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My "story" So Far...


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This I posted on different forum on November 2007

Hi everybody!

I'm Kai 20 years old, living in Finland.

I don't drink neither smoke

Never dated or even kissed

Going to write my "story" just to let it out of my system. If anyone got same kind of experiences I would be happy to hear. You can tell me what you think if you want (all comments are welcome). Are you ready to start reading?

I met this girl on the Internet. She is from Thailand. She is 25 years old. We have been chatting with each other about 7 months now (at yahoo messenger). We both got webcams, so we know what the other person looks like. We chat allmost everyday and we have also sent some letters to each other. This all began at one dating site. I wasn't looking anything serious then just one day she sent me a message at the yahoo messenger. First time I saw her at webcam, I felt something. I didn't realize it then but now when I think it...it was something special. We just began talking all kinds of things and it just went deeper. Then we got about 5 weeks pause (without seeing each other) because she was moving. That time I noticed that I was thinking of her a lot. I made a couple of videos for her (with my digital camera) where I was telling her how I feel. Then she told me that she has been thinking of me too. I also remember that she used the word love much earlier than I. I have never said the words: I love you, to anyone (because never felt even close to this feeling). Then I sent my first letter to her (if I remember correctly it was October). It content was: 1 hand write letter, 1 picture of me and 1 half heart (I got the other half) the heart got text: I love you, then our initials). Also on October was my birthday and she did birthday card for me. When she got my letter she was so happy (I just love to see her smile and her eyes...something magic).

Then came December she had a birthday, so I sent her letter. She also sent me one. Days went by we chatted and I realized how much I really care for her. Couple of times have been crying when listening some love songs because immediately my thoughts are in her. I get her mail at the end of December. She had been talking about sending her T-shirt to me with his "smell" (as she told me). When I got it, I was pretty surprised because it wasn't "smell" it was scent (and very good scent too). Then the year changed. I sent my T-shirt to her + letter. I also called to her for the very first time. She was so surprised and I was so nervous (as usual). I record our phone call and now that I have been listened it couple of times I like her voice. At first I was surprised because I thought she would have different kind of voice. Maybe it's because of accent but my English isn't so good (my spoken English is so terrible). So that is also one of the "fears" that I have. Because we both got different languages and sometimes we don't understand each other. Now we have been chatting almost 7 months. I know our feelings are real and so strong. Of course you don't know other person that well by meeting on the Internet.

That leads to my biggest problem. I'm unemployed and got very little money (and living with my parents). So I can't travel (I don't even have to courage to travel but no money also). She has job but the pay isn't that high. She works hard and try to save money to travel here. In December she told me that if I could wait. Then I asked her what she meant. She talked something about 3 years and saving money. She also live on her own. I just feel myself so kid, not an adult at all. Still I know that this is something special because she is so sweet,funny,pretty and I can talk with her about...well everything. Sometimes I'm mad to myself to fall in love with her (and that she have fallen love with me) because I'm afraid that I can't offer her what she deserves. I have told her that also and she said that she doesn't care about my money or anything else like that. She just care about me. I believe her and I have also saw her emotions through webcam. This all just feel so wonderful even though our distance is long. No one can't predict the future but I try to live day by day. Maybe one day we will meet...Time will tell.

If you read all that, thank you and have a nice day.

December 2008

We still keep contact (usually once a week). I got a job in different city (bigger city) and I have moved on my own now. So we have known each other over 18months now. Never I have been this happy in my life. We still haven't met in real but now the chances are much better. I can't help my feelings and I know in my heart that this is right (gonna be wonderfull in real also). She has moved to Australia and doing better there. Learning more english and doing job (earning more money than in Thailand). She is really wanting to come here to see me and I want to see her. We have planned (mostly she) that she could come here on june or july 2009. I can't help how my heart feels but I know this all is true and can be wonderfull. Just have to wait for now but I can wait (like I have told her also). When someone like her comes in your life you don't want to let her go. So also wanna say good luck to all of them who have found the right one and good luck also for them who are still searching.

