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10,000 Baht Or I Go To The Police


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A male Thai friend of my g/f has been on the phone a lot today seeking some solace and also venting his spleen.

He went out to a club in Nakhonsawan, got a bit worse for wear on the whiskey and got himself tapped up by a female. He took her home to his place after he club closed and they had sex.

In the morning she demanded 10,000 Baht. When he laughed and said 'No.', she then told him she would go to the police and have him arrested if he did not pay up. He refused, seeing no reason to pay her anything for consensual sex.

That was when she dropped the bombshell. Telling him she is only 16 years old. Proving it by showing him her ID card.

He did not have more than 2,000 Baht and offered her that.

She refused it and duly went to the police. The police arrested him and took him to the police station for having sex with an under-age girl.

After a lot of haggling the girl settled for a payment of 8,000 Baht.

I have seen a photo of this female and have a copy of her picture on my computer. She looks at least 20 years old to me and also to my g/f.

If I had been in the same situation and a night of passion had been on offer, I doubt I would have turned her away or asked for her ID.

She was in a club where the minimum age limit is 20 years to enter. And as I have said she looks a lot older than she really is.

This could have happened to many of us, never mind a Thai man. The consequences for a 'Farang' would, I believe, be a lot worse than an 8,000 Baht fine.

So it maybe a good idea to take care and check the ages of some of these younger ladies. You never know who might have their eye on a few thousand Baht or a lot more.

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I thought 16 was of legal age in Thailand for consensual sex. However, for paid sex, the age limit was increased to 18 or some such. When I original heard that, I thought it funny given that paid sex was illegal to begin with.

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'If you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to fear'.

Err- no wait a mo! never worked for me in UK, let alone Thailand. Oh well! off to the ATM, and lesson learned which is:

Win or lose farang always pays, and

If it seems too good to be true it probably is, and

Nothing for free in this world.

Oh well, at least she had a blxxdy good party to celebrate her 30th birthday, and the kid's got some presents (maybe).

Tell him to laugh it off, could happen to anyone in truth.

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Good warning, G54. There are many smart scammers who milk the tourists. My bet is that wasn't the first time that little hooker ran that scam. It is one reason why I now stay away from the Philippines. Everything there in the popular bar areas is a scam of some sort or another. I was told to not let a cute little girl of 8 or 10 anywhere near me. I like kids and would have been an easy target if I hadn't been warned. Apparently the child would jump onto a man's lap and grab his crotch. Then, her accomplice would appear and take a quick photo. The guy was then blackmailed as a pervert... even though he was innocent. The local Philippine police were in on the scam and there was nothing any farang could do.

The Philippine police are far worse than any of the so called corrupt Thai cops. Most of them run rackets as a sideline to their regular police work.

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Ahhh, the little vixen. To be fair, I've heard of cases like this here in NZ...it could happen to anyone, anywhere.

What he could have done is:

Vixen, "10 000 bhat or I go to police"

Sucker, "Why? We did not have sex! Can you prove we had sex?"

Vixen, "Police will believe me, not you"

Sucker, "Maybe....but I have 10 000 missing from my pocket....give it back now or I will go to the police first!"

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A guy in Pattaya got hit up for this big time but it was some of her "family" I think who put the frighteners on. 300k I believe ?

What would I do ? Difficult situation I'd say. However, something gives it away. Her demand for 10k would have jumped up to perhaps 20k had the police not been involved and you went to the police station. Of course, in this incident, I'll bet they were in on it or knew about her and this scam.

From wikipedia:

The age of consent in Thailand is 15 (with the below caveat) as specified by article 279 of the Thai Criminal Code. The current legislation applies to all regardless of gender and/or sexual orientation, although it is a common misconception that it applies only to women.[citation needed]

However parts of the Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act which disallow any sexual contact with prostitutes under the age of 18, are widely interpreted by some local authorities to cover sexual acts classed as "obscenity for personal gratification". Also from the Penal Code Amendment Act of 1997 Section 283bis, having sex with a child under 18 is a compoundable offense even with the consent of that person. The parent or the child may file charges against the other side if he or she later regrets his or her own action. This ostensibly makes the Thai unfettered age of consent 18.

A high profile example of this application of the law was a statutory rape charge filed against the lead singer of the Thai band Big Ass for allegedly having had sex with a (then) 16 year old girl. The charge was filed by the girl after the singer refused to take responsibility for her baby. The singer has since been cleared of being the baby's father due to the results of a paternity test and he received 2 years suspended sentence.

