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The Best Lunch Time Buffet With The Best Food Content And Best Price


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More off-topic whining from the forum grouch. If you are not interested in the food topics, then why do you insist on reading them? Please spare us your incessant, pointless complaining madguy. :)

Some want to just to hear themselves talk (or post in this case). He has nothing to contribute so he insults those who do. Such posters are good for nothing more than taking up space.

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I like the Shangra La on Chang Klan , pizza station , pasta station , soup station ,desserts and if you catch it when they have a group booked there are 3 more stations , excellent Iced coffee , the chocolate desserts and Parmesan cheese justify the price- price is 199 plus drinks , the chef is top notch and the staff is eager for you to partake.

Also when going with Thai friends , or not , i go to the Rattanakosin hotel for the karaoke lunch , some really talented northern Thai crooners and great northern Thai food , only 79 baht ? plus drinks- good value.

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Also when going with Thai friends , or not , i go to the Rattanakosin hotel for the karaoke lunch , some really talented northern Thai crooners and great northern Thai food , only 79 baht ? plus drinks- good value.

As long as it doesn't interfere with the digestion of my food. :)

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the Rattanakosin hotel for the karaoke lunch , some really talented northern Thai crooners and great northern Thai food , only 79 baht ? plus drinks- good value.

The 'T' family was a great fan of this place until one of the T daughters got into dieting (as opposed to exercising).

At Rattanakosin, patrons are allowed to sing on stage, and many do. Some are better than the pros, others, shall we say, not so much. But all are enthusiastic and the enthusiasm is contagious. Yours truly, who is firmly in the category of 'wannabe' singers, once embarrassed himself to the great mirth of the other patrons and to the total consternation of Mrs T.

Now that I come to think of it, maybe that's the real reason we don't partake anymore at Rattanakosin.

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the Rattanakosin hotel for the karaoke lunch , some really talented northern Thai crooners and great northern Thai food , only 79 baht ? plus drinks- good value.

The 'T' family was a great fan of this place until one of the T daughters got into dieting (as opposed to exercising).

At Rattanakosin, patrons are allowed to sing on stage, and many do. Some are better than the pros, others, shall we say, not so much. But all are enthusiastic and the enthusiasm is contagious. Yours truly, who is firmly in the category of 'wannabe' singers, once embarrassed himself to the great mirth of the other patrons and to the total consternation of Mrs T.

Now that I come to think of it, maybe that's the real reason we don't partake anymore at Rattanakosin.

Is the "karaoke Buffet" on lunchtimes and dinner? What times? Is it just thai, or is it international cuisine too?

Also, is it on at the weekend too? I would like to take Mrs Mallmagician for a change of scenery.

Thanks as always. :)

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[quote name='mallmagician' date='2009-07-23 15:39:17' post='2890860'

the Rattanakosin hotel for the karaoke lunch , some really talented northern Thai crooners and great northern Thai food , only 79 baht ? plus drinks- good value.

Is the "karaoke Buffet" on lunchtimes and dinner? What times? Is it just thai, or is it international cuisine too?

Also, is it on at the weekend too? I would like to take Mrs Mallmagician for a change of scenery.

Thanks as always. :)

We've only been at lunchtime on weekdays (11 to 2). Mostly Thai fare, and mostly northern at that, tasty stuff. A few western dishes as well—a soup, bread, a meat dish and a veg dish. Note: No free water and avoid the coffee.

Also, a very small desert selection, but at 70 baht, can't beat the price. The real attraction is the old crooner couples that come to sing their old favorites. Any old couples that go there are still a couple in love, and that's wonderful to watch.

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I go to a buffet once a month at the most or a Japanese restaurant now and then. Don't you ever splurge? :)

Fair question. If i do splurge though, it won't be at any five star hotel! Can't stand them and what they stand for.

No big deal really, but suddenly i was reading all these people paying such vast sums for a spot of lunch! I've eaten several buffets at various thai restaurants for my lunch and every one of them gives me change from a red note.

I do recall actually having a western style buffet in a hotel on chang klan road on the left hand side as one goes south. I'd say it was more a four star hotel though. Perhaps one of those mentioned. Enjoyed the food thoroughly, but work paid...! Look, a couple of hundred baht yes, but 1000 a head, for lunch?? That's a bloody good night's worth of beer!

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I go to a buffet once a month at the most or a Japanese restaurant now and then. Don't you ever splurge? :)

Fair question. If i do splurge though, it won't be at any five star hotel! Can't stand them and what they stand for.

No big deal really, but suddenly i was reading all these people paying such vast sums for a spot of lunch! I've eaten several buffets at various thai restaurants for my lunch and every one of them gives me change from a red note.

I do recall actually having a western style buffet in a hotel on chang klan road on the left hand side as one goes south. I'd say it was more a four star hotel though. Perhaps one of those mentioned. Enjoyed the food thoroughly, but work paid...! Look, a couple of hundred baht yes, but 1000 a head, for lunch?? That's a bloody good night's worth of beer!

