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Please Tracert My Site


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I'm getting consistent complaints that my website is unavailable from some people located in a number of countries in the region. The site (located in the US) is definitely up and running. To cut a long story short, I suspect an upstream firewall (probably owned by the data center) is selectively dropping traffic.

Problem is its not dropping *my* traffic, so I can't pinpoint the problem machine from my end. I'd appreciate it if people could try to:

1. Open www.enaca.org.

2. If you time out or get a 'connection interupted' error, could you please do a tracert and post the results.

I'd be especially interested in hearing from any DTAC EDGE users, since apparently it isn't working on that.


Edited by Crushdepth
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Using TT&T's MaxNet Indy from Jomtien, I'm unable to open your site in a browser window. I don't get 404 (or any other) error screens, just a blank white screen after about three minutes. FYI, I'm using the default TT&T DNS servers until/unless they unblock OpenDNS again.

Here's the tracert info:

C:\>tracert enaca.org

Tracing route to enaca.org []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 * * 27 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-94.static.tttmaxnet.com []

3 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-93.static.tttmaxnet.com []

4 11 ms 10 ms 11 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-90.static.tttmaxnet.com []

5 12 ms 11 ms 11 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-66.static.tttmaxnet.com []

6 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms

7 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms

8 233 ms 233 ms 234 ms

9 255 ms 239 ms 239 ms

10 241 ms 240 ms 240 ms

11 856 ms 853 ms 860 ms steadfast-nyc1.paix.net []

12 * 887 ms 886 ms vl994.core3.chi01.steadfast.net []

13 1429 ms 1426 ms 1404 ms chi08.vpsdatacenter.com []

14 * * * Request timed out.

15 * * * Request timed out.

16 * * * Request timed out.

17 * * * Request timed out.

18 * * * Request timed out.

19 * * * Request timed out.

20 * * * Request timed out.

21 * * * Request timed out.

22 * * * Request timed out.

23 * * * Request timed out.

24 * * * Request timed out.

25 * * * Request timed out.

26 * * * Request timed out.

27 * * * Request timed out.

28 * * * Request timed out.

29 * * * Request timed out.

30 * * * Request timed out.

Trace complete.

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For me the site opens, but after a very long wait where the data trickles in at 1 kBps...(maxnet Premier)


Tracing route to enaca.org []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 3 ms 2 ms 2 ms

2 38 ms 40 ms 102 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-98.static.tttmaxnet.com [58.147.


3 * * * Request timed out.

4 95 ms 29 ms 29 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-90.static.tttmaxnet.com [58.147.


5 30 ms 29 ms 29 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-66.static.tttmaxnet.com [58.147.


6 63 ms 29 ms <1 ms 218.100.47. 246

7 75 ms 29 ms 29 ms

8 252 ms 251 ms 275 ms

9 254 ms 260 ms 253 ms

10 268 ms 283 ms 227 ms

11 873 ms 867 ms 865 ms steadfast-nyc1.paix.net []

12 970 ms 914 ms 918 ms vl994.core3.chi01.steadfast.net []

13 1436 ms 1473 ms 1443 ms chi08.vpsdatacenter.com []

14 1441 ms 1441 ms 1434 ms server.enaca.org []

According to the tracert the problems start at steadfast (which seems to be the company owning the VPS where you are hosted), and get even worse at the actual VPS where your site is hosted.

Ping times of 1400 msec on a webhost indicate massive overload on the bandwidth they have.

Oh, and cannot do a tracert on Dtac GPRS. They block it (AIS as well!).

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No problems at all from Netvigator in Hong Kong. Web page opened in a few seconds..

