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Have You Been Short Changed In After Hours Bars?


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i thought the guy may have been wearing brass knuckles as you can hear a slight 'ding' with the punch, but i couldnt make anything out on his hand

I watch the fights occasionally, both Muay Thai and proper boxing, and occasionally you see a one punch knockout that dumps a guy in a heap, but not often.

Your find thats because they are wearing gloves Ian, also they are trained to take a punch.

no amount of training will prepare you for a punch you dont see coming

That's the point I was making, that there is a difference between fighting in a sporting environment and in a bar room brawl. :)

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My reply was not directed at you particularly but you clearly have a grudge against Wetherspoon rather than English pubs generally. Why was a video being made?

There are good and bad pubs, good and bad managers: but please leave your bias and emotional language to one side.

The topic is about short-changing not bar brawls.

Would you accept the Thai way is not to fight one on one or do you have some vendetta against english yobs as I think you called them because of a personal experience.

Anyway that was all in 2002. But even in 2002 that would not have been tolerated by Wetherspoon management.

If a Thai bar has problems like this it is in the first instance up to the manager to sort. If it is a chain pass it to senior management.

Milton Bentley has many, many years experience in running pubs in the UK and if you knew him, you'd realise what a nice guy he is and you'd also know he is not one to exaggerate. I'm sure he has had to put up with many dickheads such as the idiot in the video. It's not you as the star in this video by any chance is it?

Actually the yobbo in the video got off very lightly, lucky I guess.

I second that milton Bentley is a nice guy and runs one of the finest drinking establishments in Chiang Mai :)

Though his experiences of Wetherspoons differs from mine, my local Wetherspoons in the UK is mostly filled with pensioners nursing there 99p pints of bitter until the next pension day.

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So, in the end....we have to ask ourselves as to the reality or the mythos of this phenomenon. Do these inhospitable activities occur that often? Or is it a less than frequent occurrence blown out of general purportion to encourage those to look upon Thais with suspiscious natures? Is this cheating and short-changing directed towards Thai customers as well? Or just the poor pick-upon Farang? Numerous {is their nature} are the types that go out of their way to look for the slightest misappropriation towards a lower caste, so as to feel comfortable about themselves. Just taking an objective spin.......

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My reply was not directed at you particularly but you clearly have a grudge against Wetherspoon rather than English pubs generally.Anyway that was all in 2002. But even in 2002 that would not have been tolerated by Wetherspoon management.

Caf, without being unnecessarily argumentative you were the one that first brought Wetherspoons up. I responded. I worked for Wetherspoons for nine months in the early 90's and competed directly against two others in my own pubs over a period of 11 years. They are very good at some things including looking after their staff but in my experience in the area of maintaining order, supporting the local pub watch and standing up to local yobs was not a strong point. As I also pointed out that may have changed in which case I applaud them.

Why was a video being made?

Well any answer would be total speculation but I can only support Blinky's observation that now video is everywhere you only have to browse YouTube for 10 minutes to see that every aspect of modern life been caught on video and is readily available on the web.

There are good and bad pubs, good and bad managers: but please leave your bias and emotional language to one side.

I agree there are good and bad pubs, good and bad managers but do not think I have been 'emotional' or shown 'bias' I have just answered on the basis of my experience which I am perfectly entitled to do. It is after all one of the functions of an internet forum.

The topic is about short-changing not bar brawls.

Again I posted in direct response to your post which was quoted in my response.

Would you accept the Thai way is not to fight one on one or do you have some vendetta against english yobs as I think you called them because of a personal experience.

I don't think these two things belong in the same sentence but on the basis of my limited experience of Thais fighting I think Thais back up their mates in exactly the same way that the English do. I think anyone who has the propensity to bar brawl or street fight from any culture is generally unconcerned with anything other than winning. If the protagonists were truly interested in the art of fighting they would do it in the ring not the street.

I would not use the word 'vendetta' to describe my feelings about English yobs. However I absolutely abhor the yob culture that is completely out of control in many places in the UK. Going out to a pub or club should be a pleasurable experience not one in which violence plays a central part. For a significant minority of young men in the UK this is not the case and they inflict their violence on any innocent person that happens to cross their path.

