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What Makes You Smile In Los?


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I like going out to a nice restaurant with my wife.

Enjoying delicious food and good conversation.

While driving home a Krungthep Fortuner almost wipes us off the road.

I really smile when I see the same Fortuner upside down and on fire in the ditch a few cliks up the road.

And my dog. My dog makes me smile every morning when I come downstairs and she's waiting for me.

Edited by Texpat
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My kids making new friends in under 5 seconds

Filling the car up from empty and getting change from £20

Kids playing

Pretty ladies smiling

Happy old folk.

I had a visitor the other day who parked their car at the mouth of my drive, before the gate. This meant she had to back out across the road when she left. So, I walked across the road and stopped the traffic so she could do so. After she went I wai'd this old guy sitting with his wife in their beaten up old pickup as a thank you. The look of surprise and pleasure on his face could be framed and sold. He even stopped in front of my drive so that when I turned around (after wallking back to lock the gate) he could nod to me a couple of times with a toothless smile that said it all.

That satisfying tsszzzt sound as another mozzie meets the electric tennis raquet hahahahahahaa!

The smell wafting from the kitchen

My dog putting his head on my lap

Listening to LBC online (London radio station) and hearing about all the traffic problems I used to have; and in the last few days people moaning about the 28 degree heatwave (that's what my aircon is set to!)

PS: Great pics Ian

Edited by wolf5370
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I always smile when a young Thai kid ask me my name....When I say chang noi they usally laugh and start singing the chang song. If it does'nt bring a smile to my face, it will bring a tear to my eye. I have found some very kind and fun people in Thailand. I love my wife's village and the people that live there. They really know how to have a good time.

Another thing that makes me smile is when I'm in Bangkok and I see one of those small police pickups with the rollbars over the back, packed with 40 or 50 motorcycle taxi drivers. I know it's not funny but I have only seen that type of paddy wagon in Bangkok and just sort of get a kick out of it when I see one packed full. I'd hate to be in there but I do find it funny.


Edited by Chung noi
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Thank you to all your guys stories. I have a couple more decades to go and who knows if all these things will still be around to make me smile by the time I make it there permanently.

At least my once a year trip will keep me as happy as you guys are. My last trip in early May this year was great. What brought a huge smile on my face was the crew that came to pick me up at the airport. I went to the wedding of my friends in Singbury. I did not get there until around 3:00am where more people were waiting for me. Kept me drinking until the sun came up, I have never been so happy in my life even thought I was dead tired.

Other smiling moments were: Not knowing who the mother of the kids were because everyone seem to love and take care of them. The entire village showing up to cook for the wedding at 5:00am. The key stay on all motorbike and people borrow them as needed it seems. Pouring water over my head from a large blue plastic drum instead of a shower what the best. Getting a smile back from a total stranger. Wake up at 3:30am to see the entire sky covered with stars, a scene I have not seen since I was a kid growing up in the Caribbean, half hour later a neighbor saw me outside he brought me coffee and stay me with even though we could not communicate.

I don't know if I would leave there permanently but it would be a nice place to go on weekend after a long work week. This place remind me so much of my old country which have completely changed for the worst, so sad.

Good luck and stay safe to all your lucky bastard who lucky enough to be there right now

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Hey Ian, how about splashing out and buying that poor kid some pants. :D

Notice he was the only kid not smiling. :) That is what I like about the Thai villages; the little kids can run around with no clothes and nobody calls the authorities.

What's not to like about Thailand? My smile tells it all...


And a beach full of pretty ladies...



Watching someone make rotees


Sharing a meal and drinks at the lake...


Buying nourishing meal for two for a dollar...



Or taking a pretty friend for a ride on my bike...


Thailand's got it all from clear ocean water...


To mountain top temples...



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Looks like she's taking you for a ride :)

Yes, but if she was snuggled up close behind me you wouldn't see her. :D

Women have been taking me for a "Ride" for 50 years, but I've been a willing participant. I have no regrets what it cost me emotionally or financially. I'm just hoping I have a few more good years left. I'd hate to sit in a rocking chair some day wishing I had done something I hadn't tried. There's no shortage of beautiful women of all ages who are willing to travel with someone interesting who is willing to pay for the trip. That is especially true when you set no obligations or restrictions on them.

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Yes,nice pic's!

Is that your partner in the yellow bikini.....if it is....YOU LUCKY MAN!

She was just one of our group. The one with me is wearing the black bikini in the group photo (the gal closest). Unfortunately, she turned just as I took the picture. There is a little shutter delay in my underwater Pentax and I lose the occasional good photo.

Oh, and I AM a lucky man. :)

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Hey Ian, how about splashing out and buying that poor kid some pants. :D

Notice he was the only kid not smiling. :D That is what I like about the Thai villages; the little kids can run around with no clothes and nobody calls the authorities.

What's not to like about Thailand? My smile tells it all...


