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Andrew Drummond Has A Go At Thai Visa


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Bit of a hypocritical <deleted>... Andrew should know better just because you dont like what you read certainly doesn't license censorship. He's the first person to whinge when someone tries to mute what he to say.

Anyways if a muppet writes smth stupid its better to show it and let the person get the abuse they rightfully deserve.

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As usual, the "replies" are often from the bloggers themselves in an attempt to try to pass off their site as something that matters.

One of the repliers is genuine. Mind you he's a multiply banned TV member so I suppose a little bile is allowed :)

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I have to agree with him that many of the posts were disgusting and should not have run as long as they did on this sensitive matter .

What made it worst was family members of the young boy were reading the posts .

Unfortunately its circumstances like this it that gives the forum a bad name.

Thai Visa is an amazing forum with a wealth of information and a great communication tool for 1000s of people lets hope it can stay that way.

Edited by saintofsilence
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There are some badly thought out comments that are tagged onto some of the more sensitive news stories......especially where someone has died

Perhaps the news stories could be posted without the ability for comment......then if a new thread is generated to open discussion as a result of the news story it would perhaps be a little removed and less personal,and, if not sensitive to the relatives, could be closed immediately.

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Kudos to Drummond for recognising that most of his commenters are trolls and cutting off the flamefest. He was right that some threads get out of hand here, but generally speaking we mods are not time travellers, psychic, or on line every moment of every day on every thread- so it will take some time to resolve issues. As usual, may I remind our readers that if you find an objectionable post you only have to use the REPORT button to draw instant mod attention to the matter. To that extent, problems on the forum will be taken care of more quickly if our readers will simply let us know about them.

Since I don't feel it will be particularly helpful or within our site rules to discuss Drummond, his site, or our site moderation further on this thread, I'll go ahead and close it.

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