Please enlighten me - What does a 5 star hotel "stand for"?

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Hooray for you, Riley 78!!!!!!!

You have made your initial (I think) entry for the GRAND PRIZE for the ULTIMATE AWARD for food threads on TV Chiang Mai !!!!

The GRAND PRIZE (which is not unfortunately anywhere within your reach) will be awarded for the simple frequency of scores (on scale of 1 - 10, given a base 10) combined (after a dose of sodium bicarbonate) with the number of inane restaurant posts on TV Chiang Mai (no greater than a 3 on a 1-10 scale ). Never mind trying to parse this system! Just consider the prize(s) mentioned below! Have we got a deal for you!! Doubt that? Just PM the most frequent thread originator and poster on such threads!

Be advised! Please recognize the company you challenge doing the restaurant posting thing! You have a long, long way to go !!!! There are some real pros on restaurant threads here.

"Good luck" is all we can say! The judges are not against newcomers, but I fear you are far, far out of your league! Just check the number of initial threads and the number of posts about food and restaurants on TV Chiang Mai. Not really hard to do at all unless you are afraid of dying from boredom! At the very least, you will find a coach, a consultant or two. How much will this cost you? Probably just the price of a good meal at his or her favorite restaurant!! Can you ride a bike? Might be helpful.

Anyway, go for it !!! There are lots of prizes!!!! However, if you really want one! It involves a certain process..............

Are you into colonic irrigation ?!

This has recently been another hot and heavy TV Chiang Mai topic inviting a competition! A surefire antidote to the misery of eating too, too well !! Anyway, of late, seems that the colonic has had some salutary (Pass the tissue?) effect on reducing TV Chiang Mai posts somewhat recently to less --- well --- anal retentive hum and drum.

Anyway, good luck!!!!! But understand that you are among really professional forum posters here on TV Chiang Mai on these topics by volume if not..........

Check it out! Otherwise, pass the tissue, please!

Funny stuff. But where is Riley78's post? Anyone care for another colonic? Before or after lunch?

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Hooray for you, Riley 78!!!!!!!

You have made your initial (I think) entry for the GRAND PRIZE for the ULTIMATE AWARD for food threads on TV Chiang Mai !!!!

The GRAND PRIZE (which is not unfortunately anywhere within your reach) will be awarded for the simple frequency of scores (on scale of 1 - 10, given a base 10) combined (after a dose of sodium bicarbonate) with the number of inane restaurant posts on TV Chiang Mai (no greater than a 3 on a 1-10 scale ). Never mind trying to parse this system! Just consider the prize(s) mentioned below! Have we got a deal for you!! Doubt that? Just PM the most frequent thread originator and poster on such threads!

Be advised! Please recognize the company you challenge doing the restaurant posting thing! You have a long, long way to go !!!! There are some real pros on restaurant threads here.

"Good luck" is all we can say! The judges are not against newcomers, but I fear you are far, far out of your league! Just check the number of initial threads and the number of posts about food and restaurants on TV Chiang Mai. Not really hard to do at all unless you are afraid of dying from boredom! At the very least, you will find a coach, a consultant or two. How much will this cost you? Probably just the price of a good meal at his or her favorite restaurant!! Can you ride a bike? Might be helpful.

Anyway, go for it !!! There are lots of prizes!!!! However, if you really want one! It involves a certain process..............

Are you into colonic irrigation ?!

This has recently been another hot and heavy TV Chiang Mai topic inviting a competition! A surefire antidote to the misery of eating too, too well !! Anyway, of late, seems that the colonic has had some salutary (Pass the tissue?) effect on reducing TV Chiang Mai posts somewhat recently to less --- well --- anal retentive hum and drum.

Anyway, good luck!!!!! But understand that you are among really professional forum posters here on TV Chiang Mai on these topics by volume if not..........

Check it out! Otherwise, pass the tissue, please!

:D mapguy you cant even get the posters name right :D plus if... you read his original post

you maybe realise he was trying to get us all out there, [as many sensible posters have,] and do a vote with their time and money,and thoughts :D I went to lanna Palace will go again, but, :) will also try the other posters choices ,thats what it was about.keeping jobs , as i read it, However there is always one or two who want to trash, I will take the misses to the Thai recommended places,as it was good info

so to all members who are trying to be nice, and postive thanks :D random

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Back on topic, if I may.

Had another thoroughly enjoyable lunch at Mercure again today. As with our two previous visits, we had the place pretty much to ourselves.

And that's the problem.

Towads the end of our meal we were informed that after this month they will discontinue the lunch buffet.

If you've been there before, you have about a week left to show your appreciation. If you haven't you really ought to check it out before they go a la carte.

Discounts still apply if you can reserve a day or 3 in advance.

I don't even live in CM, but I do look forward to eating there whenever I visit. My family will surely miss it.



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