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Is Multi-culturism Good For A Country?


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people people...

analyse in your own country who populates the prisons... you will see a lot of multicul overthere, not many original people if you compare the immigrants to the locals...

off course, such a numbers as certain European countries, protect the real numbers (out of shame?, to deceive the public)

any of you have NAT GEO on your TV ?

see LOCKDOWN ...

what you see ? blacks and hispanics, gang members, do not care about anybody, kill with no regrets, law of the strongenst...

yes, also white crazy nazi lovers overthere in prison and gangs...

but than again, compare the general population, its immigrants and do a reality check !

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people people...

analyse in your own country who populates the prisons... you will see a lot of multicul overthere, not many original people if you compare the immigrants to the locals...

off course, such a numbers as certain European countries, protect the real numbers (out of shame?, to deceive the public)

any of you have NAT GEO on your TV ?

see LOCKDOWN ...

what you see ? blacks and hispanics, gang members, do not care about anybody, kill with no regrets, law of the strongenst...

yes, also white crazy nazi lovers overthere in prison and gangs...

but than again, compare the general population, its immigrants and do a reality check !

So, at first it's the Muslims, now it's the blacks and hispanics?

"Lockdown" is American? I won't enter this particular debate here, but there are those that would say that the imbalance of ethnicities in prisons is a result of intolerance by the majority....slanted laws, slanted enforcement of the law etc.

You are not producing sensible arguments against MC. The arguments you present are actually examples of why MC should be encouraged.

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Racism is Rife around the world, its just not polite to air your views about it but all of us are racist to a point, if your really honest with yourself.

Allowing foreigners into your home country is ok as long as they abide by the rules and regulations and try to fit into the community . In The UK , thousands have been let in over the years and have formed their own communities and segregated themselves from their hosts. Southall in West London has the biggest Indian community outside of India. Everything in that town is Indian, the people , the shops , the writing on the shop fronts all in another language.

If you get a letter from the local council , it comes in 14 different languages and English at the very end.

When laws are changed in consideration to those from other countries the it is unfair to the hosts . Being given handouts all the time , being payed for by the host tax payers is also not fair, housing given to those from other countries also unfair when there are enough poor English people who have to take a back seat while those allowed in are generally given priority.

All of my ex co -workers used to get really cheesed off at one of the staff setting his prayer mat out several times a day to pray , everyone else had to cover his work while that was allowed. Praying for 20 minutes 4 times a day and not losing any pay is a great way to take a break and stillbe paid. Maybe we should all get a prayer mat and do the same.

The United Kingdom is no longer what I call home , it is losing its identity and being over run by foreigners that are allowed to do what the hel_l they want and those in Government havent got the balls to stop what is happening in fear of being branded a racist.

When you look at other parts of Europe, France has its problems with the ethnic minorites as do nearly every other WEALTHY country . You dont hear of people wanting to go and live in Romania do you. I think Australia is starting to wake up and are stopping what is happening from what they see in other countries.

If you consider in the Period of WW2, those who were not national citizens were rounded up and and put into confinement . If there was a war now between England and India , I hate to think what would happen in my country . And before you ask , NO , I am not in the National Front, I am just a Concerned Brit who sees his country falling apart. What a shame .

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Racism is Rife around the world, its just not polite to air your views about it but all of us are racist to a point, if your really honest with yourself.

Allowing foreigners into your home country is ok as long as they abide by the rules and regulations and try to fit into the community . In The UK , thousands have been let in over the years and have formed their own communities and segregated themselves from their hosts. Southall in West London has the biggest Indian community outside of India. Everything in that town is Indian, the people , the shops , the writing on the shop fronts all in another language.

If you get a letter from the local council , it comes in 14 different languages and English at the very end.

When laws are changed in consideration to those from other countries the it is unfair to the hosts . Being given handouts all the time , being payed for by the host tax payers is also not fair, housing given to those from other countries also unfair when there are enough poor English people who have to take a back seat while those allowed in are generally given priority.

All of my ex co -workers used to get really cheesed off at one of the staff setting his prayer mat out several times a day to pray , everyone else had to cover his work while that was allowed. Praying for 20 minutes 4 times a day and not losing any pay is a great way to take a break and stillbe paid. Maybe we should all get a prayer mat and do the same.