Tracing route to enaca.org [] over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 57 ms 66 ms 68 ms pcd-mkk2-1-rx.netvigator.com []

2 95 ms 59 ms 18 ms n219076124186.netvigator.com []

3 37 ms 56 ms 91 ms pcd507254.netvigator.com []

4 433 ms 462 ms 271 ms xe-0-0-0-403.cr1.sjc1.us.nlayer.net []

5 968 ms 1131 ms 264 ms tge4-2.ar1.sfo1.us.nlayer.net []

6 293 ms 211 ms 189 ms tge1-1.ar1.slc1.us.nlayer.net []

7 304 ms 262 ms 259 ms xe-2-1-0.cr1.ord1.us.nlayer.net []

8 259 ms 252 ms 226 ms tge6-4.ar1.ord1.us.nlayer.net []

9 249 ms 229 ms 221 ms as32748.tge8-4-116.ar1.ord1.us.nlayer.net []

10 356 ms 297 ms 303 ms po2.core3.chi01.steadfast.net []

11 388 ms 359 ms 258 ms chi08.vpsdatacenter.com []

12 266 ms 271 ms 293 ms server.enaca.org []

Trace complete.

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@ OP - send PM but now will post here as well

I tried DTAC GPRS and got "web server timed out"

site access is very fast Chrome & CS Loxinfo

07/13/09 11:42:56 Fast traceroute www.enaca.org

Trace www.enaca.org ( ...

1 1ms 1ms 1ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)

2 8ms 8ms 8ms TTL: 0 (adsl-bkkcbw1.csloxinfo.net ok)

3 8ms 9ms 8ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)

4 8ms 8ms 7ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)

5 14ms 9ms 9ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)

6 12ms 10ms 12ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)

7 77ms 43ms 43ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)

8 43ms 45ms 45ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)

9 245ms 246ms 246ms TTL: 0 (sin1-csloxinfo.sin.seabone.net fraudulent rDNS)

10 245ms 245ms 245ms TTL: 0 (amb1-fra52-racc2.amb.seabone.net fraudulent rDNS)

11 247ms 248ms 245ms TTL: 0 (telia-1-amb1.amb.seabone.net fraudulent rDNS)

12 246ms 360ms 244ms TTL: 0 (hbg-bb1-link.telia.net fraudulent rDNS)

13 245ms 247ms 245ms TTL: 0 (ldn-bb1-link.telia.net fraudulent rDNS)

14 328ms 458ms 353ms TTL: 0 (nyk-bb1-pos0-2-0.telia.net ok)

15 332ms 347ms 320ms TTL: 0 (chi-bb1-link.telia.net fraudulent rDNS)

16 328ms 329ms 331ms TTL: 0 (steadfast-ic-121572-chi-bb1.c.telia.net ok)

17 319ms 319ms 319ms TTL: 0 (chi08.vpsdatacenter.com fraudulent rDNS)

18 316ms 316ms 318ms TTL: 46 (audax.macosx.net fraudulent rDNS)

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This trace is from someone who can't access the site from Aceh Indonesia:

Tracing route to enaca.org []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 384 ms 389 ms 399 ms

2 329 ms 369 ms 429 ms

3 362 ms 372 ms 357 ms

4 * * * Request timed out.

5 122 ms 119 ms 119 ms

6 * 122 ms *

7 * 306 ms * dynamic-pool-telkomsel-114-127-254-253.telkomsel.net.id []

8 527 ms * *

9 719 ms 709 ms 729 ms lax-sa1-i.LAX.US.NET.DTAG.DE []

10 646 ms 689 ms 750 ms

11 702 ms 820 ms 779 ms cr1-tengig-0-7-0-0.chicago.savvis.net []

12 637 ms 739 ms * ber1-vlan-241.chicagoequinix.savvis.net []

13 * 1126 ms 807 ms ber1-vlan-241.chicagoequinix.savvis.net []

14 * 442 ms 459 ms

15 461 ms 459 ms 459 ms chi08.vpsdatacenter.com []

16 * * * Request timed out.

17 * * * Request timed out.

18 * * * Request timed out.

19 * * * Request timed out.

20 * * * Request timed out.

21 * * * Request timed out.

22 * * * Request timed out.

23 * * * Request timed out.

24 * * * Request timed out.

25 * * * Request timed out.

26 * * * Request timed out.

27 * * * Request timed out.

28 * * * Request timed out.

29 * * * Request timed out.

30 * * * Request timed out.

Trace complete.