And a beach full of pretty ladies...



Watching someone make rotees


Sharing a meal and drinks at the lake...


Buying nourishing meal for two for a dollar...



Or taking a pretty friend for a ride on my bike...


Thailand's got it all from clear ocean water...


To mountain top temples...



SHOWOFF :D:D:D:) Beautiful lady :D:D

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i don't understand :)

Where are the my g/f stole my ..... Thai girls are ......... Thai girl did this....... Thai blah blah..... You wait.... Thai bitching posts?

That Ian is someone who is enjoying Thailand the way it makes you happy. Travelling sightseeing and not stuck in a bar drinking with Jason, Mark and Tom...

Hopefully some of the depressing posters on here will see these photos and decided there is more to Thailand and enjoy it a bit more..

Stop sitting in bars buying houses/cars and giving silly sinsnots and get travelling!

Ian thanks for sharing these its a pleasure to see.....

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i don't understand :D

Where are the my g/f stole my ..... Thai girls are ......... Thai girl did this....... Thai blah blah..... You wait.... Thai bitching posts?

That Ian is someone who is enjoying Thailand the way it makes you happy. Travelling sightseeing and not stuck in a bar drinking with Jason, Mark and Tom...

Hopefully some of the depressing posters on here will see these photos and decided there is more to Thailand and enjoy it a bit more..

Stop sitting in bars buying houses/cars and giving silly sinsnots and get travelling!

Ian thanks for sharing these its a pleasure to see.....

Maybe the OP and Ian have showed them a side to thailand they've never seen and they're rushing to pack their bag's as we speak!

I can picture them herding out of the bar's in pattaya ect, falling over themself's to get the next bus or train up north or NE!.... :) i don't think so!...

misery love's company....

Great to see and hear some are enjoying their time in los...where for them the good thing's out weight the bad!

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I like the normalcy of unusual stuff:

75 year old men with 25 year old wives who get along better than most young couples.

Any local with a folding table, two folding chairs, six Changs, and an empty patch of sidewalk can open his own bar.

I guy with enough empty whiskey bottles can open his own gas station.

They way people drive on the left side of the road, unless where they want to go is in the other direction.

Regardless of how old I get in Canada, I know I'll always be hansum in Thailand. :)

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I know you are only teasing me, Big Snake, ...

SHOWOFF :D:D:D:) Beautiful lady :D:D
but there is no need to show off. Any healthy, virile male with a small pension can have what I have. I know all my female relationships are mostly make believe... but who cares? We are all getting what we want out of it. I can adopt a Thai family for a small sum and take part in raising the kids without being tied to a formal marriage. That leaves me free to do what I want with as many women as I can afford to entertain. None of us are under the delusion of true love, but that doesn't mean I don't care for the women I'm with. I love em all and treat them all with respect! I live in Chiang Mai, but when I want to travel south to the beaches there are no shortage of ladies willing to come along. However, taking anyone to Pattaya/Jomptien is sort of taking ice cube to the eskimos.
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I know you are only teasing me, Big Snake, ...
SHOWOFF :D:D:D:) Beautiful lady :D:D
but there is no need to show off. Any healthy, virile male with a small pension can have what I have. I know all my female relationships are mostly make believe... but who cares? We are all getting what we want out of it. I can adopt a Thai family for a small sum and take part in raising the kids without being tied to a formal marriage. That leaves me free to do what I want with as many women as I can afford to entertain. None of us are under the delusion of true love, but that doesn't mean I don't care for the women I'm with. I love em all and treat them all with respect! I live in Chiang Mai, but when I want to travel south to the beaches there are no shortage of ladies willing to come along. However, taking anyone to Pattaya/Jomptien is sort of taking ice cube to the eskimos.

You're like a father figure..when I am your age i just want to be like you :D

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Reasons why the UK has seen the last of me.

My little friend in Krasang. The only English that she knows is 'I lub you.'

The school bus

A treat for my birthday

Knocking this hovel down

Building this with our own hands

My sweet innocent niece, always in my heart

The baby that I paid for. I bought a much softer bed and we took the previously used one to Sis in law in Lomsak. Now she had had gynaecological problems and had been told that she couldn’t bear children. About six weeks after receiving the bed she telephoned and told us that she was pregnant. Is your fault she said. You no gib me bed I no hab baby inside. Proof positive, Thai style. I had to pay all the medical bills.

All the rest was the icing. Here is the cake.

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I like the normalcy of unusual stuff:

75 year old men with 25 year old wives who get along better than most young couples.

Any local with a folding table, two folding chairs, six Changs, and an empty patch of sidewalk can open his own bar.

I guy with enough empty whiskey bottles can open his own gas station.

They way people drive on the left side of the road, unless where they want to go is in the other direction.

Regardless of how old I get in Canada, I know I'll always be hansum in Thailand. :D

I like it :)

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