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Guillaume Le Clignotant Reviens Au Chiangmai


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reviens au Chiangmai.


You seem to have gotten yourself halfway to pointing out two errors in my title. You may, without any fear of being wrong, proceed the rest of the way, if you wish. :)

Stay cool. I was only winding you up for showing off.

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reviens au Chiangmai.


You seem to have gotten yourself halfway to pointing out two errors in my title. You may, without any fear of being wrong, proceed the rest of the way, if you wish. :)

Stay cool. I was only winding you up for showing off.

"revient" and "à" (with a grave accent). But, don't take this wrong, I love reading French and admire English-speaking people who have learned another language, even though some use that as a status symbol more than anything! Néanmoins, c'est sensas!

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Néanmoins, c'est sensas!

Néanmoins, c'est sensass !

Bien que "sensas" soit acceptable, l'apocope de sensationnel préfère deux "s".

D'autre part, en Français, il faut laisser un espace entre le mot et le point d'exclamation, le point d'interrogation ou les deux-points. Exemples :

Why? > Pourquoi ?

Shit! > Merde !

That said, "sensass" is a bit old-fashioned.

I hope this helps.

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reviens au Chiangmai.


You seem to have gotten yourself halfway to pointing out two errors in my title. You may, without any fear of being wrong, proceed the rest of the way, if you wish. :)

Stay cool. I was only winding you up for showing off.

Well, that's certainly a relief - sorry I blew my top like that. :D

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. . . But, don't take this wrong, I . . . admire English-speaking people who have learned another language, even though some use that as a status symbol more than anything! Néanmoins, c'est sensas! [sic]

I appreciate very much your considerate attitude, rethaired. I share with you your admiration for English-speaking people who have learned another language. Indeed, I would go a step further than that and say that I very occasionally find myself admiring English-speaking people who have learned their own language. That aside, no one has ever accused me of knowing French, so that in all honesty I am not in a position to accept any admiration on that score. My lack of knowledge will not, however, prevent me, as it should not, I believe, from 'showing off' in French from time to time or from losing my 'cool', as I evidently must have done earlier on this topic, when 'wound up' by having the French that I show off in be revealed as broken, mangled or otherwise poor. Thus, all is copacetic! :)

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Oh, and thank you for the punctuation correction, Razza.

No worries, Guillaume. Funny thing is, I thought I was sneakily changing the meaning, for my own nefarious purpose, and now it turns out that I achieved nothing of the sort. :)

So, matters of English and French usage aside, what's with Slappers? He gonna make it?

Edited by Rasseru
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All TV needs now is a French spell check/grammer button at the top of the page so we can all write as well as the authentic MonsieurHulot. I'm now paranoid about making any comment in my schoolboy French incase I get jumped on by the linguists out there! Not.

I must admit it's impressive to see members making an effort in another language but we don't want to encourage it too much, the French have only recently adapted to speaking English abroad and we don't want a reversal of that. Frogs out there, please accept my British humour and don't take me too seriousely.

Cordialement Bojo

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All TV needs now is a French spell check/grammer button at the top of the page so we can all write as well as the authentic MonsieurHulot. I'm now paranoid about making any comment in my schoolboy French incase I get jumped on by the linguists out there! Not.

I must admit it's impressive to see members making an effort in another language but we don't want to encourage it too much, the French have only recently adapted to speaking English abroad and we don't want a reversal of that. Frogs out there, please accept my British humour and don't take me too seriousely.

Cordialement Bojo

You have probably noticed that I didn't jump on Rasseru for the two little mistakes in the thread title. I just jumped on the English linguist who jumped on him.

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