The United Kingdom is no longer what I call home , it is losing its identity and being over run by foreigners that are allowed to do what the hel_l they want and those in Government havent got the balls to stop what is happening in fear of being branded a racist.

When you look at other parts of Europe, France has its problems with the ethnic minorites as do nearly every other WEALTHY country . You dont hear of people wanting to go and live in Romania do you. I think Australia is starting to wake up and are stopping what is happening from what they see in other countries.

If you consider in the Period of WW2, those who were not national citizens were rounded up and and put into confinement . If there was a war now between England and India , I hate to think what would happen in my country . And before you ask , NO , I am not in the National Front, I am just a Concerned Brit who sees his country falling apart. What a shame .

I disagree that we are all racist. We can generalise or identify characteristics, but it's not racist to distinguish a race. I can say quite accurately that mathematics and musical prodigies in my city are disproportionately represented by Asian students, as are crime statistics disproportionately represented by Maori. Technically it's racist, but it isn't racist in the popular context of "racism".

I am not racist, and I'm certain I'm not alone.

You make some points that I can empathise with....I understand you point of view.

You have not considered the the alternative: The country's budget runs on it's production. Every country that has a lax immigration policy is a country that is increasing it's labour force or army.

That labour force needs to be accomodated.

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people people...

analyse in your own country who populates the prisons... you will see a lot of multicul overthere, not many original people if you compare the immigrants to the locals...

off course, such a numbers as certain European countries, protect the real numbers (out of shame?, to deceive the public)

any of you have NAT GEO on your TV ?

see LOCKDOWN ...

what you see ? blacks and hispanics, gang members, do not care about anybody, kill with no regrets, law of the strongenst...

yes, also white crazy nazi lovers overthere in prison and gangs...

but than again, compare the general population, its immigrants and do a reality check !

So, at first it's the Muslims, now it's the blacks and hispanics?

"Lockdown" is American? I won't enter this particular debate here, but there are those that would say that the imbalance of ethnicities in prisons is a result of intolerance by the majority....slanted laws, slanted enforcement of the law etc.

You are not producing sensible arguments against MC. The arguments you present are actually examples of why MC should be encouraged.

I admire your persistence, Harcourt, good on ya'

Someone said: Muslims = terrorists

You you responded logically with: IRA (Catholics) = terrorists / Jews = terrorists (the underground guys stopped when they got what they wanted. They joined the government) / Tamil Tigers (Hindu) = terrorists (I added this, I know).

He came back with: Blacks! Hispanics! Bad!

This is why I don't argue with such people. I once read a paper that convincingly argued that with some people who are close-minded, the more one debates them, the more they become convinced by their own arguments (however inane). Xenophobes are by definition close minded.

Let me end on a hopeful note, though.

In secondary school, I was the only non-Chinese in the entire school. I faced racists every day, including racist teachers. By the time of my third year in that school, I was being invited to classmates homes and they to mine. The racists were either turned or faded into the woodwork. Today I'm still close friends with dozens of people I met in Secondary school. Some of these friends are in high places in commerce and government. In many cases I was so wholeheartedly embraced that when the occasional racist came along, my friends were more outraged than me.

As reallyok says (and I'm paraphrasing here): we just have to wait for the Neanderthals to die off. If you live with people who are different and everyone keeps an open mind, you learn to respect the differences and realize that what brings us together is more important than what sets us apart.

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Once again I find it interesting that few if any countries are following the West in allowing their previous majority to eventually become a minority. Israel realized that with a low birthrate and a large Palestinian population with a high birthrate they would soon become the minority. What did they do? They relegated Palestinians to second class citizenship and shipped them out.


Edited by losworld
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Once again I find it interesting that few if any countries are following the West in allowing their previous majority to eventually become a minority. Israel realized that with a low birthrate and a large Palestinian population with a high birthrate they would soon become the minority. What did they do? They relegated Palestinians to second class citizenship and shipped them out.


Without digressing....I think the Palestine/Israel example has elements that support either side of the MC debate.