This trace is from my work (INET connection), where the site loads quite fast:

C:\Users\Simon>tracert enaca.org

Tracing route to enaca.org []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 1 ms 2 ms 1 ms 203-151-24-1.inter.net.th []

3 7 ms 7 ms 37 ms inet-AQUACULTURE.inter.net.th []

4 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms GE6-9ARCHER.IFCT.inter.net.th []

5 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms

6 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms

7 195 ms 195 ms 195 ms pal9-cat-telecom-3-id.pal.seabone.net []

8 254 ms 255 ms 255 ms amb1-fra18-racc1.amb.seabone.net []

9 270 ms 248 ms 256 ms telia-1-amb1.amb.seabone.net []

10 248 ms 247 ms 249 ms hbg-bb1-link.telia.net []

11 315 ms 315 ms 317 ms ldn-bb1-link.telia.net []

12 321 ms 324 ms 321 ms atl-bb1-link.telia.net []

13 313 ms 315 ms 313 ms chi-bb1-pos6-0-0-0.telia.net []

14 345 ms 346 ms 346 ms steadfast-ic-121572-chi-bb1.c.telia.net []

15 343 ms 344 ms 345 ms chi08.vpsdatacenter.com []

16 347 ms 346 ms 346 ms enaca.org []

Trace complete.

Edited by Crushdepth
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Thank you all. I'm not sure how to interpret these results. It seems that:

* For some people the site won't open at all.

* For some people the site works but is dog slow.

* For some people the site works and is fast.

Any ideas why connections would be so bad for some people, and good for others?

The reverse DNS lookup also seems to be wrong - I've never heard of audax.macosx.net. Any chance that could be a factor?

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For me the site opens, but after a very long wait where the data trickles in at 1 kBps...(maxnet Premier)

I don't want to hijack this thread, but I'm surprised I get better ping times with Indy than you do with Premier, at roughly the same time of day.

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For me the site opens, but after a very long wait where the data trickles in at 1 kBps...(maxnet Premier)

I don't want to hijack this thread, but I'm surprised I get better ping times with Indy than you do with Premier, at roughly the same time of day.

Maxnet premier is crap at the moment. The are fiddling with it again, resulting in weird routing, some sites fast, some slow, and generally high pingtimes.

All the while the for the Indy customers all is normal...

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With my office 4MB fibre-optic link from CAT in Pattaya, your site opens very fast, no problems.

If I unplug my CAT ethernet cable and plug in my Hutch EVDO dongle, I also get connected without any problem!!!


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This is a traceroute using DTAG GPRS within BKK:

Tracing route to enaca.org []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

 1	15 ms	12 ms	15 ms 

 2   355 ms   919 ms   731 ms 

 3   929 ms   756 ms   757 ms 

 4   799 ms   988 ms   894 ms 

 5   508 ms   600 ms   706 ms 

 6	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.

 7	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.

 8	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.

 9	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.

10	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.

11	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.

12	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.

13	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.

14	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.

15	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.

16	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.

17	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.

18	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.

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Did you always get complain about slow response?

Did you made any recent modification to your web site?

I had a similar problem on one web site running Joomla, where some users would be able to access, while some would not.

Could not find any particular network or time, where the problem would occur.

Problem was in a joomla module. when de-activated, everything went fine.

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A lot has been revamped recently. It's been moved to a new VPS, migrated from XOOPS to ImpressCMS, and given a new custom face. But the underlying modules are essentially the same and haven't changed much for the last year or two. The inaccesible-to-some problem has been going for about 2 months. I suspect the problem started when the site moved to the new VPS, but no way to tell for sure as so much happened at once.

Still stumped. Could it be a routing issue? People seem to be hitting the machine immediately upstream from the VPS (chi08.vpsdatacenter.com) via different routes and getting wildly different pings. Maybe one is broken?

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Are they completely unable to access the site or the site would only partially draw?

Are you able to have a static HTML page that would not be delivered by the CMS, so that you could identify if this is a routing issue or maybe related to the CMS?

For every complain, you could record the following, and try to identify a pattern:

- IP

- Location/Country


- Time

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Was the 'flush your cache' comment directed to me? If so, thanks for that advice but, as a software engineer for the past 30 years, that was the first thing that i did (plus using Curl to retrieve his site) :)


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You should run a full diagnostic on your dns setup, and check you have reverse hostname, qualified nameservers etc.