The fact is that you have no case unless you could magically find out that she was over 18 and it was all a bluff. It was a scam for sure but how far you risk it I don't know in trying to argue the toss. If you had a really good Thai friend and I mean a real friend, then you could perhaps make some headway but you may well be banged up in the meanwhile. Is that worth it ?

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A male Thai friend of my g/f has been on the phone a lot today seeking some solace and also venting his spleen.

He went out to a club in Nakhonsawan, got a bit worse for wear on the whiskey and got himself tapped up by a female. He took her home to his place after he club closed and they had sex.

In the morning she demanded 10,000 Baht. When he laughed and said 'No.', she then told him she would go to the police and have him arrested if he did not pay up. He refused, seeing no reason to pay her anything for consensual sex.

That was when she dropped the bombshell. Telling him she is only 16 years old. Proving it by showing him her ID card.

He did not have more than 2,000 Baht and offered her that.

She refused it and duly went to the police. The police arrested him and took him to the police station for having sex with an under-age girl.

After a lot of haggling the girl settled for a payment of 8,000 Baht.

I have seen a photo of this female and have a copy of her picture on my computer. She looks at least 20 years old to me and also to my g/f.

If I had been in the same situation and a night of passion had been on offer, I doubt I would have turned her away or asked for her ID.

She was in a club where the minimum age limit is 20 years to enter. And as I have said she looks a lot older than she really is.

This could have happened to many of us, never mind a Thai man. The consequences for a 'Farang' would, I believe, be a lot worse than an 8,000 Baht fine.

So it maybe a good idea to take care and check the ages of some of these younger ladies. You never know who might have their eye on a few thousand Baht or a lot more.

Probably the policeman's daughter... :D

But if this can happen to a Thai bloke, god help us :)


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All the guy had to do was buy the cop a bottle of Johhny Walker. Cop would have then turned the table on the girl for illegal prostitution then threaten her jail time but if the girl give cop a BJ, he would drop the charge and let her go. That's my theory.

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She's probably 25. Fake ID. The police are in on it. TIT.

Very likely and the policeman was her some how related to her nice scam just wait untell she hits a farang then she has won the jackpot if a thai can get conned by her a farang would be easy

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Oh yer, and its the first time this young lady has been it at ..... ??

Comes down to far your mate wants to pursue the matter - if he is willing to go back and make an effort to find her and point her out, then I know a man who could possibly ... how shall I put it, take the matter further i.e. establish true id and true age.

Then of course all the other issues kick in e.g. like, if she was under age what was she doing drinking in the club, if she was using dodgey id and is not under age, then your mate was defrauded, and the cops are in on it with her (its pretty obvious that that is what happened - else they could have stung him for rape of a juvenile - that would netted far more than Baht 8000 i.e. they knew it couldn't be pursued in a court because she is not underage. Anyway this guy can stand up to most local junior cops, well - he would of course have to find out discreetly just who the indiviuduals were before deciding weather or not its something he can handle, but he can go beyond your average street constable, and quite frankly I don't see this as the sort of thing a senior cop would want to get invloved with.

Nope, he won't do it for charity - he'll have to be paid for his professional time.

Then the other thing your mate will have to consider: exactly what is it he is wanting to get out of the exercise - getting his money back, getting a local hack to take an interest, legal action .... or turn the tables on the young lady, which is probably what he'll want to do - meaning: set her up in some or other position, and have his cop friends return the favour, with the option of an Baht 8000 pay off. Your mate won;t get his money back (that wil go towards their professional time/expenses) but it will sure leave her in no doubt that what goes around can come around and she may just think twice next time, before trying her luck on some poor hapless ex-pat (she'll be told at the end why shes' been given a taste of her own medicine).

Your mate won't be able to hang out at that club again for sometime.

So - just what would he ultimately want to get out of pursueing the matter?

As infuriating as it was, discretion can at times be the better part of valour.

Chew it over then drop me a pm.

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A male Thai friend of my g/f has been on the phone a lot today seeking some solace and also venting his spleen.

He went out to a club in Nakhonsawan, got a bit worse for wear on the whiskey and got himself tapped up by a female. He took her home to his place after he club closed and they had sex.

In the morning she demanded 10,000 Baht. When he laughed and said 'No.', she then told him she would go to the police and have him arrested if he did not pay up. He refused, seeing no reason to pay her anything for consensual sex.

That was when she dropped the bombshell. Telling him she is only 16 years old. Proving it by showing him her ID card.

He did not have more than 2,000 Baht and offered her that.

