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Thaksin's " Big Surprise " Still A Secret

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Koo82>> So you have been misinformed, what is new?

Can you prove I've been misinformed?

The truth is 1 month has passed and no one sues red leaders for the petition, because they have nothing to back up that the red leaders are wrong. They only use free tv and other media trying to steer people away from signing petition by many reasons. I don't see anything hard to understand because the main idea is only to stop Khun Thaksin from coming back to be Prime Minister again.

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UDD sets time, date for petition

The red-shirts will submit their petition seeking a Royal Pardon for fugitive ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra at 1.30pm on Aug 17, Veera Musikhapong, a core leader of the United front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), said on Thursday afternoon.

On that day, at least 1,000 Buddhist monks and 1,500 representatives of UDD will deliver more than 600 boxes of evidence and lists of people who had signed in support of the petition to the Office of His Majesty’s Principal Private Secretary, he said.



-- Bangkok Post 2009-08-07

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Koo82>> So you have been misinformed, what is new?

I would add, Koo is stuck with feeling of having to continually justify everything the UDD, DAAD and the Red Shirts do. It's a tough row to hoe, but some have taken it upon themselves to do so. It helps that Koo thrives on controversy. When someone chooses to support a lost cause, there are no limits to self-deception and denial. Imagine if you were a top exec at a tobacco firm during the time big tobacco was being broadsided from every direction, from the US Attorney General, to Congress, to the informed public. You'd have to use every trick in the book to try and bolster your flaccid case that there was no harm in ingesting nicotine. With that in mind, I wouldn't be surprised if Koo has some sort of monetary involvement with the 'Bring Back Thaksin' movement.

That sort of rabid allegiance to a cause is also somewhat akin to the last bastion of Nixon supporters having to continually dig deep in the excuses dept in order to back up their battered hero. It wound up looking sad. Needless to say, as soon as Nixon threw in the towel, the last remnants of support evaporated like dew in a Sonoran sunrise.

Edited by brahmburgers
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General Chavalit urges all to love one another

BANGKOK, 7 August 2009 (NNT) - Former Prime Minister, General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, suggested to all Thais to examine the details of the petition process for a Royal Pardon of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra before conducting any movement.

As the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) is preparing to submit the amnesty petition for Thaksin, General Chavalit commented that people should carefully consider the details of the process and think rationally before taking any action.

He also urged Thai people to love one another and jointly seek solutions to the current conflict while expressing his wish for the government to fully allow public participation.

In addition, General Chavalit insisted that he was too old to take part in politics again.


-- NNT 2009-08-07

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Koo82>> So you have been misinformed, what is new?

Can you prove I've been misinformed?

The truth is 1 month has passed and no one sues red leaders for the petition, because they have nothing to back up that the red leaders are wrong. They only use free tv and other media trying to steer people away from signing petition by many reasons. I don't see anything hard to understand because the main idea is only to stop Khun Thaksin from coming back to be Prime Minister again.

Koo>> This would go much easier if you actually read what was posted instead of just attacking in blind fury.

Why would they sue the red leaders? It is not a crime to be stupid, arrogant or manipulative.

It is however illegal for anyone to act outside the law and the petition, as it is, is asking for someone to act outside the law. Since there is procedures on how to handle these requests.

Therefor the petition cannot be adhered to. It is impossible. Unless of course the red want people to be able to act outside the law...but that isn't very democratic, is it?

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I have the deep impression that people like Veera,

the inner circle of the reds, their sponsor, suffer from heavy delusion

and they are a bunch of compulsive liars!

Veera has invested large sums of money in his political career. The same career that took a nosedive with Thaksin out of the equation!

Same for these other red 'leaders', thy all want their hands back in in the cooky jar!

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The truth is 1 month has passed and no one sues red leaders for the petition, because they have nothing to back up that the red leaders are wrong.

Koo, not filing a lawsuit is a sign of wise restraint

Thaksin took to filing lawsuits extremes. He used them to try and shut up his critics. And every time, the money amounts were huge. That was one of the uglier lessons he learned (perhaps in the States) and which he tried to teach to Thai citizens. Now Thailand is the laughing stock of the world for its fixation on 'defamation of character' lawsuits at the drop of a slice of cucumber. Thaksin's bully machine tried hard to bust and destroy a young woman reporter who had the gall to do some research on the man. It took a speech by HM the King, in which he specifically mentioned the absurdity of filing frivolous lawsuits, that convinced T to lighten up on the reporter - though T was back to his vindictive ways in a short order.