June 2009

Yeaah, wuhuu, we finally get the visa and she is coming to Finland in couple of weeks. I can't describe how much I have waited her. I'm really nervous and very excited to see her. I hope everything goes well. I'm so happy right now...feeling like my dream come true.

July 2009

Now is the time to tell how it all went.

My girlfriend arrived here 20th of June. When I went to meet her at the very first time...oh I was so nervous. I never been in the airport before so that was the first thing but the most I was affraiding would I recognize her. I arrived at the airport and after wondering around a little bit I found right gate. Then I just waited and waited. Finally her flight landed and I saw lots of people coming to the arriving hall. I was checking where is my girlfriend and then finally she arrived. She was just like in the picture and in webcam (expect more beautiful). She saw me too and I went to hug her. It felt like all the other people around me disappeared and I just hold her in my arms. Two years I waited that day and now it finally happened. After we talked a little bit we went to the bus station and arrived to my house. She was tired because of travelling and time difference. I let her sleep when she wanted and after a while I went to the bed myself. I watched her sleep a little while and after that I fall to sleep myself. New day arrived and we just watched some movies,walked around little bit,talked,ate and went to bed early. Monday arrived and we were both waking up. Our eyes met, she came close to me and we kissed. I will always remember that (because that was my first kiss and because it was so perfect). I hold her and we kissed a little while... after a while we went to the shopping mall, watched movies and so the time went and it was another night again. Same thing on another morning and I felt like this is where I want to be for the rest of my life. Sleeping next to her and waking up next to her. Days went by very quickly and on thurstday we went to see my parents.

When we arrived at my home town I was so nervous. I didn't know what would my family think of her. Then we finally arrived at my family's house. Introducing them was very first thing and little bit hard because I'm the only one in our family that can speak english. Even they couldn't understand so I needed to translate everything. It was very interresting (to say the least) but went better than I expected. After the dinner they started to ask questions about her (where is she from? How old is she?). I told everything and it was funny to see their faces after I told them her age and that we already been chatting over 2 years. They were shocked but happy for me. Even my family smiled more than usual. We went to bed early and then the next day arrived. We went around our home town and then the days went by also very quick. Everybody liked her and when we were leaving they wished all well to her and us.

Then we came back here and days went by quicker than usual. Finally it was the day she had to leave (it was thurstday). I didn't want to think of it and just try to avoid it (wanted to stop time). After all the day ended and we went to the airport. I was very sad but didn't show it to her because she told me not to be sad. Finally I had to let her go. Final hug felt as wonderful as the first but at the same time I was sad. I watched her go and came to home. It wasn't untill friday when I really missed her and even when I tried to sleep, I just rolled on my bed and thought her. Luckily she called me yeasterday and told me that everything is alright and she is safe back at home (just very tired). It was so great to hear her voice and I told her how much I miss her. Now I just need to wait untill we can see again. I know I can do that and I know it is possible. I really know now that my feelings are real. I really love her from the bottom of my heart and soul.

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Hello and welcome to TV at first! :)

My only advice for you is: Let her come to Finland, don't go to Thailand.

The reason for that is: social security and work is much easier in Finland, so is that it is an modernized country.

It's good to hear your Thai girl took her own effort to get there!

Edited by Datsun240Z
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Hi Kai.yes u r in "Love" or may i call it attracted.If u want u can "do it". But (always a BUT) :D ,,,, :D Beware, in ur state of mind u cant see clearly.,,,,Just b ware,you may get Heartache.That is worse then Toothache ! :)

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By the way kaitchu, i know a Pikatchu, are you relatives ?

Kai to be sure you are in love you have to live with her for some time don't you think ?

what do you really know about her (except what she tells you)

if you really want to have a chance to know her, it's time to go on holiday in thailand.