Because that particular debate is quite contentious, for the sake of this discussion, I won't use Palestine/Israel.

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I was once at a local meeting where Jack Straw was the speaker. Those days of course, when many people were actually proud to be an MP - you know, the days before we all found out they are a thieving bunch of baskets at about the same level of ethics as used car salespersons, serial killers and those folk who hunt baby seals. But I digress.

Straw said 'Of course nobody doubts the benefits of multi-culturalism..." and looked about pugnaciously, trying to detect the presence of any racist SOB's who might dare to disagree.

Someone from close to the back of the hall said "Indeed Mr Straw? Would you kindly name any 3 for us please...".

Probably the best local meeting I ever went to.


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Multi culturalism in the UK is a faliure.. pure and simple.. It has prevented people from intergrating into their adopted home and has caused the indiginous people to loose their own culural values and history..

I've been an immigrant/migrant four times in my life.. I've maintained my own identity but have gained insight, language and valuble experience from each country I have lived in..

As a kid in the US everybody no matter what their background/religion/colour etc was encouraged to be 'American' The same in Australia.. But what has happened in the UK has turned out a generation of ethinic groups who have no attachment to the UK and children born there to 'foreign' parents haven't a clue what being British means.. Likewise British kids aren't taught about their history as the apologists have eradicated it from the cariculum and pride in their country's past is thought off as evil and racist...

If you want to see 'multiculturalism' working .. Go to Singapore.. Four races..All Singaporeans.. No apologists or positive discrimination but a lot of cultural identity, culture and pride.

nonsense that is. notwithstanding that england is a multicultural country by default, the english being a mongrel race of other cultures such as french, viking scandiwegian, german, irish, welsh and sundry other nationalities, multi-culturalism has led to the UK being one of the most tolerant nations on earth which offers reasonably equal opportunity to any person regardless of race, religion, gender, sexuality or anything else. which is not to mention the massive positive impacts which have been had on music, art, literature. . . .

countries only 'lose their cultural values and history' if they let themselves, otherwise that's what history books are for. cultures should evolve as time goes by. if you want culture which is stuck in a time warp, go to a museum.

From what i saw during my 3 months in UK last year. Not many of the 'ethnic' Brits are for MC.

AND........most of them appeared 'siht scared' to mention or admit it in case they found themselves in the courts.

That is bad!!!!!

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How does this discussion relate to Thailand? Does it matter one whit to my Chinese-Thai neighbors that 7 of my 11 grandchildren are not of English descent? Do they need to understand Mexican-Americans, Maoris, Mayas, et al - especially Al? :) ?

The discussion is "Is multiculturalism good for a country?".... The OP then begins his thread talking about MC in Thailand and how there are multiple cultures in Thailand.

It doesn't matter one whit, Peace, ...... I recall a conversation with my 7 year old daughter years ago. She had had a problem at school and I was trying to determine who the boy was. She knew his name, but looked at me blankly when I asked if he was Maori, white, islander....

I was pleased with that.

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in europe the problem it's mainly the muslims, for the most part they just don't want to integrate, islam is their way of life and it's either their way or no way; the open, progressive, liberal western europeans opened the doors to these people with the best of intentions and in the end it will be our doom.
Too true.
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How does this discussion relate to Thailand? Does it matter one whit to my Chinese-Thai neighbors that 7 of my 11 grandchildren are not of English descent? Do they need to understand Mexican-Americans, Maoris, Mayas, et al - especially Al? :) ?

The discussion is "Is multiculturalism good for a country?".... The OP then begins his thread talking about MC in Thailand and how there are multiple cultures in Thailand.

It doesn't matter one whit, Peace, ...... I recall a conversation with my 7 year old daughter years ago. She had had a problem at school and I was trying to determine who the boy was. She knew his name, but looked at me blankly when I asked if he was Maori, white, islander....

I was pleased with that.

P.S. My daughter went on to be Head Girl of her highschool, of very mixed race she was socially popular and intelligent in a very multiracial school. (Penrose High, if you want to know).

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But when you have an massive import of millions with total different values and background who refuse and even reject the values of the leadig culture and political and religious system, you will have great problems because they just don't mingle in the society but contrary they try to enforce their values upon the leading culture and change the rules in their benefit and values.