Heck, even one of the thugs who allegedly tried to kill Sondhi is filing lawsuits - against law enforcement who are trying to bring him in for questioning. One big irony in the lawsuit frenzy that's afflicting Thailand is the people doing the suing don't have any decent character left to defame!

There are no lawsuits against the shrill Red Shirts in regard to the petition drive for two basic reasons:

1. it would only generate more publicity for the Reds, and that's what the Reds want.

2. The signature petition will run out of steam the moment HM pushes it aside.

As long as the Red Shirts keep shooting themselves in the feet, why should others jump in the fray?

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Since the petition is not yet delivered no law is broked,

except about making people do things through furadulent means.

But more importantly Koo, why do you condone attempting to manipulating His Majesty in this way?

This, to my eyes, will be a direct insult to HRM on several levels IF and WHEN it is officially delivered.

Yes they may have delivered letters asking for royal clemencies in Sukotahi.

But that was small potatoes issues, not anything of this magnitude, and that makes a big difference.

Will you feel bad when

a ) it doesn't go the distance, because it is out of order?

b ) it likely causes the final arbiter pain?

c ) it's finally over, and nothing happens; don't care?

This is a high pressure attempt to influence the monarchy,

nothing more nothing less.

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Thaksin calls supporters in Nakhon Ratchasima

Nakhon Ratchasima - Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra Saturday made a phone-call to address his supporters in this northeastern province, urging them to vote for the Pheu Thai Party in the next election.

Thaksin made the phone-in after his sister, Yinglak Shinawatra chaired the opening ceremony of the Pheu Thai branch in Muang district at 1 pm.

Thaksin told his supporters that he has become physically fit for returning to serve the people as the next prime minister.

He urged Nakhon Ratchasima people to vote for the Pheu Thai so that he could return to office.


-- The Nation 2009-08-08

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Ousted premier Thaksin will set up satellite TV stations

BANGKOK, July 27 (TNA) - Ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra celebrated his 60th birthday on Sunday with what he earlier branded “a big surprise," announcing that he planned to set up a satellite television business with at least three channels dedicated to the Thai people.

The announcement, via video link at about 9pm Sunday evening, was aired at a birthday dinner party at the Mangkorn Luang (Royal Dragon) Restaurant in Bangkok and two other sites holding parties to celebrate his birthday -- Wat Uthaitaram in suburban Bangkok and in At Samat district of Roi-Et.

A number of Puea Thai Party members of parliament and members of the anti-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) joined the event at the restaurant.

Dressed in a red shirt, Thaksin said he planned to establish satellite television networks with 100 channels, with at least three channels to serve the Thai people.

One channel was expected to be used to promote Thailand’s ‘One Tambom One Product’ (OTOP) output, another to broadcast ‘reality shows’ about Thai poverty and how the wealthy will help them, and the third channel will concentrate on providing education programmes for Thai students.

Thaksin's TVs to have test run in November: Noppadon

Noppadon Pattama, a legal advisor for former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, said some channels of Thaksin's 100 TVs will be on air on a test run basis in November.

Noppadon said the staff of the TVs were speeding up meetings on technical issues and content of the stations.

The satellite station will use the same satellite with the People's Channel so that those who have satellite dish and receiver for People's Channel can also tune into Thaksin's TVs, Noppadon said.


-- The Nation 2009-08-08

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Thaksin calls supporters in Nakhon Ratchasima

Nakhon Ratchasima - Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra Saturday made a phone-call to address his supporters in this northeastern province, urging them to vote for the Pheu Thai Party in the next election.

Thaksin made the phone-in after his sister, Yinglak Shinawatra chaired the opening ceremony of the Pheu Thai branch in Muang district at 1 pm.

Thaksin told his supporters that he has become physically fit for returning to serve the people as the next prime minister.

He urged Nakhon Ratchasima people to vote for the Pheu Thai so that he could return to office.


-- The Nation 2009-08-08

It's his mental state of health that should be concerning the people foolish enough to sign the petition. :D

Actually, I hadn't realised that previously he was physically unfit to serve - what's the ol' moonface been up to recently to disqualify himself on physical fitness grounds. Not been partaking a little too much of the late night karaoke sessions and after-golf "massages" has he? :)

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He played the :

I'm sick from being in the desert so long,

please bring me home, card.

So this is well I am healthy, no, don't worry,

Bring ME Home!!! Am am ready to be the boss again, card.

Of course these cards don't exist in any proper deck...

well maybe there are; Jokers.


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Hi All .

So they say that the airport closure cost 210 billion baht, I have no idea if that is true. But I would guess that Thaksin has more billions of baht more than that, And all of it stolen from the people of Thailand,Just think about it, big multi billion investments in countries willing to shelter him, An island and diamonds is just a start.