She refused it and duly went to the police. The police arrested him and took him to the police station for having sex with an under-age girl.

After a lot of haggling the girl settled for a payment of 8,000 Baht.

I have seen a photo of this female and have a copy of her picture on my computer. She looks at least 20 years old to me and also to my g/f.

If I had been in the same situation and a night of passion had been on offer, I doubt I would have turned her away or asked for her ID.

She was in a club where the minimum age limit is 20 years to enter. And as I have said she looks a lot older than she really is.

This could have happened to many of us, never mind a Thai man. The consequences for a 'Farang' would, I believe, be a lot worse than an 8,000 Baht fine.

So it maybe a good idea to take care and check the ages of some of these younger ladies. You never know who might have their eye on a few thousand Baht or a lot more.

And don't tell us....

He asked you for a loan of 8,000bht right? :)

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A male Thai friend of my g/f has been on the phone a lot today seeking some solace and also venting his spleen.

He went out to a club in Nakhonsawan, got a bit worse for wear on the whiskey and got himself tapped up by a female. He took her home to his place after he club closed and they had sex.

In the morning she demanded 10,000 Baht. When he laughed and said 'No.', she then told him she would go to the police and have him arrested if he did not pay up. He refused, seeing no reason to pay her anything for consensual sex.

That was when she dropped the bombshell. Telling him she is only 16 years old. Proving it by showing him her ID card.

He did not have more than 2,000 Baht and offered her that.

She refused it and duly went to the police. The police arrested him and took him to the police station for having sex with an under-age girl.

After a lot of haggling the girl settled for a payment of 8,000 Baht.

I have seen a photo of this female and have a copy of her picture on my computer. She looks at least 20 years old to me and also to my g/f.

If I had been in the same situation and a night of passion had been on offer, I doubt I would have turned her away or asked for her ID.

She was in a club where the minimum age limit is 20 years to enter. And as I have said she looks a lot older than she really is.

This could have happened to many of us, never mind a Thai man. The consequences for a 'Farang' would, I believe, be a lot worse than an 8,000 Baht fine.

So it maybe a good idea to take care and check the ages of some of these younger ladies. You never know who might have their eye on a few thousand Baht or a lot more.

Can you send me her pic for reference....?

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I thought 16 was of legal age in Thailand for consensual sex. However, for paid sex, the age limit was increased to 18 or some such. When I original heard that, I thought it funny given that paid sex was illegal to begin with.

The age of consent in Thailand is 18 or 15 - 17 with THE CONSENT OF THE GIRL'S PARENTS!

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The age of consent for sex is 15 between Thais and I believe it is 16 for non Thais........For farangs it is advisable to stick to the age of consent in your own country to avoid being charged with underage sex while abroad, in your own country....or for the countries where states have different laws such as the US...the age of consent in your own state.

Thais can marry at 15 with the parents permission.

Not sure if the required age for prostitution is 18 or 20......and I think they must be 20 to be able to work in a licenced premises.

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I thought 16 was of legal age in Thailand for consensual sex. However, for paid sex, the age limit was increased to 18 or some such. When I original heard that, I thought it funny given that paid sex was illegal to begin with.

"Paid sex" isn't legal at all in Thailand. (Ok, stop laughing.... I know, I know)

All the guy had to do was buy the cop a bottle of Johhny Walker. Cop would have then turned the table on the girl for illegal prostitution then threaten her jail time but if the girl give cop a BJ, he would drop the charge and let her go. That's my theory.

You should write guide books. :)

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Scary sh!t

This makes me think about what some of the TV members have said on here before when it comes to

meeting a non bar girl.

Well, recent true story.

I don't know who is right or wrong but these facts are agreed between farang and girl:

- farang meets girl on internet

- arranges to meeet at his place

- they have sex

The rest is in dispute. Girl alleges rape. Man alleges girl tried to extort money but he refused to pay. Matter is now with police as far as I know. The fact they have not arrested the farang by now, could mean a scam is suspected?

I don't know either way. Just relaying the incident so perhaps everyone is more aware when meeting strangers: always exercise caution!

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Need I remind everybody that there is no required age for prostitution in Thailand because it is illegal. :)

AFAIK the age of consent is 18 years in Thailand and an eighteen year old can theoretically be charged with statuatory rape for having sex with a seventeen year old, even if both parties consented to the act.

The prison sentence for rape in Thailand is 50 years, cut to 25 years if you plead guilty.