Europe is a perfect example of this

So in this way multiculturalism is a curse.

Errrrr, as I have pointed out a couple of times, earlier, multi-culturalism is not only natural, it is inevitable. We came from common ancestorss, but have migrated, mixed, migrated again...........do you really want to stop the clock, and to say that the only acceptable cultures are the ones that exist now? And that they should never, ever change?

Sorry mate. In Australia, we call that "pissing against the wind".

PS: the great so called American melting pot is an hoax, but TV is not the place to discus this in detail.

Oooh, come on. Tell us your conspiracy theory.

You are mixing up thinghs. A society and culture will always undergoing changes, has nothing to do with multiculturalism.

Oooh, come on. Tell us your conspiracy theory.

A good example of the hoax is the Simpson trial where a part of the population, despite all evidence protected a killer. And if you are familiar with the American society you would know that each etnic group have ther on sub culture and that intersocial relations between the different etnic groups are almost non existant, they even live in their own parts of town. This is BTW the same in Europe;

BTW what have been the benefits for the native Americans and Australians of the so called multiculturalism?

The native Australians are doing very well, thank you. So its better that you don't talk about things that you know very little about.

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My Dad is a Pacific Islander, my mum, a blue-eyed blonde Aussie; Getting married in Sydney in the early 1960's must have been quite brave of them. There was not alot of mixed race marriages back in those days.....racial tensions in the US were peaking.

Then growing up in Fiji, then New Zealand, both countries being multi-cultural....I am the product of multiculturalism, therefore a champion of it.

Xenophobics will always stymie multiculturalism, and there is no swaying the xenophobics. Xenophobes, by definition, are afraid of differences and are narrow minded, thus they will never listen to reason.

Therefore, to consider whether multiculturalism is a good thing, perhaps we need to look at all the reasons that the xenophobes would cite against it.......

:):D:D ......

What's a xenophobic Harcourt? Do you mean somebody who loves their country and believes that anybody who comes to live in their country should integrate? Australia has the right idea, "Integrate and adopt our ways or fuc_k off back to where you came from"


Is that the 'White Australia' policy?

"Australia has the right idea, "Integrate and adopt our ways or fuc_k off back to where you came from"

Whose ways? Presumably you're willing to fuc_k off back off to the UK and to leave the original inhabitants of Australia the land that they live in?

WRONG again !!

The Australian aboriginal population of today are NOT the original inhabitants of Australia. They were wiped out by the ancestors of todays aboriginals who incidentially came down from New Guinea.

The "white Australia policy" was a known policy whereby coloured migrants were not encouraged.

It does not exist today and has not for many years now !

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Henryalleyman: "..BTW what have been the benefits for the native Americans and Australians of the so called multiculturalism? ..."

Wool blankets, iron axeheads, steel knives, metal cooking pots, glass beads......

But also: Science. Education. Medicine. Philosopy....

PLUS a fortnightly pay cheque with which to buy grog and sit on the river bank and get pissed before the kids get fed!

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in europe the problem it's mainly the muslims, for the most part they just don't want to integrate, islam is their way of life and it's either their way or no way; the open, progressive, liberal western europeans opened the doors to these people with the best of intentions and in the end it will be our doom.
Too true.

The findings were revealed as Ruth Kelly, the Communities Secretary, conceded that the multi-culturalist approach encouraged by the Left for two decades had probably been a mistake and could have contributed to the alienation that many young Muslims said they felt and experienced.

Article is 3 years old, but what has changed?


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Once again I find it interesting that few if any countries are following the West in allowing their previous majority to eventually become a minority. Israel realized that with a low birthrate and a large Palestinian population with a high birthrate they would soon become the minority. What did they do? They relegated Palestinians to second class citizenship and shipped them out.


What did they really do? Instigated a methodical extermination program.

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How does this discussion relate to Thailand? Does it matter one whit to my Chinese-Thai neighbors that 7 of my 11 grandchildren are not of English descent? Do they need to understand Mexican-Americans, Maoris, Mayas, et al - especially Al? :) ?