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Since he has made piles and piles of money, why does he not do the same outside the country?

Rather than LOSE money to bad investments as HE HIMSELF has stated???

Oh, that's right, in the real world he can't get sweetheart deals,

and cheat in the same big way AND GET AWAY WITH IT AS MUCH...

since he wants, in the worst way, to control the country again, in the worst way.

He needs the Thailand mai pen rai trough to increase his net worth in a manner he sees

fitting his stature and ego. He can't do it out there. He lacks governmental in's and pulls.

No one will fawn over him JUST because he is 'who he is'.

Well Sam Moon's nose is a bit darkened... sepia to umber me thinks!

And of course the series of little tinpot dictators on his shrinking grand tour listings.

Kow towing in the big game means HE must now kow tow to get ahead.

What a demeaning experience to be a NORMAL unusually-wealthy person,

and not an EXTRORDINARILY powerful person who can order police forces

to 'disappear' unlucky neighbors of drug dealers by accident of address typos.

and not worry about it. It just rankles doesn't it?

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There could be some big surprises soon. Newin has vowed to not run away from the verdict due next Monday on the rubber sapling case. If he is found guilty and imprisoned it will make Thaksin look even more of a coward.

If there is progress in the Sonthi case and it reaches to the masterminds, there could be chaos in the coalition.

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SET boss warns of threats to economy

The red-shirts' petition seeking a Royal Pardon for former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and continuing political instability could slow economic recovery, Stock Exchange of Thailand Chairman Pakorn Malakul Na Ayudhya said on Monday.

Mr Pakorn said the country's gross domestic product had improved since the global economy showed signs of recovery. The United States economy had bottomed out and Thailand's economy might see weak positive growth in the fourth quarter of this year, he said.

"But a negative factor that may threaten economic recovery is the volatile political situation. This includes the pardon petition for Thaksin and the government's stability," the SET Chairman said.

Continued here:



-- Bangkok Post 2009-08-10

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Nearly 4 million have signed name in opposition to Thaksin pardon: Interior Minister

Interior Minister Chaovarat Chanweerakul said Monday that nearly 4 million people have given their name in opposition to the campaign by the red-shirt movement to seek a Royal Pardon for former prime minister Thaksin Shinwatra.

Chaovarat said the Interior Ministry got 3.95 million names in opposition to the Thaksin pardon campaign.

Most of them or 2.28 million names came from northeastern provinces, he said.


-- The Nation 2009-08-11

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Puea Thai Party mulls suits over petition

The Puea Thai Party is considering taking legal action against the Interior Minister, his Deputy, and ministry head for opposing the petition for a pardon for ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

Puea Thai Party Spokesman Prompong Nopparit yesterday said the opposition party would take legal action against Interior Minister Chavarat Charnvirakul, Deputy Interior Minister Boonjong Wongtrairat, and Permanent Secretary Wichai Srikhwan for malfeasance for forcing people to sign their names in opposition to the petition.

The party is also considering lese majeste charges as Article 191 of the constitution authorises His Majesty the King to grant pardons. Meanwhile, People's Alliance for Democracy spokesman Panthep Puapongpan said the PAD would take legal action against three leaders of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship for initiating the petition - namely Veera Musikhapong, Jatuporn Prompan and Natthawut Saikua.

Continued here:



-- Bangkok Post 2009-08-11

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Thaksin's family and the petition - Poojadkuan [the comedy news section of Phujatkhan], August 5, 2009

The headline reads: The Shinawatra family reveals reason not to sign names in the petition to be offered to HM King - Not to draw superiors to be involved [meaning not to disturb the King] - The source reveals that the Shinawatra family (Thaksin's 3 children and Yaowapha Wongsawat) expressed their opposing opinion to the red's attempt to submit a petition to HM King. The family says that they are not agreeing with the case stating that they do not want the case to disturb HM King.

The signs they are holding are copies of the billboards put up by the Bhumjaithai Party opposing the petition.

It reads: Stop the enlisting of names for the petition - Stop pulling down the sky [idiom meaning "stop harassing your superiors." In recent years this has been used to refer to royalty] - Stop breaking up the rock [idiom meaning "Stop damaging the country"] - Stop separating people.

2Bangkok.com / 2009-08-11

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PT files complaint against Chavarat

The opposition Puea Thai Party on Tuesday filed a complaint with Crime Suppression Division police against Interior Minister Chavarat Charnveerakul, his Deputy Boonjong Wong Trairat and Interior Permanent Secretary Wichai Srikhwan, accusing them of lese majeste.

