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Why Do Thais Give Money To Beggars?


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One Christmas day I met a 'Gentleman of the Road', he asked me for a cigarette, he stank of urine and body odour, the belt on his thin coat was made of string, his shoes were worn through, with plastic bags poking out of the seams. He had a scarf wrapped around his head covering his ears and was shivering, this was at Bank Underground Station. It was Christmas Day 1972.

He was surprised when I gave him a cigarette, when his eyes focused he saw the cigarette and eloquently replied 'thank you Sir', the day, the circumstances led us to talk, I acknowledged his maturity and experience in life, he likewise thanked me by opening up as to why he had slipped into this life.

He produced his discharge book from the RAF together with his flight log which showed the missions he had completed in World War 2 as a flgt Lt. pilot,he opened a business however, over the years a rapid decline in his domestic and business arrangements led to him being there that day. I gave him the packet of fags.

Many destitute and hungry people all over the world rely on such charity, as they say 'up to you'...!!! :)

That is a sad, and almost frightening real story, snuggzzz. It is another example of ... "There but for the grace of God go I."

Until you take the time to delve deep enough it's hard to understand the suffering that some people endure through only a few, simple mistakes in life. It doesn't cost much to give at least a few moments of relief to someone that needs it badly.

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