Yeah that was my first thought. So I bought a subscription to dnsstuff.com and went through everything. My DNS servers pass every test and I have paid backup DNS servers on a separate system (noip.com). But I am a bit concerned that the reverse DNS is wrong. Not sure what impact that would have, I thought it was mainly for mail (which I delegated to Google Apps a couple of years ago, it has run without a hitch ever since).

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@ OP - send PM but now will post here as well

I tried DTAC GPRS and got "web server timed out"

site access is very fast Chrome & CS Loxinfo

07/13/09 11:42:56 Fast traceroute www.enaca.org

Trace www.enaca.org ( ...

1 1ms 1ms 1ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)

2 8ms 8ms 8ms TTL: 0 (adsl-bkkcbw1.csloxinfo.net ok)

3 8ms 9ms 8ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)

4 8ms 8ms 7ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)

5 14ms 9ms 9ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)

6 12ms 10ms 12ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)

7 77ms 43ms 43ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)

8 43ms 45ms 45ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)

9 245ms 246ms 246ms TTL: 0 (sin1-csloxinfo.sin.seabone.net fraudulent rDNS)

10 245ms 245ms 245ms TTL: 0 (amb1-fra52-racc2.amb.seabone.net fraudulent rDNS)

11 247ms 248ms 245ms TTL: 0 (telia-1-amb1.amb.seabone.net fraudulent rDNS)

12 246ms 360ms 244ms TTL: 0 (hbg-bb1-link.telia.net fraudulent rDNS)

13 245ms 247ms 245ms TTL: 0 (ldn-bb1-link.telia.net fraudulent rDNS)

14 328ms 458ms 353ms TTL: 0 (nyk-bb1-pos0-2-0.telia.net ok)

15 332ms 347ms 320ms TTL: 0 (chi-bb1-link.telia.net fraudulent rDNS)

16 328ms 329ms 331ms TTL: 0 (steadfast-ic-121572-chi-bb1.c.telia.net ok)

17 319ms 319ms 319ms TTL: 0 (chi08.vpsdatacenter.com fraudulent rDNS)

18 316ms 316ms 318ms TTL: 46 (audax.macosx.net fraudulent rDNS)

I now reply to my own post.

8:50 pm I tracert again - now the tracert doesn't show the mysterious audax.macosx.net

Tracing route to enaca.org []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 28 ms 1 ms 1 ms

2 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms adsl-bkkcbw1.csloxinfo.net []

3 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms

4 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms

5 10 ms 9 ms 10 ms

6 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms

7 38 ms 39 ms 37 ms

8 38 ms 37 ms 37 ms

9 242 ms 241 ms 241 ms sin1-csloxinfo.sin.seabone.net []

10 239 ms 239 ms 239 ms amb1-fra52-racc2.amb.seabone.net []

11 240 ms 239 ms 240 ms telia-1-amb1.amb.seabone.net []

12 240 ms 262 ms 240 ms hbg-bb1-link.telia.net []

13 241 ms 240 ms 241 ms ldn-bb1-link.telia.net []

14 316 ms 325 ms 314 ms nyk-bb1-link.telia.net []

15 314 ms 329 ms 314 ms chi-bb1-pos6-0-0-0.telia.net []

16 325 ms 325 ms 326 ms steadfast-ic-121572-chi-bb1.c.telia.net []

17 315 ms 314 ms 314 ms chi08.vpsdatacenter.com []

18 314 ms 315 ms 313 ms server.enaca.org []

Trace complete.

Edited by webfact
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Crush - try a proxy - your site might not like you - the cache was for you also.

I have problems occasionally where certain sites dont like me or my current ISP

Anonymity is always cool. I hit your site OK, with/without proxy, but I am outside LOS


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Hope this helps. Both were done at about 12:55 AM thai time.

Here's from a CM Maxnet Premier connection:

Tracing route to enaca.org []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 28 ms 17 ms 11 ms

3 * * * Request timed out.

4 * * * Request timed out.