Good Luck

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kaitchu, your story is on several internet sites, why do you do that?

Are you that happy, or looking for advice maybe, and if yes what kind of advice??


You still have some spray Carib ?

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kaitchu, your story is on several internet sites, why do you do that?

Are you that happy, or looking for advice maybe, and if yes what kind of advice??


You still have some spray Carib ?

Hahahaha, well he could be genuine and just happy, I hope he is by the way !

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By the way kaitchu, i know a Pikatchu, are you relatives ?

Kai to be sure you are in love you have to live with her for some time don't you think ?

what do you really know about her (except what she tells you)

if you really want to have a chance to know her, it's time to go on holiday in thailand.

Good Luck

hahahaha maak maak Pikatchu,,,,b Good now Isanb.... Hope its not her..... :)


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Hello and welcome to TV at first! :)

My only advice for you is: Let her come to Finland, don't go to Thailand.

The reason for that is: social security and work is much easier in Finland, so is that it is an modernized country.

It's good to hear your Thai girl took her own effort to get there!

I would actually disagree. Go to Thailand!!! If you want to understand your lady, understand Thailand first. So go there and check it out, if you've survived that you are probably okay, lol. It is important for you and for her that you'll understand the culture, background, lifestyle ect.

Ohw and of course I am happy for you guys but I never believed in the internet relations. You've been chatting for 2 years but you've seen her in real life for about 2 weeks. So in my opinion you only know her for 2 weeks.

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Man, if you for real. You never had a woman before. Nver dated. Never kissed. Never got drunk and never smoked. Please don't fall in love with some Thai bint in cyberspace.

Find a local girl where you live. She doesn't have to be anything special. Try the local cusine before you start bringing in take-aways from other countries. Use your noddle. Think with the big head, not the little one.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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Hello and welcome to TV at first! :D

My only advice for you is: Let her come to Finland, don't go to Thailand.

The reason for that is: social security and work is much easier in Finland, so is that it is an modernized country.

It's good to hear your Thai girl took her own effort to get there!

I would actually disagree. Go to Thailand!!! If you want to understand your lady, understand Thailand first. So go there and check it out, if you've survived that you are probably okay, lol. It is important for you and for her that you'll understand the culture, background, lifestyle ect.

Ohw and of course I am happy for you guys but I never believed in the internet relations. You've been chatting for 2 years but you've seen her in real life for about 2 weeks. So in my opinion you only know her for 2 weeks.

Yup, you must know HER culture too and respect it. You can only achieve that during a stay in Thailand - not from books, documentations or what you are told - far away...

Go to Rome and do like the Romans do! Otherwise your relationship might be doomed from the very beginning... There's a 10.000 miles gap between the western way of thinking and the asian way.

Wish you both the Best of Luck! :)

Edited by webfact
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Man, if you for real. You never had a woman before. Nver dated. Never kissed. Never got drunk and never smoked. Please don't fall in love with some Thai bint in cyberspace.

Find a local girl where you live. She doesn't have to be anything special. Try the local cusine before you start bringing in take-aways from other countries. Use your noddle. Think with the big head, not the little one.

I hate to agree with Geekfreaklover, but he has a point. It seems fishy to me that a Thai girl would use an internet dating service to meet a falang. Specially at the age of 25. It's very rare that anyone ends up happily with their first love.

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Man, if you for real. You never had a woman before. Nver dated. Never kissed. Never got drunk and never smoked. Please don't fall in love with some Thai bint in cyberspace.

Find a local girl where you live. She doesn't have to be anything special. Try the local cusine before you start bringing in take-aways from other countries. Use your noddle. Think with the big head, not the little one.

I hate to agree with Geekfreaklover, but he has a point. It seems fishy to me that a Thai girl would use an internet dating service to meet a falang. Specially at the age of 25. It's very rare that anyone ends up happily with their first love.