The complaint, filed by Party Spokesman Prompong Nopparit and his lawyer, alleged the three had violated the Criminal Code by ordering local administration officials throughout the country to set up tables to force people to sign their names in opposition to the petition for a Royal Pardon for former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Pongthep Thepkanchana, Thaksin's Personal Spokesman, said earlier that the petition prepared by the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship was not out of the ordinary



-- Bangkok Post 2009-08-11

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Is there a more perfect word than 'Surreal' for all this?




or simply

"very Thai"..

the whole thing, one side watching in awe, the other keeps kicking relentless,

the less anything is getting anywhere, the kicking is stepped up!

I got to make it, I want, I want, I want....good subject for Buddhist studies!

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Is there a more perfect word than 'Surreal' for all this?

This surprise has really upset you guys.

I get the feeling that you and SRJ think the surprise is that he is hiding under your beds and one night will pop out and say BOOOO.

You worry so much about Thaksin and unwittingly just keep giving him more and more publicity and strengthening his support. Well done lads.

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Thaksin's brother-in-law, banned from politics for electoral fraud People Power Party MP, and former Prime Minister Somchai with his wife, Thaksin's sister, and banned from politics for electoral fraud Thai Rak Thai Party MP Yaowapa


Somchai: Seeking Royal Pardon for Thaksin not lead to coup d´état

BANGKOK, 11 August 2009 (NNT) – A leading member of Puea Thai Party, Somchai Wongsawat, said the move of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) to seek a Royal Pardon for ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra would not lead to a coup d'état.

During a making merit event to mark the 77th birthday anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen at the Lumpini Park this morning with other members of the Puea Thai Party, former Prime Minister Somchai stated that he had a conversation with Thaksin and said generally he was still happy, but missing home.

He also mentioned the campaign by other groups to oppose the lodging of amnesty petition for the ousted Prime Minister as just the differences of opinions and should not be used as a pretext to create social conflicts and consequently staging a coup d'etat.


-- NNT 2009-08-11

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Thaksin's brother-in-law, banned from politics for electoral fraud People Power Party MP, and former Prime Minister Somchai with his wife, Thaksin's sister, and banned from politics for electoral fraud Thai Rak Thai Party MP Yaowapa


Somchai: Seeking Royal Pardon for Thaksin not lead to coup d´état

BANGKOK, 11 August 2009 (NNT) – A leading member of Puea Thai Party, Somchai Wongsawat, said the move of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) to seek a Royal Pardon for ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra would not lead to a coup d'état.

During a making merit event to mark the 77th birthday anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen at the Lumpini Park this morning with other members of the Puea Thai Party, former Prime Minister Somchai stated that he had a conversation with Thaksin and said generally he was still happy, but missing home.

He also mentioned the campaign by other groups to oppose the lodging of amnesty petition for the ousted Prime Minister as just the differences of opinions and should not be used as a pretext to create social conflicts and consequently staging a coup d'etat.


-- NNT 2009-08-11

The coup word again. Now that would be a joker in the pack

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Thaksin's brother-in-law, banned from politics for electoral fraud People Power Party MP, and former Prime Minister Somchai with his wife, Thaksin's sister, and banned from politics for electoral fraud Thai Rak Thai Party MP Yaowapa


Somchai: Seeking Royal Pardon for Thaksin not lead to coup d´état

BANGKOK, 11 August 2009 (NNT) – A leading member of Puea Thai Party, Somchai Wongsawat, said the move of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) to seek a Royal Pardon for ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra would not lead to a coup d'état.

During a making merit event to mark the 77th birthday anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen at the Lumpini Park this morning with other members of the Puea Thai Party, former Prime Minister Somchai stated that he had a conversation with Thaksin and said generally he was still happy, but missing home.

He also mentioned the campaign by other groups to oppose the lodging of amnesty petition for the ousted Prime Minister as just the differences of opinions and should not be used as a pretext to create social conflicts and consequently staging a coup d'etat.


-- NNT 2009-08-11

The coup word again. Now that would be a joker in the pack

I do wonder in the history of thai coups, has anyone ever said that doing something "WOULD" directly lead to one?

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The coup thing is hard to analyse. There are obviously two competing groups in the government and the one without the PM post seems to have the support of the army brass. However, the military is likely divided between the two or at least that is what analysts seem to agree on. Then there are the reds and Thaksin. So 3 rtaher than two groups.

Traditionally those in power fear the coup but if there were one would it be to usurp the PM post for another government group? Then how would it fit with the reds and Thaksin? Of course usually an opposition welcome change as any change gives advantage. Would that be so if it happened.

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