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Models Bear Breasts In Public....

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Thai models fined for public massages

BANGKOK (AFP) - Thai authorities have imposed small fines and halted sales of a "breast-beautifying" cream after three bare-chested models received public breast massages to promote the product, a report said Saturday.

The three models and executives at the company that makes the cream were fined 500 baht (12 dollars) for causing public embarrassment with indecent exposure, the Nation newspaper said.

The models had received 15-minute breast massages, with only their nipples covered, at an event before Thai media which the company said showed the cream's ability to immediately increase breast size.

Publicists for the firm -- St. Herb Co. Ltd. -- said they would hold a new demonstration for the cream's official launch next week, this time using 60-year-old models behind opaque screens.

The Food and Drug Administration halted sales of the cream, saying the firm had incorrectly listed the address of its factory on the cream's label, the paper reported.

Authorities were also testing samples of the cream for dangerous substances, and had asked the company to provide studies proving its claims to make breasts firmer.

"If they correct the production site on the label, which was not the same one reported to the FDA, they can sell the cream," FDA secretary general Pakdee Photisiri told the paper.

BANGKOK (Reuters) - A promotion for breast enhancing cream that involved three models having a 15 minute mammary massage in public has caused a furor in Thailand, with family groups saying it violates traditional values and morality.

Despite Bangkok's racy reputation as the "anything goes" sex capital of southeast Asia, most Thais are uncomfortable with public nudity and all newspaper pictures of the demonstration had the breasts blurred out.

"The campaign is just to promote the product without considering the damage to society," Ladda Thangsupachai of the Cultural Watch Center told the Nation newspaper on Friday. "This is taking advantage of society and an irresponsible act."

Executives of St Herb Co., which makes the "breast beautifying" cream, said they laid on the stunt merely to counter suggestions their advertising claims were exaggerated.

The Nation said Ying, one of the models, was embarrassed at having to bare herself in front of the cameras, but did believe her breasts had become firmer and the gap between them smaller as a result of the treatment.

St Herb is likely to evade the wrath of regulators because the cream is "breast beautifying" rather than "breast enlarging" -- a trick missed by makers of a "breast enlarging bra" now under scrutiny from the Thai Food and Drug Administration (news - web sites).

Whether it works or not, a headline in the Thai Post tabloid summed up the controversy best in a society obsessed with marketing gimmicks: "Big breast bras good for people with small brains."

Bit of a twist on the usual Thai marketing gimmicks!


Now I'm for that. Thai girls baring their breasts.

As a connoisseur of the femal breast it is MHO that Thai girls have breasts to die for.

If it came to legs well thats another story altogether. Running around in flip flops in their formative years does nothing in developing beautiful calves. :o

Now I'm for that. Thai girls baring their breasts.

As a connoisseur of the femal breast it is MHO that Thai girls have breasts to die for.

Do they!


Ahhhh, just when I was going to contact the company to offer my badly callused hands for free to experiment with the breast beautification and softer hands :o


My wife works for a company selling breast hardening/enhancing cream, not this company though. I asked her for a job as a massager but she says the cream is for over 40 year old women :o

My wife works for a company selling breast hardening/enhancing cream, not this company though. I asked her for a job as a massager but she says the cream is for over 40 year old women :D

Thats ok. You still get some fit 40 year old. Also when my gf started taking the pill then her breasts got bigger. A few of her friends comented on them. So told them as Mister Mayagi said.Showing them what i meant Wax on wax off. :D:D:o

My wife works for a company selling breast hardening/enhancing cream, not this company though. I asked her for a job as a massager but she says the cream is for over 40 year old women :D

Thats ok. You still get some fit 40 year old. Also when my gf started taking the pill then her breasts got bigger. A few of her friends comented on them. So told them as Mister Mayagi said.Showing them what i meant Wax on wax off. :D:D:o

Another pearler sweats.

My wife works for a company selling breast hardening/enhancing cream, not this company though. I asked her for a job as a massager but she says the cream is for over 40 year old women :D

Thats ok. You still get some fit 40 year old. Also when my gf started taking the pill then her breasts got bigger. A few of her friends comented on them. So told them as Mister Mayagi said.Showing them what i meant Wax on wax off. :D:D:o

Another pearler sweats.

You like it? My gf loves it. :D


As a connoisseur of the femal breast it is MHO that Thai girls have breasts to die for.

Connoisseur of the female breasts??? 5555555

Every man preaches he is a connoisseur. Actually not. So far, I only met one.

Give me a look and that will 2. :D:o

Actually not. So far, I only met one

Please elaborate more Anna.

haha. All of my male close friends like to guess my size. And I never meet any bra saleswoman who can say my size correctly. But that guy did it. So I call him a connoisseur.


Can we all have a guess too?

I have a special skill of being able to tell a woman's age from the feel of her breasts. Its uncanny, i'm brilliant at it. I should be on television.

...much easier just to ask 'how old are you?" - but less amusing.

Can we all have a guess too?

I have a special skill of being able to tell a woman's age from the feel of her breasts. Its uncanny, i'm brilliant at it. I should be on television.

...much easier just to ask 'how old are you?" - but less amusing.

haha. I think you can show your talent on Japanese TV. You will be welcome. And all the girls will raise their hands to let you have a guess. Hope your hands wont be too tired. Have fun! :o


The difficulty with big breasted Asian women - (the reason that is probably fooling your male friends) is that sometimes they are 'taeng moh' (water melon) which is ideal.

Sometimes though 'malakor' (papaya), which are also big, but in an unappealingly long and cylindrical shape. The hyberbolic topology of this type is rather more resistant to external analysis.

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