There are scads of Thai girls 18 to 25 on internet dating websites looking for Farangs. Just take a look. Agreed first love can be tricky, but not always. Sometimes it's the best.

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Travel to Thailand, meet her family, see the Thai culture, spend time with her and everyday life in Thailand, meet her friends etc - this will give you a much better understanding of her and her way of life - then decide what your next steps should be.

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Man, if you for real. You never had a woman before. Nver dated. Never kissed. Never got drunk and never smoked. Please don't fall in love with some Thai bint in cyberspace.

Find a local girl where you live. She doesn't have to be anything special. Try the local cusine before you start bringing in take-aways from other countries. Use your noddle. Think with the big head, not the little one.

I hate to agree with Geekfreaklover, but he has a point. It seems fishy to me that a Thai girl would use an internet dating service to meet a falang. Specially at the age of 25. It's very rare that anyone ends up happily with their first love.

There are scads of Thai girls 18 to 25 on internet dating websites looking for Farangs. Just take a look. Agreed first love can be tricky, but not always. Sometimes it's the best.

Yes but most of those girls are lying about their age, have photoshopped their pictures and have at least a few relationships behind them.

I can still pass for 25, although a bit older, and have met a few internet dating girls from the aforementioned age group. All were quite willing to go to bed on the first night. This indicates to me that have been willing to go to bed on a first date with others before.

Excercise caution.

Thailand is a long way to go to find out about the complexities of romance, love and how male and females interact together. Find a Fin girl first be my advice. Take it or leave it.

I sense the OP will be a lamb to the slaughter out here in the land of smiles.

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Man, if you for real. You never had a woman before. Nver dated. Never kissed. Never got drunk and never smoked. Please don't fall in love with some Thai bint in cyberspace.

Find a local girl where you live. She doesn't have to be anything special. Try the local cusine before you start bringing in take-aways from other countries. Use your noddle. Think with the big head, not the little one.

I hate to agree with Geekfreaklover, but he has a point. It seems fishy to me that a Thai girl would use an internet dating service to meet a falang. Specially at the age of 25. It's very rare that anyone ends up happily with their first love.

Do you and geekfreaklover live on a different planet :) ?

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Man, if you for real. You never had a woman before. Nver dated. Never kissed. Never got drunk and never smoked. Please don't fall in love with some Thai bint in cyberspace.

Find a local girl where you live. She doesn't have to be anything special. Try the local cusine before you start bringing in take-aways from other countries. Use your noddle. Think with the big head, not the little one.

I hate to agree with Geekfreaklover, but he has a point. It seems fishy to me that a Thai girl would use an internet dating service to meet a falang. Specially at the age of 25. It's very rare that anyone ends up happily with their first love.

There are scads of Thai girls 18 to 25 on internet dating websites looking for Farangs. Just take a look. Agreed first love can be tricky, but not always. Sometimes it's the best.

Yes but most of those girls are lying about their age, have photoshopped their pictures and have at least a few relationships behind them.

I can still pass for 25, although a bit older, and have met a few internet dating girls from the aforementioned age group. All were quite willing to go to bed on the first night. This indicates to me that have been willing to go to bed on a first date with others before.

Excercise caution.

Thailand is a long way to go to find out about the complexities of romance, love and how male and females interact together. Find a Fin girl first be my advice. Take it or leave it.

I sense the OP will be a lamb to the slaughter out here in the land of smiles.

I agree, plus the one and only actual real romance in Thailand is in these over-sweetened, over-acted neverending soap series on tv .............