I personally was assaulted on dozens of occasions in the course of a 20 year career in the UK hospitality industry because I wouldn't allow violent men (like the chap featured in the video) and drug dealers dominate my pubs and customers.

If a Thai bar has problems like this it is in the first instance up to the manager to sort. If it is a chain pass it to senior management.

As I pointed out in my earlier post it appeared to me that the manager in the bar in the video was trying to resolve the situation in a perfectly reasonable way. It was the yob that escalated the situation.

I think I have answered all you points please let me know if you require any clarification.

I have just one question of you - why you do not see the Englishman in the video in a bad light?

PS my apologies for mixing quote boxes with red but I had used up my box quotea apprently

Edited by miltonbentley
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There is a bar in walking street that gives you your change in 1 baht coins, I said keep them but my m8, took them.. The look on the bar staffs faces was priceless

As in: two can play that game! LOL! :)

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A lot thai girl don't be honest.Just ask her how much she need and ask price something she need to buy. Maybe she have familly to take care ? that's why she never give back money to you,evrey thai girl even farang love they are familly.

I give back changed everytime to my boyfriend nobody believe can ask him.If you do like to have thai girlfriend have to thinking about it long time so you don't have problem. Have a nice day :)


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In the video, i think the guy was asking for something, but was obviously hammered. The first punch was quite funny, but you could just see that they wouldn't stop at that. It seems more acceptable to kick people in head over here, to finish someone off, maybe to stop a revenge attack. I don't know the thinking behind it, I haven't got the same mentality, and wouldn't do it, especially if I had all my buddies to back me up, as was the case in the video. If this had happened in Europe, the guy that kicked him would probably have been charged with affray and serious bodily harm. My friend did the same thing in my home town, and got 2 years prison. I wounder where this bar is, and if the guy made a recovery?

Yes Chris84, he was asking for something and he got it. A smack in the face and a little kick to help him on his way.

Ever heard of the "double tap"? It's a military term which refers to a method that ensures the opposition doesn't get up to bother you again. Very effective.

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No problem, Miltonbentley. I thought your last reply was fair and balanced as your posts usually are.

I should not, on reflection, have mentioned Wetherspoon in one of my posts - but I was not aware that you or any other poster had had an unpleasant experience there. From then it just escalated. You probably realised that I worked for the Company ( but fighting political battles with colleagues and not fighting yobs with knuckle dusters! ***). I was protecting the Company as you would protect the reputation of the pubs you owned.

Biased comments like Dannyboy's: "however in thailand there's a way of dealing with your colonialistic behaviour", and Blinky's belligerent response to Chris84's post are too typical of the " hang em high" brigade whenever a farang gets the worst end of the stick - justified or not. They become prosecutor, jury and judge too regularly.

The Thai way of "uneven combat" as one poster put it has been well documented on TV so I won't repeat the observations. It happens worldwide but Thailand has it in spades. Not your experience as you say, but the experience of many.

We don't need anonymouse and blinky to tell everyone you are a nice guy. I never implied otherwise.

As I said, a well written balanced and well thought-out post.

*** In retospect, maybe knuckle dusters might have been appropriate on occasion :)

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No problem, Miltonbentley. I thought your last reply was fair and balanced as your posts usually are.

I should not, on reflection, have mentioned Wetherspoon in one of my posts - but I was not aware that you or any other poster had had an unpleasant experience there. From then it just escalated. You probably realised that I worked for the Company ( but fighting political battles with colleagues and not fighting yobs with knuckle dusters! ***). I was protecting the Company as you would protect the reputation of the pubs you owned.

Biased comments like Dannyboy's: "however in thailand there's a way of dealing with your colonialistic behaviour", and Blinky's belligerent response to Chris84's post are too typical of the " hang em high" brigade whenever a farang gets the worst end of the stick - justified or not. They become prosecutor, jury and judge too regularly.

The Thai way of "uneven combat" as one poster put it has been well documented on TV so I won't repeat the observations. It happens worldwide but Thailand has it in spades. Not your experience as you say, but the experience of many.

We don't need anonymouse and blinky to tell everyone you are a nice guy. I never implied otherwise.

As I said, a well written balanced and well thought-out post.