This should be expected, Blondie. Though the original intent of the OP was to perhaps examine Thailand multi-cultural studies and whatnot. Most aren't really that engaged to hold to the particular topic, as they feel the need to adopt sociological comparatives.....

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MC is great for a country - the diversity of thought and approach can lead to intelligent solutions of problems.

Australia is a country of migrants, our aborigines would have preferred that there had been no migrants.

The first white settlers had a policy of excluding people of colour (any colour including white ffrom the wrong country!) via the white Australia policy, then we let in Italians and Greeks.

The Italians and Greeks want Australia now to exclude the people of Asia, forgetting that one of Australia's most famous cooks, Kylie Kwong, is 7th generation Australian/Chinese and is thus more Aussie than they are.

The great foods, art and culture that our waves of migrants have brought with them makes Australia so special today.

When i first came to oz in the 50's there were Dagoes,Poms,Chinks,<deleted>,Slopes, Abbos and so on !

Now we rarely come across these people, we have all grown together to one nation. I think that its a generation problem.

The 'Oldies' keep it going but as the kids go to school and grow up together and never even consider that they come from different ethnic backgrounds. We just don't have a problem here anymore except for down south ( i am a Queenslander) where there is a large population of Middle Eastern Muslim youths who occaisionally get unruly.

Yes we are a truely MC nation and believe me, its a benifit to us all.

From time to time the foreign media try to blow things up but they mostly don't live here and tend to think of things from the respective of their own culture. Something like the Thai thinking.

I have done a mini survey of my area which is Caboolture just north of Brisbane and find that i have neighbours from 16 different ethnic origins in close proximity, we all live happily together.............No problems mate ! as we all say.

And that is precisely the point.. They have all become 'Aussies' if they insisted in wearing their traditional dress, speaking their own language and living alongside and only intermarrying their own their wouldn't be the cohesion you speak off.. That is the difference.. Australia wants its immigrants to intergrate and become Aussies.. wherever they are from... This used to be done/expected in the UK (hence the generation of very 'English' South Asians, West Indians amongst others... But sadly this policy has changed with the arrival of the PC mob and the 'Oh that's racist' crowd... No foreigners aren't 'guided' into being British.. they have their own organisations, groups, places of worship and schools.. they are free to continue on as if they are in their home country (apart from the hand-outs and freedom of speech) and have no feeling or attachment to their adopted 'home'

Recently a test has been introduced to see if they have learnt the language and intergrated but it is far too late... I know all the liberals will say ''oh what about their human rights?'' But what about the rights of the indiginous people.. If you want to come and live in the UK all well and good but you need to respect our traditions, laws and way of life.. Do your best to adopt them or at least not contravene them... If they aren't willing to do that repatriate them to they place of origin.. Kids growing in up in the UK should be brought up as British... . They are plenty of examples of this.. Linford Christie, Frank Bruno, Nazzem Hamid, Shirley Bassey and countless other people from immigrant stock.. They intergrated and have done well... Half the BBC is of South Asian decent they often have a better 'British' accent than 'white' presenters... They certainly don't seem to have any issues... Why is it so wrong to expect people coming to the UK to intergrate.. If they don't like the British or our way of life <deleted> do they continue to arrive ?

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I disagree that we are all racist.

You may not be a racist but you seem to like refering to people who dont agree with you that they are somehow uneducated and of a class below yourself .... maybe youre insecure about having a lower class of upbringing yourself and hold a certain prejudice against them.

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MC is great for a country - the diversity of thought and approach can lead to intelligent solutions of problems.

Australia is a country of migrants, our aborigines would have preferred that there had been no migrants.

The first white settlers had a policy of excluding people of colour (any colour including white ffrom the wrong country!) via the white Australia policy, then we let in Italians and Greeks.

The Italians and Greeks want Australia now to exclude the people of Asia, forgetting that one of Australia's most famous cooks, Kylie Kwong, is 7th generation Australian/Chinese and is thus more Aussie than they are.

The great foods, art and culture that our waves of migrants have brought with them makes Australia so special today.

When i first came to oz in the 50's there were Dagoes,Poms,Chinks,<deleted>,Slopes, Abbos and so on !

Now we rarely come across these people, we have all grown together to one nation. I think that its a generation problem.