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You hookup with a 25 year old beautiful woman and not much happen on the LAME side for sure but entirely possible. If you are for real I suggest you come to Thailand a met a hold bunch of beautiful women, one thing I can say (99 per cent sure) you will be kiss amongst many other things before you return home unless you are a SUPER super DUPER lame DUDE. :):D:D:D

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She moved to Australia? Do you have any idea how hard that would be for a single Thai lady? Virtually impossible unless she has some special work skill listed on the Australian Immigration department skills shortage list, can pass IELTS at level 5 in all areas, and had sufficient work experience to get a 457 Visa to work in Australia. She probably moved to Australia with her Aussie husband and told him she was going to visit family in Thailand to come and shag you in Finland. Cynical, I know but it is hard to believe a Thai girl moved to Australia to work and then spent her own money to visit an internet date in Finland, sorry. If it is all true then good luck to you!

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This I posted on different forum on November 2007

Hi everybody!

I'm Kai 20 years old, living in Finland.

I don't drink neither smoke

Never dated or even kissed

Going to write my "story" just to let it out of my system. If anyone got same kind of experiences I would be happy to hear. You can tell me what you think if you want (all comments are welcome). Are you ready to start reading?

I met this girl on the Internet. She is from Thailand. She is 25 years old. We have been chatting with each other about 7 months now (at yahoo messenger). We both got webcams, so we know what the other person looks like. We chat allmost everyday and we have also sent some letters to each other. This all began at one dating site. I wasn't looking anything serious then just one day she sent me a message at the yahoo messenger. First time I saw her at webcam, I felt something. I didn't realize it then but now when I think it...it was something special. We just began talking all kinds of things and it just went deeper. Then we got about 5 weeks pause (without seeing each other) because she was moving. That time I noticed that I was thinking of her a lot. I made a couple of videos for her (with my digital camera) where I was telling her how I feel. Then she told me that she has been thinking of me too. I also remember that she used the word love much earlier than I. I have never said the words: I love you, to anyone (because never felt even close to this feeling). Then I sent my first letter to her (if I remember correctly it was October). It content was: 1 hand write letter, 1 picture of me and 1 half heart (I got the other half) the heart got text: I love you, then our initials). Also on October was my birthday and she did birthday card for me. When she got my letter she was so happy (I just love to see her smile and her eyes...something magic).

Then came December she had a birthday, so I sent her letter. She also sent me one. Days went by we chatted and I realized how much I really care for her. Couple of times have been crying when listening some love songs because immediately my thoughts are in her. I get her mail at the end of December. She had been talking about sending her T-shirt to me with his "smell" (as she told me). When I got it, I was pretty surprised because it wasn't "smell" it was scent (and very good scent too). Then the year changed. I sent my T-shirt to her + letter. I also called to her for the very first time. She was so surprised and I was so nervous (as usual). I record our phone call and now that I have been listened it couple of times I like her voice. At first I was surprised because I thought she would have different kind of voice. Maybe it's because of accent but my English isn't so good (my spoken English is so terrible). So that is also one of the "fears" that I have. Because we both got different languages and sometimes we don't understand each other. Now we have been chatting almost 7 months. I know our feelings are real and so strong. Of course you don't know other person that well by meeting on the Internet.

That leads to my biggest problem. I'm unemployed and got very little money (and living with my parents). So I can't travel (I don't even have to courage to travel but no money also). She has job but the pay isn't that high. She works hard and try to save money to travel here. In December she told me that if I could wait. Then I asked her what she meant. She talked something about 3 years and saving money. She also live on her own. I just feel myself so kid, not an adult at all. Still I know that this is something special because she is so sweet,funny,pretty and I can talk with her about...well everything. Sometimes I'm mad to myself to fall in love with her (and that she have fallen love with me) because I'm afraid that I can't offer her what she deserves. I have told her that also and she said that she doesn't care about my money or anything else like that. She just care about me. I believe her and I have also saw her emotions through webcam. This all just feel so wonderful even though our distance is long. No one can't predict the future but I try to live day by day. Maybe one day we will meet...Time will tell.

If you read all that, thank you and have a nice day.

