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Grass Seed? Mint Seed?


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I am trying to source some grass seed to refurbish my lawn, after having removed weeds. New turf is not really an option as my dogs will destroy the newly laid sections. I have tried to find the seeds in the normal little shops that sell fetalizer/animal food etc. No luck. Help!!

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I am trying to source some grass seed to refurbish my lawn, after having removed weeds. New turf is not really an option as my dogs will destroy the newly laid sections. I have tried to find the seeds in the normal little shops that sell fetalizer/animal food etc. No luck. Help!!

If in BKK visit the road (Khamphengpet2 - not sure about name) next to Chatuchak market where you'll find many shops selling seeds of all kinds including grass seeds for lawns.

One good source may be KU-Gardens.


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I'm in Chiang Rai, and have also had a tough time finding grass seed for sale. Why is it so scarce in Thailand?

I found a bag of it once in a pet store, but the lady manager was unfriendly, and each time I've returned to inquire, she says 'mai mee' (not have) and turns away. Is there some sort of taboo re; a farang getting hold of grass seed? Ok, I didn't take my anti-paranoia pills this morning, sorry.

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I am trying to source some grass seed to refurbish my lawn, after having removed weeds. New turf is not really an option as my dogs will destroy the newly laid sections. I have tried to find the seeds in the normal little shops that sell fetalizer/animal food etc. No luck. Help!!

If in BKK visit the road (Khamphengpet2 - not sure about name) next to Chatuchak market where you'll find many shops selling seeds of all kinds including grass seeds for lawns.

One good source may be KU-Gardens.



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If in BKK visit the road (Khamphengpet2 - not sure about name) next to Chatuchak market where you'll find many shops selling seeds of all kinds including grass seeds for lawns.

One good source may be KU-Gardens.



Contact KU Garden first to make sure they have what you need. Have to speak Thai!!

Their contact info and web-site is HERE


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If you want to grow some mint, cadge a root or two off a friend - most will be more than happy to give you some.

But no more than that - it grows like a weed and you'll soon be pulling out handfuls of root.

Other threads on the Pattaya forum give you addresses for grass and turf suppliers.

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Guys, grass seed wont help you in Thailand, or anywhere in the tropics for that matter; thats why you cannot find any. Seed is used in cool season climates and some transition zones (middle east for example) during the winter.

What you need are sprigs which are harvested from existing turf, for an amateur this is not really possible, therefore you are better off buying turf (or sod as it is commonly known) and laying it accordingly. Just keep the dog off it for 2 weeks to let the roots get established. There are different types of turfgrass available, most of the nice stuff with a finer, softer leaf needs sunshine and wont tolerate shade. The coarser leafblade type is more shade tolerant if required.

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