod just like me. MIL did complain too bad for her her daughter wanted me.

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Why isn't she pretty? She looks beautiful.

This is not a SHE, by any stretch of the imagination.

If the old guy were to walk down a street in Britain or Ireland with his drag queen, both would be beaten up within the first hour.

Could you imagine them walking hand in hand outside a pub after the animal chucking out time. How long do you think they would last?


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Why isn't she pretty? She looks beautiful.

If the old guy were to walk down a street in Britain or Ireland with his drag queen, both would be beaten up within the first hour.

Could you imagine them walking hand in hand outside a pub after the animal chucking out time. How long do you think they would last?


if true it's the people who will do that who are really sick

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Why isn't she pretty? She looks beautiful.

This is not a SHE, by any stretch of the imagination.

If the old guy were to walk down a street in Britain or Ireland with his drag queen, both would be beaten up within the first hour.

Could you imagine them walking hand in hand outside a pub after the animal chucking out time. How long do you think they would last?


You are the only sick person here.

And a transsexual is not a drag-queen. You cannot understand the very important different between a 'gay man' and a 'transsexual now woman'?

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If the old guy were to walk down a street in Britain or Ireland with his drag queen, both would be beaten up within the first hour.

Could you imagine them walking hand in hand outside a pub after the animal chucking out time. How long do you think they would last?


They would probably get similar treatment in Australia, some macho types would take it upon themselves to sort them out. What's sick is that folks can't live and let live.

If it doesn't affect you and your lifestyle then where's the problem.

If the couple are happy, well good on em I say.

Anyone seen "Prisilla Queen of the desert"? ( Movie )

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Which one is the katoey??


Some guys can't tell. Although, he's not exactly "n'Poy" Treechada (google) either.

I guess most are too pissed to notice the forced gait, dodgy hips, wrong arms, long fingers; not to mention the baritone voice and Mr Apple (if still there). Miss Treechada is a stunner, though, and looks better than most of the top felines out there. :)

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Some always will pay more for that little bit extra :D:)

lololol! can't blame him perhaps no REAL woman has catched his eyes or just desperate. :D 2.8M dowry( wonder how much the golds cost too!) is quite big enough for more plastic surgeries.That can indeed make the "girl" at least in whatever way he would like him to have, be and look like.( in case the parents won't get hold of the whole amount), ..and yeah obviously HE CAN AFFORD! Perhaps he has another 2.8M reserved if that "union" won't work. That's for us to see. Hehehe. Naaaaaaaaaaaah I'm just jealous it's more than winning a lottery! LOLOLOL! Best wishes to both though. :D

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If the old guy were to walk down a street in Britain or Ireland with his drag queen, both would be beaten up within the first hour.

Could you imagine them walking hand in hand outside a pub after the animal chucking out time. How long do you think they would last?


They would probably get similar treatment in Australia, some macho types would take it upon themselves to sort them out. What's sick is that folks can't live and let live.

If it doesn't affect you and your lifestyle then where's the problem.

If the couple are happy, well good on em I say.

Anyone seen "Prisilla Queen of the desert"? ( Movie )

Thai tolerance of private matters is one of the best qualities of Thai culture. The my pen rai attitude is often frustrating in many circumstances but it affords a degree of freedom for individuals that is rare in the world.

And the general Thai good manners not to intrude in the private matters of others allows freedom to be who you want to be to an extraordinary degree.

The thuggish elements that many correctly suppose would inflict violence on them in many of our countries is not a laughing matter, but should be a matter of shame. I'm ashamed that I come from a culture that physically attacks any it sees as different from the social norm regardless of whether the other people impinge on their lives in any way at all.

Seeing katoey with regular jobs in banks and shops is a terrific testament to a commendable facet of Thai culture.

So this guy is not just celebrating his love, but celebrating a freedom that many of us who live here take for granted and forget how special it is when we grumble about all the negatives.

And of course I'm aware that freedom is theoretical for most Thais with peer pressure, economic restrictions, family pressure, the hierarchical social system etc., but the opportunity to be free is there and that's something worth celebrating

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Including this one.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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OH well it's his money, his choice, hope he get what he paid for. Most Farangs don't pay half that much UP FRONT, for the REAL DEAL, but in the long run we pay time, house, kids, dogs, college, trips to home country, visa(bt400.000) to stay with her, not to mention medical bill, health care, oh mercy, this poor guy is getting a double whammy. :D:D:D:):D:D

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I Wish them ALL the luck in this World!!!! ,,,,Now a side comment: It seems 2 me that Many in Thai visa is on The how 2 collect more Postpoints.hehe Yippi, me myself is over 100 and a "senior" :D So now am on my 400 more to go :) .Happy happy.

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Why isn't she pretty? She looks beautiful.

This is not a SHE, by any stretch of the imagination.

If the old guy were to walk down a street in Britain or Ireland with his drag queen, both would be beaten up within the first hour.

Could you imagine them walking hand in hand outside a pub after the animal chucking out time. How long do you think they would last?


Shame on you sassienie, didnt realise you were so narrow minded. Ladyboy's are not drag queens, others have pointed that out to you.

I happen to have met a ladyboy that many thais don't even pick as one. I have been in a group of people at a function and when she tried to convince a thai guy that she was a ladyboy, he wouldnt wear it. When I look at her, I see a woman & wonder how on earth something like that could of happened, its totally beyond her control & she is a lovely person. Her Thai b/f isnt the sort of guy I would of expected to see with a ladyboy either.