December 2008

We still keep contact (usually once a week). I got a job in different city (bigger city) and I have moved on my own now. So we have known each other over 18months now. Never I have been this happy in my life. We still haven't met in real but now the chances are much better. I can't help my feelings and I know in my heart that this is right (gonna be wonderfull in real also). She has moved to Australia and doing better there. Learning more english and doing job (earning more money than in Thailand). She is really wanting to come here to see me and I want to see her. We have planned (mostly she) that she could come here on june or july 2009. I can't help how my heart feels but I know this all is true and can be wonderfull. Just have to wait for now but I can wait (like I have told her also). When someone like her comes in your life you don't want to let her go. So also wanna say good luck to all of them who have found the right one and good luck also for them who are still searching.

June 2009

Yeaah, wuhuu, we finally get the visa and she is coming to Finland in couple of weeks. I can't describe how much I have waited her. I'm really nervous and very excited to see her. I hope everything goes well. I'm so happy right now...feeling like my dream come true.

July 2009

Now is the time to tell how it all went.

My girlfriend arrived here 20th of June. When I went to meet her at the very first time...oh I was so nervous. I never been in the airport before so that was the first thing but the most I was affraiding would I recognize her. I arrived at the airport and after wondering around a little bit I found right gate. Then I just waited and waited. Finally her flight landed and I saw lots of people coming to the arriving hall. I was checking where is my girlfriend and then finally she arrived. She was just like in the picture and in webcam (expect more beautiful). She saw me too and I went to hug her. It felt like all the other people around me disappeared and I just hold her in my arms. Two years I waited that day and now it finally happened. After we talked a little bit we went to the bus station and arrived to my house. She was tired because of travelling and time difference. I let her sleep when she wanted and after a while I went to the bed myself. I watched her sleep a little while and after that I fall to sleep myself. New day arrived and we just watched some movies,walked around little bit,talked,ate and went to bed early. Monday arrived and we were both waking up. Our eyes met, she came close to me and we kissed. I will always remember that (because that was my first kiss and because it was so perfect). I hold her and we kissed a little while... after a while we went to the shopping mall, watched movies and so the time went and it was another night again. Same thing on another morning and I felt like this is where I want to be for the rest of my life. Sleeping next to her and waking up next to her. Days went by very quickly and on thurstday we went to see my parents.

When we arrived at my home town I was so nervous. I didn't know what would my family think of her. Then we finally arrived at my family's house. Introducing them was very first thing and little bit hard because I'm the only one in our family that can speak english. Even they couldn't understand so I needed to translate everything. It was very interresting (to say the least) but went better than I expected. After the dinner they started to ask questions about her (where is she from? How old is she?). I told everything and it was funny to see their faces after I told them her age and that we already been chatting over 2 years. They were shocked but happy for me. Even my family smiled more than usual. We went to bed early and then the next day arrived. We went around our home town and then the days went by also very quick. Everybody liked her and when we were leaving they wished all well to her and us.

Then we came back here and days went by quicker than usual. Finally it was the day she had to leave (it was thurstday). I didn't want to think of it and just try to avoid it (wanted to stop time). After all the day ended and we went to the airport. I was very sad but didn't show it to her because she told me not to be sad. Finally I had to let her go. Final hug felt as wonderful as the first but at the same time I was sad. I watched her go and came to home. It wasn't untill friday when I really missed her and even when I tried to sleep, I just rolled on my bed and thought her. Luckily she called me yeasterday and told me that everything is alright and she is safe back at home (just very tired). It was so great to hear her voice and I told her how much I miss her. Now I just need to wait untill we can see again. I know I can do that and I know it is possible. I really know now that my feelings are real. I really love her from the bottom of my heart and soul.

wow,i actualy read all that,

anyway good luck,and let us knw if you need any advice

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You guys are so bad. Stop teasing the virgin Fin.

Kaitchu has found real love. I am happy for you. Your story is so touching. I almost cry.

Real love for him. A real sucker for her.

Theres a publishing house in bangkok that laps this kind of stuff up www.bangkokbookhouse.com

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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