*** In retospect, maybe knuckle dusters might have been appropriate on occasion :)

excuse me ? :D

my "biased" reply with video was response to dinphangans post;

"being english myself, i think that obviously the best way of dealing with this situation would be to smash up the bar, and if they have a swimming pool throw all the bar furniture into it.

sometimes these jolly foreigners need reminding of our superior british status"

My response was posted in jest, as i probably thought dinphangan had as well :D

so how would you best describe dinphangans post?

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In the video, i think the guy was asking for something, but was obviously hammered. The first punch was quite funny, but you could just see that they wouldn't stop at that. It seems more acceptable to kick people in head over here, to finish someone off, maybe to stop a revenge attack. I don't know the thinking behind it, I haven't got the same mentality, and wouldn't do it, especially if I had all my buddies to back me up, as was the case in the video. If this had happened in Europe, the guy that kicked him would probably have been charged with affray and serious bodily harm. My friend did the same thing in my home town, and got 2 years prison. I wounder where this bar is, and if the guy made a recovery?

Yes Chris84, he was asking for something and he got it. A smack in the face and a little kick to help him on his way.

Ever heard of the "double tap"? It's a military term which refers to a method that ensures the opposition doesn't get up to bother you again. Very effective.

like this one? Henderson vs Bisping UFC 100 :)

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Ever heard of the "double tap"? It's a military term which refers to a method that ensures the opposition doesn't get up to bother you again. Very effective.

You're quite the civilised fellow, Blinky :D ...and a real man's man as well :)

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No problem, Miltonbentley. I thought your last reply was fair and balanced as your posts usually are.

I should not, on reflection, have mentioned Wetherspoon in one of my posts - but I was not aware that you or any other poster had had an unpleasant experience there. From then it just escalated. You probably realised that I worked for the Company ( but fighting political battles with colleagues and not fighting yobs with knuckle dusters! ***). I was protecting the Company as you would protect the reputation of the pubs you owned.

Biased comments like Dannyboy's: "however in thailand there's a way of dealing with your colonialistic behaviour", and Blinky's belligerent response to Chris84's post are too typical of the " hang em high" brigade whenever a farang gets the worst end of the stick - justified or not. They become prosecutor, jury and judge too regularly.

The Thai way of "uneven combat" as one poster put it has been well documented on TV so I won't repeat the observations. It happens worldwide but Thailand has it in spades. Not your experience as you say, but the experience of many.

We don't need anonymouse and blinky to tell everyone you are a nice guy. I never implied otherwise.

As I said, a well written balanced and well thought-out post.

*** In retospect, maybe knuckle dusters might have been appropriate on occasion :)

excuse me ? :D

my "biased" reply with video was response to dinphangans post;

"being english myself, i think that obviously the best way of dealing with this situation would be to smash up the bar, and if they have a swimming pool throw all the bar furniture into it.

sometimes these jolly foreigners need reminding of our superior british status"

My response was posted in jest, as i probably thought dinphangan had as well :D

so how would you best describe dinphangans post?

i think mine was a perfectly fair post, just handing out advice to budding young yobs waiting in the wings. sometimes its easy to be overshadowed by more experienced hooligans.

on a more serious note, good thread started by chris84 here. got a bit heated at the start with unnamed parties playing wind up, but now seems to be a fairly civillized discussion.

i think that wetherspoons bars obviously have a lot of violence and yobbish behaviour as they are just kicking out cheap drinks to students or the younger crowd. i havent got experience in working in one, but being a patron i have noticed that security always seems a bit limited, compared to similar sized pubs/clubs in the area.


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...and a real man's man as well :D

Oh, I'm not that way mate, my wife is a woman.

Dammit :D ! Blinky Bill is so much fun I figured he just had to be Gay :):D:D

Sorry to disappoint P. Each to their own. Never tried it, never thought of trying it and never will. But I'm still a real fun guy. :D

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...and a real man's man as well :D

Oh, I'm not that way mate, my wife is a woman.

Dammit :D ! Blinky Bill is so much fun I figured he just had to be Gay :):D:D

Sorry to disappoint P. Each to their own. Never tried it, never thought of trying it and never will. But I'm still a real fun guy. :D

BB~ see ya at the next hang em high brigade party :D

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