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Obama Coming To Pattaya...


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Yes folks I didn't believe it myself...but it's true! We, the people of Pattaya, will have the chance to see and bask in the reflected glory of "The One" up close and personal this October, when he makes his appearance at the newest kitchy tourist attraction Bill Heineke is opening at the Royal Garden Mall...a branch of Madame Taussaud's Wax Museum :D

The Museum will take up the space previously occupied by the movie theatres on the 3rd floor of the mall. For those of you who can't wait, you can wonder down now and see "The "One's" smiling visage adorning the doors and other spaces around the mall. (I wouldn't recommend this for you, George, at least on a full stomach, as it may cause you to loose it :) )

Edited by MeetJohnDoe
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Yes folks I didn't believe it myself...but it's true! We, the people of Pattaya, will have the chance to see and bask in the reflected glory of "The One" up close and personal this October, when he makes his appearance at the newest kitchy tourist attraction Bill Heineke is opening at the Royal Garden Mall...a branch of Madame Taussaud's Wax Museum :D

The Museum will take up the space previously occupied by the movie theatres on the 3rd floor of the mall. For those of you who can't wait, you can go to the mall now and see "The "One's" smiling visage adorning the doors and other spaces around the mall. (I wouldn't recommend this for you, George, at least on a full stomach, as it may cause you to loose it :D )

Nothing like the Real Thing!! Just saw a report of one Wax Museum had an Obama wax figure that move like the Real Deal. :D:):D

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I'm getting ill just THINKING about it!!

I can certainly understand it. Whatever else may be going on in the USA, or around the world, it certainly can NOT be as important as the unveiling of a wax image of THE MESSIAH!

I wonder how close I'll be able to get to him? Will I be able to feel the warmth of the halo? Will I be blinded by the Cheshire Cat smile? Can I follow him into the bathroom to verify that his sh1t doesn't stink?!! Will I be able to get close enough to ... I'd better leave that question unasked!

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Nothing like the Real Thing!! Just saw a report of one Wax Museum had an Obama wax figure that move like the Real Deal. :D:):D

Really? What does it do; throw rocks at the American flag, then bow toward Mecca? Or does is throw money into a cess pool with its' left hand; and hand grenades at American business with its' right hand? All of those are "signature moves" of America's first anti-American, socialist President.

Edited by patsfangr
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I'm getting ill just THINKING about it!!

I can certainly understand it. Whatever else may be going on in the USA, or around the world, it certainly can NOT be as important as the unveiling of a wax image of THE MESSIAH!

I wonder how close I'll be able to get to him? Will I be able to feel the warmth of the halo? Will I be blinded by the Cheshire Cat smile? Can I follow him into the bathroom to verify that his sh1t doesn't stink?!! Will I be able to get close enough to ... I'd better leave that question unasked!

I thought that post would get your attention...but don't hold back like this...tell us how you really feel :D:)

Edited by MeetJohnDoe
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G - something tells me you won't be standing in line for one of these:



Words I will NEVER forget, which came from the mouth of that woman on the day that Obama was nominated at the Democratic convention: "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country."

My answer to Michelle Obama is as follows:

It's NOT YOUR country, lady!! If you can't find any reason to be proud of the United States of America until the day that your socialist husband was nominated for the Presidency; it is, most certainly, NOT YOUR COUNTRY!!

Your husband has spent the last 6 months essentially echoing your sentiments to everyone who'd listen. I haven't heard him utter one word that expresses pride in anything that America has done since July 4th, 1776. Whether he was born in Hawaii, as he claims; or in Kenya, as some other people claim; he is most certainly NOT an American!!

Unlike you, Michelle, the day that the ignorant, naive, American people elected this man to our highest political office was the day that I was, for the first time in my adult life, ASHAMED of my country!

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The ACTUAL Monetary Stimulus:-

Things are slow in the Village & with the rain it is almost totally Deserted

These are tough times & everybody is surviving on Credit.

A Rich Tourist comes to town & enters the only Hotel still open & lays a $100 note on the reception Desk & goes to inspect a room upstairs to pick one if suitable.

The Hotel owner grabs the Note & runs & pays his debt to the Butcher

The Butcher grabs it & runs to pay the Farmer for his meat.

The Farmer takes it & runs to the Feed supplier to pay his debt.

The feed supplier runs off with the note to pay the local Prostitute that has been servicing him on Credit.

The Hooker runs off with the $100 to the Hotel to pay for the rooms she has been booking on Credit.

The Hotel Boss puts it back on the Counter so the Rich Tourist wont suspect.

Just then the Tourist comes down the Stairs picks up the $100 note & pockets it & leaves as the rooms aren't up to his requirements & leaves the Village.

No one has earned a thing , BUT , the whole Village is now out of debt & looks to the future with great optimism.



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“You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people’s initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.” –Abraham Lincoln

All of those things that are properly noted as the wrong way to govern, are precisely what Barack Obama is doing, or proposes to do, in the USA.

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"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves." –Abraham Lincoln

All of those things that are properly noted as the wrong way to govern, are precisely what Barack Obama is doing, or proposes to do, in the USA.

YEP, it can't be easy having to follow the outstanding successes of George W :)

Happy 4th July :D

Edited by Chaimai
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