Not everyone is the same you know and not all ladyboys are lining the streets of tourist locations making assssholes of themselves. Anyway in her case at least and I am sure there other plenty of others, if she walked down the street in either the London or Sydney there would be plenty of blokes eyeing her off, completely clueless.....you'd probably be one of them :D .

Anyway give yourself an uppercut for being so nasty with that comment :)

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In spite of the forum rule being posted as a reminder . More posts have been deleted.

Here is the rule again. The next poster that persists in breaking forum rules gets a holiday.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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One of the great joys of Thai culture is the resistance to categorisation. So when a boy acts all feminine in his village he is not pushed into an 'identity ghetto'. The village gay. Contrast England.

There is an odd double narrative in Thailand. The old way of thinking of it: "so many people, so many ways". They let people do as they will. And then there is the nasty 1950s academic discourse from the USA: gays are abhorent, ladyboys are gay. It is a medical condition, they need curing.

The odd consequence is the better educated members of Thailand are closer to your Daily Mail reader in England(for non-UK citizens: these are largely desperately aspirational, right-wingers who feel put upon by a society of scorungers, immigrants and anything else they read on the front page of the Daily Mail) , while the country yokels have the sounder, more tolerant UK broadsheet reader view of the issue.

In medieval times, Western Europeans believed there was only one sex. They saw women as men with inverted genitalia. The modern tendency to bifurcate is no more logical and no more right. Any attempt you make to claim there are two sexes can be refuted. It is socially constructed. (Of course, I am assuming you already accept that gender is socially constructed, that is blindingly obvious)

"But I have a two veg and sausage genitallia", you cry. But why do you privilege this point above all other points? Why not bifurcate by eye colour. "Ah, but these determine if you can have a baby", you cry. Eh, no they don't. Ask all the infertile women.

"But it is clear by DNA", you appeal. No. Two points. Until we knew about DNA, are you then accepting it was socially constructed before then. Also, since quite frequently the DNA can be XY but the person can appear female are you certain you want to make the bifurcation along these lines? And second point, as scientists will point out until they are blue in their faces, the social belief in the clear bifurcation does not happen. Around 1 in 1,000 children are born gender ambiguous.

This is extremely complex, I am glossing the analysis of the discourse of language that would simply win this issue but I recommend you read the great masterpieces of Foucault: "The History of Sexuality". As one reviewer puts it:

"Foucault's three-part History of Sexuality begins here with an examination of the ways in which our contemporary interpretation of sexuality has been shaped by historical trends. Foucault makes a compelling case for the construction of sexual identity as a function of political and economic forces. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in sexuality, psychoanalysis, gender studies, queer theory, or feminisms, or indeed anyone who wishes to confront his or her own personal assumptions about gender and sexuality. Think you know what normal is? After Foucault, you may not be so sure."

Then read it with Judith Butler's Gender Trouble.

Now go and do some homework.

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Why isn't she pretty? She looks beautiful.

This is not a SHE, by any stretch of the imagination.

If the old guy were to walk down a street in Britain or Ireland with his drag queen, both would be beaten up within the first hour.

Could you imagine them walking hand in hand outside a pub after the animal chucking out time. How long do you think they would last?


Shame on you sassienie, didnt realise you were so narrow minded. Ladyboy's are not drag queens, others have pointed that out to you.

I happen to have met a ladyboy that many thais don't even pick as one. I have been in a group of people at a function and when she tried to convince a thai guy that she was a ladyboy, he wouldnt wear it. When I look at her, I see a woman & wonder how on earth something like that could of happened, its totally beyond her control & she is a lovely person. Her Thai b/f isnt the sort of guy I would of expected to see with a ladyboy either.

Not everyone is the same you know and not all ladyboys are lining the streets of tourist locations making assssholes of themselves. Anyway in her case at least and I am sure there other plenty of others, if she walked down the street in either the London or Sydney there would be plenty of blokes eyeing her off, completely clueless.....you'd probably be one of them :D .

Anyway give yourself an uppercut for being so nasty with that comment :)

Again this person is quoted as a she. You are living an illusion, pal.

Quite frankly, this sort of thing repulses me. This is not meant as an insult to the person, but only to what they do and how they do it.

This openness and the displaying of something like this as the norm, is sending out all the wrong messages to the younger generations.

For the Brits: does anyone remember Mary Whitehouse?

She was a British campaigner for what she perceived to be values of morality and decency derived from her religious beliefs. She began by focusing her efforts on the broadcast media, which she regarded as highly influential, and where she felt these values were particularly lacking. Later, she made notable interventions over publications and theatrical productions of which she disapproved, becoming involved in several cases of litigation. She was the founder and first president of the National Viewers' and Listeners' Association, now known as mediawatch-uk. She was right.

For the record I am not religious, but do believe that there are too many bad influences on young people these days, whether it be religious fanaticism, sexual deviations and violence that is easily accessible in the public domain.

If I lived for the next 1000 years, no one would ever be able to convince me that this is good for society or just a harmless bit of fun, nor could they talk me into believing that black is white or a he is a she.

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A few years ago I was sitting with a small group of Thais drinking beer outside the mini mart at the condo where I rented. As conversations often will, that one got around to girls. One 30 something guy talked about having a kayoey for a 'faan'. He claimed that he had far fewer problems with his katoey than with most girls friends he had been with.

Edited by klikster
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