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Us Embassy And Service?


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Had an appointment with them for our earnings letter. Went very smoothly, no complaints.

Good to hear. However I can't seem to get the appointment. They suggested That I just walk in and wait. Another member said he even had trouble getting entrance into his own embassy. I'm easy going and not looking for trouble but it seems to find me. I guess I show my displeasure with rude, lazy and arrogant bureaucrats.

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I'm not from Texas, retard.

And a real professional, as you will find in the embassy, isn't as shallow and judgemental as you and Thai immigration. As long as you aren't wearing something lewd or offensive, you will be served. And if the clerk/officer./agent serving you is a professional, you'll get good, efficient service whether you're wearing a tudedo or a T-shirt.

I'll let you know if I find that "professional". I hope they haven't laid them all off with tourism being down and all.

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some entitlement

Yeah, that seems to be a predominant theme with people who are not satisfied with the service of the embassy/consulate.

Maybe next time, take a shower, comb your hair, put on your best suit, and bring a box of candy.

Or, rather than do all that, why don't you go to the website, and read about the interview process and how only the applicant is allowed in that section of the embassy. Sure they would not have refused your entrance if you wanted to go to American citizen services.

As for the op, understand your frustration. I offered the clerk a corn dog and a Yoohoo, and he wouldn't help me with my translation either.

When you guys go home do you complain to the DMV that they don't help you with your taxes? Are you one of those guys that call 911 when your pizza delivery is late?

If you go to the embassy web site, they are very clear on what is, and what is not their responsibility. It's a bureaucracy like any other. Operate with them on their terms and as long as what you want is within their perview, you should find their service adequate, and even sometimes helpful.

As for the sarcasm, really not meaning to offend you, just be a little light hearted. :)

My first contact with them was by email as I could not get into their web site. Still can't for some unknow reason. I stated that in my first post. Their apparent standard response was to go to their web site. DUH! So I called twice and no one would wait for me to finish my request before I was transferred. Results, No Appointment! Will do a walkin and hope for the best. Twelve years US Air Force so waiting in long lines are the norm.

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Not a happy camper when it comes to using the US Embassy and SERVICE in the same breath. Two phone calls requesting an appointment to discuss my Thai wife's green card and IRS requirements resulted in my calls being re-routed before I could even finish telling them what I needed. Needless to say I didn't get the appointment and was directed to web sites for my info. Been there already and just wanted clarification on some points. Emails have been just as big of a disappointment as my phone calls. Have been unable to log into their web site to even register my location here. Their response was for me to try another computer. THIS ONE WORKS FINE! It's their web site or my DSL high speed service provider(TOT) that doesn't. Doesn't seem to reason that TOT would be filtering out the US Embassy Site. I know there is a lot of censorship and monitoring here but I doubt it in this case. I just wonder what will happen when I go for my "income verification letter? By the way they don't do english to thai translations even for a price. Kept all correspondence as I may write my senator. I feel that they should provide better service or just close down. Obama could use the money. What has your experience been like when you had to go through the US Embassy? Let's discuss it or at least vent.


I'm not defending the Embessy and consulate, but you nead to realise they are busy, overworked, and tired of being asked the same questions day after day. Also it is my experience that it is the Thai staff there that often act more rude rto people with questions than the americans. Not a complaint or Thai bashing, just my experience.

Some comments:

1. They publish information sheets with the procedure outlined for common situations. There is a sheet on getting married in Thailand to a Thai with the entire procedure outlined step-by-step. Yet, every day, people come in asking what they should do to get married to a Thai. They never red the information sheet, they ask the questions that the sheet answers to the clerk instead. Don't you think that clerk just wants to grab that person by the throat, and say "Read the D-mn info sheet I just handed you?".

2. The embessy does not do translations...either Thai to English or vice versa. They however have a list of selected translators which will provide a certified translation which is accepted as a legal document by the embessy. Don't expect the embessy to translate documents for you, but the certified translator is a professional, that does the job for a living.

3. They do not have time to "sit down and talk about you or your partners options" regarding visa problems. They have an information sheet, if you read it, the options are spelled out.

4. I have logged on to the U.S. embessy web site in Bangkok from here in Greece. I had no problem.

5. Regarding spouse interviews....there is a reason the American spouse is not wanted there. First of all, the inteview will be in Thai and English. They want to judge the English ability of the applicant. And they want to judge the candid opinion of the Thai partner, without his/her American spouse looking over their shoulder.


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Not a happy camper when it comes to using the US Embassy and SERVICE in the same breath. Two phone calls requesting an appointment to discuss my Thai wife's green card and IRS requirements resulted in my calls being re-routed before I could even finish telling them what I needed. Needless to say I didn't get the appointment and was directed to web sites for my info. Been there already and just wanted clarification on some points. Emails have been just as big of a disappointment as my phone calls. Have been unable to log into their web site to even register my location here. Their response was for me to try another computer. THIS ONE WORKS FINE! It's their web site or my DSL high speed service provider(TOT) that doesn't. Doesn't seem to reason that TOT would be filtering out the US Embassy Site. I know there is a lot of censorship and monitoring here but I doubt it in this case. I just wonder what will happen when I go for my "income verification letter? By the way they don't do english to thai translations even for a price. Kept all correspondence as I may write my senator. I feel that they should provide better service or just close down. Obama could use the money. What has your experience been like when you had to go through the US Embassy? Let's discuss it or at least vent.

I'm not surprise, I posted similar type of issues a few months back. Never received 1 single response from the American Consulate after several phone calls and (3) EMAIL pleading for some answers. OHHH never mind, it's too frustrating.

Get help from the US Embassy? HAAAA good luck. Either they are over loaded or lazy. I believe the latter of the 2 is the problem :D . However, the person who answered the phone was very nice & polite. Not that it means anything. :)

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I have mostly good experiences at the US Embassy, passport renewal and such.

But the last time I was there, I ran into a very rude Thai employee, and asked to speak to her superior which was an American man, and he sorted everything out to my satisfaction.

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