The 'Oldies' keep it going but as the kids go to school and grow up together and never even consider that they come from different ethnic backgrounds. We just don't have a problem here anymore except for down south ( i am a Queenslander) where there is a large population of Middle Eastern Muslim youths who occaisionally get unruly.

Yes we are a truely MC nation and believe me, its a benifit to us all.

From time to time the foreign media try to blow things up but they mostly don't live here and tend to think of things from the respective of their own culture. Something like the Thai thinking.

I have done a mini survey of my area which is Caboolture just north of Brisbane and find that i have neighbours from 16 different ethnic origins in close proximity, we all live happily together.............No problems mate ! as we all say.

And that is precisely the point.. They have all become 'Aussies' if they insisted in wearing their traditional dress, speaking their own language and living alongside and only intermarrying their own their wouldn't be the cohesion you speak off.. That is the difference.. Australia wants its immigrants to intergrate and become Aussies.. wherever they are from... This used to be done/expected in the UK (hence the generation of very 'English' South Asians, West Indians amongst others... But sadly this policy has changed with the arrival of the PC mob and the 'Oh that's racist' crowd... No foreigners aren't 'guided' into being British.. they have their own organisations, groups, places of worship and schools.. they are free to continue on as if they are in their home country (apart from the hand-outs and freedom of speech) and have no feeling or attachment to their adopted 'home'

Australia's culture is more accepting. People in Australia tend to generally care, so long as you are making an effort. But the expectation isn't there that within 12 months of arriving in Australia, that you should be playing cricket, sinking VB's on the weekend and driving a Holden Ute to work.

They also accept and celebrate, to a large degree, later generations handing down their forefathers culture. Migrants from the 50's still go to their 'polish clubs' or 'Italian clubs' etc etc. No one cares if the family with the Italian surname supports Italy in the football, and understands a certain torn allegience if Italy plays Australia.

That is because we are a nation of migrants. We all came from somewhere else. Being a 'migrant' is part of our culture.

In Australia, it is entirely possible to be Australian as well as something else. We are all born of a mother and a father, yet we are not taught to love one over the other. Why should it be with culture? Where is the benefit in forgetting where you have come from?

Even those families who are decended from the first fleet celebrate that fact now. Think of it, they are celebrating being children of prisoner migrants. Amazing.

Having lived in Britain, well that level of acceptance isn't there. You guys have a hard enough time in accepting that Europe is on your doorstep. Nevertheless, you guys do a fairly good job, with some exceptions. But you have to be patient.

Being the first, even second generation migrant is always tough, regarless of where you go. Look no futher than here in Thailand. Lots of expats here, especially those who are on TV, stuggle. It is only their kids and grand kids who do well.

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Ive spent a fair bit of time in OZ and Ozzies certainly arent more or less accepting of different races then people from the UK, you paint a rosy picture that isntthe reality.

Besides apart from in Sydney and Melbourne where there are significant areas where different races live on the whole its pretty much European settlers, but in these areas there are problems.

I have a problem with Europe in that i dont wish to be dictated to by an unelected Dictator soon to be (T Blair), and taxed to the hilt to pay for a bureaucratic corrupt self serving shambles .... this is nothing to do with race but lefties and people who dont know what theyre talking about like to play this card in relation to the EU and Europe.

Edited by sanmiguellight
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Since many posters are discussing this topic without making any reference to Thailand, (which is after all, what this forum is all about), I want to ask Gaccha a question about his very interesting post several pages ago.

Gaccha, you mentioned that there are 16 cultural groups in Thailand who have to state these details on their ID cards. Apart from the 'former communists', what are the other 15 cultural groups? I'm interested to know.


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I disagree that we are all racist.

You may not be a racist but you seem to like refering to people who dont agree with you that they are somehow uneducated and of a class below yourself .... maybe youre insecure about having a lower class of upbringing yourself and hold a certain prejudice against them.

Mai pen lai...this illusive and fanciful character trait can be very common in some circles. Ingrained and indoctrinated superiority complexes manifest from deluded fantasy.

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Since many posters are discussing this topic without making any reference to Thailand, (which is after all, what this forum is all about), I want to ask Gaccha a question about his very interesting post several pages ago.