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There's always confusion among foreigners about age of consent because people don't read the fine print. In Thailand, age of consent is 15 or 16 (if the non-Thai thing I read above is true, hadn't read that before) for teenagers of those ages who want to have sex with teenagers of the same age. . However, if you are 30 and have sex with a 17-year old it's same as in the U.S., illegal. If you're both 15 or 16 it's fine. So, if you insist on having sex with a teenager and want it to be legal she better be above 18. It'll be legal but her parents probably wouldn't like, so watch out!

I'm talking about consensual, not for profit sex naturally.

Edited by Jimjim
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To agree with the last poster :

Some links with information




Basically you go with a lass under 18 years then your asking for trouble.

In the Thai culture that's Thai to Thai then between 15/17 years of age and agreed between families i.e. Buddhist marriage then it seems okay.

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The male in question is 32 years old and the woman 16 years.

Yes it is 18 years of age - according to my g/f - to have consensual sex and under that age with parental consent. ( Though I would be very wary as a foreigner to have consensual sex even with a parents permission. The ramifications could be enormous ). But It would also feel dirty and disgusting to me to knowingly have sex with someone that young anyway.

Maybe a scam along the way involving others or the girl working a fast one every now and again to get a few thousand Baht in her pocket. Easy earnings when you think about it. And after a few beers how many of us red bloodied males would turn down such an offer?

The clubs here normally do ask for ID. Maybe this girl is known to the staff or simply that she does look a lot older than her years.

The male does feel naturally aggrieved but also feels he got off lightly in some respects. He works for one of the major banks and there was always the threat his bosses could find out with possible problems there also.

I agree it could happen anywhere else too but I did post because it does go to show that we do need to be wary all the time, but we are susceptible after a few and do not think as straight as when sober. Low lights, dancing, having a good time, and some lady taps you up and you think the night could not get any better as she jumps happily into your bed, then, BAM. Yes, scary stuff with the thought of the fines WE would have to pay or the jail term we could serve. Not exactly like it is back home where you can plead various reasons and maybe get some sensible action taken.

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Need I remind everybody that there is no required age for prostitution in Thailand because it is illegal. :)

AFAIK the age of consent is 18 years in Thailand and an eighteen year old can theoretically be charged with statuatory rape for having sex with a seventeen year old, even if both parties consented to the act.

The prison sentence for rape in Thailand is 50 years, cut to 25 years if you plead guilty.

Wrong. The age of consent in Thailand is 15.

According to my police sources and the Criminal Code again you are wrong, no such thing as statutory rape for 15-17. Statutory rape in Thailand is under 13. If the victim 13-14 does not consent to the sex, then that is considered 'rape' (quite obvious!). If she, 13-14, consents to the sex, the pair can be married and the man is let off scot-free if the age between the man and girl is not too frighteningly different.

Theoretically, the guy here did not break the law. She willingly followed him into to his place (Illegal if he takes her a longish way away from her home for a longer period of time, not one night! And her parents object and inform the police before the girl returns home, not after!).

Should the 15-17 willingly go along and is not coaxed into going with the offering of cash or presents of any kind, then that all right. Again, if the parents don't object, he is on the right side of the law. In the OP case, the parents had no idea, so no problems.

However, any woman (theoretically, man can do too these days) of any age can attempt to file charges of rape/abuse in the confines of say a room the man has taken her too. This is where blackmail comes into it and the police can only help the over-age guy by advising to 'compensate' the victim.

A very old law, still applies, stipulates that a previous virgin female can order compensation from the man if the man doesn't marry her. Here is where the law can be bent, thus theoretically legalizing prostitution.

Blackmailing like this is quite irrelevant to whether the woman is 16 or 19. Only at 16, the charges for rape are tougher of course.

Blackmailing is impossible however, if the man follows the woman and not vice-versa. Example, the woman takes the man to a hotel name registered in her name. The woman has no right to claim any compensation (or cash) the next morning. Here, the law here sides with the man ie... if the woman takes a man to her room 'she's is asking for it'.

If the girl is 15-17, it is the opposite. He has forced his way into her abode, the sex here is not considered consensual.

According to my sources too, if the man does not know the real age of the girl and is duped into coercing with a 15-17 y-old he is not breaking any kind of the law and the parnets have no reason at all to bicker. If for example, he met her in a disco, he can simply say that he believed she was over 20, as that is the minimum age limit to get into such a place - such as the OP.

By the way, since 2007, the age of consensual sex etc... now applies to both female and male - same as the laws on rape etc..

Edited by jacobbells
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