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Canadian Murdered In Ranong - The Trial


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You may recall Dale Henry was brutally murdered whilst having a whiskey lying in front of his television in Ranong last year. His wife, her lover and his uncle are all charged with his murder. The trial began yesterday and has been recessed until Friday. There is nothing being reported about this matter locally and it seems that early indications are the 'hitman' (the Uncle) may go free. If he goes free, they all go free. Would appreciate any media buffs pouncing onto this story to make sure the people and the system know that we DO care what happens to us.

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You may recall Dale Henry was brutally murdered whilst having a whiskey lying in front of his television in Ranong last year. His wife, her lover and his uncle are all charged with his murder. The trial began yesterday and has been recessed until Friday. There is nothing being reported about this matter locally and it seems that early indications are the 'hitman' (the Uncle) may go free. If he goes free, they all go free. Would appreciate any media buffs pouncing onto this story to make sure the people and the system know that we DO care what happens to us.
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Where is the Canadian government in all this? Wouldn't there be some embassy liaison present? What about his family at home?

If there can be so much noise made by Australia for the arrest of a bartowel-stealing woman, shouldn't Canada be putting up much more of a stink about this? I don't see anything in the Canadian papers about it.

Typical Canadian apathy...

(BTW, I'm Canadian, and while Canada still makes me pay taxes - even on income I earn here - I wouldn't be surprised to see a similar lack of interest from my government if something similar happened to me)

Edited by Meridian007
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Where is the Canadian government in all this? Wouldn't there be some embassy liaison present? What about his family at home?

If there can be so much noise made by Australia for the arrest of a bartowel-stealing woman, shouldn't Canada be putting up much more of a stink about this? I don't see anything in the Canadian papers about it.

Typical Canadian apathy...

(BTW, I'm Canadian, and while Canada still makes me pay taxes - even on income I earn here - I wouldn't be surprised to see a similar lack of interest from my government if something similar happened to me)

The Canadian Justice System doesn't care when women in Canada murder their spouses or boyfriends, so it's hardly any wonder why they care about what happens in a foreign country.

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Believe me, I have been up for 2 days now with a 2 hour power nap. Here is a partial list of contacts: Feel free to make noise.

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]: Richard Shane (xxx); DSI Thailand ([email protected]); Gary Bigg (xxxx); [email protected]; [email protected]; International Herald Tribune ([email protected]); Jill Croteau ([email protected]); Joe Friesen ([email protected]); mark xxx (xxx; [email protected]; National Corruption Committee ([email protected]); National Thai Corruption Commission ([email protected]); [email protected]; Vivinee Lacey Thai Consular (thaixxxx)

I have also written all the Thai media as well as the dailyexpress etc. Sorry to say about our Gov't...I am not sure what the embassy does besides secure your passport if you are detained or murdered!

I wrote and asked about a Canadian presence from our embassy:

"We are not attending the trail proceedings and have no staff in the area at the moment. It is worth noting that mission presence in court proceedings are not recorded in any way and all sessions are public. Our calls and correspondence, which has been ongoing, is however taken as an official signal of our interest and concern. Embassy will continue such contact, demonstrating our interest and that of the family. We can offer no form of personal protection to family members (or any Canadian citizens) while in Thailand. The Thai authorities are responsible for the safety and security of foreigners while in Thailand. "

Court was cancelled for today...oh well...safety threatened...oh well...main interest by all...insurance...does anyone really think that will cross North American Borders under any circumstance, guilty or innocent? Far too many lawyers secured on this side of the border, . ...will proceed on Friday July 1st. Only in Thailand?

We want Justice for Dale. He was a wonderful, caring and generous man with so many dreams unfulfilled. R.I.P. Dale


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Not in Ranong at the moment but certainly thinking of Dale. Let's hope that the system doesn't let him down and that justice is obtained. I hope Nee is able to find everything she has been looking for from inside prison walls.

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Gungadin. Newspapers have been informed but will probably take them a week or two to pick up on it as it did when he was murdered. The trial will be long over by then. All this needs is a little bit of attention to make the Judge have second thoughts if he is considering the easy way out (as has been seen before in Ranong Courts).

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don't the police usually give you the option to have the perpetrators killed for a fee?

having them killed would be nice I guess, but what people are really after is real proper justice from the courts just how it would be done back home. not some Micky Mouse <deleted> that lets them off because of lack of something or other.

I dont know the guy who was murdered but I really hope he gets Justice.

Edited by onnut
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