Gaccha, you mentioned that there are 16 cultural groups in Thailand who have to state these details on their ID cards. Apart from the 'former communists', what are the other 15 cultural groups? I'm interested to know.


If I'm not mistaken, technically one could consider more like 20-25 sub-cultural groups within the borders.

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Ive spent a fair bit of time in OZ and Ozzies certainly arent more or less accepting of different races then people from the UK, you paint a rosy picture that isntthe reality.

Besides apart from in Sydney and Melbourne where there are significant areas where different races live on the whole its pretty much European settlers, but in these areas there are problems.

I have a problem with Europe in that i dont wish to be dictated to by an unelected Dictator soon to be (T Blair), and taxed to the hilt to pay for a bureaucratic corrupt self serving shambles .... this is nothing to do with race but lefties and people who dont know what theyre talking about like to play this card in relation to the EU and Europe.

Perhaps I did come off overly rosy, but I still stand by what I say...even so far as to stick up for my bush dwelling cousins. Sure there are rednecks, you get them everywhere, but they don't really bother me. Where else would you get the creators of '<deleted> out of work' become a well known group of comedians, actors etc and have a film called 'The <deleted> Boy' become a national hit?

Most rednecks I've met or associated with tend to rile against one group or another, until they meet them. I've had the equivenlent of "I hate bloody Asians, except you and your family'. Very strange.

Further to the defense of the 'rednecks', there has been a very illuminating trend in recent years to show that they weren't such rednecks afterall. Following the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, Australia got its fair share of Afghan - Muslim- refugees. Many of them migrated to depressed country areas where they took jobs that others didn't want, and quickly gained the acceptance of the local 'anglo' community. So much so, that the conservative government of the time faced immense pressure from their otherwise ultra conservative country constituents to have these refugees visa's made permanent given the economic benefits that their presense bought.

Sure there are teething problems, there always is. But, as I mentioned earlier, as we were speaking about MC, there is a greater acceptance, not just tolerance, for people's 'other' culture, so long as they seem to making an effort otherwise.

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My Dad is a Pacific Islander, my mum, a blue-eyed blonde Aussie; Getting married in Sydney in the early 1960's must have been quite brave of them. There was not alot of mixed race marriages back in those days.....racial tensions in the US were peaking.

Then growing up in Fiji, then New Zealand, both countries being multi-cultural....I am the product of multiculturalism, therefore a champion of it.

Xenophobics will always stymie multiculturalism, and there is no swaying the xenophobics. Xenophobes, by definition, are afraid of differences and are narrow minded, thus they will never listen to reason.

Therefore, to consider whether multiculturalism is a good thing, perhaps we need to look at all the reasons that the xenophobes would cite against it.......

:):D:D ......

What's a xenophobic Harcourt? Do you mean somebody who loves their country and believes that anybody who comes to live in their country should integrate? Australia has the right idea, "Integrate and adopt our ways or fuc_k off back to where you came from"


You are a Pauline Hanson devotee, a BNP supporter, or a white supremecist by the sound of it....whatever, you have the attitude of a frightened, poorly educated bigot.

I don't equate xenophobia with patriotism.

I do equate it with narrow-minded insecurity and bigotry.

I think I have made it clear that I believe immigrants should integrate with their adopted country: Xenophobia is found amongst the immigrants too.

LMFAO, you haven't a clue what you are talking about. Firstly I'm married to a Thai lady, why would I be a BNP supporter (I voted UKIP)?

I have the attitude of a frightened, poorly educated bigot? Poorly educated, yes (A big mistake was not finishing my education) But I've managed to run my own business for 24 years.

You think multiculturalism is a great thing, I don't, and it seems that if I voice my opinion then I'm a racist, bigot and every other thing under the sun. Like every member of the PC brigade, it's your way and your way only and everybody must fall in to line otherwise they are racist's or bigots.

Multiculturalism doesn't work and if you don't believe me then come to the UK and see the state of the country for yourself.

Please explain to me how I'm a narrow-minded, insecure and a bigot, because you say so?

Unlike you I'll refrain from name calling as I'll probably get chucked off TV.


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