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Putting Off My Visit To Thailand


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Travelled with a mate all over Thailand 2 years ago and he felt uncomfortable with the attention he recieved due to his colour

Sadly he has no intention of returning to Thailand as a result

Not outright duscrimination but he just felt noticed everywhere....

Unnecessary lack of self-confidence. :)

Having been far away from the average tourist tracks in Asia many times and being a tall, blond, blue eyed Westerner, I certainly was noticed everywhere. One can make the best out of that, by showing that you are a sincere, courteous foreigner, who is not only interested in the local customs and culture, but also respect it...

Paul, I'm afraid you will have to learn to walk before you can run. Try touring some of the redneck parts of the US first - just to get used to the stares and the feeling of being a walking target. You have to work up to a trip to Thailand coming from your part of the world - it really is a huge culture shock. :D

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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.


That seems really silly to me.

With a little common sense and judgement you will be better off in Thailand than in most cities in the U.S.

No "drive by" shootings in Bangkok...but there are in L.A.

I personally would feel safer walking down Sukhumvit road than walking through Central park in New York. Even at 3 a.m. in the morning (although I probably wouldn't be walking at that time either place.)


No "drive by" shootings in Bangkok!!!

What a sheltered life vou must live. do you ever get out and use your eyes or read newspapers

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Wow, so many miserable replies filled with pith and vinegar, and all from my talking about why I have decided to move my holiday back a few months..... It is as if the posters here are lined up with daggers, bats, pitchforks and stones going from one thread to the next; attacking with gleeful abandon... Trying to hurt each other with insulting words.

But one thing I noticed. For the most part the Thai replies were level and genuine. A few of the Non-Thai posts were supportive and helpful. The rest were low class and nasty. Kinda like what I see when I am in Thailand. The nice and helpful Thai People, the nasty visitors peppered with a few kind souls.

Guess that is why most Non-Thai try to avoid each other when they are in Thailand. But this is just my simple observation and I could be wrong but in my world I think I am right. :)

A good observation. I was talking to a friend in immigration last night and it saddens me how many expats are creating a bad impression for the rest of us. Just look at some of the stupid reples you have received from posters with a few thousand posts to their credit.

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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.

I think your statement is exaggerated.


I don't wanna offend anybody from the USA here, but it seems that a 'small problem' in any country puts off tourists, especially from the USA. Many people from that country seem to perceive the world as a dangerous place. This view is always reinforced by travel warnings from the embassies. In fact, I believe there are much more dangerous places within the US.

But what really offends me is that all these travel warnings from the US put a bad light on other countries which don't deserve it. Yes, some countries are really dangerous to travel, but Thailand isn't one of those countries.

Since many countries are very dependent on tourists from the US, countries will try anything to appear safe in order to keep the tourism industry alive. Unfortunately, if US citizens decide not to travel to a certain country (e.g. Thailand), it will mean that that country will loose a lot of money. For some countries this is unfair.

So, PaulUSA, I disagree with you. Since I think Thailand is in need for tourists I wanna tell you not to be afraid, but to visit the country. But personally I wanna tell you if you don't feel safe in the world better stay in the US.


My post was/is not about not coming to Thailand at alll. I am only moving my visit from October to December and it does not have anything to do with the warnings of our State Department. It has more to do with what I am reading in Thai Newspapers, blogs, chats and conversations with friends.

I have been to Thailand enough to know what things I enjoy most. I also have had some bad experiences while there and I don't want to repeat them. I know that if there are not many tourist there it is more likely that I will have a "not so good of a time" there.

Thailand is a GREAT place for tourist and if it were my first time to visit, it would not matter to me if it was high season or low season, but since I am not a new visitor I find that I would rather be there during high season this time. After I am there I may find that I made the wrong choice but right now, after digesting all the information that I have available, going in October would be a bad choice for me... But as I said. I could be wrong. I won't know for sure until I arrive in December.

As it made a donkey's difference if you visit Thailand in October or December… :)

Post no 107 and you are still reading the thread so it obviously matters to you!!

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You seem like a really lonely guy, screaming out to be noticed.

And suddenly you have found an audience on here.

I do hope you find yourself someday and find a life.

Very sad indeed, like the Beatles song: All The Lonely People, Where Do They All Come From?

I am feeling sad for your predicament and wish you every success for the future.

When I am in Thailand, I may walk alone but I am never lonely. The thing that bothers me sometimes is that I tend to stand out and I try not to. But I guess it is a novelty for the Thai to see a black American when everyone else around them is Asian or White. Kinda the same for for my area. If a Thai person were to walk about, everyone would notice them because they would stick out... being that most everyone around here is either Black or White.

I would love to be able to go to Thailand and just be a part of the crowd and blend in with everyone else. But this has given me an Idea for another post.

Thanks! :)

Can agree with this post

Travelled with a mate all over Thailand 2 years ago and he felt uncomfortable with the attention he recieved due to his colour

Sadly he has no intention of returning to Thailand as a result

Not outright duscrimination but he just felt noticed everywhere....

It's no secret that the average Thai does not like dark skin.

The Bangkok people even feel their dark skinned countrymen don't deserve a full vote in the elections.

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