5 28 ms 27 ms 28 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-90.static.tttmaxnet.com []

6 29 ms 28 ms 28 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-66.static.tttmaxnet.com []

7 138 ms 138 ms 139 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-163.static.tttmaxnet.com []

8 310 ms 310 ms 309 ms

9 339 ms 338 ms 338 ms

10 346 ms 345 ms 346 ms

11 337 ms 337 ms 338 ms ge4/1.chi_c76_1.twgate.net []

12 * * * Request timed out.

13 366 ms 366 ms 366 ms core3.ord1.nozonenet.com []

14 366 ms 366 ms 366 ms chi08.vpsdatacenter.com []

15 367 ms 365 ms 365 ms audax.macosx.net []

Trace complete.

And again using a US VPN:

Tracing route to enaca.org []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 304 ms 2172 ms 307 ms

2 305 ms 303 ms 305 ms

3 307 ms 306 ms 307 ms

4 426 ms 499 ms 454 ms te-9-3-247.car3.SanJose1.Level3.net []

5 316 ms 308 ms 308 ms vlan99.csw4.SanJose1.Level3.net []

6 322 ms 308 ms 308 ms ae-92-92.ebr2.SanJose1.Level3.net []

7 353 ms 368 ms 365 ms ae-3.ebr1.Denver1.Level3.net []

8 365 ms 368 ms 368 ms ae-1-100.ebr2.Denver1.Level3.net []

9 366 ms 365 ms 364 ms ae-3.ebr1.Chicago2.Level3.net []

10 369 ms 370 ms 370 ms ae-6.ebr1.Chicago1.Level3.net []

11 365 ms 364 ms 365 ms ae-13-51.car3.Chicago1.Level3.net []

12 366 ms 365 ms 365 ms Steadfast-Networks.Car3.Chicago1.Level3.net []

13 364 ms 365 ms 367 ms po2.core3.chi01.steadfast.net []

14 366 ms 366 ms 366 ms chi08.vpsdatacenter.com []

15 365 ms 364 ms 367 ms audax.macosx.net []

Trace complete.

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Dear All

My VPS provider have tried flushing the firewall on the server. They want to know if its fixed things, I would appreciate it if someone who couldn't access the site before could tracert enaca.org and see if it is accessible to you now.

Many thanks.

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Using MaxNet Indy from Jomtien, I still can't access it via browswer, nor does a tracert terminate with success:

C:\>tracert enaca.org

Tracing route to enaca.org []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 18 ms 18 ms 86 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-94.static.tttmaxnet.com []

3 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-93.static.tttmaxnet.com []

4 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-90.static.tttmaxnet.com []

5 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-66.static.tttmaxnet.com []

6 110 ms 110 ms 110 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-163.static.tttmaxnet.com []

7 110 ms 110 ms 110 ms

8 418 ms 420 ms 419 ms

9 420 ms 420 ms 421 ms

10 417 ms 418 ms 415 ms ge4/1.chi_c76_1.twgate.net []

11 * * * Request timed out.

12 * * * Request timed out.

13 445 ms 435 ms 439 ms chi08.vpsdatacenter.com []

14 * * * Request timed out.

15 * * * Request timed out.

16 * * * Request timed out.

17 * * * Request timed out.

18 * * * Request timed out.

19 * * * Request timed out.

20 * * * Request timed out.

21 * * * Request timed out.

22 * * * Request timed out.

23 * * * Request timed out.

24 * * * Request timed out.

25 * * * Request timed out.

26 * * * Request timed out.

27 * * * Request timed out.

28 * * * Request timed out.

29 * * * Request timed out.

30 * * * Request timed out.

Trace complete.

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Thanks for the replies. After flushing the VPS provider flushed the situation is now:

* Our Indonesian contact regained access to the site, so something seems to have improved.

* Some Thai contacts still can't access the site as noted above (including me on my DTAC EDGE connection).

My VPS provider is pointing to high ping times in the Thai tracerts and suggesting that the remaining problems are because our ISPs suck. Not convinced. When I get some follow up back from our Indian and Australian contacts I'll have a better idea whether things have generally improved or not.

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